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Predicting the probability of cargo theft for individual cases in railway transport
Lorenc Augustyn, Małgorzata Kuźnar, Tone Lerher, Maciej Szkoda, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: In the heavy industry, the value of cargo transported by rail is very high. Due to high value, poor security and volume of rail transport, the theft cases are often. The main problem of securing rail transport is predicting the location of a high probability of risk. Because of this,the aim of the presented research was to predict the highest probability of rail cargo theft for areas. It is important to prevent theft cases by better securing the railway lines. To solve that problem the authors' model was developed. The model uses information about past transport cases for the learning process of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Machine Learning (ML).The ANN predicted the probability for 94.7% of the cases of theft and the Machine Learning identified 100% of the cases. This method can be used to develop a support system for securing the rail infrastructure.
Keywords: rail transport security, supply chain disruption, drones, security support systems, cargo theft, predicting, logistics, artificial neural network, drone monitoring, machine learning
Published in DKUM: 28.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Logistics systems in economics: an example of system application in a company
Čedomir Božić, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: In modern society, which is characterized by process of rapid change in the logistics sector, including supply chain, transport and Internet protocols, and which are partly conditioned by changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, placement and sale of products within retail chains requires a stronger marketing strategy which would significantly promote the benefits of their purchase. Based on the presented facts, we can state that the logistics management process, which includes supply chain risk management, is a continuous task whose main task is to anticipate possible risks, take action during their period and minimize the consequences of all forms (types) of risk business. Every institution and economic organization in our country should seriously and continuously approach the identification of risks by the type of risk and appropriate action to eliminate it. The consequence of adequate risk management is transparent and more efficient business operations that lead to a more prosperous and profitable business. The type and manner of risks, as well as the definition of measures and strategies that will be applied to eliminate them, requires a significant commitment of funds. Sometimes it is enough to react in time and prevent actions that require minimal engagement to prevent consequences that can have significant negative consequences such as domino effects. The consequences of the economic sector, actions, and measures taken often have a consequential impact on the country's overall political, social, and economic system. Therefore special attention is paid to the protection and prevention of risks in banking to avoid sudden changes and adverse effects of monetary policy. The contribution to market stability is of public and national interest, so paying more attention to one of the primary problems in business and risk management. Within the operation of the economic system, there are a large number of employees, and therefore it is vital to properly delegate functions, powers, and tasks and, by them, adequate responsibilities, obligations, tasks, rights, and consequences. The work aims to analyze different types of logistics system operations and ways of classifying their functions in supply. Also, the work tries to identify the most critical subjects of logistics services. The work aims to also analyze different types of operations of logistics systems, as well as how their functions are classified, namely functions that facilitate the supply of a particular area. This master's thesis aims to identify the most critical subjects of logistics services within the management of logistics operations with intermediaries' participation and identify their tasks and objectives. The first part of the master's thesis is dedicated to supplying chains as an integral part of logistics systems in economics, their concept and significance, their supply chain management goals, its key components, significance and type of supply chain risks, and their impact on logistics. The second part of the master's thesis is dedicated to the role of transport within logistics systems, the concept, function, and importance of intermodal transport within logistics, the importance and share of intermodal transport costs in the logistics system, and the role of logistics in intermodal transport in the European Union and the USA. The third part of the master's thesis deals with explaining Internet protocols within logistics, defining the concept with an explanation of the elements and functions of Internet network protocols, and the levels of the reference OSI model. In the fourth part, the functioning of logistics within the company LIDL is presented. In the last part of the master's thesis, there are concluding remarks with the used literature.
