1. Energy demand distribution and environmental impact assessment of chitosan production from shrimp shellsFilipa A. Vicente, Robert Hren, Uroš Novak, Lidija Čuček, Blaž Likozar, Annamaria Vujanović, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Step towards resilience and sustainability through exploring renewable biomass and waste streams to produce higher-added value products and energy is among key aspects for closing the loops, saving resources, and reducing the resource and emission footprints. In that respective, crustacean shells waste can offer rich spectre of valuable compounds such as proteins, chitin, carotenoids. This waste is produced in large quantities worldwide, thus allowing for commercial valorisation. An overview of technologies is undertaken for more sustainable and environmentally friendly chitosan production via chitin isolation and conversion and compared to the conventional processes. Furthermore, an assessment of the environmental burden and energy demand distribution for conventional and more sustainable alternative processes was performed, based on lab-scale experimental data. Three different chitin extraction routes and three distinct chitosan conversion processes were considered and compared for their greenhouse gas footprint, abiotic depletion, acidification, eutrophication and other potentials. Finally, the energy demand distribution was analysed considering electricity production patterns from three European countries, Slovenia, Portugal and Norway. The results showed that alternatives 3-A and 3-B (conventional eco-solvents - conventional deacetylation with 40 % and 50 % NaOH) generate the lowest environmental burden (184 g CO2 eq./g chitosan). Electricity was the main hotspot of the processes, used either for extraction, plasma treatment or deacetylation. The sensitivity analysis proved that the Norwegian electricity mix has the lowest environmental impact (4.2 g CO2 eq./g chitosan). This study highlights the impact of blue biorefineries by transforming marine waste to valuable biopolymers such as chitin and chitosan. Keywords: shrimp shells waste, blue biorefinery, value-added products, chitosan, sustainable production, comparative environmental assessment Published in DKUM: 08.01.2025; Views: 1; Downloads: 1
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2. An Assessment of food value chains to identify gaps and make recommendations for further development: ǂA ǂ Slovenian case studyJernej Prišenk, Jernej Turk, Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, Andreja Borec, Nejc Zidar, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The content of this paper presents the research results of a three-year research project in
which a multi-criteria evaluation model (according to the DEX methodology) was developed for
the evaluation of three different food sectors (represented by a cattle breeding chain, a pig farming
chain, and a milk production chain) with added value in Slovenia. Indicators for the assessment
of the economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable development of food chains were
taken into account. The data for the analysis, such as prices and costs of food, wage levels by sector,
food miles and others, were obtained from various public services between 2020 and 2023. The
final qualitative assessment of the food sectors was uniform (“average”), while the longest analysis
of the results using the plus-minus-1 analysis method showed the reasons for such an assessment
in individual sectors (such as the ratio between the price of agricultural products and the price of
agricultural inputs is poor, the ratio between average gross salary in the individual food sector and
gross salary in the agricultural sector is poor, etc.). In addition to the results already mentioned,
recommendations or suggestions for building a sustainable food chain were made using the results of
the modelling. The research results contributed to a better understanding of the importance of stable
relationships between different groups of indicators and later showed their importance for improving
the functioning of agri-food chains. The results of the research will help various stakeholders (such
as the agricultural advisory service, decision-makers at the level of agricultural policy, researchers
in further analyses, and especially the international professional public interested in various case
studies from EU countries) to further analyse and plan for the organisation of the agricultural sector. Keywords: food sectors, value added, DEX methodology, plus-minus-1 analysis, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 29.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 8
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3. Perspectives in the beekeeping value chain : innovationand development in the northern region of ColombiaJalelys L. Leones-Cerpa, Martha Cuenca Quicazán, Juan F. Restrepo, Katherine Velandia, Eduardo Sánchez-Tuirán, Karina A. Ojeda, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Colombia and its regions have abundant botanical wealth and climatic conditions suitable for the development of beekeeping. The Caribbean region is promoting the practice of beekeeping as an activity with benefits to ecosystems, human health, and socioeconomic positioning. The objective of this research is to determine the state of beekeeping in the Colombian Caribbean region and the areas where it is necessary to make improvement actions. The methodology was carried out following bibliographic reviews in databases and government reports, and the surveys were applied through Google Forms. The main results showed the need for more regulations in beekeeping and derived products, the low development of value-added products in the Caribbean region, as well as few technologies for the management of apiaries and the genetic manipulation of bees. The surveys of beekeepers corroborated their perception of some of the areas in which the beekeeping sector requires research and development. Keywords: Colombian Caribbean region, genetic improvement, honey, value-added products Published in DKUM: 01.