1. A genetic algorithm based ESC model to handle the unknown initial conditions of state of charge for lithium ion battery cellKristijan Korez, Dušan Fister, Riko Šafarič, 2025, original scientific article Abstract: Classic enhanced self-correcting battery equivalent models require proper model parameters and initial conditions such as the initial state of charge for its unbiased functioning. Obtaining parameters is often conducted by optimization using evolutionary algorithms. Obtaining the initial state of charge is often conducted by measurements, which can be burdensome in practice. Incorrect initial conditions can introduce bias, leading to long-term drift and inaccurate state of charge readings. To address this, we propose two simple and efficient equivalent model frameworks that are optimized by a genetic algorithm and are able to determine the initial conditions autonomously. The first framework applies the feedback loop mechanism that gradually with time corrects the externally given initial condition that is originally a biased arbitrary value within a certain domain. The second framework applies the genetic algorithm to search for an unbiased estimate of the initial condition. Long-term experiments have demonstrated that these frameworks do not deviate from controlled benchmarks with known initial conditions. Additionally, our experiments have shown that all implemented models significantly outperformed the well-known ampere-hour coulomb counter integration method, which is prone to drift over time and the extended Kalman filter, that acted with bias. Keywords: enhanced self-correcting model, state of charge estimation, lithium-ion cell parameter identification Published in DKUM: 08.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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2. Government-funded sustainable development and professionalisation of NGOsLivija Rojc Štremfelj, Jana Žnidaršič, Miha Marič, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: This paper addresses the first financial initiative of the Slovenian government for the professionalisation and development of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to promote sustainability in the third sector. The measure was the result of the Non-Governmental Organisations Act, adopted in 2018, and was followed by the Development strategy of non-governmental organisations and volunteering until 2023 (DSNGOV). The state’s contribution to an increased level of professionalisation was welcomed by NGOs because, compared to other EU28 states, which have an average employment rate of 4.18%, Slovenia is far behind, with only 0.82% of its active working population being employed in the NGO sector. In May 2018, the Ministry of Public Administration released invitations to fund projects for the development and professionalisation of NGOs and voluntary service, providing grants for 100 NGO jobs. The final project results were compiled in March 2020, and the findings were evaluated in 29 survey reports in April 2020. The research focused on the occupations for which employees were sought, legal forms of the applicant NGOs and recruitment methods. The results demonstrate that the state measure was successful, as 69% of the funded jobs were sustained. However, most of the retained jobs were filled by those who were previously employed in the NGO sector (84.6%), so the employment rate has barely risen. Keywords: professionalization, NGO sector, sustainable third sector, development strategy, state measures, HRM, public financing, non governmental organisations, sustainable development Published in DKUM: 18.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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3. Compatibility of unilateral sanctions with public international law : magistrsko deloAndrej Stanišić, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: This master’s thesis systematically analyses the possible obligations and rules of public international law that must be respected when States impose sanctions without the authorisation of the United Nations Security Council or unilateral sanctions. This type of sanctions has been used throughout history and States are increasingly resorting to imposing them within international conflicts. However, they have never been regulated by any authoritative act, and the decisions of international judicial organs are scarce.
In the absence of specific rules regulating the use of unilateral sanctions, this thesis focuses on the general provisions and obligations of public international law that States must respect when imposing sanction regimes against other States. One of the fundamental principles of international relations is the principle of sovereign equality of States, under which States must refrain from intervening in the domestic affairs of other States and must respect their sovereign immunity. Furthermore, States are obligated to respect treaty provisions they have consented to, one of them being the World Trade Organisation’s Marrakesh Treaty, under which States need to respect the rules enshrined General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, like most favoured nation principle. Unilateral sanctions such as freezing of assets of States and central banks, travel bans for State representatives, import and export bans and trade embargos all constitute a threat to breach these obligations of public international law. However, even if States impose unlawful unilateral sanctions, their unlawfulness may be precluded under the rules of lawful countermeasures.
