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Global projections of plastic use, end-of-life fate and potential changes in consumption, reduction, recycling and replacement with bioplastics to 2050
Monika Dokl, Anja Copot, Damjan Krajnc, Yee Van Fan, Annamaria Vujanović, Kathleen B. Aviso, Raymond R. Tan, Zdravko Kravanja, Lidija Čuček, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Excessive production, indiscriminate consumption, and improper disposal of plastics have led to plastic pollution and its hazardous environmental effects. Various approaches to tackle the challenges of reducing the plastic footprint have been developed and applied, such as the production of alternative materials (design for recycling), the production and use of biodegradable plastic and plastics from power-to-X, and the development of recycling approaches. This study proposes an optimisation strategy based on regression to evaluate and predict plastic use and end-of-life fate in the future based on historical trends. The mathematical model is formulated and correlations based on functions of time are developed and optimised by minimising the sum of squared residuals. The plastic quantities up to the year 2050 are projected based on historical trends analysis, and for improved sustainability, projections are additionally based on intervention analyses. The results show that the global use of plastics is expected to increase from 464 Mt in 2020 up to 884 Mt in 2050, with up to 4725 Mt of plastics accumulated in stock in 2050 (from the year 2000). Compared to other available forecasts, a slightly lower level of plastic use and stock are obtained. The intervention analysis estimates a range of global plastics' consumption between 594 Mt and 1018 Mt in 2050 by taking into account its different increment rates (between −1 % and 2.65 %). In the packaging sector, the implementation of reduction targets (15 % reduction in 2040 compared to 2018) could lead to a 27.3 % decrease in plastic use in 2050 as compared to 2018, while achieving recycling targets (55 % in 2030) would recycle >75 % of plastic packaging in 2050. The partial substitution of fossil-based plastics with bioplastics (polyethylene) will require significant land area, between 0.2 × 106 km2 for obtaining switchgrass and up to around 1.0 × 106 km2 for obtaining forest residue (annual yields of 58.15 t/ha and 3.5 t/ha) in 2050. The intervention analysis shows that proactive policies can mitigate sustainability challenges, however achieving broader sustainability goals also requires reduction of footprints related to energy production and virgin plastic production, the production of bio-based plastics, and the full implementation of recycling initiatives.
Keywords: plastic use, plastic waste, end-of-life fate, forecasting, hostorical trends, regression analysis, least square method, intervention analysis
Published in DKUM: 31.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Event square and multipurpose center with library in the city of Struga
Jeta Ajdari, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis addresses the redevelopment of a centrally located site in Struga, currently occupied by a large, unadorned parking lot devoid of greenery. Surrounded by key state institutions, including the Health Insurance Office, Municipal Archives, and the Main Post Office, as well as public amenities, such as restaurants and pharmacies, the site offers a unique opportunity for urban revitalization.Until 2016, this location served as the central square of Struga. Following the restoration of the "Monument of Revolution," it was expected that the area would be transformed into a modern, attractive space for local residents. However, contrary to these expectations, it has since been repurposed as a parking lot. This project envisions reclaiming the site as a multifunctional space that serves as a cultural hub and social gathering point for both residents and visitors.Struga, situated on the shores of Lake Ohrid in the Republic of North Macedonia, has a population of approximately 50,000 and is a popular summer tourist destination. Despite this, the city faces a deficit of social gathering places and environments conducive to student collaboration and study. The existing city library, with its outdated facilities and limited collection of 8,000 books, fails to meet modern standards. Furthermore, Struga’s renowned Poetry Nights festival underscores the lack of dedicated public spaces for cultural events, highlighting the need for proper outdoor venues. The absence of adequate library resources and diverse social spaces for various age groups further exacerbates these challenges.This project proposes a comprehensive solution by transforming the parking lot into a multifaceted community facility. The envisioned development includes an open square for events, a gallery and exhibition hall, an innovative city library, study areas, communal spaces, green zones, and a children’s playground. Outdoor reading areas and organized play activities will be integrated into the design, promoting relaxation and leisure within an inviting, green environment.By combining diverse indoor and outdoor programs, the project seeks to foster social interaction across all age groups, enhancing community cohesion. This multi-generational event center and library will become a landmark for Struga, enriching the city’s cultural, recreational, and educational landscape while significantly improving the quality of life for its residents.
Keywords: contemporary architecture, library, multigeneration building, square, public space, common space, green space, Struga.
