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Dancho Filipov, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Organizacijske in menedžerske spremembe med virusom, covidom-19, ki je uspel močno vplivati na prebivalstvo, zdravje, podjetja, delniške trge in druge stebre svetovnega gospodarstva. Hitro širjenje, ki se je na Kitajskem začelo januarja, in se razširilo na več kot 200 držav, je povzročilo gospodarsko negotovost. Mednarodni denarni sklad napoveduje, da bi lahko prišlo do najhujše gospodarske recesije. Negotovost glede pandemije se je postopoma pojavila tudi zaradi premalo številnega cepljenja, kar bi lahko vodilo k dolgoročnemu preživetju virusa. Da bi se spopadli s temi novimi razmerami, so države po vsem svetu uvedle ukrepe, ki vključujejo različne omejitve. Tako je bilo delovanje pristanišča, delo malih in velikih podjetij, združevanje v skupine omejeno. S tem je bil vzpostavljen nov sistem delovanja, precej drugačen od prejšnjega.
Keywords: e-poslovanja, ekonomski kazalniki, covid-19, management prodaja.
Published in DKUM: 17.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Speeding up the implementation of industry 4.0 with management tools : empirical investigations in manufacturing organizations
Rok Črešnar, Vojko Potočan, Zlatko Nedelko, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to examine how the use of management tools supports the readiness of manufacturing organizations for the implementation of Industry 4.0. The originality of the research is reflected in the exploration of the relationship between the use of the selected well-known management tools and their readiness for the implementation of Industry 4.0, which was assessed using a combination of two models—one developed by the National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech) and the other by the University of Warwick. The relationship was assessed by applying structural equation modeling techniques to a data set of 323 responses from employees in manufacturing organizations. The results show that the use of six sigma, total quality management, radio frequency identification, a balanced scorecard, rapid prototyping, customer segmentation, mission and vision statements, and digital transformation is positively associated with Industry 4.0 readiness. Inversely, outsourcing and strategic planning are negatively associated with Industry 4.0 readiness, while lean manufacturing, which is often emphasized as the cornerstone of Industry 4.0 implementation, is not associated with Industry 4.0 readiness in our study. These findings can help organizations to understand how to consider and measure readiness for the implementation of Industry 4.0 more comprehensively and present guidelines on how the use of management tools in manufacturing organizations can foster their implementation of Industry 4.0 principles.
Keywords: industry 4.0, readiness, implementation, management tools, manufacturing organizations
Published in DKUM: 16.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Uporaba računalniških orodij za podporo pisarniškemu poslovanju : izbrana poglavja
Borut Jereb, Darja Kukovič, Gregor Štrubelj, 2015, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook

Keywords: logistika, poslovna politika, management
Published in DKUM: 16.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Use of the methodology of network thinking for a fatigue criteria investigation based on the example of mining companies
Marcin Butlewski, Grzegorz Dahlke, Milena Drzewiecka-Dahlke, Krzysztof Hankiewicz, Adam Górny, Brigita Gajšek, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: In the paper the factors of workers fatigue were tested by applying network thinking methodology supported by statistical analysis to determine the nature of individual factors for the fatigue management system development. Analysis of the distribution of factors along the intensity map allowed their classification into individual interaction categories, describing directions for miner fatigue management. Active factors were discovered which are: Elevated temperature, Noise and vibration, Oxygen-poor air and mining gases, High humidity, Poor work organization. Critical factors for fatigue management were: Poor technical condition of equipment and Long and time-consuming approach to headings.
Keywords: fatigue factors, fatigue management, mine, miners, network thinking, safety
Published in DKUM: 15.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Alen Vučina, Vojko Potočan, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Povzetek v slovenščini: Magistrska naloga raziskuje različne modele managementa, ki se uporabljajo v treh nacionalnih judo zvezah: Judo zvezi Slovenije, Judo zvezi Finske in Judo zvezi Turčije. Namen raziskave je bil analizirati in primerjati pristope, organizacijske strukture ter ključne dejavnike delovanja in managementa neprofitnih športnih organizacij, pri čemer je fokus na razumevanju učinkovitega managementa in prilagajanja specifičnostim delovanja v lokalnih okoljih. V prvem delu naloge so predstavljeni teoretični koncepti neprofitnega managementa, vključno z managementom, financiranjem, organizacijsko kulturo in vplivom teh dejavnikov na delovanje športnih organizacij. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela, so opisane posebnosti neprofitnih organizacij v športu, kjer je poudarek na razvoju in promociji športa kot javnega dobrega, predvsem s pomočjo prostovoljcev in državnih podpor. V empiričnem delu smo izvedli analizo organiziranosti in delovanja izbranih judo zvez. Pri Judo zvezi Slovenije je raziskava pokazala močan poudarek na tradicionalnih vrednotah juda, vrhunskih rezultatih na največjih tekmovanjih in razvoju mladih športnikov. Judo zveza Finske se osredotoča na vključevanje širše skupnosti v dolgoročni razvoj športa, pri čemer se pogosto povezuje z drugimi reprezentancami ter z javnimi in zasebnimi partnerji. Judo zveza Turčije pa je v zadnjem desetletju doživela obsežne spremembe v strukturi in strategiji, saj s pomočjo državnega financiranja stremi k povečanju mednarodne konkurenčnosti. Njihov glavni izziv je, kako ponovno osvojiti olimpijsko medaljo. Na podlagi analize so v nalogi oblikovani ključni zaključki in priporočila, ki poudarjajo pomen prilagodljivega vodenja, učinkovite komunikacije ter zmožnosti povezovanja z lokalno skupnostjo in sponzorji. Raziskava ugotavlja, da je uspešnost neprofitnih športnih organizacij v veliki meri odvisna od sposobnosti vodij, da se prilagajajo specifičnim izzivom in priložnostim, ki izhajajo iz kulturnih, finančnih in institucionalnih razlik v posameznih državah.