Inconsistent State practice, divergent opinions of various scholars and lack of codifications make all these rules and prohibitions difficult to determine. However, given the recent increase in the use of unilateral sanctions, this grey area of international law is beginning to be clarified. Keywords: State sovereignty, sanctions, legal countermeasures, coercion, national matters, human rights, immunities, inviolability, security exception, most favoured nation. Published in DKUM: 24.06.2024; Views: 198; Downloads: 48
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4. Axioms of decision criteria for 3D matrix games and their applicationsMurat Özkaya, Burhaneddin İzgi, Matjaž Perc, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: In this paper, we define characteristic axioms for 3D matrix games and extend the definitions of the decision criteria under uncertainty to three dimensions in order to investigate the simultaneous effect of two different states on the decision process. We first redefine the Laplace, Wald, Hurwicz, and Savage criteria in 3D. We present a new definition depending on only the ∞-norm of the 3D payoff matrix for the Laplace criterion in 3D. Then, we demonstrate that the Laplace criterion in 3D explicitly satisfies all the proposed axioms, as well as the other three criteria. Moreover, we illustrate a fundamental example for a three-dimensional matrix with 3D figures and show the usage of each criterion in detail. In the second example, we model a decision process during the COVID-19 pandemic for South Korea to show the applicability of the 3D decision criteria using real data with two different states of nature for individuals’ actions for the quarantine. Additionally, we present an agricultural insurance problem and analyze the effects of the hailstorm and different speeds of wind on the harvest by the 3D criteria. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that brings 3D matrices in decision and game theories together. Keywords: game theory, decision criteria, matrix game, common goods, characteristic axioms, multi-state games, three-dimensional matrix games, game against nature, COVID-19, insurance problem Published in DKUM: 27.05.2024; Views: 229; Downloads: 14
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5. Self-organization of enzyme-catalyzed reactions studied by the maximum entropy production principleAndrej Dobovišek, Marko Vitas, Tina Blaževič, Rene Markovič, Marko Marhl, Aleš Fajmut, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The self-organization of open reaction systems is closely related to specific mechanisms that allow the export of internally generated entropy from systems to their environment. According to the second law of thermodynamics, systems with effective entropy export to the environment are better internally organized. Therefore, they are in thermodynamic states with low entropy. In this context, we study how self-organization in enzymatic reactions depends on their kinetic reaction mechanisms. Enzymatic reactions in an open system are considered to operate in a non-equilibrium steady state, which is achieved by satisfying the principle of maximum entropy production (MEPP). The latter is a general theoretical framework for our theoretical analysis. Detailed theoretical studies and comparisons of the linear irreversible kinetic schemes of an enzyme reaction in two and three states are performed. In both cases, in the optimal and statistically most probable thermodynamic steady state, a diffusion-limited flux is predicted by MEPP. Several thermodynamic quantities and enzymatic kinetic parameters, such as the entropy production rate, the Shannon information entropy, reaction stability, sensitivity, and specificity constants, are predicted. Our results show that the optimal enzyme performance may strongly depend on the number of reaction steps when linear reaction mechanisms are considered. Simple reaction mechanisms with a smaller number of intermediate reaction steps could be better organized internally and could allow fast and stable catalysis. These could be features of the evolutionary mechanisms of highly specialized enzymes. Keywords: enzymes, kinetic data analysis, steady state, self-organization, maximum entropy production Published in DKUM: 08.05.2024; Views: 234; Downloads: 9
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6. Directions for the sustainability of innovative clustering in a countryVito Bobek, Vladislav Streltsov, Tatjana Horvat, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: This paper presents potential improvements through utilizing the cyclical nature of clusters by human capital, technology, policies, and management. A historical review of the formation and sustainable development of clusters in the US, Europe, Japan, China, and other regions is carried out to achieve this. The aim was to identify and assess the prominent occurrence cases, the central institutional actors, the indicators of their innovative activity, and the schematics of successful cluster management. The theory section covers current classification methods and typology of innovation-territorial economic associations. Consequently, a regression analysis model is produced to identify the potential dominant success factors in implementing the innovation policy of the most successful innovative clusters. Comments on the influence of these predictors on the competitiveness and level of innovative development of the 50 inspected countries follow. As a result of qualitative and quantitative analysis, an overview of the best world practice, the new vision, and its priorities are proposed to improve the efficiency at the level of management structures of innovation clusters. Keywords: cluster, cluster policy, state policy, regression analysis, institutions, innovation, R&D Published in DKUM: 09.04.2024; Views: 306; Downloads: 127
