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Dijana Žabkar, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomska naloga Uporaba črnske angleščine in ameriškega slanga pri ženskih rap izvajalkah predstavlja uporabo izbranih značilnosti afriško-ameriške angleščine in ameriškega slenga na primerih izbranih ženskih rap izvajalk. Glavni cilj naloge je predstaviti probleme spolnosti, sovraštva do žensk, napadov do temnopoltih žensk v rap glasbi in njihove obrambne mehanizme s prikazom poetike in govornih praks rap glasbe na podlagi izbranih slovničnih prvin afriško-ameriške angleščine in ameriškega slenga. Da bi razumeli izpostavljene probleme, v diplomski nalogi predstavimo tudi glavne značilnosti ameriškega slenga in ameriške angleščine kot tudi slovnične značilnosti in besedišče afriško-ameriške angleščine. Za namen diplomske naloge bomo nekaj besed namenili tudi rap glasbi in Hip-Hop feminizmu. Empirični del naloge je namenjen prikazu uporabe izbranih značilnosti afriško-ameriške angleščine in ameriškega slenga, ki temelji na analizi 29 glasbenih besedil sedmih ženskih afriško-ameriških rap izvajalk.
Keywords: ženske, rap glasba, sociolingvistika, jezik in spol, črnskaangleščina, ameriški slang
Published in DKUM: 07.09.2016; Views: 1336; Downloads: 101
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Teodora Kuhanec, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: Die Sprache ist ein äußerst komplexes Mittel, das uns ermöglicht, Gedanken, Wissen, Informationen, Meinungen oder Gefühle anderen Menschen zu vermitteln. Insbesondere Slang und Jargon gehören zu denjenigen Sprachvariäteten, die aufgrund ihrer spezifischen Eigenschaften wie etwa der Nutzung in ganz bestimmten Kontexten schwerer zu analysieren sind. Sie werden häufig innerhalb der Drogenszene und unter Jugendlichen gebraucht, die ständig neue Ausdrücke erfinden, um die verbotenen Substanzen zu benennen, ohne das Außenstehende daraus die Bedeutung erschließen können. Vor allem bei der Verwendung von Slang neigen Menschen dazu, etwas auf eine noch nie dagewesene Art und Weise zu äußern. Zahlreiche Wörter werden deshalb häufig aus fremden Sprachen entnommen, besonders der englischen. Der erste Teil der Magisterarbeit widmet sich dem theoretischen Aspekt der erwähnten Sprachvariäteten, wobei auch bestimmte Strategien erwähnt werden, welche für Übersetzer bei der Übertragung des Inhalts aus der Ausgangs- in die Zielsprache hilfreich sein könnten. Im zweiten Teil liegt die Aufmerksamkeit auf der Analyse des deutschen Originaltextes und der slowenischen Übersetzung des Romans Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo. Die drei aufgestellten Hypothesen sollen Klarheit darüber schaffen, ob die slowenische Übersetzerin bei der Übersetzung der Slang- und Jargon-Wörter konsequent gewesen ist, in welchen Fällen sie die Bedeutung bestimmter Ausdrücke verfehlte, da viele im übertragenen Sinne verwendet werden, und an welchen Stellen im Buch sie sich dafür entschied, englische Wortverbindungen bzw. Benennungen auch in der slowenischen Übersetzung in ihrer Original-Form zu erhalten.
Keywords: Drogenszene, Jugendliche, kontrastive Analyse, Slang, Jargon, Roman, slowenische Übersetzung
Published in DKUM: 30.03.2015; Views: 1801; Downloads: 176
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Cristina Stoianova, 2014, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: The thesis Teenage Slang In The Contemporary British Novel Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging by Louise Rennison presents the novel of a teenage girl’s life in the British culture nowadays, and was published in 1999. The novel is based on a fictional character Georgia Nicolson, writing a diary about the things she deals with. Slang used in this novel is the main focus of the thesis. The paper begins with some basic definitions (such as that of slang, etc.), and continues with the description and characteristics of teenagers with the emphasis on the language they use. Certain explanations, specific examples and data about the novel are added at the end of the first part. The second part, the main part of the thesis, focuses on three hypotheses as the key research areas of the thesis. These are as follows: identifying an area of early teen slang distinct from other groups’ slang usage; exploring whether teens use slang as code, as image or as rebellion; and establishing a select glossary of slang terms. The third part of the thesis is the conclusion, summing up the main points of my research. The practical part is presented as an appendix at the end. It involves a short collection of slang words used in the novel and the explanation of each word, given the specific context obtained from the novel.
Keywords: Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, contemporary British novel, teenage slang, glossary of selected slang terms.
Published in DKUM: 16.12.2014; Views: 2189; Downloads: 142
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Petra Matko, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Language is an important means of communication and an integral part of each person’s identity. Different social groups use different language varieties such as slang, jargon and argot. This paper concentrates on slang, the language which is popular among the youth and whose vocabulary is a subject of constant changes. Slang is a language variety which the young people use for expressing their feelings and beliefs about society in a different way. It is a spoken language; however it can be found in written form in electronic messages, short messages, lyrics and on numerous social network sites. The main aim was to analyze the use of slang in English and Slovene lyrics in three chosen music genres: pop, rock and rap music. Slang and its characteristics are described in the theoretical part. The focus is also on the use of slang in the Slovene language and on the influence of the English language on Slovene slang. In the empirical part, English and Slovene lyrics are classified into corresponding music genres. The results of analyzed slang words are presented and interpreted.
