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Towards productive and ergonomic order picking : multi-objective modeling approach
Brigita Gajšek, Simona Šinko, Tomaž Kramberger, Marcin Butlewski, Eren Özceylan, Goran Đukić, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The logistics sector should strive for sustainability alongside productivity by protecting its order pickers' health and welfare. Existing storage assignment models are mainly based on the criterion of order picking time and, to a lesser extent, the human factor. In the paper, a solution to a storage assignment problem using a multi-objective model based on binary integer linear programing is presented by developing a solution that considers order picking time, energy expenditure and health risk. The Ovako Working Posture Assessment System (OWAS) method was used for health risk assessment. The downside of solely health risk-optimization is that the average order picking time increases by approximately 33 % compared to solely time-optimization. Contrary to this, the developed multi-objective function emphasizing time has proven to be promising in finding a compromise between the optimal order picking time and eliminating work situations with a very-high risk for injuries. Its use increases the time by only 3.8 % compared to solely time-optimization while significantly reducing health risk.
Keywords: productivity, energy expenditure, order picking, order picking system, health risk, OWAS, multi-objective modeling, planning, logistics, ergonomics
Published in DKUM: 13.08.2024; Views: 109; Downloads: 9
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Derivation of analytical expressions for fast calculation of resistance spot welding system currents
Robert Brezovnik, Jožef Ritonja, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper deals with the dynamics of a resistance spot welding system. At the core of this system is a transformer, which is powered on the primary side by a pulse-width modulated inverter and has a full-wave output rectifier on the secondary side that provides a direct welding current. The entire system is nonlinear, due to magnetic hysteresis and electronics. The electronics prevent the current from flowing in all parts of the welding transformer at separate time intervals during the voltage supply period; therefore, not all the parameters affect the dynamic of currents and voltages all the time so the system is also time-variant. To design a high-performance welding system and to predict the maximum possible welding current at a specific load, it is necessary to know the welding and primary currents. The leakage inductances of the system can reduce the maximum welding current significantly at higher frequencies and the same load. There are several methods to determine these currents, each with its drawbacks. Measurements are time-consuming, using professional software is expensive and requires time to learn and free open-source software has many limitations and does not guarantee the correctness of the results. The article presents a new, fourth option—a theoretical derivation of analytical expressions that facilitate straightforward and rapid calculation of the welding and primary currents of the resistance spot welding system with symmetrical secondary branches. The derivation of the mathematical expressions is based on the equivalent circuits that describe the system in different operating states. The results of the numerical simulations confirmed the derived expressions completely.
Keywords: DC–DC converters, pulse width modulation (PWM), welding transformers, center-tapped transformers, full-wave rectifier, resistance spot welding (RSW), leakage inductance, analytical modeling, time-variant system, equivalent circuit
Published in DKUM: 08.08.2024; Views: 77; Downloads: 22
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Design of thermal power plant modernization and rehabilitation model for the new market demands and challenges
Martin Bricl, Jurij Avsec, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The article presents the model for the rehabilitation of existing conventional thermal power plants in order to lower the consumption of fossil fuels. Instead of them, the model uses an alternative energy source - sun irradiation. The proposed rehabilitation model is theoretically calculated and designed. The model in the software environment Matlab Simulink was developed, based on previous calculations and determined parameters. In this article, it is presented the combination of Clausius - Rankine process and solar central receiver system. The model enables simultaneous calculations of exit model parameters for the complete model, based on predetermined entering parameters of the model.
Keywords: Clausius Rankine process, solar central receiver system, modeling, analysis, Matlab Simulink software environment
Published in DKUM: 10.11.2023; Views: 315; Downloads: 20
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Understanding the structural complexity of induced travel demand in decision-making : a system dynamics approach
Juan Angarita-Zapata, Jorge Parra-Valencia, Hugo Andrade-Sosa, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and purpose: Induced travel demand (ITD) is a phenomenon where road construction increases vehicles’ kilometers traveled. It has been approached with econometric models that use elasticities as measure to estimate how much travel demand can be induced by new roads. However, there is a lack of “white-box” models with causal hypotheses that explain the structural complexity underlying this phenomenon. We propose a system dynamics model based on a feedback mechanism to explain structurally ITD. Methodology: A system dynamics methodology was selected to model and simulate ITD. First, a causal loop diagram is proposed to describe the ITD structure in terms of feedback loops. Then a stock-flows diagram is formulated to allow computer simulation. Finally, simulations are run to show the quantitative temporal evolution of the model built. Results: The simulation results show how new roads in the short term induce more kilometers traveled by vehicles already in use; meanwhile, in the medium-term, new traffic is generated. These new car drivers appear when better flow conditions coming from new roads increase attractiveness of car use. More cars added to vehicles already in use produce new traffic congestion, and high travel speeds provided by roads built are absorbed by ITD effects. Conclusion: We concluded that approaching ITD with a systemic perspective allows for identifying leverage points that contribute to design comprehensive policies aimed to cope with ITD. In this sense, the model supports decision- making processes in urban contexts wherein it is still necessary for road construction to guarantee connectivity, such as the case of developing countries.
