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The influence of negotiation approaches on supplier relationship management in Zimbabwe's fast-food industry
Paul Mukucha, Felix Chari, Divaries Cosmas Jaravaza, Victor Shumba, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) has become a cornerstone of business success since the transformation of the procurement function to supply chain management. Extant literature has documented various predictors of vibrant supplier relationships. However, missing in the extant literature is the potential of negotiation approaches to cultivation of healthy supplier relationships. This study therefore sought to determine the influence of negotiation approaches on SRM. A sample of 150 dyadic transactions in the fast-food restaurant industry was surveyed. The broad dichotomous categorisation of negotiation methods into distributive and integrative approaches was used. SRM was operationalised using dimensions such as commitment, trust, communication, adaptation, and satisfaction. After conducting a Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) the results revealed that the distributive strategy was weakly linked to supplier relationship, while a strong supplier relationship was observed in the use of integrative negotiation strategy. It was therefore recommended that procurement practitioners must employ integrative negotiation strategies and tactics in order to create sustainable supplier relationship management.
Keywords: distributive negotiation, integrative negotiation, supplier relationship management, fast-food industry
Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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The relation between project team conflict and user resistance in software projects
Simon Vrhovec, Blaž Markelj, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This study aims to explore the relation between conflict in the project team and user resistance to change in software projects. Following a cross-sectional research design, a survey was conducted among 1,000 largest companies in Slovenia (N = 114). The results of PLSSEM analysis indicate that task and process conflicts in the project team are associated with user resistance. This study is among the first to associate conflict within the project team and user resistance in the implementing organization. It is also one of the first studies to investigate the relations between different types of conflict and user resistance. Project managers may invest resources into adequately managing conflicts within the project team related to tasks in which the project team interacts with users of developed software to lower user resistance. Project with poorly defined roles (e.g., agile and information security projects) may be more prone to user resistance than projects with clearly defined roles.
Keywords: project management, software project, relationship conflict, task conflict, process conflict, resistance to change
Published in DKUM: 11.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Multi-criteria decision analysis of supply chain practices and firms performance in Nigeria
Bilqis Bolanle Amole, Sulaimon Olanrewaju Adebiyi, Olamilekan Gbenga Oyenuga, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Companies are facing numerous pressures and challenges in order to be competitive in the market and meet the requirements of their customers which require an improvement in the supply chain practices of the firms to be more effective and efficient for sustainable competitive advantage. This study examines the use of a multi-criteria decision making method using analytic network process (ANP) to estimate the how supply chain activities of the selected manufacturing firms’ influences its firm performance in other to enhance the satisfaction of customers. The population of the study is the manufacturing firms quoted in the Nigeria stock exchange. An ANP-based questionnaire was administered to Managers of selected manufacturing firms for pairwise comparison of supply chain factors relative influences and dependencies on their customers. A nonlinear network model was built to capture all the factors of supply chain practices and firms performance into clusters, nodes and dependences for the purpose of estimating various influences supply chain practices on the performance of the various companies studied. Data collected were analysed using software of Super decision 3.0 version. The results revealed factors of supply chain practices that have a great connection with one another and strong relationship indicating that without the implementing the key factors of supply chain there would not be a significant improvement in the performance of the organisation which will also affects the desire of the customers. The ANP model has helped to show the interdependencies and feedback among the various factors of practices of supply chain to augment the level of performance of the firms.
