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Qualitative Studies of Some Polynomial Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
Maša Dukarić, 2016, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: This doctoral dissertation is devoted to the studies of some qualitative properties of certain polynomial systems of ordinary differential equations. The main problems that are considered in this thesis are the problems of integrability and cyclicity. Some results on the classification of the global phase portraits of a family of cubic systems are presented as well. In the first chapter basic notions and results of the qualitative theory of systems of ODE's are introduced. Since one of important tools for our study of these problems is the commutative computational algebra, some main notions and properties of polynomial ideals and their varieties, including various algorithms related to them, are also presented in the introduction. In the second chapter methods for investigation of trajectories near degenerated singularities are presented. They are further used for the classification of global phase portraits of a family of cubic systems with the nilpotent center at the origin. In the third chapter the main problem of these thesis is studied, the problem of integrability. The problem of integrability which is connected to the problem of distinguishing between a center and a focus is studied for two different families of cubic polynomial systems of ODE's. With the computational algebra approach the necessary conditions for the existence of the first integral of these systems were obtained. For all but one condition was proven, using various approaches, the existence of the first integrals. The center problem for the real systems can be generalized to the complex systems. The origin of the system obtained after the complexification of the real system is the so-called 1:-1 resonant singular point, from which one additional generalization follows. This is the generalization to the p:-q resonant center. In the third chapter the :-3 resonant singular point of a quadratic family of complex systems is studied. The fourth chapter is devoted to the study of the problem of integrability of a three dimensional polynomial system with quadratic nonlinearities. The problem of existence of two independent first integrals and the existence of one first integral in the system was investigated. In the last chapter local bifurcations of limit cycles of a family of cubic systems are studied. Estimations for the number of limit cycles bifurcated from each components of the center variety are obtained.
Keywords: planar systems of ODE's, higher dimensional systems of ODE's, phase portrait, nilpotent center, limit cylces, Poincaré compactification, center problem, Bautin ideal, focus quantities, time-reversibility, integrability problem, Darboux method, linearizability, limit cycle, cyclicity
Published in DKUM: 19.07.2016; Views: 2201; Downloads: 284
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Position control with parameter adaptation for a nano-robotic cell
Gregor Škorc, Jure Čas, Simon Brezovnik, Riko Šafarič, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper describes the development of a nano-assembly system, built up using linear piezo motors. The so-called nano-robotic cell is based on an X/Y manipulator, supported by three serving tables, movable within a Z axis, and aposition controlled using two different types of a bang-bang control methods. The presented application has been developed as a stand-alone application with the LabVIEW Real Time software package, a PCI-7356 servo controller card and a TMCM-090 stepper driver. Our experiments focused on two major problems present during the construction of nano-robotic assembly cells. The first one is a nonlinear characteristic of a linear piezo motor, which makes the use of classical control methods very limited. The second problem appears when a nano-robotic cell needs a bigger working space and at the same time, production demands that the manipulator moves more often over longer distances. In order to position in nano-resolution, the motors have to run at higher resolutions with smaller speeds. Therefore, long distance moves slow down the entire production process. Experiments on this system have shown that positioning within the nano-scale is possible, using a simple control method such as the bang-bang control method. Although positioning using this method is possible, certain limitations and weaknesses exists, making this simple method useless in nano-scale if higher speeds and longer move distances are needed. Certain changes in the basic control algorithm are proposed, which will ensure that the bangbang control method becomes useful within higher speeds and over longer distances. All recommendations are supported and backed- up by practical experimental results.
Keywords: nanorobotske celice, nanopozicioniranje, histerezni krmilnik, proizvodnja MEMS, realno-časovni LabView, nano-robot cells, nano-positioning, bang-bang controller, MEMS assembly, LAbVIEW, real time
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1815; Downloads: 141
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A note on the domination number of the Cartesian products of paths and cycles
Polona Repolusk, Janez Žerovnik, 2011

Abstract: Z uporabo algebraičnega pristopa implementiramo konstantni algoritem za računanje dominantnega števila kartezičnih produktov poti in ciklov. Podamo formule za dominantna števila ▫$gamma(P_n Box C_k)$▫ (za ▫$k leq 11$▫, ▫$n in {mathbb N}$)▫ in dominantna števila ▫$gamma(C_n Box P_k)$▫ in ▫$gamma(C_n Box C_k)$▫ (za ▫$k leq 6$▫, ▫$n in {mathbb N}$▫).
Keywords: teorija grafov, kartezični produkt, grid, torus, dominacija, algebra poti, konstantni algoritem, graph theory, Cartesian product, grid graph, torus, graph domination, path algebra, constant time algorithm
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1740; Downloads: 40
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The golden mean in the topology of four-manifolds, in conformal field theory, in the mathematical probability theory and in Cantorian space-time
Leila Marek-Crnjac, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: Pokažemo povezavo med topologijo štiri-mnogoterosti, konformno teorijo, verjetnostno teorijo in Cantorjevim prostorom. Na vseh štirih matematičnih področjih najdemo kot najpomembnejšo skupno povezavo pojav zlatega reza.
