Abstract: For combined HCF/LCF loading, whose stress history is simplified so that it consists of one LCF stress block with a number of cycles equal to the number of start-up in-service operations and one HCF stress block with all HCF cycles summed-up, we derived the closed form expression for estimating both the crack initiation life and the crack propagation life at combined HCF/LCF loading. As an example of use, Smith and Haigh diagrams were obtained for titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) components, which enable to estimate the fatigue strength for the designed fatigue life, known load ratio and certain number of HCF cycles per one combined stress block.Keywords: machine elements, fatigue, service life prediction, crack initiation, crack growth, stress historyPublished in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2585; Downloads: 51 Link to full text