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7. General Features of Public Law - Slovenian PerspectivesBojan Tičar, Maša Tičar, 2024, scientific monograph Abstract: This book is intended is to be used as an aid in understanding general features of public law from Slovenian perspective. The book has three parts. The first chapter deals with the state, its essential elements,and the various types of states, taking into consideration a range of different criteria. The second chapter introduces the basic constituent parts of the law and the forms of legal order in which these parts are vertically and horizontally incorporated. The terms are sometimes simplified in order to bring law and an understanding of it closer to readers who are not professional lawyers.The third chapter is devoted to defining basic terms of administrative and civil service law. Administrative law consists primarily of the legal norms which regulate the foundations of the organisation of the state and local communities. The last part of this chapter is devoted to civil servants and public salery system. Keywords: state, public law, administrative law, civil servants, public salaries Published in DKUM: 21.02.2024; Views: 346; Downloads: 35
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8. PALANTIR : An NFV-Based Security-as-a-Service Approach for Automating Threat MitigationMaxime Compastié, Antonio López Martínez, Carolina Fernandez, Manuel Gil Pérez, Stylianos Tsarsitalidis, George Xylouris, Izidor Mlakar, Michail Alexandros Kourtis, Valentino Šafran, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Small and medium enterprises are significantly hampered by cyber-threats as they have inherently limited skills and financial capacities to anticipate, prevent, and handle security incidents. The EU-funded PALANTIR project aims at facilitating the outsourcing of the security supervision to external providers to relieve SMEs/MEs from this burden. However, good practices for the operation of SME/ME assets involve avoiding their exposure to external parties, which requires a tightly defined and timely enforced security policy when resources span across the cloud continuum and need interactions. This paper proposes an innovative architecture extending Network Function Virtualisation to externalise and automate threat mitigation and remediation in cloud, edge, and on-premises environments. Our contributions include an ontology for the decision-making process, a Fault-and-Breach-Management-based remediation policy model, a framework conducting remediation actions, and a set of deployment models adapted to the constraints of cloud, edge, and on-premises environment(s). Finally, we also detail an implementation prototype of the framework serving as evaluation material. Keywords: Security-as-a-Service, security orchestration, policy-driven management, virtual network functions, finite state machines, constraints programming Published in DKUM: 06.02.2024; Views: 334; Downloads: 17
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9. Comparative analysis of batteries for photovoltaic systems : bachelor's thesisKristina Gočanin, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Renewable energies represent unlimited power sources that are significantly reducing greenhouse emissions. The possibilities and advantages of abundantly available solar energy are immense. However, some challenges are preventing solar energy from reaching its full potential regarding its efficiency and energy storage. Therefore, the main focus of this thesis is on electrochemical storage systems. The aim is to compare the currently leading technology – Li-ion battery to the most recent breakthrough in storage systems – the solid-state battery. The thesis includes a comparative analysis of the mentioned technologies, as well as the theoretical part that introduces solar energy and photovoltaic systems with their main components. Keywords: photovoltaic system, energy storage, analysis, Li-ion battery, solid-state battery Published in DKUM: 30.01.2024; Views: 457; Downloads: 47
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10. Method for Determining Battery HealthSlavko Brečko, Dalibor Igrec, Aleš Breznik, Amor Chowdhury, Miran Rodič, 2019, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: This paper presents a method for automatic state of health estimation for lithium ion batteries. A pulse method for determining battery characteristics using a specially developed electronic measuring device is presented. Measurement results show characteristics of several measured batteries exhibiting different states of health with estimation possible even with a protection circuit present on the battery. Keywords: Li-ion, state of health, battery testing, measurement circuit, estimation method Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 341; Downloads: 29
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