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Tadeja Sever, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu so predstavljene spremembe vinogradniških in sadjarskih površin na primeru Goriških brd, Koprskih brd, vzhodnih Ljutomersko-Ormoških goric in Vzhodnih Haloz v obdobju med leti 2000 in 2012. Na izbranih območjih je vinogradništvo ena izmed temeljnih kmetijskih panog, pomembno pa je tudi sadjarstvo, saj se obe dejavnosti pogosto prepletata. Ugotavljali smo spremembe v povezavi z izbranimi naravnimi dejavniki: litološko podlago, nadmorskimi višinami, nakloni, funkcijskimi nakloni, ekspozicijami, globalnim sončnim obsevanjem, povprečnimi letnimi temperaturami, povprečno letno višino padavin in tipi prsti. Podatke za naravne dejavnike smo dobili iz geografske baze podatkov digitalnega modela reliefa, z velikostjo celic 25 m × 25 m. Analizirali smo spremembe smeri sadjarskih in vinogradniških pokrajin s pomočjo slojev o rabi tal za leti 2000 in 2012. Spremembe vinogradniških in sadjarskih površin v povezavi z naravnimi dejavniki so predstavljene v navzkrižnih tabelah. Ugotovili smo, da se je v obdobju med leti 2000 in 2012 površina vinogradov zmanjšala na vseh območjih, razen v Goriških brdih, za sadjarske površine pa velja ravno obratno, povečale so se na vseh območjih razen na območju Koprskih brd. Povezanost med dvema spremenljivkama, in sicer med vinogradniškimi ter sadjarskimi površinami in naravnimi dejavniki, prikazuje Cramerjev korelacijski koeficient. Največja zveza na vseh izbranih območjih je med vinogradniškimi ter sadjarskimi površinami in prstmi. Najmanjši vpliv na vinogradniške in sadjarske površine v Goriških brdih je imela ekspozicija. V Koprskih brdih je litološka podlaga imela najmanjši vpliv na vinogradniške površine, na sadjarske pa globalno sončno obsevanje.
Keywords: Goriška brda, Koprska brda, vzhodne Ljutomersko-Ormoške gorice, Vzhodne Haloze, vinogradi, sadovnjaki, naravni dejavniki, umik vinogradniških in sadjarskih površin, Cramerjev korelacijski koeficient
Published in DKUM: 20.09.2016; Views: 1866; Downloads: 141
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Design and testing of an ultrasound system for targeted spraying in orchards
Viktor Jejčič, Tone Godeša, Marko Hočevar, Brane Širok, Aleš Malneršič, Andrej Štrancar, Mario Lešnik, Denis Stajnko, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: The research aims to demonstrate the basic system elements of a prototype automated orchard sprayer, which can deliver pesticide spray selectively withrespect to the characteristics of the targets. The contour of the apple tree canopy was detected by ultra sound sensors Prowave 400EP14D and appropriate electronics. Ultra sound signal was processed by a personal computer and fed in real-time to spraying nozzles which open and close in relation to the canopy structure. The current project focuses on developing the system components for spraying an individual tree. The evaluation was performed in field experiments by detecting deposits on leaves and water sensitive papers (WSP). The demonstrated concept of precise application of pesticide sprays supports a decrease in the amount of delivered spray, thereby reducing both costs and environmental pollution by plant protection products.
Keywords: pršilniki, ultrazvok, razporeditev škropiva, sadovnjaki, air-assisted sprayer, ultra sound, algorithm, spray distribution, orchard
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1387; Downloads: 108
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Fruit products for profit
Chris Clarke, Kathrin Schreckenberg, N.N. Haq, 2011

Abstract: "The focus of this booklet is on fruit trees for small-scale farmers grown in home gardens and small-sale orchards, rather than on species such as oil palm that are predominantly cultivated in industrial-scale plantations. The booklet is intended to raise awareness and provide information to people and organizations, public and private, who are working with local communities to promote sustainable livelihood diversification for small-scale farmers. The booklet outlines the potential benefits of a fruit enterprise deriving from increased incomes, but also considers improved diets and food security for the farm family. It outlines the base requirements for cultivating fruit trees, marketing fruit and also processing fruit as well as drawing attention to some of the challenges. Even though harvesting of wild fruit trees is not considered in this booklet, processing, packaging and marketing of fruit produce is similar for both cultivated and wild harvested fruit
Keywords: sadjarstvo, sadovnjaki, sadje, prodaja sadja
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1280; Downloads: 34
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