Keywords: Slang, influence of foreign languages, Slovene lyrics, English lyrics, music genres, youth
Published in DKUM: 18.04.2013; Views: 3100; Downloads: 197
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Ina Polič, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: In this paper, I made a stylistic comparison of Helen Fielding’s novel Bridget Jones’s Diary and its Slovene translation. The novel prides itself on a narrator’s voice that is authentic, witty and ironic. It sparkles with witty verbal formulations, completely individual wordings and parades a plethora of British celebrity names, TV-shows, shops, magazines and other typically British references. Translating such a novel is a demanding task, since the translator is expected to create a translation that gives its readers the same reading experience as that of the readers of the original. The comparison of the chosen representative examples in each of the two categories “Slang” and “Culture-bound elements” demonstrated the occurrence of translation shifts in the Slovene translation of the novel. The analysis uncovered various discrepancies in the translated examples that did not match the tone of the original. Thus, the hypothesis that translation shifts bring about changes in the stylistic value of the translation when compared to the original was confirmed. When analyzing representative examples of each category, the problematic areas of the text were highlighted and possible solutions offered and explained. The aim was to establish suitable translation procedures and practices for dealing with such issues. In this way I sought to make a contribution to the general development of translation studies.
Keywords: literary translation, slang, allusions, culture, translation shifts
Published in DKUM: 29.01.2013; Views: 1988; Downloads: 162
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Ivana Vinko, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: This diploma thesis deals with phrasal verbs, which are an important and frequently used element in English language. Since they are typical of spoken English, my aim was to explore their usage in direct speech. As a basis for my research I chose three American dance movies: Step up, Step up 2: The Streets and Step up 3D. According to the genre of the movies, I expected a large number of phrasal verbs to occur. I focused on idiomatic phrasal verbs, whose meaning cannot be easily guessed from the component parts, whereas literal phrasal verbs are easy to understand. I analyzed the frequency of occurrence of idiomatic phrasal verbs in the movies, and identified those that occur in idioms and in slang expressions. Moreover, I focused on the translation of idiomatic phrasal verbs and slang expressions in Slovene. The results of the analysis confirmed my hypothesis that idiomatic phrasal verbs dominate over literal ones in the movies. Often they occurred in idioms and in slang expressions. The analysis also showed that phrasal verbs in idioms cannot be translated in Slovene word for word. Instead, we need to find their closest equivalent in Slovene to make the translated version sound natural. In the last part of the analysis I made a comparison of the occurrence of idiomatic phrasal verbs in the movies and in literature. The comparison confirmed my hypothesis that idiomatic phrasal verbs are more frequently used in spoken than in written English. However, in both cases their usage also depends on the formality of a situation.
Keywords: phrasal verb, idiomatic phrasal verb, idiomatic expression, slang, Slovene translation of phrasal verbs
Published in DKUM: 08.10.2012; Views: 2823; Downloads: 169
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An Analysis of Slang in English and Slovene Teen Magazines
Polonca Volavšek, 2010, master's thesis

Abstract: The thesis is about slang in English and Slovene teen magazines. In the theoretical section, I present and comment on different definitions of slang. I describe the history of slang and development of slang dictionaries. In addition, I point out kinds of slang and the most frequently discussed misinterpretations about slang. I draw attention to features of slang, reasons for using slang and speakers’ attitude towards slang in comparison to other social varieties of a language. I also examine textese – the language of SMS messages. In the empirical section, I analyse slang in four English and three Slovene teen magazines and focus primarily on vocabulary and grammar. The results have confirmed my core hypothesis about the presence of slang in written language. I also hypothesize that slang influences changes in grammar, although they are not as transparent as vocabulary changes. These findings have partly confirmed my hypothesis. English teen magazines offer a wide rage of non-standard grammatical examples which show a correlation between slang and changes in slang grammar. However, I found no non-standard grammatical features of Slovene slang. Furthermore, the subject of my research was the presence of SMS messages in slang. The analysis has shown that some language elements of SMS messages appear in English and Slovene teen magazines. Besides, I was interested in the impact of foreign loanwords in English and Slovene slang. I established that there are only a few examples of German loanwords in English slang. On the contrary, I found a large number of English loanwords in Slovene slang.
Keywords: Slang, SMS messages, teen magazines, influence of slang on vocabulary and grammar.
Published in DKUM: 15.03.2012; Views: 4512; Downloads: 285
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Barbara Lapuh, 2011, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diploma thesis consists of two major parts, theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part slang is represented in general. Slang is a special form of colloquial language, which has a special vocabulary and consists of new expressions or old expressions with new or different meaning. These expressions are formed with standard wordformational forms, e.g. compounding, derivation, onomatopoea, etc. Slang can, with time, become a part of standard language, it can be popular for some time and then be forgotten or stay slang forever. There are many kinds of slang and they are: family, children, youthful, general slang, slang in journalism and tabloid prints. American slang is very popular and is intelligible or used by the majority of American population, however it is not accepted as a formal usage. Slang is mostly used by men and the most popular slang expressions are connected to food. New York contributed to a great extent to slang about big cities and slang in general. The empirical part contains some basic information about the author J.D.Salinger and his work The Catcher in the Rye. Very important part of the empirical part is a chart which contains all the slang expressions from the novel and their definitions. Beside each slang expression there are also all the translations which can be found in both Slovene translations of the novel. Important is also the analysis of slang expressions and some of the most interesting examples or ideas on how some slang expression could be translated more accurately.
Keywords: The Catcher in the Rye, slang, comparison, Slovene translations, analysis
Published in DKUM: 29.02.2012; Views: 4082; Downloads: 329
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