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Artificial intelligence in travel agencies in Slovenia : 1st cycle professional bachelor's studies graduate thesis
Armin Bičo, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Guided by the experience of how travel agencies operate and the significant expansion and success of artificial intelligence, an opportunity was seen to connect and explore these two areas. Many business processes in travel agencies are still outdated and monotonous, and can certainly be automated, such as data processing and analysis. Existing systems could be improved, and new ones could be introduced to enhance service quality and market competitiveness. The goal was to investigate how familiar travel agencies in Slovenia are with this technology, if travel agencies have experience with its use, and if integration of the technology into their operations is accepted. The current state of travel agencies in Slovenia and the steps needed for future progress are provided by this research. The focus is placed on the basics of artificial intelligence, travel agencies, and how they can function together. Field results were gathered by interviewing ten travel agencies in the Republic of Slovenia, providing a sample that aids further research. A SWOT analysis was conducted using all the obtained information to understand what artificial intelligence offers.
Keywords: Travel agency, artificial intelligence, Slovenia, automated, service quality, market competitiveness
Published in DKUM: 18.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 14
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A Framework for adopting a sustainable reverse logistics service quality for reverse logistics service providers : a systematic literature review
Ahmed Dabees, Mahmoud Barakat, Sahar Sobhy El Barky, Andrej Lisec, 2023, review article

Abstract: Reverse logistics has become a competitive need for sustainability. Lack of resources to apply reverse logistics solutions has severely impacted many supply chains’ costs and customer service, making it impossible to meet the expectations of return processing. In those conditions, client demands for higher service quality are the main drivers of effective sustainability operations. This study aims to establish the sustainable reverse logistics service quality (SRLSQ) theoretical framework offered by reverse logistics services providers (RLSPs). The study conducts a systematic methodology protocol by examining reliable academic periodicals using PRISMA guidelines based on the research scope and identified 56 papers from 2011–2022, with the main research focus on SSQ and RLSQ dimensions to develop a research framework. By re-evaluating those factors using the SRLSQ framework and by including sustainability into the service quality approach, this study expanded the practicability of reverse logistic service quality and sustainable service quality. The results point to a knowledge gap when it comes to quantifying the impact of reverse logistics operation process through a triple bottom line approach on customer outcomes, relationship quality (RQ), and mediation of operation risk factor, which could be examined within various contexts in subsequent work.
Keywords: sustainability, reverse logistics, sustainable reverse logistics service quality, customer satisfaction, operational risk
Published in DKUM: 09.04.2024; Views: 204; Downloads: 6
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The importance of educational service quality for customer satisfaction and organizational reputation
Marjeta Ramovš, Borut Milfelner, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper aims to enhance the understanding of the concepts of service quality, customer satisfaction with service, and organizational reputation in the context of educational services. The conceptual framework for testing the relationship between the three constructs was developed and tested on a sample of 97 educational service users. The results showed no significant difference between perceived and expected service quality. However, a positive relationship was found between customer satisfaction and three subconstructs of perceived service quality. Also, a significant positive correlation between organizational reputation and three latent variables of perceived service quality and a positive relationship between satisfaction and organizational reputation.
Keywords: customer satisfaction, organizational reputation, service delivery, perceived service quality, educational service quality
Published in DKUM: 05.09.2023; Views: 277; Downloads: 12
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The role of B2B marketing strategy, ICT B2B marketing support, and service quality in market orientation – Performance relationship : evidence from three European countries
Gregor Jagodič, Borut Milfelner, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of marketing strategy, information communication technology (ICT) marketing support, and service quality in the market orientation–performance relationship. Even though there are many studies considering the market orientation–performance relationship they rarely take into consideration ICT marketing support and marketing strategy, especially concerning the companies operating in B2B markets. Additionally, this study compares the impacts of the constructs between two emerging economies (Slovenia and Serbia) and one developed economy (Austria) on a random sample of 636 companies. Results were obtained based on the set hypotheses using the covariance-based structural equation modeling (SEM) and invariance testing procedure to make comparisons between the three countries. Market orientation strongly influenced the successful development and implementation of marketing strategies, ICT support, and service quality. The impact of service quality on company performance was statistically insignificant and only the indirect impact of market orientation on company performance through service quality was determined. ICT marketing support and successful development and implementation of B2B marketing strategy were also positively related to company performance. This study can help managers in B2B companies in emerging and developed markets to learn how to use specific marketing resources in order to achieve higher company performance.
Keywords: marketing strategy, information-communication technology, service quality, market orientation, firm performance
Published in DKUM: 17.07.2023; Views: 571; Downloads: 97
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Managing customer participation and customer interactions in service delivery : the case of museums and educational services
Marlene Amorim, Maria João Rosa, Sandra Santos, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and Purpose – In this study we investigate determinants of customers’ quality perceptions in service processes which involve customer participation and customer to customer interaction (CCI). Building on existing multidimensional approaches to service quality we explore relevant quality aspects for related to the performance customer participation and CCI. Design/Methodology/Approach – The study builds on focus groups conduct with employees and customers of a leading provider of educational and science services, which offered a portfolio of service activities requiring very diverse levels of customer participation and CCI, to characterize service quality dimensions. Results – The study distinguishes three dimensions of service delivery quality: a dimension related to the providers’ direct performance; a second dimension relative to the performance of customers’ own participation in service activities, and a third dimension relative to the interaction with other customers. The work extends service quality literature by identifying new dimensions which affect service quality in service settings with active customer involvement. Conclusion – Service providers have been developing very diverse delivery processes, frequently inviting customers to have active roles in service production. Often, customers also interact with other costumers in service delivery. The paper provides a contribution to foster the debate about service quality frameworks, and aims to inform the design and the management of services where customer participation and CCI have a key role.
