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Road freight transport forecasting : a fuzzy Monte-Carlo simulation-based model selection approach
Dejan Dragan, Simona Šinko, Abolfazl Keshavarzsaleh, Maja Rosi, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: As important as the classical approaches such as Akaike's AIC information and Bayesian BIC criterion in model-selection mechanism are, they have limitations. As an alternative, a novel modeling design encompasses a two-stage approach that integrates Fuzzy logic and Monte Carlo simulations (MCSs). In the first stage, an entire family of ARIMA model candidates with the corresponding information-based, residual-based, and statistical criteria is identified. In the second stage, the Mamdani fuzzy model (MFM) is used to uncover interrelationships hidden among previously obtained models criteria. To access the best forecasting model, the MCSs are also used for different settings of weights loaded on the fuzzy rules. The obtained model is developed to predict the road freight transport in Slovenia in the context of choosing the most appropriate electronic toll system. Results show that the mechanism works well when searching for the best model that provides a well-fit to the real data.
Keywords: forecasting road transport, electronic toll system, Monte Carlo simulation, ARIMA models, logistics
Published in DKUM: 11.06.2024; Views: 135; Downloads: 11
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Bus-stop based real time passenger information system - case study Maribor
Marko Čelan, Mitja Klemenčič, Anamarija L. Mrgole, Marjan Lep, 2017, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: public transport, bus transport, passengers, information system
Published in DKUM: 14.11.2017; Views: 1588; Downloads: 434
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New feeder line rail freight paradigm for the European railways
Stanislav Božičnik, 2006, other scientific articles

Abstract: The article deals with the development of the new paradigm of the European rail freight system predominantly suitable for the feeder lines (market niches). Taking into consideration the so far adopted legal solutions of the EU Commission for internationalisation (liberalisation) of the European railway system, the concept of the new rail freight model was developed in order to contribute to the increase of the quality, as well as to the growth of the volume of the rail freight services in Europe. Based on the findings about the disadvantages of the existing rail freight paradigm, the new solution consisting of the three interrelated and interconnected subsystems: institutional, technical/technological and organisational, is proposed. New liberalised access to the entire European rail infrastructure network will increase the competition and most probably attract new railway freight service providers. The introduction of the suggested innovative solutions in form of small, self-propelled, bi-directional train formation that can be automatically coupled and decoupled and equipped with the innovative loading and unloading equipment (enabling loading/unloading operations wherever the truck can stay parallel to the train), is to be expected predominantly on the feeder lines (market niches) of the European railways.
Keywords: rail freight, EU transport policy, railway freight system, rail freight paradigm, innovative freight technological solutions, transport policy
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2017; Views: 1230; Downloads: 127
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Model of sustainable growth and development of the cableway transport system in Slovenia
Sergej Težak, Ratko Zelenika, Drago Sever, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: The cableway transport system is very important for the Slovenian tourist economy. Within the Slovene transport system, the cableway transport subsystem has a specific role because it allows and ensures access to regions which are difficult to access or completely inaccessible by other transport subsystems owing to the configuration of the area. The quality and development of transport services are directly linked to the introduction of new cableways. New technical achievements, which are nowadays used in cableways, all provide greater capacity and higher speed of cableways, which, however, results in their higher maintenance and exploitation costs. The cableway transport system is being developed in Slovenia, but not on principles of sustainable development. This paper presents a model of sustainable growth and development of the cableway transport system in Slovenia based on which it is possible to determine assumptions for future growth so that the Slovene cableway transport system would approach standards of such highly developed systems. The new model includes ten essential elements of this system for which growth rates were calculated.
Keywords: cableway transport system, cableways, econometrics, growth matrix, sustainbale growth, winter tourism, mountain tourist centre
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2017; Views: 1542; Downloads: 424
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Selection of warehouse-transportation vehicles using discrete simulations
Matjaž Šraml, Tone Lerher, Grega Ljubej, 2008, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: In this paper four different types of warehousingtransportation vehicles (lifttrucks and stacker crane) are analyzed. The complexity of designing warehousing systems in an analytical way is high; therefore the discrete simulation models were performed in order to gain the basic data for different types of warehousing-transportation vehicles. First, the counter balance lift truck is analyzed, which is useful for a lower rack warehouse construction and a lower frequency of operation. Next, the reach truck is analyzed; it enables to achieve higher lifting places, with a relatively high frequency and lift capacity. The narrow aisle lift truck can reach heights up to twelve meters, and is suitable for high frequency demands and lift capacities. Finally, the automated storage and retrieval system is analyzed. The presented models prove to be a very useful and flexible tool for choosing a particular type of warehousing system on the first stage of designing the warehouse process.
Keywords: discrete numeric simualtions, transport warehousung unit, warehouse system
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 1968; Downloads: 44
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