Keywords: logistics, logistics systems, supply chain, intermodal transport, internet protocol
Published in DKUM: 04.11.2022; Views: 601; Downloads: 33
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Transport and Localization in Classical and Quantum Billiards
Črt Lozej, 2020, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: In this thesis the classical and quantum dynamics in billiard systems are considered. Extensive numerical studies of the classical transport properties in several examples of billiard families including the ergodic Bunimovich stadium and cut-circle billiards and the mixed-type Robnik and lemon billiards are performed. The analysis of the transport is based on the random model of diffusion which assumes that due the strongly chaotic dynamics the motion of the orbit on the discretized phase space is temporally uncorrelated. The cause of the deviations from the random model dynamics is traced to dynamical trapping due to stickiness. A novel approach to locally quantifying stickiness based on the statistics of the recurrence times is presented and applied to distinguish between exponential decays of recurrence times and other types of decays. This enables the identification of sticky areas in the chaotic components. Detailed maps of their structure for a wide range of parameter values, mapping the evolution of the mixed-phase spaces and revealing some particularly interesting special examples are presented. The recurrence time distributions in sticky areas are found to be well described by a mixture of exponential decays. The transport of particle ensembles in the momentum space of classical billiards is described by using an inhomogeneous diffusion model and the classical transport times are determined. The classical transport times are vital for the analysis of the localization of chaotic eigenstates in quantum billiards. The control parameter that describes the the degree of localization of the chaotic quantum eigenstates is the ratio between the Heisenberg time (Planck's constant divided by the mean level spacing) and the classical transport time. Extensive numerical calculations of the high-lying spectra and eigenstates of the stadium, Robnik and lemon quantum billiards are performed. The spectral statistics are analysed in terms of the standard methods of quantum chaos. The level repulsion exponent of localized eigenstates is found to be a rational function of the control parameter. The degree of localization is determined with respect to localization measures based on the Poincaré-Husimi representation of the eigenstates. The mean localization measure is found to be a rational function of the control parameter and linearly related to the level repulsion exponent. The distributions of the localization measures are analysed and found to be of a universal shape well described by a two parameter empirical distribution in billiards with no apparent stickiness. The nonuniversal system specific features of localization measure distributions are related to the presence of sticky areas in the phase spaces of classical billiards with specific examples shown.
Keywords: Transport, localization, chaos, quantum chaos, Hamiltonian systems, level spacing distribution, mixed phase space, billiard, quantum billiard, Husimi functions, stickiness, cantorus, chaotic eigenstates, level repulsion.
Published in DKUM: 13.01.2021; Views: 1559; Downloads: 164
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Borut Jereb, Matjaž Knez, Darja Kukovič, Tina Cvahte Ojsteršek, Matevž Obrecht, Anna Kasantseva, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Traffic growth is strongly fuelled by economic growth, because without an efficient transport system the internal market and the globalization of trade cannot fully be exploited. The growth of traffic is affected primarily by two factors, namely in the passenger traffic by the increased use of cars, whereas in freight transport the traffic growth was affected by changes in the economy. The economic growth will lead to increased need for mobility; it is estimated that demand will increase by 38% for freight transport services and by 24% for passenger transport (European Commission, 2001).
Keywords: transportation, transport systems, logistics, modelling, environmental protection
Published in DKUM: 10.05.2018; Views: 1256; Downloads: 99
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Multimodal transport operator liability insurance model
Ratko Zelenika, Tomaž Lotrič, Ervin Bužan, 2011, other scientific articles

Abstract: Multimodal transportation means transporting goods from a pickup point, where the operator receives the goods, all the way to the delivery location, using at least two different means of transportation, covered under the same multimodal transport contract and by only one document, regardless of the number or type of transportation vehicles used. The key factor to the optimal operation of multimodal transportation is the multimodal transport operator. It is up to this individual to compensate for various unpredictable circumstances, the complexity of the business processes, nature’s whims and carelessness. He must also organize and execute multimodal transport in all stages. Due to the above mentioned dangers and the fact that the area of liability insurance for multimodal transport operators is still being neglected, this article raises some valid points in favour of a proposal that would cover all of the transportation means as well as all the accompanying activities with a single insurance policy. The model includes 17 elements of liability insurance for a multimodal transport operator and all values which quantify the insurance elements in 2009 as well as the projected values for 2015, when progress is expected in the areas pertaining to the implementation of economical processes concerning transit development, as well as values for 2025, representing a period of innovation, reconstruction, optimization and modernization. With this supposed model for liability insurance of a multimodal transport operator, the foundation is laid for a liability insurance which would be used by a multimodal transport operator.
