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Becoming a mother-athlete : female athletes' transition to motherhood in Slovenia
Janja Usenik, Paul Wylleman, Saša Cecić Erpič, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Perceptions of incompatibility of sport and motherhood still exist within both sport and family Slovene cultures. For many female athletes starting a family means an end of their athletic careers. However, some women decide to pursue their athletic life after they become mothers. While recent media interest in mother-athletes has increased significantly, scientific research focusing on this topic is still scarce. The purpose of this study was to explore the transition of Slovene female athletes into motherhood and their experiences of combining motherhood with competitive sport. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight female elite athletes, who became mothers during their elite level competitive career. The results of the study revealed that mother-athletes perceived this transition as a long-term process in which motherhood and elite sport had a reciprocal effect on each other. Three transition phases characterized by changes in the participants’ holistic development were identified: (1) pre-pregnancy and pregnancy, (2) returning to competitive sport, and (3) living the life of a mother-athlete.
Keywords: sport, women, children, parenthood, mother, holistic athletic career model, athlets
Published in DKUM: 18.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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Digital twins in sport : concepts, taxonomies, challenges and practical potentials
Tilen Hliš, Iztok Fister, Iztok Fister, 2024, review article

Abstract: Digital twins belong to ten of the strategic technology trends according to the Gartner list from 2019, and have encountered a big expansion, especially with the introduction of Industry 4.0. Sport, on the other hand, has become a constant companion of the modern human suffering a lack of a healthy way of life. The application of digital twins in sport has brought dramatic changes not only in the domain of sport training, but also in managing athletes during competitions, searching for strategical solutions before and tactical solutions during the games by coaches. In this paper, the domain of digital twins in sport is reviewed based on papers which have emerged in this area. At first, the concept of a digital twin is discussed in general. Then, taxonomies of digital twins are appointed. According to these taxonomies, the collection of relevant papers is analyzed, and some real examples of digital twins are exposed. The review finishes with a discussion about how the digital twins affect changes in the modern sport disciplines, and what challenges and opportunities await the digital twins in the future.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, digital twin, machine learning, optimization, sports, sport science
Published in DKUM: 04.09.2024; Views: 53; Downloads: 16
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Hemodynamic response to high- and low-load resistance exercise in patients with coronary artery disease : a randomized, crossover clinical trial
Tim Kambič, Vedran Hadžić, Mitja Lainščak, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Low-load resistance exercise (LL-RE) is recommended as an adjunct therapy to aerobic exercise during cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary artery disease. The safety and hemodynamic response to high-load (HL) RE remain unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hemodynamic response during both HL-RE and LL-RE prior to cardiac rehabilitation. Forty-three patients with coronary artery disease and/or percutaneous coronary intervention performed three sets of leg-press exercise using HL-RE (eight repetitions at the intensity of 80% of one repetition maximum (1-RM)) and LL-RE (16 repetitions at the intensity of 40% 1-RM) in a randomized crossover sequence. Heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and rating of perceived exertion were measured at baseline, after each set of RE and post-exercise. No clinically relevant changes in HR and BP or in patient-reported symptoms were recorded during HL-RE or LL-RE. Compared with baseline, HR and SBP increased during LL-RE (from 66 bpm to 86 bpm, time effect: p < 0.001; from 129 mmHg to 146 mmHg, time effect: p < 0.001) and HL-RE (from 68 bpm to 86 bpm, time effect: p < 0.001; from 130 mmHg to 146 mmHg, time effect: p < 0.001). Compared with HL-RE, the increase in HR was greater after the final set of LL-RE (32% vs. 28%, p = 0.015), without significant differences in SBP and DBP between LL-RE and HL-RE. Rating of perceived exertion was higher after the 1st set of HL-RE compared with LL-RE (median (interquartile range): 6 (5–7) vs. 6 (5–6), p = 0.010). In patients with coronary artery disease, both HL-RE and LL-RE were safe and well-tolerated. Hemodynamic changes were similar and within the physiological response to RE.
Keywords: sport, cardiac rehabilitation, resistance training, blood pressure, heart rate
Published in DKUM: 20.08.2024; Views: 85; Downloads: 10
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Dual career development perspective : factors affecting quality of post-sport career transition of employed olympic athletes
Petra Robnik, Edvard Kolar, Boro Štrumbelj, Marko Ferjan, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Although Olympic athletes are celebrated for their sports achievements, they often face serious difficulties in their post-sport career employment. Factors of development that are affecting the quality of post-sport career transition of Olympic athletes are important to acknowledge in the dual career (DC) development perspective. Due to the side lining of academic activities, athletes are often not well prepared for the labor market. If they do not gain sufficient financial background in their careers, it can lead to a lack of proper economic inclusion of athletes in their post-sport career employment and further impact their lives. Career transitions of athletes have been the subject of research in different aspects of DC support (e.g., athletic, psychological, psychosocial, academic/vocational, financial), but most research is linked to the student-athlete DC perspective. Therefore, the aim of our research was to examine the impact of factors directly contributing to the quality of the post-sport career transition in Slovenian elite and Olympic athletes and the social class position and employment of these athletes after the termination of their sports career. From DC support practice, we learned that although athletes often have a proper level of education, their post-sport career transitions were not successful. To fill this gap, 168 elite athletes (Mage = 33.34, SD = 13.1) from Slovenia were asked to complete online questionnaires. The results showed a significant contribution of education and DC support-related finances (e.g., employment of athletes in public administration) to the quality of post-sport career transition. Regarding developing a national DC model and based on empirical research, this study identifies the social class position and employment status of former elite athletes from Slovenia. It also identifies opportunities for further research on the quality of the post-sport career transitions and perspectives on DC support. Understanding how different factors contribute to the integrated development of individual athletes to reach their potential in sports, education, and their post-sport career employment is important for theorists, DC practitioners, and stakeholders working with DC athletes. To develop a sufficient mechanism, DC support providers should consider supporting education along with the financial support of athletes during their sports careers and recognizing study-training ecosystems, based on good practices to successfully transition to their post-sport careers. These findings can also be useful for athletes and their athletic triangle support network (e.g., coaches and parents) as a support in the decision-making.
Keywords: dual career, olympic athletes, post-sport career transition, factors of development, employment, quality
Published in DKUM: 11.07.2024; Views: 140; Downloads: 11
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Big data in sports : a bibliometric and topic study
Ana Šuštaršič, Mateja Videmšek, Damir Karpljuk, Ivan Miloloža, Maja Meško, 2022, review article

