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Interactional approach of cantilever pile walls analysis
Stanislav Škrabl, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper proposes a new method for the geomechanical analysis and design of cantilever retaining structures. It is based on the limit equilibrium method, but it uses some additional conditions for interaction between the retaining structure and the ground, when referring to the distribution of the mobilized earth pressures on the structure. The greatest benefit of the proposed method is shown in the analysis of structures of layered ground (heterogeneous above the dredge level and homogeneous below it), embedded in frictional and cohesive materials, and in the possibility of considering the influence of surcharge loadings on the active or passive side of the retaining structure. When analyzing such cases in practice, the proposed method gives results which are in better agreement with the results of FEM based elasto-plastic interaction analyses than with the results of currently used methods. At the same time, its results are in accordance with those published for homogeneaus cohesionless ground. Since in practice almost all retaining structures are erected in layered ground (heterogeneaus above the dredge level and homogeneous below it), the proposed method is very convenient and applicable for the analyses and design of cantilever structures under arbitrary geomechanical conditions.
Keywords: geomechanics, soil-structure interaction, retaining walls, embedment, cantilevers, earth pressure, pressure distribution, friction soil - wall, limit analysis, shear forces
Published in DKUM: 17.05.2018; Views: 1460; Downloads: 88
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Analysis of cracked slender-beams on Winkler's foundation using a simplified computational model
Matjaž Skrinar, Boris Lutar, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper discusses the coupling of Winkler's soil model with a simplified computational model that is widely used for the calculation of transverse displacements in transversely cracked slender beams. The bending problem of a cracked beam embedded in Winkler's soil is addressed by means of an analytical approach. The solving of the corresponding differential equation solutions is studied in order to obtain exact analytical expressions for the transverse displacements of the simplified computational model. After the solutions for the displacements of the beam are obtained, the inner bending moment and the shear force distributions within the beam can be calculated, either by using known, established relationships from the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory or by implementing two mechanical equilibrium conditions. Numerical examples covering several load situations are briefly presented in order to support the discussed approach. The results obtained with the presented approach are then further compared with the values from huge 2D finite-element models, where a detailed description of the crack was achieved using the discrete approach. It is evident that any drastic difference in the computational effort is not reflected in the significant differences in the results between the models.
Keywords: beams with transverse cracks, simplified computational model, elastic foundation, Winkler's soil, transverse displacements, bending moment, shear forces
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2262; Downloads: 58
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