Keywords: transport insurance, multimodal transport, multimodal transport operator, multimodal transport operator liability systems
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2017; Views: 1487; Downloads: 422
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Human potentials management in transport
Drago Pupavac, Ratko Zelenika, Marinko Jurčević, 2004, other scientific articles

Abstract: The paper explores the significance of human potentials management in micro and macro transport systems and investigates to what extent do the human potentials represent the factor of growth and development of transport systems. The facts gathered in this paper should represent the quantitative starting points for viewing the specifics of transport service productions and future movements on the transport labour market, and the possibilities of information technologies implementation in transport human potentials management optimizations, all with the aim of producing new and of improving the inherited comparative advantages of the Croatian transport systems.
Keywords: traffic, transport systems, human potential, labour market, information technology
Published in DKUM: 02.06.2017; Views: 1371; Downloads: 157
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Načrtovanje avtomatiziranih regalnih skladiščnih sistemov z uporabo simulacijskega postopka
Iztok Potrč, Tone Lerher, Janez Kramberger, Matjaž Šraml, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: V prispevku je predstavljen simulacijski model avtomatiziranega regalnega skladiščnega sistema z enojno pomično in večpomičnimi mizami. Glavni namen predstavljene raziskave je določitev zmogljivosti sistema z večpomičnimi mizami, glede na sistem z enojno pomično mizo. Slednje pomeni glavni delež in pomoč pri postopku načrtovanja avtomatiziranega regalnega skladiščnega sistema. Povečanje pretočne zmogljivosti transportno-skladiščnih enot je mogoče z uporabo sistema z večpomičnimi mizami, glede na sistem z enojno-pomično mizo. V inženirski praksi se največkrat uporablja sistem z enojno pomično mizo, ki temelji na dvojnem delovnem krogu, medtem ko sistem z večpomičnimi mizami temelji na štirikratnem in šestkratnem delovnem krogu. Problem se pojavi pri uporabi ustrezne upravljalne strategije, za zagotovitev pogoja o najmanjših vožnjah regalnega dvigala. V ta namen smo uporabili posebno domiselno metodo, poimenovano "Strategija x", ki razvrsča zaporedje skladiščnih in odpremnih zahtev, z namenom po minimizaciji povprečnega časa vožnje regalnega dvigala. Za ovrednotenje domiselne metode s sistemom večpomičnih miz smo uporabili tehniko diskretnih numeričnih simulacij. Rezultati simulacijske analize so pokazali očitno povečanje pretočnih zmogljivosti sistema z večpomičnimi mizami v primerjavi s sistemom enojne pomične mize.
Keywords: transport systems, high storage racks, automated warehousing, discrete event simulation, storage operation, performance analysis
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1810; Downloads: 44
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Multicriteria evaluation of high-speed rail, transrapid Maglev and Air passenger transport in Europe
Milan Janić, 2003, original scientific article

Abstract: This article deals with a multicriteria evaluation of High-Speed Rail, Transrapid Maglev and Air Passenger Transport in Europe. Operational, socio-economic and environmental performance indicators of the specific high-speed transport systems are adopted as the evaluation criteria. By using the entropy method, weights are assigned to particular criteria in order to indicate their relative importance in decision-making. The TOPSIS method is applied to carry out the multicriteria evaluation and selection of the preferable alternative (high-speed system) under given circumstances.
Keywords: high-speed transport systems, Europe, multicriteria analysis, entropy method, interest groups
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2012; Views: 2741; Downloads: 115
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Simulation model of multi-shuttle automated storage and retrieval systems
Iztok Potrč, Tone Lerher, Janez Kramberger, Matjaž Šraml, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: Automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) brought to industry the advantages of faster storages and retrieval of products, efficient utilizationof storage space, high reliability and better control inventory, improved safety and decrease in damages of products. Therefore AS/RS which areused in manufacturing, warehousing and distribution centers have to be designed to provide quick response for storages and retrievals of products in order to keep the system operating efficiently. Heuristics travel time models for AS/RS with equal-sized cells in height and randomized storage under single- and multi-shuttle system are presented in this paper. The main contribution of proposed model is the implementation of the "Strategy x" and determination of relationship between average travel times and throughput capacity for different types of high storage racks and velocity profiles of storage retrieval machine.
Keywords: transport systems, high storage rack, automated warehousing, discrete event simulation, storage location assignment policies
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2410; Downloads: 95
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