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Oblikovanje pripravljalnega mesta za montažo v Ledinek engineering d.o.o. : diplomsko delo
Aleš Ačko, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Podjetje Ledinek Engineering d.o.o. izvaja poleg ostalih dejavnosti tudi montažo strojev in naprav. Montaža poteka po sistemu, ki se je razvil skozi leta in je prinašal dobre rezultate, vendar se je ob porastu naročil ter širitvijo podjetja v nove proizvodne prostore pokazalo nekaj pomanjkljivosti v zdajšnjih metodah montaže. Področje, kjer bi se izboljšave najbolj občutile, je na nivoju organizacije montažnih komponent. Tukaj se v sedanjem sistemu izgubi ogromna količina časa, ki ga monterji porabijo za iskanje komponent, potrebnih za sestavo in montažo sklopa, ki ga v danem trenutku montirajo. V prenovljenem sistemu igra ključno vlogo pripravljalno mesto. Na tem pripravljalnem mestu je definiran potek dela, potrebna oprema in znanja delavca. Pripravljalno mesto je namenska lokacija znotraj podjetja, kjer delavec, usposobljen za to delo, zbere vse komponente, potrebne za montažo nekega sklopa stroja, ki se nato zabeležijo in odpišejo. Nato se dajo v transportne enote in oddajo v čakalno vrsto ali pa naravnost v montažo. S tem se občutno zmanjša izguba časa na montažnem mestu, s čimer se močno izboljša sledljivost komponent.
Keywords: pripravljalno mesto, organizacija dela, montaža, kanban, just in time
Published in DKUM: 10.09.2019; Views: 1418; Downloads: 121
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The Revelation of Virginia Woolf`s Existentialist Aesthetics in the novels To the Lighthouse and The Waves
Maša Sitar, 2018, master's thesis

Abstract: My thesis is that Virginia Woolf subverts the conventional notion of time and in refusing to accept the chronological sequence of time, adopts Henri Bergson's time philosophy. The common ground between these two authors is analysed through their interest in human consciousness, their epistemological interest in the interaction between memory and perception, their adoption of a specific world-view and the importance of imagery in strengthening thematic content. Woolf’s treatment of philosophical concepts of time, memory and intuition indicates that she is predominately influenced by Bergson. Though not conclusive, the analysis may contribute to our understanding of Woolf’s fiction and illuminate certain aspects of Woolf's work. Using Woolf's novels To the Lighthouse and The Waves as primary texts to elucidate the human experience of time, provides sufficient evidence to prove that Woolf’s system of ideas relies on Bergsonian time philosophy; in particular, the research aims to prove that Woolf fully adhered to his conceptualization of dualist temporality and built her fiction upon Bergsonian dualisms. In this context, we unravel the importance of unity, continuity, epiphany and intuition. These concepts are used to explore the unified experience of time and hold the key to temporal illumination, for in illuminating transience, Woolf also illuminates the manner of transcending it. Thus, she creates a viewpoint that discloses continuity and unfolds in unity. By combining apparently irreconcilable dualisms, she reveals the Bergsonian idea of the multiplicity of conscious states and surpasses the absurdity of life; in other words, this philosophy provides Woolf with a key to answering the existential question of the meaning of life.
Keywords: Virginia Woolf, Henri Bergson, existentialism, modernism, To the Lighthouse, The Waves, dualisms, time, duration, multiplicity, consciousness, unity, continuity, epiphany, and intuition.
Published in DKUM: 08.01.2019; Views: 2153; Downloads: 220
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The influence of bookings on the company's processes
Luka Miletič, 2018, bachelor thesis/paper

Abstract: In the bachelor thesis we had undertaken the project of implementation of The Booking Platform in the F.A. Maik d.o.o. company. After four months (January 2017–April 2017) of observing the situation, more specificly in their central warehouse, we have designed The Booking Platform, depending on the needs and the problems, which had bothered the company. We discovered that the main problem was the overcrowding of the vehicles on the parking lot, which came to the warehouse at the same time, therefore the amount of goods that needed to be stored was too big to unload at the same time. The main goal of the thesis was to build the system, which will improve the processes in the F.A. Maik d.o.o. company, related to the influence of time organization in the warehouse. The main aim was to do the analysis of the current situation in the warehouse, and to test the two hypotheses, how can the situation be improved with the implementation of the new system, especially to reduce the number of complaints and to provide more fluent workflow. The project that was implemented was of high value for the company, because the processes in the warehouse were very old fashioned and not automated. The Booking Platform reduced the number of complaints to zero only two months after the implementation. In the observation time, the workflow in the warehouse improved in terms of knowing, when the vehicles are coming to the warehouse and the incoming goods can now be stored immediately, which means that the unloading ramps are now always free for new incoming goods.