Abstract: Background: The development of the sports industry was impacted by the era of Big Data due to the rapid growth of information technology. Unfortunately, that has become an increasingly challenging Issue. Objectives: The purpose of the research was to analyze the scientific production of Big Data in sports and sports-related activities in two databases, Web of Science and Scopus. Methods/Approach: Bibliometric analysis and topic mining were done on 51 articles selected after four exclusion criteria (written in English, journal articles, the final stage of publication, and a detailed review of all full texts). The software tool used was Statistica Data Miner. Results: We found that the first articles appeared in Scopus in 2013 and WoS in 2014. USA and China are countries which produced the most articles. The most common research areas in WoS and Scopus are Public environmental and occupational health, Medicine, Environmental science ecology, and Engineering. Conclusions: We conducted that further research and literature review will be required as this is a broad and new topic.
Keywords: big data, sport, bibliometric study, topic study, health care management, services, decision making
Published in DKUM: 05.07.2024; Views: 154; Downloads: 11
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Bet on health : conference review
Milica Rančić Demir, 2021, review, book review, critique

Abstract: The goal of the International Conference Bet on Health was to unite the leading researchers and practitioners so that the chief subject of this conference could be the problems related to sports, well-being, and health, and the role that local authorities/communities have when it comes to planning, implementing, and evaluating policies and practices connected to public health issues. It also served as a further interdisciplinary meeting for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the latest trends and innovations, but also the issues and practical challenges and solutions accepted in the area of health promotion and well-being, sports, and local politics.
Keywords: health, sport, well-being, local community
Published in DKUM: 22.01.2024; Views: 276; Downloads: 6
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Contemporary Issues in Tourism
2022, proceedings

