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Multilingual framework for risk assessment and symptom tracking (MRAST)
Valentino Šafran, Simon Lin, Jama Nateqi, Alistair G. Martin, Urška Smrke, Umut Arioz, Nejc Plohl, Matej Rojc, Dina Běma, Marcela Chavez, Matej Horvat, Izidor Mlakar, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The importance and value of real-world data in healthcare cannot be overstated because it offers a valuable source of insights into patient experiences. Traditional patient-reported experience and outcomes measures (PREMs/PROMs) often fall short in addressing the complexities of these experiences due to subjectivity and their inability to precisely target the questions asked. In contrast, diary recordings offer a promising solution. They can provide a comprehensive picture of psychological well-being, encompassing both psychological and physiological symptoms. This study explores how using advanced digital technologies, i.e., automatic speech recognition and natural language processing, can efficiently capture patient insights in oncology settings. We introduce the MRAST framework, a simplified way to collect, structure, and understand patient data using questionnaires and diary recordings. The framework was validated in a prospective study with 81 colorectal and 85 breast cancer survivors, of whom 37 were male and 129 were female. Overall, the patients evaluated the solution as well made; they found it easy to use and integrate into their daily routine. The majority (75.3%) of the cancer survivors participating in the study were willing to engage in health monitoring activities using digital wearable devices daily for an extended period. Throughout the study, there was a noticeable increase in the number of participants who perceived the system as having excellent usability. Despite some negative feedback, 44.44% of patients still rated the app’s usability as above satisfactory (i.e., 7.9 on 1–10 scale) and the experience with diary recording as above satisfactory (i.e., 7.0 on 1–10 scale). Overall, these findings also underscore the significance of user testing and continuous improvement in enhancing the usability and user acceptance of solutions like the MRAST framework. Overall, the automated extraction of information from diaries represents a pivotal step toward a more patient-centered approach, where healthcare decisions are based on real-world experiences and tailored to individual needs. The potential usefulness of such data is enormous, as it enables better measurement of everyday experiences and opens new avenues for patient-centered care.
Keywords: multilingual framework, risk assessment, symptom tracking, chronic diseases, patient-centered care, real-world data
Published in DKUM: 12.08.2024; Views: 74; Downloads: 10
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Why are there six degrees of separation in a social network?
I. Samoylenko, D. Aleja, E. Primo, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, E. Vasilyeva, K. Kovalenko, D. Musatov, A. M. Raigorodskii, R. Criado, M. Romance, David Papo, Matjaž Perc, B. Barzel, Stefano Boccaletti, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: A wealth of evidence shows that real-world networks are endowed with the small-world property, i.e., that the maximal distance between any two of their nodes scales logarithmically rather than linearly with their size. In addition, most social networks are organized so that no individual is more than six connections apart from any other, an empirical regularity known as the six degrees of separation. Why social networks have this ultrasmall-world organization, whereby the graph’s diameter is independent of the network size over several orders of magnitude, is still unknown. We show that the “six degrees of separation” is the property featured by the equilibrium state of any network where individuals weigh between their aspiration to improve their centrality and the costs incurred in forming and maintaining connections. We show, moreover, that the emergence of such a regularity is compatible with all other features, such as clustering and scale-freeness, that normally characterize the structure of social networks. Thus, our results show how simple evolutionary rules of the kind traditionally associated with human cooperation and altruism can also account for the emergence of one of the most intriguing attributes of social networks.
Keywords: degree distribution, network evolution, complex network, small-world network, social physics
Published in DKUM: 16.07.2024; Views: 111; Downloads: 10
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Safeguarding liberty? Repressive measures against enemy aliens and community resilience in WWI United States: : the Slovenian-American experience
David Hazemali, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: This article delves into the complexities of the U.S.’s treatment of enemy aliens during World War I, particularly illuminating the experiences of the Slovenian-American immigrant ethnic community, following the declaration of war on Austro-Hungary. It presents instances of repression, violence and internment suffered by members of the Slovenian-American community and other immigrant ethnic communities originating from Austria-Hungary, while also highlighting examples of their resilience and defiance. The study is firmly grounded in the archives of the Slovenian-American fraternal benefit society the Slovene National Benefit Society (SNPJ), and the Yugoslav Socialist Alliance (JSZ), housed at the Immigration History Research Center Archives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Keywords: Slovenian Americans, American Slovenians, Slovenian-American community, fraternal benefit societies, world war I, USA, enemy aliens
Published in DKUM: 17.05.2024; Views: 107; Downloads: 7
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The Phenomenon of (Sustainable) Tourism Activities on Farms in Slovenia During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Maja Borlinič Gačnik, Boris Prevolšek, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is the reason why the development trends of the tourism industry are changing today. The purpose of this article is to address issues of future tourism industry development, linking it to elements of sustainable development trends. The article presents the main elements of the sustainable concept of rural and farm tourism. Using the method of compilation and description, we want to check, based on statistical data related to farm tourism activities in Slovenia (before and during the COVID-19 pandemic), whether it is possible to detect development trends in Slovenia, in the direction of sustainability that are linked to the concept of farm tourism. This study also aims to identify a number of measures that can improve sustainability at the farming tourism level in Slovenia, in a post-COVID phase. According to the findings of numerous comparisons and statistical analysis, it can be stated that the future development trends show a great need to develop the decarbonisation of the industry, digitalisation of industry, and the involvement of the local population in the provision of services. In the present global situation, we have reached a point where it will be necessary to focus on sustainable and digital forms of the industry, in order to further post-COVID development of the tourism industry.
