1. Arhitekturna in urbanistična ureditev ob stolpu Kristal v Rogaški SlatiniMatej Jugovar, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava problem propadanja degradiranega
območja starega mizarstva ob stolpu Kristal.
Na podlagi analiz je izdelana idejna zasnova novega kompleksa objektov,
ki zavzema hotel, wellness in medgeneracijski center. Zasnova povezuje
zdraviliški del mesta z vznožjem Tržaškega hriba, ki ima potencial za
nadaljni razvoj. Medgeneracijski center je preko nadhoda Sonce povezan
z obstoječim domom za starejše občane in z svojim programom ter
prostori omogoča socialno interakcijo med različnimi generacijami. Ločen
hotelski del in wellness hrati nudita zasebnost hotelskim gostom. Območje
je z urbanistično zasnovo povezano tudi z območjem stolpa Kristal. Keywords: Hotel, wellness, medgeneracijski center, občina Rogaška Slatina, stolp
Kristal Published in DKUM: 13.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 52
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2. Toplice Lipik kot potencialna zelena wellness destinacija : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijaHelena Ružić, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: U diplomskom radu Toplice Lipik predstavljene su kao potencijalna zelena wellness destinacija. Ciljevi rada uključuju predstavljanje wellness turizma, analizu trenutnoga stanja održivoga turizma u Lipiku, procjenu trenutne wellness ponude te spremnost turističkoga sektora na poboljšanja u smjeru zelenoga wellnessa. Pregled literature obuhvaća definicije turističkih destinacija, čimbenike održivoga razvoja, zdravstveni turizam te primjere dobre prakse. Istraživanje uključuje kvalitativnu metodu evaluacije korištenjem kriterija Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) za procjenu održivosti Toplica Lipik. Rezultati pokazuju da Toplice Lipik, osim usklađenosti s nekim GSTC kriterijima, imaju područja koja zahtijevaju poboljšanja. Procjena wellness ponude temelji se na modelu Muellera i Kaufmanna, koji uključuje elemente kao što su samoodgovornost, tjelesna forma, zdrava prehrana, mentalne aktivnosti i ekološka osviještenost. Ekspertni intervjui s predstavnicima uprave Toplica Lipik otkrili su planove i izazove za razvoj destinacije, uključujući ekološke inicijative i potrebu za sveobuhvatnim pristupom wellnessu. Rezultati istraživanja nude smjernice za održivo upravljanje i razvoj novih turističkih proizvoda s ciljem da Toplice Lipik postanu vodeća zelena wellness destinacija u regiji. Keywords: Zeleni wellness, zdravstveni turizam, turistička destinacija, Lipik. Published in DKUM: 22.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 18
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3. Agrowellness goods distribution in the light of sustainability : the consumer perspective and the case of slovenia’s eastern cohesion regionLazar Pavić, Milica Rančić Demir, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This study explores the distribution of agrowellness products and services from a sustainability perspective, focusing on consumer perceptions in Slovenia’s Eastern Cohesion Region. Utilizing an empirical approach through an online survey, the research assesses how sustainable lifestyle practices influence the frequency of agrowellness goods consumption and their perceived availability. The study employs structural equation modeling (SEM) to test four hypotheses, revealing that sustainable lifestyle practices positively affect the frequency of agrowellness product usage, enhancing the perception of product availability. A critical novel contribution of the research is identifying sociodemographic factors as significant moderators of these relationships, offering more profound insights into consumer behavior. Additionally, the frequency of use mediates the link between a sustainable lifestyle and perceived availability, with gender, age, education, and the place of residence as essential moderators. The findings contribute to theory and practice, offering actionable recommendations for marketing and distribution strategies to enhance the accessibility and appeal of agrowellness products. These insights provide valuable guidance for stakeholders in agriculture, rural development, and wellness tourism, with broader implications for policy development aimed at promoting sustainable lifestyles and supporting rural economies. Keywords: agrowellness, sustainability, consumer behavior, rural development, wellness tourism, distribution, supply chain, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 11.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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4. A sustainable distribution model for agrowellness: strategies for tourist farm innovation and growthTina Cvahte Ojsteršek, Lazar Pavić, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The concepts of “agrotourism” (or agritourism), focusing on farm-based tourism, and “wellness tourism,” which emphasises health and well-being through travel, are common and well-researched. As the paper explores, this combination presents a strategic approach to enhance the tourist farms’ offer by aligning it with contemporary desires for health, relaxation, and nature immersion. Based on exploring the existing offerings on tourist farms in rural Slovenia and a survey among potential users, we identified some aspects of why agrowellness is not yet developed to the extent