Abstract: The scientific monograph on current topics of tourism development, which is intertwined with the field of health, well-being, and the role of local authorities in planning, implementing, and evaluating policies and practices related to public health issues, offers the reader a systematic theoretical review of scientific literature, as well as case studies of the topics discussed. The content is presented by numerous researchers and experts who are active in Slovenia or other countries of the former Yugoslavia. The topics address current issues in the development of tourism science. The content is multidisciplinary and interconnects various views and concepts that provide an insight into the profession for the needs of further development of the sector.
Keywords: tourism, development, thematic tourism, sport tourism, well-being, public health, the role of local authorities
Published in DKUM: 28.10.2022; Views: 818; Downloads: 68
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The role and function of a sports event organiser : safety at football matches in Slovenia, Serbia, and Austria
Timotej Praznik, Maja Modic, Simon Slokan, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to examine the organisation of a sports event - more precisely, a football match, specifically from the point of view of safety. We compared the Slovenian practice of event organising with how sports events are organised in Serbia and Austria. Design/Methods/Approach: First we conducted a literature and normative bases review. The research was conducted through interviews with spokespersons from the football clubs - NK Celje, FK Partizan and SK Sturm Graz. We conducted a telephone interview with the security manager of the European Football Association and also included our own observations from attending the Serbian championship match. Findings: Our research shows that despite the existence of subnational legislation, there are differences in understanding of ensuring safety at sporting events in the analysed countries. As the most common factors that can affect safety and security at a sports event we identified the following: personnel, supporter groups, pyrotechnics and infrastructure. Research Limitations/Implications: Our research is limited to three countries and to three football clubs that were willing to take part in our research. Originality/Value: Research findings are based on the perspective and experience of football club security managers, presenting main risk factors and corresponding measures for ensuring safety and security at football matches.
Keywords: safety, sport event, security measures, security risks
Published in DKUM: 04.01.2021; Views: 995; Downloads: 55
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Sport kao motiv za posjet Umaga
Karla Cvetković, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Motivi za putovanje se razlikuju od ljudskih potreba do karakteristika pojedine destinacije. Rijetko je samo jedan razlog putovanja, iako jedan motiv može igrati dominantnu ulogu u putovanju ili je jedna motivacija presudna za odabir odredišta. Kada govorimo o destinaciji Umag smještenoj na jadranskoj obali Hrvatske možemo zaključiti da posjetiteljima nudi mnogo motiva za posjet: sunce i more, povijesna baština, kultura, gastronomija, sportske manifestacije i drugo. Naziva se i Gradom sporta i turizma, koji su u današnje vrijeme dvije međufunkcionalne pojave iz kojih proizlazi novi oblik turizma – sportski turizam. Ne postoji točna definicija ove vrste turizma no možemo razlikovati posjetitelje koji aktivno sudjeluju u sportskim aktivnostima i one koji dolaze gledati sportske događaje. Sportski turizam u današnje vrijeme sve je popularniji, a sport predstavlja jedan od vodećih izvora prihoda turističkih destinacija. Glede na ljestvicu motiva, u ovom diplomskom radu došli smo do podataka da se sport nalazi iza sunca i mora a ispred kulture. Prema istraživanjima doznali smo da je svjetski teniski turnir ATP Croatia glavni razlog za turističko putovanje u Umagu za vrijeme trajanja turnira.
Keywords: motiv, motivacija, destinacija, sport, sportski turizam
Published in DKUM: 03.11.2020; Views: 1223; Downloads: 109
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Mihaela Breznik, 2014, master's thesis

Abstract: Human resources in sport organizations is a challenging task in the context of changing technologies, workforce composition and work patterns, community expectations, employee expectations, employment legislation, and the increasing impact of global competition. This master’s thesis took a brief look at different approaches to human resource management that can help sport organizations respond to these challenges. We attempted to locate these approaches within various theoretical and regulatory contexts. We explored the activities of front line managers and supervisors in hiring, motivating, rewarding, and retaining both employees and volunteers. Human resources management is about the overall process of managing people in organizations, so that they are motivated and able to perform to their potential and thus maximize the overall effectiveness of the organization in meeting its goals. It provides an integrated framework for making decisions about the people in an organization, who to appoint, how to reward good performance, what motivates people to perform to their full capacity, how to determine training and development needs, and when to let people go. We tried to explore the basics of human resources management in sports organizations and how the human resources approach conceptualizes the fundamentals of hiring, performance appraisal, compensation systems, and other human resources functions in sports organizations. We discussed the contemporary sport organization and how a human resources perspective can help it to attain its goals. In parallel with this, it considers today’s people management challenges and opportunities and the effective management of individuals who come to work and volunteer in sport organizations, by addressing such aspects as their competencies, personality, needs, values, and beliefs. The nature and attributes of workgroups in which individuals find themselves are also considered as this is a fundamental part of the context of human resources in sport organizations. However, some sports organizations have had paid employees, often coaches, for years. Increasingly, sport is employing a variety of resource people to support and extend the work of club volunteers – these include operating staff, managers and coaches. They are becoming more and more important to the smooth operation of the club, league or association. At the same time, human resource management has become more complex and can make a significant impact on employee productivity and the bottom line. More organizations need to pay attention to human resources by ensuring their business planning process includes human resource issues. Whether you’re implementing new technology, reducing costs, expanding, or experiencing a major change within your organization – all of these impact your human resources and should be addressed in your strategic plan.
Keywords: human resources management, sport, sport management, sports organizations, non-profit organizations, volunteers
Published in DKUM: 27.01.2015; Views: 2522; Downloads: 225
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