1. An Analysis of Appraisal in Selected British War Speeches : m. a. thesisLucija Kovačič, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: The thesis analyses two selected war speeches by former British Prime Ministers Winston Churchill and Boris Johnson by using appraisal theory based mainly on the work of James R. Martin and Peter R. R. White. Furthermore, it deals with the history of rhetoric, political oratory and the theory of war speeches. According to the latter, politicians and leaders try to strategically persuade their audiences that armed conflict is necessary to confront the supposed or actual aggressor to preserve sovereignty. ‘Arm Yourselves, and Be Ye Men of Valour’ by Winston Churchill marks a crucial moment in British history. On May 19, 1940, during the Second World War, Churchill addressed the British nation for the first time as Prime Minister. In his speech, he briefly explained the situation at the front, tried to appease the listeners and ensure victory over the aggressor. Contrarily, Boris Johnson’s address to the Ukrainian parliament was the first address by a foreign politician after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Similarly, Johnson ensured a victory for the Ukrainians with the help of the Allied countries. Afterward, he focused on his beliefs and the need to maintain a close relationship with Ukraine. The thesis attempts to quantitatively analyse the interpersonal meanings in speeches according to the categories of the appraisal system, as well as establish and compare the predominant features of British war oratory. Keywords: Rhetoric, Appraisal Theory, British war speeches, Winston Churchill, Boris Johnson Published in DKUM: 03.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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2. Rhetoric for Tourism Business : WorksheetsJasna Potočnik Topler, 2021 Abstract: Rhetoric is the skill of persuasion. It has accompanied people for millennia, and the foundations of rhetorical theory were laid by the Ancient Greek thinker Aristotle. Through historical periods it has undergone development, rises and also falls. Today we are increasingly aware of the importance of familiarity with this skill in very broad fields of public and private life, for ultimately it contributes to better reading literacy of individuals and society. One of the aims of teaching rhetoric at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Maribor is to prepare students to analyse and more accurately and precisely formulate arguments and persuasive techniques in everyday life, ranging from personal conversations to the media, study situations and the composition of expert texts. Equally it aims to familiarise students with various discourses, to teach them independent, more self-confident, clear, structured and critical expression of views and to formulate structured short and long texts. The booklet contains work sheets that will serve as support points in aiding rhetoric in business communication, when the focus is on topics such as history, rhetorical genres, canons, persuasion and language. We will also focus attention on the legal aspects of communication. The publication is a translated and supplemented edition of worksheets published in 2018. Keywords: rhetoric, tourism, writing for tourism, interpretation in tourism, public speaking Published in DKUM: 13.10.2021; Views: 884; Downloads: 146
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3. The Transitional Period of the Rhetorical Presidency in the United States of AmericaBlaž Varžič Galle, 2019, master's thesis Abstract: The main objective of this master’s thesis is to compare the traditional and rhetorical presidency in the United States of America, focusing on milestones and the reasons for them. Another objective is to analyze different presidential speeches and their evolvement throughout history and different events.
The master’s thesis presents an analysis of two presidential speeches given by the 25th American president William McKinley. The speeches were analyzed with regards to classical rhetorical elements based on Leith (2012), who summarizes classical rhetorical principles based on Aristotle’s Rhetoric (Aristotle ,1992) The analysis provides evidence of the shift from traditional to the rhetorical presidency, which occurred during the final stages of William McKinley’s presidency when he served as the American leader in the Spanish – American war. A handful of authors have mentioned McKinley (e.g. Robert Saldin, 2011) as the transitional president in American presidential rhetoric, however, the general literature still portrays Theodore Roosevelt as such. The analysis will provide rhetorical evidence to disprove the theory which considers Roosevelt as the beginner of the rhetorical presidency. Keywords: Rhetoric, presidency, traditional presidency, rhetorical presidency, William McKinley, Sam Leith, speeches Published in DKUM: 10.05.2021; Views: 736; Downloads: 61
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4. Diskurzni okvir v predsedniški retoriki Donalda TrumpaŽiga Krajnc, 2020, master's thesis Abstract: This Master’s Thesis engages in research of Donald Trump’s presidential rhetoric from the perspective of evaluative framing in rhetoric. The analysis stems from Jim A. Kuypers’ theory of framing from a rhetorical perspective and J.R. Martin and P.R.R. White’s theory of language evaluation. The corpus for analysis consists of three speeches delivered by President Trump in 2017; these speeches are Inaugural Address, Remarks by President Trump on the Administration’s National Security Strategy (“America First Speech”), and Ohio Rally Speech 2017. The theoretical part consists of presenting the theory of framing as a rhetorical perspective, followed by short introduction of the theory of language evaluation. Donald Trump’s rhetoric style and characteristics are also included separately. The empirical part presents the analysis of the corpus. The research consists of two parts; the first part presents the analysis of subjects and objects and how are they framed. Furthermore, this part also detects which frames are present in the discourse. The second part consist of a discussion of results and an analysis of detected evaluative frames. It has been established that Trump’s addresses frame the President’s persona into a saviour-like figure, which offers powerful protection, security and restoration from the decay the previous administrations, supposedly, caused. Keywords: discourse, rhetoric, Donald Trump, discourse frame, language evaluation Published in DKUM: 27.02.2020; Views: 1544; Downloads: 302
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