one would expect. Focusing on six main areas—local identity, sustainability, community engagement, innovation, digitalisation, and sports activities— the developed distribution model outlines what steps farms can take to reach a broader audience and contribute to sustainable development. By integrating authentic local experiences, eco-friendly practices, community collaboration, innovative activities, a robust digital presence, and opportunities for active outdoor recreation, tourist farms can offer unique, enriching experiences that appeal to modern tourists seeking wellness and connection with nature in the spirit of agrowellness. This comprehensive strategy aims to elevate the agrowellness sector’s appeal. It supports the preservation of rural heritage and promotes healthy lifestyles, positioning tourist farms as crucial players in a sustainably focused tourism industry. Keywords: agrowellness, distribution, tourist farms, innovation, wellness tourism Published in DKUM: 11.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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5. Wellness tourism research : bibliometric study of the scientific fieldMilica Rančić Demir, Mila Zečević, 2022, review article Abstract: The paper presents the results of a bibliometric analysis of academic research covering the field of wellness tourism. The purpose of the article is to identify the structure of relationships between topics that were current in the past and topics that are current now. The aim of the research was to better understand the development of the field of wellness tourism, important constructs, authors, and resources with the help of bibliometric methods. For detailed research of the field of literature on wellness tourism, some two set bibliometric strategies were used: co-citation and keyword co-occurrence. In our bibliometric mapping of the wellness tourism research field, we have investigated the scientific production of articles over the years, the most important journals in the field, and keyword co-occurrence patterns. The obtained results of the study showed a significant increase in the number of publications related to wellness tourism. When it comes to the importance of individual journals, we have identified the 20 best journals that have published the most articles in this field. In wellness tourism research, we identified four clusters: health tourism research, tourism research, wellness topics, and wellness tourism research. Keywords: wellness tourism, bibliometrics, keyword co-occurrence, literature review Published in DKUM: 22.02.2024; Views: 297; Downloads: 35
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6. Most prominent topics in wellness tourism research : topic modelling analysisMila Zečević, Milica Rančić Demir, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: This paper presents a brief overview of the development of the wellness tourism literature. In addition, an analysis and presentation of the topics that appear within this literature field are given. The purpose of this research was to point out the relevant topics that have attracted research efforts over time. In order to detect these topics, we have selected wellness tourism literature articles from Web of Science. Our analysis used topic modelling tools using a machine learning algorithm in Python. The results imply the distinction between two main research topics within wellness tourism literature – wellness and health and medical research. Such differentiation also matches the development of the wellness tourism research field itself. Keywords: wellness tourism, literature, topic modelling, health, medical Published in DKUM: 17.01.2024; Views: 252; Downloads: 8
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7. Urbanistična in arhitekturna ureditev spremljevalnega programa ob vodnem parku Radlje ob Dravi : magistrsko deloLea Kramljak, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: Vodni park Radlje ob Dravi je prvi in tudi edini naravni bazen v Sloveniji, ki je postal prava turistična atrakcija v mestu. V prijetnem zelenem ambientu ob t.i. modrem biseru se gosti lahko okrepčajo s hitro hrano in pijačo ter ohladijo v naravnem bazenu. V neposredni bližini se nahajajo štiri lesene glamping hiške z manjšim zunanjim bazenom. Kompleks obratuje samo poleti. Turistična ponudba je precej osiromašena, še posebej v zimskem letnem času. Večina obiskovalcev vodnega parka je domačinov, saj v občini primanjkuje sodobnih letovišč, ki bi nudile prenočišče oddaljenim gostom. S predlagano ureditvijo in razširitvijo turistične ponudbe ob območju Vodnega parka bi zasnovali smiselno, varno, dostopno, okolju prijazno in prijetno začasno bivanje. Arhitekturna zasnova bi vključevala hotel in wellness storitve, apartmajsko naselje, glamping hiške ter odprte športno-rekreacijske površine. Pri oblikovanju turističnega kompleksa smo upoštevali vidike trajnostne gradnje. Keywords: Radlje ob Dravi, Vodni park, hotel, wellness, spa, arhitektura, urbanizem, turizem, turistični kompleks Published in DKUM: 26.09.2022; Views: 833; Downloads: 224
