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Nacionalnovarnostni sistem Črne gore : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Antonije Kandić, 2024, diplomsko delo

Opis: Nacionalnovarnostni sistem je ključen dejavnik stabilnosti in varnosti Črne gore, še posebej zaradi njenega geografskega položaja v regiji Balkana, kjer se sooča z različnimi izzivi. Po razpadu Jugoslavije in osamosvojitvi Črne gore leta 2006 je država začela vzpostavljati lastni nacionalnovarnostni sistem. Varnostni sistem Črne gore je skozi zgodovino doživel številne prilagoditve in reforme. Varnostne grožnje kot so politične napetosti, terorizem in organizirani kriminal, zahtevajo učinkovit in usklajen nacionalni varnostni sistem za zagotavljanje nacionalne varnosti. Nacionalnovarnostni sistem Črne gore vključuje več organov in institucij, vključno z vojsko, policijo in civilno obrambo. Glavne naloge nacionalovarnostnega sistema so zaščita ozemlja, ohranjanje javnega reda in miru, boj proti terorizmu in organiziranemu kriminalu ter sodelovanje v mednarodnih organizacijah. Poleg tega nacionalnivarnostni sistem Črne gore skrbi za zaščito kritične infrastrukture in se odziva na krizne situacije .V zadnjih letih je Črna gora okrepila svojo nacionalnovarnostno strategijo z vstopom v Nato zavezništvo leta 2017 in prizadevanji za članstvo v Evropsko unijo. Ti koraki so bili pomembni za krepitev mednarodnega sodelovanja in izmenjave informacij, kar je ključnega pomena za učinkovito obvladovanje sodobnih varnostnih groženj.
Ključne besede: nacionalna varnost, nacionalnovarnostni sistem, obramba, organizacija, Črna gora, diplomske naloge
Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.06.2024; Ogledov: 254; Prenosov: 61
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Compatibility of unilateral sanctions with public international law : magistrsko delo
Andrej Stanišić, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: This master’s thesis systematically analyses the possible obligations and rules of public international law that must be respected when States impose sanctions without the authorisation of the United Nations Security Council or unilateral sanctions. This type of sanctions has been used throughout history and States are increasingly resorting to imposing them within international conflicts. However, they have never been regulated by any authoritative act, and the decisions of international judicial organs are scarce. In the absence of specific rules regulating the use of unilateral sanctions, this thesis focuses on the general provisions and obligations of public international law that States must respect when imposing sanction regimes against other States. One of the fundamental principles of international relations is the principle of sovereign equality of States, under which States must refrain from intervening in the domestic affairs of other States and must respect their sovereign immunity. Furthermore, States are obligated to respect treaty provisions they have consented to, one of them being the World Trade Organisation’s Marrakesh Treaty, under which States need to respect the rules enshrined General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, like most favoured nation principle. Unilateral sanctions such as freezing of assets of States and central banks, travel bans for State representatives, import and export bans and trade embargos all constitute a threat to breach these obligations of public international law. However, even if States impose unlawful unilateral sanctions, their unlawfulness may be precluded under the rules of lawful countermeasures. Inconsistent State practice, divergent opinions of various scholars and lack of codifications make all these rules and prohibitions difficult to determine. However, given the recent increase in the use of unilateral sanctions, this grey area of international law is beginning to be clarified.
