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The moderating impact of types of caregiving on job demands, resources, and their relation to work-to-family conflict and enrichment
Sara Tement, Christian Korunka, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: This research aims to examine for whom combining work and family/caregiving may be most harmful. Employed parents, elder caregivers, and the sandwiched generation were compared with their coworkers without such responsibilities. Based on the job demandsresources model, we assumed that high job demands/low job resources would relate to work-to-family conflict (WFC) and low job demands/high job resources to work-to-family enrichment. However, this effect would depend on employees family/caregiving responsibilities. Using a large sample of Slovenian employees (N = 1,285), we found support for the moderating role of the type of caregiving responsibility between workload and WFC. In addition, the type of caregiving had a moderating effect on the relationship between coworker support and WFC. Support was also found for the differential impact of job resources on work-to-family enrichment. The results therefore indicate the relevance of types of caregiving responsibility in workfamily research and practice.
Keywords: skrb za otroke, skrb za starejše, konflikt med delom in družino, obogatitev, delovne zahteve, delovni resursi, child care, elderly care, work-to-family conflict, enrichment, job demands, job resources
Published in DKUM: 02.08.2024; Views: 93; Downloads: 4
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Development and validation of the Work-home-integration questionnaire (WHIQ)
Andrea Noja, Bettina Kubicek, Nejc Plohl, Sara Tement, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The boundaries between work and private life are gradually blurring. More and more employees are involved in work during leisure time through cognitions, emotions or behaviours, in both negative and positive ways. This so-called work-home integration (WHI) can, on the one hand, hampers the necessary recovery from work and result in strain but, on the other hand, also restores resources and result in beneficial outcomes. In order to enhance our understanding of WHI and capture all its different forms, we suggest a new conceptualisation and measure of WHI. We therefore developed and validated the Work-Home Integration Questionnaire (WHIQ) in English, German and Slovene simultaneously using two cross-sectional studies (Study 1: N = 848; Study 2: N = 555) and a two-wave longitudinal study with a time lag of 1 month (Study 3: N = 379). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed a three-factor structure with (1) negative cognitive-affective involvement, (2) positive cognitive-affective involvement and (3) behavioural involvement. Moreover, the WHIQ showed measurement invariance across the three languages and the results provide evidence for convergent, discriminant and incremental validity. Overall, the WHIQ is a reliable, valid and short measure to assess the extent to which employees are involved in work during leisure time.
Keywords: work-home integration, burnout, well-being, work-family conflict, scale validation
Published in DKUM: 17.07.2023; Views: 609; Downloads: 87
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