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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4. Employees: invisible added value of a companyMagda Zupančič, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: In developed economies, where the work input exceeds the physical input, the lack of harmonised and standardised rules of human capital assessment is visible. The mentioned indicates the deficit of an important part of the comprehensive value-added assessment. What do we lose by ignoring the important part of the employee’s value added in the working process? Companies underestimate the employee’s human capital input. Consequently, society typically does not recognize invisible sources of value added in companies. The goals of this article are to highlight the missing human capital (HC) element at the company level assessment and to raise the awareness about its importance. By analysing existing methods of coping with the mentioned challenge, no harmonised solution is evident. By the increasing share of the service sector, emphasis on the HC element should be monitored more closely. The article focuses on the missing and invisible human capital elements in the framework of the value added; it offers suggestions for inclusion of the human capital factor in the process of company’s value added assessment as well as reflections on further steps in this direction. Keywords: employee, value added, human capital, assessment Published in DKUM: 10.10.2018; Views: 1660; Downloads: 368
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5. Audits as a vaccine or just aspirin?Timotej Jagrič, Tomaž Lešnik, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: This paper examines the impact of audits on voluntary tax compliance in the area of value added tax in Slovenia. The analyses argues that audited taxpayers with additional tax assessments as the result of an audit display a higher level of tax compliance within the year of the audit as within the year before audit, while audited taxpayers with no irregularities on the basis of an audit do not change their behavior significantly within the same period. However, regarding the longterm effect, the results reveal the possibility of worsening tax compliance with respect to audits where an additional tax assessment was imposed and where no irregularities were discovered during an audit. Keywords: audits, value added tax, voluntary tax compliance Published in DKUM: 03.05.2018; Views: 1808; Downloads: 334
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6. Influence of added fat on the quality of poultry meatVladimir Strelec, Marko Volk, Ciril Varga, 2000, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: In testing conditions six groups of broiler chickens were tested for the effect of feed addition Bergafat and standardised fats added in the feed in the quantity of 3,9% in starter, 8,5% in grower, 8,6% in finisher, and 9,3% in endfinisher. Among testing groups no differences in the achieved productionresults were stated. The organoleptic evaluation of meat however showed considerable differences in the intensity of aroma, smell and taste. Keywords: meat, chickens meat, organoleptic evaluation of meat, poultry fat, added fat Published in DKUM: 20.07.2017; Views: 1394; Downloads: 104
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7. PRILAGODITVE V POSLOVANJU TRGOVINE NA DROBNO PO UVEDBI MEDORGANIZACIJSKEGA POSLOVANJAPavel Grahonja, 2016, undergraduate thesis Abstract: B2B poslovanje v maloprodaji blaga široke potrošnje je v Sloveniji prisotno že več kot 15 let in v tem času se je izoblikovala praksa, ki je z uporabo standardov EDIFACT in EANCOM sledila svetovnim primerom dobre prakse v panogi. Trgovska podjetja so na eni strani prepoznala prednosti, ki jih prinaša B2B poslovanje in na drugi strani tudi slabosti in pasti, ki jih skriva.
Raznolikost standardov, ki jih uporabljajo organizacije za B2B poslovanje, je narekovala uporabo VAN omrežij posrednikov, saj B2B poslovanje pod lastnim okriljem zaradi tehnološke, organizacijske in varnostne zahtevnosti terja visoka vlaganja v IT infrastrukturo in specialna znanja za njeno upravljanje. Prehod v uporabo B2B tehnologij ne pomeni samo nabave potrebnih programskih orodij in začetek njihove uporabe, temveč zahteva od organizacije tudi prilagoditve v njeni obstoječi organiziranosti, spremembo poslovnih procesov in delovnih postopkov ter usposobitev potrebnih kadrov.
V nalogi smo s statistično analizo prometnih podatkov B2B poslovanja treh izbranih trgovcev raziskali njihovo poslovno prakso, organizacijske prilagoditve, ki so bile za to potrebne in osvetlili zahteve, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati njihovi dobavitelji.
Dobavitelji trgovskih podjetij se med seboj razlikujejo po različnih kriterijih - od velikosti, lastnostih prodajnega sortimana in kompetenc, do finančnih in prilagoditvenih zmožnosti, ki jih imajo, zato je tudi trgovcem v interesu, da jim je B2B poslovanje dostopno, kar pa je naloga, ki jo morajo izpolniti posredniki elektronskega poslovanja. Keywords: EDI - Eletronic Data Interchange, B2B – Buisness to buisness, EDIFACT standard, GS1/EANCOM standard, VAN – omrežje z dodano vrednostjo (Value-added network), B2B organizacijska pravila. Published in DKUM: 28.07.2016; Views: 1180; Downloads: 110
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8. New perspectives of the regional development of old industrial areasLučka Lorber, 2010, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The process of brownfield revitalisation still poses a challenge in the SEE area. It is delayed and hindered because of legal, financial, environmental and image problems. These areas of old industrial cities represent an underexplored economic value, are areas for investment and could be motors for job creation. In our paper we would like to present the main goals of the revitalisation process. The main long-term goal is to develop an internationally competitive business location that will be able to attract new businesses dealings in higher value added environmentally friendly production and knowledge based services, aiming thus at faster and stable economic development of the region. Keywords: economic geography, industrial zones, revitalisation, old industrial zones, projects, added value, brownfields Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 2469; Downloads: 39
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9. The new financial capitalists : Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and the creation of corporate valueGeorge Pierce Baker, George David Smith, 1999, professional work Keywords: financial capital, capitalism, capital company, institutionalization, maintenance, debts, USA, corporations, valuation, creativity, business finance, financial engineering, capital, restructuring, value added, management, creativity, risk Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2634; Downloads: 120
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