Ključne besede: State sovereignty, sanctions, legal countermeasures, coercion, national matters, human rights, immunities, inviolability, security exception, most favoured nation.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.06.2024; Ogledov: 198; Prenosov: 45
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Comparison of craniofacial morphology in individuals with and without hypodontia with a special focus on the number of congenitally missing teeth
Anita Fekonja, Andrej Čretnik, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Background: Hypodontia might negatively affect dental function and esthetics, what might affect patients' self-esteem, communication behavior, professional performance and thus quality of life. The aim of this study was to estimate the influence of number of congenital missing teeth on dentofacial features. Methods: Lateral cephalograms of 60 individuals with hypodontia (study group) and 40 individuals without hypodontia (control group) were analyzed. Patients in the study group were divided into two subgroups according to the number of missing teeth (group A with hypodontia 1 to 4 teeth and group B with hypodontia 5 or more teeth). Cephalometric data were compared among the study and control groups and statistically analyzed. Results: The results in the present study revealed a significantly shorter and more retrognathic maxilla, more prognathic chin position, more retruded incisors in both jaws, large interincisal angle, straighter facial convexity as well as more retruded upper and lower lips in the group B compared with the control group. In the group A only chin position was significantly more prognathic compared with the control group. Conclusions: According to the results of present study impact of hypodontia on the craniofacial morphology and consequently on facial esthetics was found statistically significantly greater in patients with 5 or more congenitally missing teeth.
Ključne besede: hypodontia, craniofacial morphology, lateral cephalography, esthetics, congenital anomalies
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.06.2024; Ogledov: 103; Prenosov: 9
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Lipoprotein(a) as a risk factor in a cohort of hospitalised cardiovascular patients : A retrospective clinical routine data analysis
David Šuran, Tadej Završnik, Peter Kokol, Marko Kokol, Andreja Sinkovič, Franjo Naji, Jernej Završnik, Helena Blažun Vošner, Vojko Kanič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) is a well-recognised risk factor for ischemic heart disease (IHD) and calcific aortic valve stenosis (AVS). Methods: A retrospective observational study of Lp(a) levels (mg/dL) in patients hospitalised for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in our clinical routine was performed. The Lp(a)-associated risk of hospitalisation for IHD, AVS, and concomitant IHD/AVS versus other non-ischemic CVDs (oCVD group) was assessed by means of logistic regression. Results: In total of 11,767 adult patients, the association with Lp(a) was strongest in the IHD/AVS group (eβ = 1.010, p < 0.001), followed by the IHD (eβ = 1.008, p < 0.001) and AVS group (eβ = 1.004, p < 0.001). With increasing Lp(a) levels, the risk of IHD hospitalisation was higher compared with oCVD in women across all ages and in men aged ≤75 years. The risk of AVS hospitalisation was higher only in women aged ≤75 years (eβ = 1.010 in age < 60 years, eβ = 1.005 in age 60–75 years, p < 0.05). Conclusions: The Lp(a)-associated risk was highest for concomitant IHD/AVS hospitalisations. The differential impact of sex and age was most pronounced in the AVS group with an increased risk only in women aged ≤75 years.
Ključne besede: acute myocardial infarction, aortic valve stenosis, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular risk, ischemic heart disease, lipoprotein(a), postmenopausal women
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.06.2024; Ogledov: 137; Prenosov: 7
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25. dnevi varstvoslovja, Portorož, 12. in 13. junij 2024 : zbornik povzetkov
2024, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Opis: Prispevki 25. konference Dnevi varstvoslovja prinašajo strokovni in znanstveni premislek o načinih in virih za zagotavljanje varnosti sodobne družbe. V zborniku so zbrani napovedniki šestih okroglih miz in sedeminpetdesetih povzetkov, v katerih se avtorji lotevajo tematik informacijske varnosti, državnega, zasebnega in lokalnega vidika zagotavljanja notranje varnosti, proučevanja in preprečevanja različnih oblik nasilja, preiskovanja kaznivih dejanj, kriminologije, penologije in drugih aktualnih varnostnih izzivov sodobne družbe.