Keywords: analytical network process, supply chain, strategic supplier partnership, supply chain integration, outsourcing, customer relationship management
Published in DKUM: 23.08.2024; Views: 74; Downloads: 12
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Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats
Idoia Biurrun, Remigiusz Pielech, Iwona Dembicz, François Gillet, Łukasz Kozub, Corrado Marcenò, Triin Reitalu, Koenraad Van Meerbeek, Riccardo Guarino, Milan Chytrý, Nataša Pipenbaher, Sonja Škornik, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Aims: Understanding fine-grain diversity patterns across large spatial extents is fundamental for macroecological research and biodiversity conservation. Using the GrassPlot database, we provide benchmarks of fine-grain richness values of Palaearctic open habitats for vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and complete vegetation (i.e., the sum of the former three groups). Location: Palaearctic biogeographic realm. Methods: We used 126,524 plots of eight standard grain sizes from the GrassPlot database: 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 1,000 m2 and calculated the mean richness and standard deviations, as well as maximum, minimum, median, and first and third quartiles for each combination of grain size, taxonomic group, biome, region, vegetation type and phytosociological class. Results: Patterns of plant diversity in vegetation types and biomes differ across grain sizes and taxonomic groups. Overall, secondary (mostly semi-natural) grasslands and natural grasslands are the richest vegetation type. The open-access file ”GrassPlot Diversity Benchmarks” and the web tool “GrassPlot Diversity Explorer” are now available online (https://edgg.org/databases/GrasslandDiversityExplorer) and provide more insights into species richness patterns in the Palaearctic open habitats. Conclusions: The GrassPlot Diversity Benchmarks provide high-quality data on species richness in open habitat types across the Palaearctic. These benchmark data can be used in vegetation ecology, macroecology, biodiversity conservation and data quality checking. While the amount of data in the underlying GrassPlot database and their spatial coverage are smaller than in other extensive vegetation-plot databases, species recordings in GrassPlot are on average more complete, making it a valuable complementary data source in macroecology.
Keywords: benchmark, bryophyte, fine-grain biodiversity, grassland, GrassPlot Diversity Explorer, lichen, open habitat, Palaearctic, scale dependence, species–area relationship, vascular plant, vegetation plot
Published in DKUM: 07.08.2024; Views: 88; Downloads: 8
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Long way to the 2014 Istanbul Convention : its role and significance
Eva Hršak, Jernej Kovač, 2023, review article

Abstract: This article investigates the historical aspects of physical violence in intimate relation-ships. The primary purpose is to illustrate the legal aspects and emotional dynamics of physical violence in intimate relationships, focusing on differences in perspective of various historical eras. We analyzed the Istanbul Convention, which represents a base document for preventing physical violence in domestic environments. In addition, we have analysed curriculum in kindergarten. We have discovered that the topics from the Istanbul Convention are incorporated in the kindergarten.
Keywords: physical violence, intimate relationship, human rights, legislation, Istanbul Convention
Published in DKUM: 15.04.2024; Views: 226; Downloads: 14
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Honey, there´s something on my mind --- : adverse consequences of negative and positive work rumination on attention to the partner, and the advantage of talking about it
Julia Schoellbauer, Sara Tement, Christian Korunka, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: In the contemporary 24/7 working society, the separation of work and private life is increasingly turning into an unrealizable ideal. Ruminating about work outside the work context lets work spill over into private lives and afects the dynamics of workers’ private relationships. Although negative work rumination was linked to couples’ reduced relationship satisfaction, little is known about the mechanism of action and the impact of positive work rumination. Drawing on the load theory of selective attention, we hypothesize that both negative and positive work rumination occupy attentional resources and thus reduce workers’ attention to the partner on the same day. Lower levels of attention to the partner, in turn, should relate to lower levels of both partners’relationship satisfaction. However, sharing the work-related thoughts with the partner might support the resolution of the work issue the worker is ruminating about, which releases attentional resources and thus bufers the negative association between rumination and attention to the partner. We conducted a daily diary study and the fndings based on 579 daily dyadic observations from 42 dualearner couples support the proposed cognitive spillover-crossover mechanism and the bufer mechanism of thought-sharing. We conclude that negative and positive work rumination takes up scarce attentional resources and thus jeopardizes relationship quality. However, sharing thoughts with one’s partner seems to be a useful strategy for couples to maintain or even increase their relationship satisfaction in the light of work rumination.