Keywords: induced travel demand, system dynamics, decision-making, dynamic modeling
Published in DKUM: 23.01.2018; Views: 1477; Downloads: 175
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Editorial : in memoriam professor emeritus D.Sc. Miroljub Kljajić
Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar, Davorin Kofjač, Andrej Škraba, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Andreja Pucihar, 2017, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: simulation, modeling, system dynamics, decision making
Published in DKUM: 29.11.2017; Views: 1592; Downloads: 156
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A system dynamics model for improving primary education enrollment in a developing country
Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu, Linet Ozdamar, LS Ganesh, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Erik Kropat, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: The system dynamics approach is a holistic way of solving problems in real-time scenarios. This is a powerful methodology and computer simulation modeling technique for framing, analyzing, and discussing complex issues and problems. System dynamics modeling is often the background of a systemic thinking approach and has become a management and organizational development paradigm. This paper proposes a system dynamics approach for studying the importance of infrastructure facilities on the quality of primary education system in a developing nation. The model is built using the Cross Impact Analysis (CIA) method of relating entities and attributes relevant to the primary education system in any given community. The CIA model enables us to predict the effects of infrastructural facilities on the community's access of primary education. This may support policy makers to take more effective actions in campaigns that attempt to improve literacy.
Keywords: developing countries, system modeling, cross impact analysis, simulation, system dynamics, primary education
Published in DKUM: 28.11.2017; Views: 1302; Downloads: 387
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Sugar beet production : a system dynamics model and economic analysis
Črtomir Rozman, Miroljub Kljajić, Karmen Pažek, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and Purpose: The sugar beet is the main field crop used for sugar production in the temperate climatic zone. Since investment in sugar beet industry are long term and ireversible the decision support and economic analysis are required in order to maximise investment returns. Methodology: A system dynamics methodology was chosen to model the impacts of regional sugar factory investments. We present the basic concepts of system dynamics (SD) models and their development in the case of sugar beet production and processing systems. Sugar beet economics are also analyzed using the static technological economic simulation model. Results: The simulation provides answers to strategic questions related to the total sugar beet production and processing system and will be used for the simulation of different scenarios for sugar production and their impact on economic and environmental parameters at an aggregate level. Furthermore, the feasibility analysis of sugar beet production revealed that at the current price and intensity levels (yields), we can expect profitable sugar beet production for both white sugar and ethanol. Conclusion: Preliminary results show that under expected production parameters the sugar beet processing and production would be economically feasible.
Keywords: sugar beet, modeling, system dynamics, economic feasibility
Published in DKUM: 04.04.2017; Views: 1721; Downloads: 237
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Multi attribute decision model for orchard renewal - case study in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, Ferhat Ćejvanović, Andreja Borec, Darja Majkovič, Vjekoslav Par, Jernej Turk, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The fruit production in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) is slowly returning to normality after Balkan wars. Due to favorable climatic and soil conditions it presents a clear business opportunity for family farms. The decision which fruit species/variety to grow is a complex decision and should be made on the basis of sound empirical analysis. This paper present a multi criteria model for planning and decision making methodology based on expert system DEX-i. In the first stage the technological and financial cost benefit analysis were conducted for each fruit production alternative. The results were further evaluated with expert system DEX-i considering all possible criteria influencing the fruit grower decision. In the case of a sample family farm the plum yielded with best multi criteria evaluation, followed by apple and pear, while sour cherry gave unsatifactory outcome.
Keywords: cost benefit analysis, fruit production, multi attribute decision modeling, expert system DEX-i
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1559; Downloads: 38
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