Keywords: matematika, topologija, zlati rez, konformna teorija, Cantorjev prostor-čas, E-neskončno teorija, mathematics, topology, golden mean, conformal field theory, Cantorian space-time, E-infinity theory
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1059; Downloads: 97
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The obnoxious center problem on weighted cactus graphs
Blaž Zmazek, Janez Žerovnik, 2001, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: The obnoxious center problem in a graph ▫$G$▫ asks for a location on an edge of the graph such that the minimum weighted distance from this point to a vertex of the graph is as large as possible. An algorithm is given which finds the obnoxious center on a weighted cactus graph in ▫$O(cn)$▫ time, where ▫$n$▫ is the number of vertices and ▫$c$▫ is the number of different vertex weights (called marks).
Keywords: matematika, operacijsko raziskovanje, teorija grafov, lokacijski problemi, problem centra, nezaželjeni centri, algoritmi z linearno časovno zahtevnostjo, mathematics, operations research, graph theory, location problems, center problem, obnoxious facilities, linear time algorithm
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1343; Downloads: 97
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Co-processor for microkernel OS services
Domen Verber, 2011, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: operating systems, embedded systems, real time, task scheduling, FPGA
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1334; Downloads: 99
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Implementation of hard real-time embedded control systems
Matjaž Colnarič, Domen Verber, Roman Gumzej, Wolfgang A. Halang, 1998, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Although the domain of hard real-time systems has been thoroughly elaborated in the academic sphere, embedded computer control systems - being an important in mechatronic design - are seldom dealt with consistemntly. Often, off-the-shelf computer systems are used, with no guarantee that they will be able to meet the requirements specified. In this paper, a design for embedded control systems is presented. particulary, the paper deals with the hardware architecture and design details, the operating sustem, and the high-level real-time language support. It is shown how estimates of process run-times necessary for schedulability analysis can be acquired on the basis of deterministic behavior of the hardware platform.
Keywords: kontrolni sistemi, realni čas, mikrokontrolerji, programski jeziki, embedded compuer control systems, hard real-time systems, microcontrollers, transputers, earliest-deadline-first scheduling, real-time programming languages
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1351; Downloads: 103
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Real-time motor unit identification from high-density surface EMG
Vojko Glaser, Aleš Holobar, Damjan Zazula, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: This study addresses online decomposition of high-density surface electromyograms (EMG) in real-time. The proposed method is based on previouslypublished Convolution Kernel Compensation (CKC) technique and sharesthe same decomposition paradigm, i.e. compensation of motor unit action potentials and direct identification of motor unit (MU) discharges. In contrast to previously published version of CKC, which operates in batch mode and requires ~ 10 s of EMG signal, the real-time implementation begins with batch processing of ~ 3 s of the EMG signal in the initialization stage and continues on with iterative updating of the estimators of MU discharges as blocks of new EMG samples become available. Its detailed comparison to previously validated batch version of CKC and asymptotically Bayesian optimal Linear Minimum Mean Square Error (LMMSE) estimator demonstrates high agreementin identified MU discharges among all three techniques. In the case of synthetic surface EMG with 20 dB signal-to-noise ratio, MU discharges were identified with average sensitivity of 98 %. In the case of experimental EMG, real-time CKC fully converged after initial 5 s of EMG recordings and real-time and batch CKC agreed on 90 % of MU discharges, on average. The real-time CKC identified slightly fewer MUs than its batch version (experimental EMG, 4 MUs versus 5 MUs identified by batch CKC, on average), but required only 0.6 s of processing time on regular personal computer for each second of multichannel surface EMG.
Keywords: discharge pattern, high-density EMG, surface EMG, motor unit, real time decomposition
Published in DKUM: 25.05.2015; Views: 1639; Downloads: 0

Optimizacija zalog v podjetju X iz avtomobilske industrije
Jernej Hribernik, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrska naloga se osredotoča na upravljanje zalog v podjetju X iz avtomobilske industrije. Namen naloge je optimizacija zalog na področju nemških krožnih voženj v podjetju. Če želi biti podjetje v današnjem času konkurenčno, mora skrbeti, da sledi aktualnim razmeram na trgu. Da je izdelek konkurenčen na trgu, je vse odvisno od njegove prodajne cene, ta pa je odvisna od vseh stroškov povezanih z njegovo proizvodnjo. Največji delež stroškov pa predstavljajo zaloge in zaradi tega jim je treba posvetiti veliko pozornosti. V magistrskem delu se bom posvetil nemškim krožnim vožnjam, katerih se poslužujejo v obravnavanem podjetju. Najprej bom naredil pregled trenutnih krožnih voženj in stroškov vsake posamezne krožne vožnje. Nato bom poskusil na podlagi svojih ugotovitev najti ustrezno rešitev, s katero bi optimizirali trenutne krožne vožnje. Na koncu bom predstavil rešitve in kolikšen bo prihranek stroškov zaradi optimizacije nemških krožnih voženj.
Keywords: zaloge, optimizacija zalog, Just in time, Milk run
Published in DKUM: 04.03.2015; Views: 1981; Downloads: 204
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