Keywords: Diary study, Dyadic research, Relationship quality, Psychological availability, Spillover-crossover, Actor-partner interdependence mode, family conflict, perceptual load, relationship satisfaction, marital, quality, daily-diary, couples, stress, experiences depression, crossover, Psychology
Published in DKUM: 20.02.2024; Views: 333; Downloads: 17
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Time pressure, work-related spousal support seeking, and relationship satisfaction : spillover and crossover effects among dual-earner couples
Sara Tement, Katarina Katja Mihelič, Bettina Kubicek, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The present study examined how time pressure at work is transmitted to the home domain and how it affects individuals’ (spillover) as well as their partners’ relationship satisfaction (crossover). We examined the role of work-related spousal support seeking and proposed that it serves as a mediator of the spillover as well as the crossover process. We further explored whether the proposed spillover-crossover process is gender-contingent. Using a sample of 308 dual-earner couples, we found support for a positive link between time pressure at work and spousal support seeking. As hypothesized, spousal support seeking served also as a crossover mechanism. However, distinct spillover and crossover processes were found for men and women. These findings not only point to a new spillover and crossover mechanism but also highlight gender-specific patterns in the role of support seeking. As this coping strategy is feasible when job stressors are high, it should be considered a part of stress management trainings and organizational practices.
Keywords: spillover, crossover, time pressure, dual-earner couples, work-related spousal support, relationship satisfaction, gender differences
Published in DKUM: 13.07.2023; Views: 452; Downloads: 58
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Weather conditions and crimes prevalence in Ifako- Ijaye (Lagos State, Nigeria)
Elisha Ademola Adeleke, Abiodun Daniel Olabode, Abimbola Emmanuel Oni, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose: This paper aims to establish how weather parameters influence crimes with a view to understanding the varying levels of crime in the study area. Design/Methods/Approach: Data referring to maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, rainfall amount and wind speed, murder, assault, rape, armed robbery, breach of public peace, criminal conspiracy, theft, kidnapping, slave dealings, cultism and burglary were collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency, the Oshodi and Nigerian Police Force, Divisional Headquarters, Ifako-Ijaiye, Lagos State. Findings: Results of regression analysis revealed a relationship exists between weather parameters and the prevalence of crimes at a magnitude of 91%; multiple correlation analysis results showed that a relationship exists between rape and weather at a magnitude of 90%. Research Limitations / Implications: This research focused on the role played by the observed weather elements on crime activity in the study area. However, the study suggests further studies on other factors capable of inducing crimes. Originality/Value: The paper deals with an issue not given much attention in the area under study. In Nigeria, criminal activities are typically viewed in terms of peer group influence rather than the weather. Generally, the study has the potential to help realign security measures and inform people of the possibility of being morally influenced by the prevailing weather conditions.
Keywords: climate, weather, crime, trend, environment, relationship
Published in DKUM: 15.04.2020; Views: 988; Downloads: 56
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Relationship between a doctor and a patient with mental disorder
Blanka Kores-Plesničar, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Quality relationship between a doctor and a patient with mental disorder is pivotal to successful treatment. The doctor, the patient and the environment contribute numerous factors to this relationship. There are also ethical and legal aspects to consider, and above all, it is intrinsically linked with the patient's trust. However, the relationship between a doctor and a patient with mental disorder may lead to crossing professional boundaries and even to their violation. Crossing boundaries means deviating from normal standards of practice that does not exploit or harm the patient, and can be even beneficial to the later; violation of boundaries is harmful to the patient and serves primarily for satisfying the needs of the doctor. Education and learning ethical norms and communication techniques represent the foundation of all professional relationships.
Keywords: doctors, patients, relationship, mental disorders
Published in DKUM: 08.10.2018; Views: 1018; Downloads: 180
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The relationship between doctors, patients and the law in North American and British literature
Victor Kennedy, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: In common law jurisdictions today, the relationship between doctors and patients is generally considered to be a private one (Dorr Goold and Lipkin Jr., 1999). Like most professions, doctors are governed to a large extent by professional associations with their own Codes of Ethics. To practice medicine in the United States, Canada, or Britain, doctors must be licensed by their local Board or College. Government control of doctor-patient relationships is generally limited to funding, but in a few areas, in particular, those that are considered to be matters of public morality or ethics, criminal statutes can apply. Historically, reproductive rights have often fallen under state control. This paper will compare fictional representations of state interference with reproductive rights in three science-fiction dystopias, Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale (Atwood, 1985), P.D. James's Children of Men (James, 1992), and Harlan Ellison's "A Boy and His Dog" (Ellison, 1969), and examine the real-world situations and concerns that these stories comment upon.
Keywords: doctors, patients, relationship, common law, American literature, British literature
Published in DKUM: 08.10.2018; Views: 1111; Downloads: 149
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