Published in DKUM: 14.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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Spatial exploration of economic data-insight into attitudes of students towards interdisciplinary knowledge
Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, Polona Tominc, Samo Bobek, Tjaša Štrukelj, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper uses the technology acceptance model (TAM) framework for the research of economic and geography students’ attitudes towards interdisciplinary knowledge. Based on the SmartPLS Structural equation modelling SEM variance-based method, research results were gained through analysis of survey data of economic and geography students. They participated in the Spationomy project in the period of 2017–2019. Online questionnaires were fulfilled before and after students’ participation in the project and their future behavioural intention to use interdisciplinary knowledge was analysed. Based on the research, we can confirm that the Spationomy project has achieved its purpose, as both groups of students (economic and geography students) have acquired interdisciplinary knowledge and students intend to use it also in the future. Therefore, we can argue that the students included in the project in practice gained recognition of systems thinking about the importance of mutual interdisciplinary cooperation towards achieving synergies. The results also show that TAM can be successfully implemented to analyse how students of economics and geography accept the use of interdisciplinary knowledge in the learning process, which is an important implication for management and education as well as from the theoretical implications viewpoint. While effective analysis using TAM has been used successfully and relatively frequently in economics and business field, we have not found relevant examples of its implementation in the broader field of geography. However, the acceptance of geographic information system (GIS) or other information technologies/information software (IT/IS) tool-based approaches of analysis in the geography field may be of most importance. Therefore, also, this represents an important implication for the research area.
Keywords: spatial exploration, economic data, economic students, geography students, TAM, PLS SEM, interdisciplinary knowledge, holism, interdependence, strategic management
Published in DKUM: 07.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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Academic general practice/family medicine in times of COVID-19 - Perspective of WONCA Europe
Adam Windak, Thomas Frese, Eva Hummers-Pradier, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Sonia Tsukagoshi, Josep Vilaseca, Shlomo Vinker, Mehmet Ungan, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: COVID-19 outbreak has significantly changed all aspects of general practice in Europe. This art-icle focuses on the academic challenges for the discipline, mainly in the field of education,research, and quality assurance. The efforts of the European Region of the World Organisationof National Colleges, Academies, and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/FamilyPhysicians (WONCA Europe) to support academic sustainability of the discipline in the time ofpandemic are presented. Medical education was affected by the pandemic, threatening both itsproductivity and quality. Emerging new educational methods might be promising, but theresults of their rapid implementation remain uncertain. A relatively small number of publicationsrelated to COVID-19 and general practice is available in the medical literature. There is a short-age of original data from general practice settings. This contrasts with the crucial role of GPs infighting a pandemic. COVID-19 outbreak has opened widely new research areas, which shouldbe explored by GPs. Maintaining the quality of care and safety of all patients during the COVID-19 pandemic is the utmost priority. Many of them suffer from poor access or inadequate man-agement of their problems. Rapid implementation of telemedicine brought both threats andopportunities. The COVID-19 pandemic also challenged doctors' safety and well-being. Theseaspects will require discussion and remedy to prevent deterioration of the quality of primarycare. WONCA Europe is making a multi-faceted effort to support GPs in difficult times of thepandemic. It is ready to support future efforts to uphold the integrity of family medicine as anacademic discipline.
Keywords: infectious diseases, quality of care, public health, community medicine, health care organisation, management, medical education
Published in DKUM: 07.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Eco-design processes in the automotive industry
Ewelina Staniszewska, Dorota Klimecka-Tatar, Matevž Obrecht, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Every year approximately 70 million passenger cars are being produced and automotive industry is much bigger then just passenger cars. The impact of automotive industry on the environment is tre-mendous. From extracting raw materials through manufacturing and assembly processes, exploitation of the vehicle to the reprocessing irreversible, extensive environmental damage is done. The goal of this study is to show how implementing eco-design processes into supply chain management can re-duce the impact of automotive industry on the environment by e.g. reducing the use of the fuel, in-creasing the use of recycled materials. Focus is on evaluation of current state, environmental impacts and potential improvements for design, raw materials, manufacturing and distribution and end-of-life phase.
Keywords: eco-design processes, automotive industry, supply chain management, business processes, cleaner production, environmental impacts, logistics
Published in DKUM: 18.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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The influence of negotiation approaches on supplier relationship management in Zimbabwe's fast-food industry
Paul Mukucha, Felix Chari, Divaries Cosmas Jaravaza, Victor Shumba, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) has become a cornerstone of business success since the transformation of the procurement function to supply chain management. Extant literature has documented various predictors of vibrant supplier relationships. However, missing in the extant literature is the potential of negotiation approaches to cultivation of healthy supplier relationships. This study therefore sought to determine the influence of negotiation approaches on SRM. A sample of 150 dyadic transactions in the fast-food restaurant industry was surveyed. The broad dichotomous categorisation of negotiation methods into distributive and integrative approaches was used. SRM was operationalised using dimensions such as commitment, trust, communication, adaptation, and satisfaction. After conducting a Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) the results revealed that the distributive strategy was weakly linked to supplier relationship, while a strong supplier relationship was observed in the use of integrative negotiation strategy. It was therefore recommended that procurement practitioners must employ integrative negotiation strategies and tactics in order to create sustainable supplier relationship management.
Keywords: distributive negotiation, integrative negotiation, supplier relationship management, fast-food industry
Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Supply chain execution : transportation and warehousing
Marcin Hajdul, Tone Lerher, Fabio Sgarbossa, 2020, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook

Keywords: business management, transportation, logistics, higher education textbooks
Published in DKUM: 13.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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