Published in DKUM: 13.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 33
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Optimizacija sestave in situ elektrode in metode za izboljšanje analitske učinkovitosti določanja kovin v sledovih : magistrsko delo
Klara Jezernik, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo prikazuje študijo delne validacije, določanje vpliva spremenljivk in optimizacijo analizne metode za elektrokemijsko določitev Zn(II), Cd(II) in Pb(II) v sledovih s tehniko ang. square wave anodne striping voltametrije. Vpliv spremenljivk smo določili v skladu z zasnovanim delnim dvonivojskim petfaktorskim eksperimentalnim načrtom. Optimizacijo smo izvedli z algoritmom Simpleks, pri čemer smo spreminjali čas in potencial elektrodepozicije ter masne koncentracije Bi(III), Sn(II) in Sb(III) ionov, ki so se uporabili za zasnovo modificirane in situ elektrode iz steklastega ogljika. V uporabljenem optimizacijskem kriteriju so bili združeni parametri, s katerimi se oceni analitska učinkovitost metode (širina linearnega koncentracijskega območja, LOQ, občutljivost, točnost in natančnost metode). Slednje je prav tako služilo kot odziv v eksperimentalnem načrtu. Z eksperimentalnim načrtom smo določili vpliv spremenljivk na preiskovan eksperimentalni sistem in zagotovili zadostno število eksperimentov za pričetek optimizacije sistema. Na podlagi optimizacijskega kriterija smo pri optimizaciji Simpleks določili optimalno elektrodo pri potencialu elektrodepozicije –1,380 V vs Ag/AgCl in času elektrodepozicije 100 s ter masnih koncentracijah Bi(III) 1,00 mg/L, Sn(II) 0,60 mg/L in Sb(III) 0,34 mg/L. Pri enakih pogojih smo primerjali analitsko učinkovitost optimalne in situ elektrode s tremi elektrodami, pri katerih smo za zasnovo in situ elektrode uporabili le eno vrsto ionov kovine. Ugotovili smo, da je izmed teh elektrod optimalna in situ elektroda najbolj primerna za simultano določitev Zn(II), Cd(II) in Pb(II), zato smo jo uporabili za določitev Zn(II), Cd(II) in Pb(II) v realnem vzorcu pitne vode. Določili smo tudi vpliv različnih interferentov, ki so lahko prisotni v vzorcu pitne vode, pri čemer sta na določitev analitov najbolj vplivala Cu(II) in Fe(II).
Keywords: square wave anodna striping voltametrija, elektroanaliza težkih kovin, delna validacija analizne metode, eksperimentalni načrt, optimizacija Simpleks
Published in DKUM: 09.07.2021; Views: 997; Downloads: 169
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Impact of nanoparticles on nematic ordering in square wells
Mitja Slavinec, Eva Klemenčič, Milan Ambrožič, Marjan Krašna, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Nematic liquid crystalline structures within square wells are studied numerically using both Lebwohl-Lasher lattice semimicroscopic and the Landau-de Gennes mesoscopic approach. At lateral boundary wall strong planar anchoring is enforced. The cell thickness h along the z Cartesian coordinate is assumed to be smaller than the characteristic square well size R. Using semimicroscopic modelling we restrict to effectively two-dimensional systems which we study in terms of the tensor nematic order parameter. We consider impact of appropriate nanoparticles (NPs) on nematic configuration for cases where R becomes comparable to the biaxial order parameter correlation length. In this case a star-like order reconstruction biaxial profile could be formed in absence of NPs. We demonstrate existence of a rich variety of different nematic structures, including topological defects, which are enabled by presence of appropriate NPs.
Keywords: liquid crystals, nanoparticles, nematic ordering, square well, software simulation, visualization
Published in DKUM: 14.06.2017; Views: 1261; Downloads: 372
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Jasmina Rebernak, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: Naredili smo celovito študijo s podatki iz članka (Koder et al., 2015) in doktorata (Koder, Silvo 2015). Namen naše raziskave je bila uporaba različnih statističnih pristopov (t-test neodvisnih vzorcev, anova, test dveh neodvisnih vzorcev, test k neodvisnih vzorcev, korelacije, linearna in logistična regresija) in z njimi odkriti povezave med biokemijskimi, kliničnimi in genetskimi podatki z odzivom na zdravljenje bolnikov s CB z adalimumabom. Uporabili smo programsko orodje SPSS in test normalne porazdelitve ShapiroWilk za izvedbo statističnih analiz. Odziv smo merili z vprašalnikom IBDQ in biokemijskim parametrom C-reaktivni protein (CRP). Za vsakega pacienta (N = 97) smo beležili 24 biokemijskih, 34 kliničnih in 34 genetskih podatkov. S kliničnim odzivom IBDQ se je dvakrat ponovilo pet polimorfizmov pri posameznemu genu. Trikrat so se ponovili trije biokemijski in šest kliničnih parametrov. Najbolj signifikantne povezave smo zaznali s PTGER4, CASP9, CCNY, sakroileitisom in alkalno fosfatazo. Z biološkim odzivom CRP se je dvakrat ponovilo devet povezav s polimorfizmi pri posameznem genu. Trikrat sta se ponovila dva biokemijska in eden klinični parameter. Za najbolj signifikantne so se izkazale povezave z ATG16L1, IL27, NR1|2 in c11orf30 ter albuminom. Z uporabo linearne in logistične (binarne) regresije smo izdelali napovedne modele za IBDQ in CRP. Z linearno regresijo smo dobili model z najvišjim R2 (0,691) za IBDQ v tridesetem tednu (natančnost: 69,32 %). Medtem ko smo najboljšo natančnost dobili za IBDQ v dvanajstem (76,00 %, R2 = 0,619) in dvajsetem (75,68 %, R2 = 0,567) tednu. Modeli za CRP so imeli R2 nad 0,980, vendar je njihova natančnost pod 61 %. Pri logistični regresiji je največjo natančnost imel model za IBDQ v četrtem tednu (R2 = 0,912; natančnost: 81,48 %). Natančnost modelov za odziv v dvanajstem (R2 = 0,482), dvajsetem (R2 = 0,465) in tridesetem (R2 = 0,653) tednu je znašala 71,43 %, 68,75 % in 64,10 %. Natančnost modelov za odziv CRP je znašala nad 70 %, vendar je to posledica manjkajočih podatkov in s tem manj veljavnih vzorcev. Ob koncu študije smo izdelali tabelo, s katero smo predstavili izbiro statističnega testa glede na biokemijske, klinične in genetske podatke.