Keywords: COVID-19, post-COVID world, sustainable tourism, farm tourism, Slovenia, future development
Published in DKUM: 25.01.2024; Views: 322; Downloads: 13
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The role of religion in legends about Turkish attacks
Anja Mlakar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: An analysis of Slovenian legends about Turkish raids was made to identify and analyze religious elements in them. The legends express superiority of Christianity, but also contain belief elements that diverge from Christian teachings, such as traditional Slavic beliefs about the afterlife. The mixture of different beliefs can summarized under the term “vernacular religion”. The Turks in folklore represented an archetypal demonic “Other” and as such they threaten the “Our” world. In these legends traditional and pre-Christian beliefs were intermixed with Christian symbolism and characters and as such they express the diversity and flexibility of religious imagery.
Keywords: Turkish raids, vernacular religion, Christianity, otherness, sacred space, sacrilege, the world beyond, miracles
Published in DKUM: 25.01.2024; Views: 348; Downloads: 11
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Komunikacijski protokoli za realno-časovne več-igralske igre : diplomsko delo
Nik Volgemut, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Moderne računalniške igre ponujajo večigralnost preko spleta za vse več igralcev. Pri tem uporabljajo kar se da optimizirane komunikacijske protokole. V diplomskem delu se dotaknemo zgodovine večigralnosti v igrah, vrst večigralskih iger in predstavimo implementacije protokolov za 3 izbrane igre – Minecraft, Runescape in World of Warcraft. Predstavimo, kako protokoli vzpostavijo povezavo med odjemalcem in strežnikom in kako definirajo pakete za prenos informacij. Na koncu diplomskega dela s pomočjo eksperimenta predstavimo, kako se komunikacijski protokoli obnesejo ob večjih obremenitvah
Keywords: več-igralske igre, komunikacijski protokoli, Runescape, Minecraft, World of Warcraf
Published in DKUM: 13.10.2023; Views: 615; Downloads: 60
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Scoping review on the multimodal classification of depression and experimental study on existing multimodal models
Umut Arioz, Urška Smrke, Nejc Plohl, Izidor Mlakar, 2022, review article

Abstract: Depression is a prevalent comorbidity in patients with severe physical disorders, such as cancer, stroke, and coronary diseases. Although it can significantly impact the course of the primary disease, the signs of depression are often underestimated and overlooked. The aim of this paper was to review algorithms for the automatic, uniform, and multimodal classification of signs of depression from human conversations and to evaluate their accuracy. For the scoping review, the PRISMA guidelines for scoping reviews were followed. In the scoping review, the search yielded 1095 papers, out of which 20 papers (8.26%) included more than two modalities, and 3 of those papers provided codes. Within the scope of this review, supported vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and long short-term memory network (LSTM; with gated and non-gated recurrent units) models, as well as different combinations of features, were identified as the most widely researched techniques. We tested the models using the DAIC-WOZ dataset (original training dataset) and using the SymptomMedia dataset to further assess their reliability and dependency on the nature of the training datasets. The best performance was obtained by the LSTM with gated recurrent units (F1-score of 0.64 for the DAIC-WOZ dataset). However, with a drop to an F1-score of 0.56 for the SymptomMedia dataset, the method also appears to be the most data-dependent.
Keywords: multimodal depression classification, scoping review, real-world data, mental health
Published in DKUM: 11.08.2023; Views: 529; Downloads: 74
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Serious vs. Satire – Today’s Future as Depicted in the World-Building Elements of Blade Runner and Futurama
Anja Švigelj, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis explores the world-building elements in the Blade Runner movies (Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049) and the TV series Futurama. The theoretical framework presents the terminology related to the titles’ and their world-building elements: science fiction and speculative fiction, dystopia and cyberpunk, satire and parody. Lastly, the concept of world-building is presented and the framework of the elements that are analyzed is defined. The world-building elements of the worlds of Blade Runner and Futurama are divided into the cultural and physical. The cultural elements are then further divided into: society and social issues, language, and science and technology. The physical are planet and climate, and the cityscape. This part of the thesis is a comparative analysis of the elements. It focuses on how the elements are presented in their respective worlds and compares them to each other and how they might relate to our own reality today and in the future. The comparative analysis shows how the satirical Futurama and serious, cyberpunk Blade Runner ‘predict’ future realities. Those are at the same time alternate and akin to our own.
Keywords: Blade Runner, Futurama, world-building, satire, dystopia
Published in DKUM: 01.04.2021; Views: 989; Downloads: 87
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Uporaba funkcije 'World Zone' v programu RobotStudio : diplomsko delo
Marko Dukarić, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo zajema predstavitev programske funkcije WorldZone v programskem okolju RobotStudio. Pri tem smo preučili osnovno zamisel programske funkcije ter si podrobno pogledali programiranje funkcije. Med samim postopkom preučevanja smo spoznali, da lahko funkcijo uporabimo v varnostne namene, ter smo jo uporabili v našem zamišljenem primeru. Prav tako smo ob programiranju robotskega programa bolj podrobno spoznali programski jezik RAPID, ter smo napisali navodila za uporabo programskega okolja RobotStudio ter navodila za programiranje RAPID-a.
Keywords: RobotStudio, programiranje, World Zone, IRB 1200
Published in DKUM: 14.11.2019; Views: 913; Downloads: 127
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