Ključne besede: Dnevi varstvoslovja, varstvoslovje, varnost, policijska dejavnost, kriminologija, kriminalistika, informacijska varnost, penologija
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.06.2024; Ogledov: 197; Prenosov: 40
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Razvoj sistema za podporo glasovanju z moduli esp32
Dane Porenta, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: V magistrskem delu je opisana zasnova ter prototipni razvoj glasovalnega sistema, ki omogoča oddajo glasov brez dotika udeleženca glasovanja z namenom zmanjšanja verjetnosti prenosa okužb zaradi fizičnega stika z glasovalno enoto. V nalogi je naslovljena problematika neustrezne in drage informacijske podpore odločitvenim procesom v organizacijah. Predlagana rešitev je cenovno ugodna in enostavna za realizacijo kakor tudi uporabo. Razvitih je bilo več prototipov, izdelani pa sta bili tudi dve delujoči glasovalni enoti, vzpostavljen spletni strežnik, ki je središče celotnega sistema, ter uporabniški vmesnik. Celoten sistem deluje v omrežju LAN z izmenjavo sporočil JSON v realnem času po spletnih vtičnikih (ang. websocket). Opisan je metodološki pristop ter nabor strojne in programske opreme, tj. mikrokrmilnik ESP32 in njegove specifikacije, internet stvari, kiberfizični sistemi in prototipni razvoj. Pred izdelavo glasovalne enote smo na razvitih prototipih testirali različne kombinacije načina oddaje glasu brez dotika z uporabo diode LED, fotoupornika in laserskega modula. Rezultat je izdelan prototipni sistem v omrežju LAN z dvema glasovalnima enotama, strežnikom in uporabniškim vmesnikom. Pri realizaciji je bil uporabljen mikrokrmilnik ESP32 s kontrolnim algoritmom, razvitim v jeziku C++. Ključna novost je razvita funkcija oddaje glasu odločevalca brez fizičnega dotikanja glasovalne enote. Glede na rezultate izvedenih eksperimentov s tipali svetlobe smo se odločili za kombinacijo laserskega modula kot vira ter fotoupornika kot tipala. Omenjena kombinacija predstavlja osnovo brezkontaktnega stikala. Uporabljeni so bili trije laserji, in sicer rdeče, zelene in modre barve. Ko prekinemo laserski žarek, s pomočjo mikrokrmilnika ESP32 zaznamo spremembo na analognem vhodu tipala, kar šteje kot oddan glas. Na glasovalni enoti sta bila kot indikatorja uspešno oddanega glasu uporabljena laserski modul in LED-dioda ustrezne barve. Za vodjo glasovanja je bil razvit tudi uporabniški vmesnik, s katerim vodi glasovanje in spremlja rezultate. Pri razvoju smo uporabili jezike HTML, CSS in JavaScript. Osrednji del administratorskega dela je strežnik Ubuntu, ki uporablja Node.js z razvito strežniško aplikacijo v jeziku JavaScript. Strežnik sprejema sporočila od glasovalnih enot in uporabniškega vmesnika ter omogoča kontrolo izvedbe glasovanja. Za shranjevanje rezultatov je bila uporabljena podatkovna baza Redis.
Ključne besede: internet stvari, spletna vtičnica, JSON, ESP32, glasovanje
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.06.2024; Ogledov: 133; Prenosov: 9
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Span of a graph : keeping the safety distance
Iztok Banič, Andrej Taranenko, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Inspired by Lelek's idea from [Disjoint mappings and the span of spaces, Fund. Math. 55 (1964), 199 -- 214], we introduce the novel notion of the span of graphs. Using this, we solve the problem of determining the \emph{maximal safety distance} two players can keep at all times while traversing a graph. Moreover, their moves must be made with respect to certain move rules. For this purpose, we introduce different variants of a span of a given connected graph. All the variants model the maximum safety distance kept by two players in a graph traversal, where the players may only move with accordance to a specific set of rules, and their goal: visit either all vertices, or all edges. For each variant, we show that the solution can be obtained by considering only connected subgraphs of a graph product and the projections to the factors. We characterise graphs in which it is impossible to keep a positive safety distance at all moments in time. Finally, we present a polynomial time algorithm that determines the chosen span variant of a given graph.