Keywords: The Booking Platform, time organization, booking, complaints, fluent workflow, warehouse management
Published in DKUM: 15.10.2018; Views: 1159; Downloads: 113
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A general analytical solution to the one-dimensional consolidation problem for unsaturated soil under various loading conditions
Jiwei Li, Changfu Wei, Yanlin Zhao, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: A general analytical solution is developed for the onedimensional consolidation problem of unsaturated soil under various time-dependent loading conditions based on a differential transformation method (DTM). In particular, analytical solutions are obtained for different relationships between the coefficients in the governing equations for unsaturated soil consolidation. The Fourier series expansion technique is adopted to account for both the continuous differentiable loading and the periodic piecewise loading. A comparison between the results of the current solution and the existing theoretical solution indicates that the proposed solution yields excellent results, while it is straightforward to obtain the analytical solution of the unsaturated consolidation problems. It was also found that the variations in the coefficients in the governing equations can significantly influence the dissipation of both the excess pore-air pressure and the excess pore-water pressure, though the magnitudes of their variations are different.
Keywords: one-dimensional consolidation problem, unsaturated soil, analytical solution, time-dependent loading
Published in DKUM: 11.10.2018; Views: 1429; Downloads: 550
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Part-time jobs: opportunity or obstacle? : case of the Moravian-Silesian Region
Šárka Čemerková, Irena Šebestová, Roman Šperka, 2018, review article

Abstract: Background and Purpose: Part-time employment could be seen as a modern form of employment or a type of innovative organizational change. The average share of part-time jobs in the Czech Republic in the observed period of 2004-2016 was 3.9 % according to the OECD, in comparison to the average OECD value of 16.6%. The main question to arise was, are there any regional differences? The presented conclusions are based on a regional study in the Moravian-Silesian Region (MSR) in the Czech Republic where the median value of part- time jobs is 10%. The main goal is to evaluate the regional level of part-time job offers and identify the main opportunities and obstacles which cause the low number of these job positions. Design/Methodology/Approach: The paper is based on a quantitative study using a questionnaire-based survey, comprising 215 respondents – owners of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Moravian-Silesian Re- gion in the Czech Republic. The survey consists of 16 questions in three main areas: (i) Entrepreneurial motivation (1 item), (ii) External factors – Labour market problems (4 items), and (iii) Internal factors. Secondary information such as the results of earlier studies and regional government websites were used for data results comparison. All variables are compared in the context of the branch of business, number of employees, turnover, and age. Finally, a factor analysis was used to find the main way how to improve part-time job offers. Results: The variety of businesses and different regional locations opens up space for discussion regarding part- time job support. A factor analysis found five significant issues, which could affect local labour market and company behaviour. Conclusion: The added value of the paper can be seen in the factor identification, where internal willingness to sup- port part-time employment and qualification growth as organizational change must be in first place.
Keywords: flexibility, Moravian Silesian Region, part-time employment, SME
Published in DKUM: 10.10.2018; Views: 1079; Downloads: 156
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Time-dependent behaviour of reinforced cuts in weathered flysch rock masses
Mirko Grošić, Željko Arbanas, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: Knowledge of stress-strain rock mass behaviour is crucial for many engineering purposes. Rock mass deformations and their influences on construction are observed during construction and even during exploitation phases. These deformations in the exploitation phase are caused by the time-dependent behaviour of the rock mass. A flysch rock mass is categorised as a heterogenic weak rock that has been intensely subjected to weathering processes. Due to weathering processes, the flysch rock mass degrades from fresh rock to residual soil within only a few meters of the geological profile below the surface. Observations of reinforced cuts along the Adriatic motorway near the City of Rijeka, Croatia, were conducted over a time period of seven years of spanning construction and exploitation. Measured displacements reached significant magnitudes during the exploitation period as a consequence of the time-dependent behaviour of the rock mass. The paper presents findings related to flysch rock mass weathering profile and its characteristics based on detailed geotechnical investigations and monitoring results coupled with back analyses. It was found possible to detect the thickness of the flysch rock mass weathering profile by performing detailed geotechnical investigations. Recommendations for the strength, deformation, and creep properties of the weathering profile of a flysch rock mass are given.
Keywords: time-dependent behaviour, weathering, weak rock mass, Burger model, back analyses
Published in DKUM: 14.06.2018; Views: 1271; Downloads: 105
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Measurement and interpretation of the small strain stifness of Boštanj silty sand
Gregor Vilhar, Vojkan Jovičić, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents measurements, and an interpretation of these measurements, based on the use of bender-element probes for Boštanj silty sand. The samples were prepared at different initial void ratios and isotropically compressed up to 5 MPa. The bender-element technique was used to determine the dynamic shear modulus ($G_0$) of the soils at very small strains. The multiple bender-element probes were shot at different excitation frequencies in order to increase the reliability of the measurements. The $G_0$ stiffness was determined by using three different techniques: a) the first-time arrival, b) the phase-change method and c) the cross-correlation method. The systematic differences observed between the $G_0$ values, calculated using the three techniques, are discussed. The variation of $G_0$ in the log$G_0$ - log$p'$ plane was evaluated for the Boštanj silty sand and compared with other sands.