Keywords: Crohnova bolezen, adalimumab, statistične metode, Mann-Whitney, Fisher's Exact test, Chi square test, test neodvisnih vzorcev, linearna regresija, logistična regresija, napovedni model
Published in DKUM: 22.10.2015; Views: 2259; Downloads: 323
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A note on the chromatic number of the square of the Cartesian product of two cycles
Zehui Shao, Aleksander Vesel, 2013, other scientific articles

Abstract: The square ▫$G^2$▫ of a graph ▫$G$▫ is obtained from ▫$G$▫ by adding edges joining all pairs of nodes at distance 2 in ▫$G$▫. In this note we prove that ▫$chi((C_mBox C_n)^2) le 6$ for $m, n ge 40$▫. This confirms Conjecture 19 stated in [É. Sopena, J. Wu, Coloring the square of the Cartesian product of two cycles, Discrete Math. 310 (2010) 2327-2333].
Keywords: matematika, teorija grafov, kromatično število, kartezični produkt, označevanje grafov, kvadrat grafa, mathematics, graph theory, chromatic number, Cartesian product, graph labeling, square if a graph
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1460; Downloads: 83
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Maximal proper subgraphs of median graphs
Boštjan Brešar, Sandi Klavžar, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: Za medianski graf ▫$G$▫ in vozlišče ▫$v$▫, ki ni presečno, dokažemo, da je ▫$G-v$▫ medianski graf natanko tedaj, ko ▫$v$▫ ni center dvodelnega kolesa. To je nadalje ekvivalentno obstoju določene eliminacijske sheme za povezave, ki so incidenčne z ▫$v$▫. Rezultat implicira karakterizacijo po vozliščih kritičnih (po vozliščih polnih) medianskih grafov, ki so medianski grafi, katerih vsi podgrafi brez enega vozlišča niso medianski (so medianski). Podani sta tudi dve analogni karakterizaciji za primer odstranjevanja povezav.
Keywords: matematika, teorija grafov, medianski graf, podgraf brez enega vozlišča, dvodelno kolo, kvadratna povezava, mathematics, graph theory, median graph, vertex-deleted subgraph, bipartite wheel, square-eddge, square-dismantlable vertex
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1042; Downloads: 81
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Algorithm for recognizing Cartesian graph bundles
Blaž Zmazek, Janez Žerovnik, 1999, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: Graph bundles generalize the notion of covering graphs and graphs products. Authors W. Imrich, T. Pisanski and J. Žerovnik constructed an algorithm that finds a presentation as a nontrivial Cartesian graph bundle for all graphs that are Cartesian graph bundles over triangle-free simple base (Discrete Math. 167, 168 (1998) 393-403). The uniquesquare property is defined in Discrete Math., 244 (2002) 551-561, and it is shown that any equivalence relation possesing the unique square property determines the fundamental factorization of a graph as a nontrivial Cartesian graph bundle over arbitrary base graph. In this paper we define the relation ▫$Delta$▫ having the unique square property on Cartesian graph bundles over ▫$K_4 setminus e$▫-free simple base. We also give a polynomial algorithm for recognizing Cartesian graph bundles over ▫$K_4 setminus e$▫-simple base.
Keywords: matematika, teorija grafov, kartezični grafovski svežnji, enolična lokalna produktna lastnost, osnovna faktorizacija, razpoznavanje, polinomski algoritem, mathematics, graph theory, Cartesian graph bundles, unique square property, fundamental factorization, polynomial algorithm, recognition
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1258; Downloads: 94
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