Keywords: service quality, customer participation, customer-to customer interaction
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2017; Views: 1134; Downloads: 194
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Fuzzy SERVQUAL analysis in airline services
Ozlem Aydin, Fatma Pakdil, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: This study is aimed at measuring and summarizing the perceived and expected service quality of passengers of an international airline and to provide the passengers' opinions to the decision makers employing fuzzy logic. The appropriate fuzzification procedure was determined to be the trapezoidal membership function. Using SERVQUAL methodology, the optimal fuzzy interval of the gap scores was determined for each item. The interpretations of these fuzzy intervals were categorized into three areas - optimistic, neutral and pessimistic passenger views - to assist the decision makers in identifying which items of services are satisfactory and which are in need of improvement.
Keywords: Airline service quality, fuzzy numbers, fuzzy SERVQUAL scores
Published in DKUM: 30.11.2017; Views: 1175; Downloads: 366
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A successful CRM implementation project in a service company : case study
Franka Piskar, Armand Faganel, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Customer relationship management - CRM implementations increased rapidly in Slovenia in the last few years, following the trends elsewhere. Studies reporting how the implementation project goes on before, between and after the implementation are scarce. We offer a thorough case study analysis of the CRM implementation with a positive outcome in a Slovene service company. Case study demonstrates that CRM implementation is a holistic and complex concept, which means that it is not merely an integration of new information technology, but everything that happens around the business processes changes. We recommend that the company has already established a process approach and the orientation toward customers. Study showed the need for efficient leadership, acquirement of resources and CRM strategy implementation control; trust to the software solution shouldn't be self-understood. Through implemented analytical CRM company can improve the relationship with customers, achieve larger information sharing between employees and accept better strategic decisions.
Keywords: customer relationship management, implementation, customer focus, process approach, quality, customer information, marketing, service company, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 28.11.2017; Views: 1608; Downloads: 244
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Multiple conceptual modelling of perceived quality of in-flight airline services
Urban Šebjan, Polona Tominc, Karin Širec, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Despite growing literature on the different aspects of airline service quality in relation to behavioural intentions, less attention has been paid to some specific aspects of in-flight services. The focus of the present research is, therefore, on a multiple conceptual model of the quality of in-flight services in relation to passengers’ perception of value, followed by recommendations (word of mouth - WOM) of airlines, as well as the quality and comfort of airline seats. The study is performed using two databases of reviewers’/passengers’ opinions regarding the quality of in-flight airline services and airline seat comfort. Our research results reveal that the perceived comfort of the airplane seat is the most important factor of passengers’ perceived quality of in-flight airline services, which also considerably affects the passengers’ perception of value, and consequently moderates behavioural intentions (in our research, expressed through positive WOM). The analysis of the relative importance of the components of perceived airline seats’ comfort shows that seat width is the most significant factor that contributes to the overall perceived comfort of the airline seat.
Keywords: in-flight airline service quality, perceived value, recommendations (word of mouth), airline seat comfort, transport, air transport, services, quality
Published in DKUM: 19.09.2017; Views: 1302; Downloads: 435
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Reliability analysis of operation for cableways by FTA (fault tree analysis) method
Sergej Težak, Zdravko Toš, Ivo Jurić, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper examines the reliability of the operation of cableway systems in Slovenia, which has major impact on the quality of service in the mountain tourism, mainly in wintertime. Different types of cableway installations in Slovenia were captured in a sample and fault tree analysis (FTA) was made on the basis of the obtained data. The paper presents the results of the analysis. With these results it is possible to determine the probability of faults of different types of cableways, which types of faults have the greatest impact on the termination of operation, which components of cableways fail most, what is the impact of age of cableways on the occurrence of the faults. Finally, an attempt was made to find if occurrence of faults on individual cableway installation has also impact on traffic on this cableway due to reduced quality of service.
Keywords: service quality, reliability, fault tree analysis, faults, quality, ski-tows, chairlifts, aerial ropeways, cableways
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2017; Views: 1761; Downloads: 512
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Conceptual model of relationships among customer perceptions of components of insurance service
Urban Šebjan, Polona Tominc, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: The objective of this study was to examine the conceptual model and to study the relationships between customer perceptions of the benefits of sales promotion, quality, adequacy of premium, and adequacy of information about the coverage of insurance services. The research model was tested with structural equation modeling (SEM) with a sample of 200 Slovenian users of insurance services. The results indicated that higher perceived benefits of sales promotion were associated with higher perceived quality of insurance services. In addition, higher perceived quality was associated with higher perceived adequacy of information about the coverage and the premium for insurance services. The study also found that higher perceived adequacy of premium was associated with higher perceived adequacy of information about the coverage of insurance services.
Keywords: perceived sales promotion, perceived quality, perceived premium, perceived coverage, insurance company, insurance service
Published in DKUM: 05.04.2017; Views: 1425; Downloads: 477
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