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8. Zadovoljstvo gostov s programi vodne telovadbe v Termah Olimia : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijaNejc Žugelj, 2022, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Gostje danes zahtevajo in želijo več kot le prenočiti in jesti dobro. Tega se zavedajo tudi v Termah Olimia, d. d., kjer poleg osnovne turistične ponudbe ponujajo različne animacijske vsebine in programe. V diplomskem delu raziskujemo pomen in vpliv programov vodne animacije na zadovoljstvo gostov v Termah Olimia. Vodna telovadba tako v okviru animacije dodatno popestri dogajanje v termah in s tem nudi dodatno vrednost gostu, kateremu lahko ta poveča zadovoljstvo in posledično sproži željo k ponovnemu obisku. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene definicije na temo zadovoljstva gostov, wellnessa, zdraviliškega turizma in vodne telovadbe v termah. V tem sklopu je zajeto tudi stanje in prihodnost Slovenije na področju zdraviliškega turizma. Po teoretičnem delu sledijo primeri prakse, kjer smo primerjali različne terme in njihovo ponudbo vodne telovadbe s Termami Olimia. Benchmark analizo smo podprli z marketinškim spletom 9P. Podrobneje smo opisali Terme Olimia, naredili SWOT analizo ter podali ugotovitve. Kvalitativno raziskavo smo izvedli z intervjuji zaposlenih v Termah Olimia, d. d., vezanimi na vodno telovadbo in kvantitativno z anketo o zadovoljstvu gostov z vodno telovadbo. Na koncu smo preverili raziskovalna vprašanja in hipoteze ter podali smernice oz. priporočila za nadgradnjo programov vodne telovadbe v Termah Olimia. Ugotovili smo, da Terme Olimia potrebujejo boljšo organizacijo prostora vodne telovadbe ter promocijo vodne telovadbe na spletni strani. Prav tako bi bilo treba poskrbeti za boljšo evalvacijo programov vodne telovadbe in v prihodnosti, dodati kakšen dodaten program vodne telovadbe in zaposliti dodatnega animatorja. Keywords: zadovoljstvo gostov, zdraviliški turizem, wellness, turizem, vodna telovadba Published in DKUM: 08.07.2022; Views: 840; Downloads: 182
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9. 35th Bled eConference Digital Restructuring and Human (Re)action : June 26 – 29, 2022, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings2022, proceedings Abstract: The Bled eConference, organised by the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interaction since 1988. After 2 years COVID-19 pandemic, when the conference was held online, this year we met again in Bled, Slovenia. The theme of the 35th conference is "Digital Restructuring and Human (re)Action". During the pandemic, we experienced the important role of digital technologies in enabling people and enterprises to interact, collaborate, and find new opportunities and ways to overcome various challenges. The use of digital technologies in these times has accelerated the digital transformation of enterprises and societies. It will be important to leverage this momentum for further implementation and exploitation of digital technologies that will bring positive impacts and solutions for people, enterprises and societies. The need to achieve sustainability goals and sustainable development of society has increased. Digital technologies will continue to play an important role in achieving these goals. The papers in this conference proceedings address digital transformation of enterprises, digital wellness and health solutions, digital ethics challenges, artificial intelligence and data science solutions, new and digital business models, digital consumer behaviour and solutions, including the impact of social media, restructuring of work due to digital technologies, digital education challenges and examples, and solutions for smart sustainable cities. Keywords: Digital transformation, digital business, digital technologijes, innovations, digitalization, sustainable development, smart and sustainable cities and societies, digital health and wellness, artificial intelligence and data science, digital ethics, digital education, restructured work, digital consumer, social media Published in DKUM: 23.06.2022; Views: 1176; Downloads: 71
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10. Arhitekturna zasnova term v Draškovcu : magistrsko deloDražen Mlinarić, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrskem delu smo predstavili idejno zasnovo term v Draškovcu. Eden izmed naših ciljev je, da krajane spomnimo na skoraj pozabljen projekt, o katerem je govora že vrsto let, a vidnega napredka ni. Drugi cilj je, da z arhitekturno zasnovo in danim programom zagotovimo bolj kakovostno zdravstveno storitev in dvig življenjskega standarda okoliških naselij. Terme bi prispevale k razvoju turističnega sektorja in omogočile hitrejši razvoj turizma spodnjega Medžimurja.
Obravnavana lokacija je v majhni medžimurski vasici Draškovec, v južnem delu Medžimurja, v bližini reke Drave. Naloga je razdeljena na dva tematska sklopa. Prvi, raziskovalni del, predstavlja temelje za konceptualno zasnovo term. Sestavljajo ga opredelitve pojma terme, ki so pomemben zdravilni dejavnik, ter študije referenčnih primerov in analiza obravnavanega območja. V zaključku raziskovalnega dela je predstavljena sinteza analize z opisom ter s prednostmi in slabostmi območja. Projektni del predstavlja vodilne ideje pri zasnovi koncepta kot tudi sam konceptualni razvoj. Projekt je konceptualno zasnovan v treh delih. Prvi del so terme, medtem ko je južni del predviden za zunanjo cono počitka. Vzhodni del, ki se navezuje na streho, je namenjen športu in rekreaciji. Keywords: arhitektura, Draškovec, terme, wellness, spa, zdravilišče, šport Published in DKUM: 20.06.2022; Views: 823; Downloads: 164
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