Keywords: silty sand, triaxial testing, small strain stiffness, bender elements, time-domain and frequency-domain, measurements
Published in DKUM: 06.06.2018; Views: 1194; Downloads: 164
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Back analysis of time-dependet displacement at the Trojane tunnel construction
Jakob Likar, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: The 2,900-metre double tube tunnel of Trojane forms part of the highway section between Celje and Ljubljana and part of the highway road system connecting Lendava and Koper with adjacent roads. The construction of this section, which is of special importance for the Republic Slovenia, has been going on for almost ten years. The highway near Trojane where the tunnel is located, lies on a hilly terrain composed of Permian-carboniferous rocks, which are tectonically badly damaged in some places and marked with broad fault zones, containing tectonically remoulded soil of low strength in terms of deformability properties. Even though the amount of waters coming from the hills during the excavation of the tunnel was relatively small, this water, in combination with extremely damaged weak rock caused the increase of deformations at the construction site. Geological and geotechnical surveying with geometric monitoring and the analyses of stress and deformation changes in the surrounding rocks and support elements were critical in assessing the actual weak-rock conditions during the course of construction. Since the analyses of deformation processes, which had been modelled with PLAXIS 3D TUNNEL PROGRAM, showed great impact on permanent stability of the tunnel, special care was paid to rheological changes in the surrounding rocks and combined in-built support elements. 3D back analyses with SOFT-SOIL-CREEP (SSC) constitutive model, which takes into account rheological phenomena, were carried out. The calculations of primary and secondary stresses and deformations were made for two characteristic areas and determined on the basis of realistic geological mapping during tunnel construction. The first area represented typical rocks of the Trojane tunnel, i.e. shales and siltstone, while the second one was a tectonic zone where geological and geotechnical conditions during excavation were less favourable. The results of back analyses used provided an acceptable possibility for estimating the stress-strain variation during construction as well as an appropriate basis for analysing vertical displacements at the tunnel roof. The calculation results show good correlation with field measurements.
Keywords: tunnels, construction, permain-carboniferous rocks, geological-geotechnical conditions, tunnel support, Trojane tunnel, finite element method, costitutive models, back analyses, field mesurement, time dependent analysis
Published in DKUM: 15.05.2018; Views: 1332; Downloads: 70
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Financial system and agricultural growth in Ukraine
Olena Oliynyk, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Background/Purpose: An effective financial system should increase the efficiency of economic activities. This study provides evidence regarding the importance of financial development for agricultural growth in Ukraine. Methodology: We used non-integrated and integral indicators, time series and regression analysis to investigate the link between the financial development and agricultural growth. Results: The results based on integral indicators shows that the financial development does not affect agricultural growth in Ukraine. The study based on non-integrated indicators, which characterizes various aspects of the financial system’s banking component and agricultural growth, provided a significant link between the financial system and agriculture growth. The regression models revealed if bank deposits to GDP (%) increases the value added per worker in agriculture increases exponentially. The results of the study indicate that, agriculture is more sensitive to lending changes than the vast majority of other sectors of the economy. The increasing lending of one UAH (Ukrainian hryvnia) resulted in retail turnover growth of 1.62 UAH, while agricultural gross output, growth was UAH 5.06. Conclusion: Our results reveal a positive relationship between financial system’s banking component and agriculture growth in Ukraine. The results indicate the necessity for continued research into further developing universal methodological approaches of appraising the nexus of the financial system’s banking component on agriculture growth in general as well separate farm groups. The results of our study has important implications on policy making authorities efforts to stimulate agricultural growth by improving the efficiency of the financial system’s banking component.
Keywords: agricultural growth, the integral indicator of the agricultural growth, the integral indicator of the financial development, time series analysis, regression analysis, financial system
Published in DKUM: 04.05.2018; Views: 1477; Downloads: 397
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Dramatic Present for Deception of Perception
Anja Simreich, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: The main subject of my master’s thesis is to discuss the topic of English tenses and their relation to time. In order to develop a clearer understanding of the topic, four tenses (the Present simple, Present Continuous, Past simple and Past continuous) that were later used for the analysis in the empirical part, and the time and tense differences were presented theoretically. All four tenses were thoroughly described and supported with examples. For the empirical part and further analysis, the following books were used: The Front by Patricia Cornwell, In the Company of the Courtesan by Sarah Dunant, and The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason. With the help of these novels, the use of tenses and their compatibility with time were analysed. Special focus was put on dramatic present. We wanted to see if the time and tense in the stories were compatible and what happened with the reader’s perception if other tenses, especially the Past simple, were used. The results have shown that all three novels are mainly written in the Present Simple regardless of the time when the story happened. Such story where dramatic present is a predominant tense is given more sense of drama and acts more vividly. For this reason, the reader is not aware of the real time of the happening. Their perception is deceptive because time and tense are not consistent.
Keywords: time, present simple, progressive tenses, past simple, dramatic present, perception of reception, sense of drama, immediacy
Published in DKUM: 06.03.2018; Views: 1517; Downloads: 117
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