Ključne besede: strong span of a graph, direct span of a graph, Cartesian span of a graph, safety distance
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2024; Ogledov: 98; Prenosov: 9
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Recognition of the perceived benefits of smartphones and tablets and their influence on the quality of learning outcomes by students in lower secondary biology classes
Vida Lang, Andrej Šorgo, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: After the appearance of the first smartphones in 2007 and shortly thereafter, tablets became not only useful communication tools, but also objects that function as life organisation units. However, although they are ubiquitous, their actual and potential role in biology education has not been sufficiently explored. The objectives of the survey were to investigate the recent use of smartphones in the last two grades of Slovenian comprehensive school by 14- to 15-year-old students, their satisfaction with them for educational purposes, and the perceived impact on the quality of schoolwork in biology classes. Based on the responses of 313 lower secondary school students, we can conclude that by the end of compulsory education, almost all of them have used smartphones and tablets for educational purposes to some extent, even if the reported use in different school subjects is low. Based on structural equation modelling, which examines the influence of the constructs of support, perceived usability, perceived ease of use, attitudes, and perceived pedagogical impact on the quality of smartphone-based schoolwork, it can be concluded that only perceived pedagogical impacts and perceived usability impacted quality, leading to the conclusion that additional efforts should be made to explore their full potential and the gaps that should be addressed through formal education. Leaving students to their own devices is the worst solution, resulting in a permanent lack of skills, such as the ability to select and interpret information provided through the media.
Ključne besede: attitudes, biology education, quality of schoolwork, secondary school students, smartphones, tablets
Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.06.2024; Ogledov: 136; Prenosov: 8
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The comparison of the speed of solving chemistry calculation tasks in the traditional way and with the use of ICT
Brina Dojer, Matjaž Kristl, Andrej Šorgo, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Efficiency of time use is a key factor in chemistry calculation tasks, affecting both, personal and professional domains. This study is dedicated to finding the fastest methods for accomplishing chemistry tasks. Our investigation delves into the comparative temporal outlays made by students as they engage three different approaches: using an electronic calculator, a basic calculator app on a smartphone, and a desktop computer calculator. As part of our research, we examine a cohort of 52 Slovenian university students, preservice teachers who were actively enrolled in chemistry and related science programs, spanning the academic years of 2019 and 2022. The results from 2019 show that students can solve the chemistry tasks most quickly using electronic calculator and take the most time to calculate the tasks using smartphones (Δmean = 133 s; ΔSD = 5 s; Δmin = 97 s; Δmax = 131 s). An even larger difference is observed from the 2022 study year (Δmean = 189 s; ΔSD = 129 s; Δmin = 170 s; Δmax = 625 s). In summary, although smartphones are recognised as a multitasking device, replacing traditional single-purpose devices, they have not been able to outperform them.
Ključne besede: chemistry tasks, chemistry calculations, electronic calculator, smartphones, computer calculators
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.06.2024; Ogledov: 140; Prenosov: 20
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Changes in online distance learning behaviour of university students during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak, and development of the model of forced distance online learning preferences
Mateja Ploj Virtič, Kosta Dolenc, Andrej Šorgo, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Because of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, most universities were forced to choose Online Distance Learning (ODL). The study aimed to examine the response of university students to the new situation. A questionnaire was sent to the entire university student population. Based on responses from 606 students, it was revealed that use of all applications in ODL increased. However, only the use of MS Teams increased significantly, while the use of the other applications (email, Moodle, e-textbooks) increased in a range of low to medium in terms of effect sizes, and even nonsignificant for applications such as Padlet and Kahoot. Based on the replies of 414 respondents, a Model of Forced Distance Online Learning Preferences (MoFDOLP) based on Structural Equation Modeling was developed. With a chosen combination of predictors, we succeeded in predicting 95% of variance for Satisfaction, more than 50% for Continuance Preferences variance in MS Teams applications, and nearly 20% in the case of e-materials. Among hypothesized constructs, only Attitudes are a strong predictor of Satisfaction, while Organizational Support, Perceived Ease of Use and Learner Attitude toward Online Learning are not. Satisfaction is a good predictor of Continuance Preferences to use Information Technology after the lockdown ended.
Ključne besede: higher education, online distance learning, continuance preferences, COVID-19
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.05.2024; Ogledov: 111; Prenosov: 14
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