1. Developing a framework for closed-loop supply chain and its impact on sustainability in the petrochemicals industryLobna Tag el Sheikh, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Companies rely on formulating, implementing, and monitoring strategies in social, environmental and economic aspects to ensure that they achieve their goals and keep abreast of developments related to sustainability requirements. Therefore, our study develops a system to integrate the closed-loop supply chain approach in the petrochemical sector. The research follows the quantitative-based approach by collecting data through a questionnaire directed to employees in the supply chain departments, including 230 questionnaires that were collected. Correlation and structural equation models (SEM) were used. This technique consists of multiple regression analysis and factor analysis and analyses the structural relationship between the underlying structures and the measured variables. The results indicated a significant relationship between the supply chains that have a loop from the following perspectives: economic motivations, customer awareness, environmental legislation, and sustainability. By increasing financial reasons, customer awareness and environmental legislation, sustainability will increase as they all move in the same direction. Therefore, the overall effect of a closed-loop supply chain is positive and significant. Keywords: closed-loop supply chain, petrochemicals, cost effectivity, product stewardship, multiple regression analysis, factor analysis, sustainability Published in DKUM: 12.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (1,60 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Materials for HybridNeuro webinar titled "Validation of results: statistical models and MU identification accuracy"Aleš Holobar, Nina Murks, 2024, complete scientific database of research data Abstract: This dataset contains a collection of teaching materials that were used in the HybridNeuro project webinar titled "Validation of results: statistical models and MU identification accuracy". The webinar was presented by Aleš Holobar and covered the complexities of motor unit (MU) identification accuracy, regression analysis and Bayesian models. The primary aim of the webinar was to spark a robust discussion within the scientific community, particularly focusing on the application and implications of linear mixed models and Bayesian regression in the realm of MU identification. The teaching materials include Matlab and R source code for statistical analysis of the included data, as well as three examples of MU identification results in CSV format (from both synthetic and experimental HDEMG signals). The presentation slides in PDF format are also included. The dataset is approximately 9 MB in size. Keywords: HybridNeuro, webinar, teaching materials, statistical models, regression analysis, motor unit identification, matlab, rstudio, statistics, surface high density electromyogram (HDEMG), tibialis anterior, dataset Published in DKUM: 30.05.2024; Views: 221; Downloads: 20 Full text (108,35 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Directions for the sustainability of innovative clustering in a countryVito Bobek, Vladislav Streltsov, Tatjana Horvat, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: This paper presents potential improvements through utilizing the cyclical nature of clusters by human capital, technology, policies, and management. A historical review of the formation and sustainable development of clusters in the US, Europe, Japan, China, and other regions is carried out to achieve this. The aim was to identify and assess the prominent occurrence cases, the central institutional actors, the indicators of their innovative activity, and the schematics of successful cluster management. The theory section covers current classification methods and typology of innovation-territorial economic associations. Consequently, a regression analysis model is produced to identify the potential dominant success factors in implementing the innovation policy of the most successful innovative clusters. Comments on the influence of these predictors on the competitiveness and level of innovative development of the 50 inspected countries follow. As a result of qualitative and quantitative analysis, an overview of the best world practice, the new vision, and its priorities are proposed to improve the efficiency at the level of management structures of innovation clusters. Keywords: cluster, cluster policy, state policy, regression analysis, institutions, innovation, R&D Published in DKUM: 09.04.2024; Views: 306; Downloads: 127 Full text (1,23 MB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Exploring factors afecting elementary school teachers' adoption of 3D printers in teachingBranko Anđić, Andrej Šorgo, Christoph Helm, Robert Weinhandl, Vida Lang, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Owing to its advantages such as producing durable models and easy accessibility, 3D modeling and printing (3DMP) has become increasingly popular in educational practice and research. However, the results of many studies have shown that the adoption rate of 3DMP among teachers is still low, especially in elementary schools. Therefore, research is needed to expand current knowledge about what influences teachers' decisions to start and continue using 3DMP in elementary schools. To investigate factors that affect elementary school teachers' decisions to use 3D printing in teaching, this study uses a mixed methods research approach combining binary logistic regression with a qualitative thematic analysis approach. Both approaches assembled predictive constructs from a range of theories on (1) technology acceptance and (2) intentions to continue or abandon 3DMP use. Using a sample of 225 elementary teachers from Montenegro, this study empirically concluded that intentions to discontinue 3DMP was slightly more strongly correlated with the predictors (i.e., performance expectancy, effort expectancy, perceived pedagogical impact, personal innovativeness, management support, user interface quality, technology compatibility, social influence, student expectations) than was intentions to continue using 3DMP. Performance expectancy was a significant determinant of teachers’ continued use of a 3DMP approach. The remaining seven factors (constructs) were found to be insignificant predictors. Perceived pedagogical impact and technology compatibility were significantly associated with teachers' decisions to discontinue using 3DMP. Our results also suggest that the time required to use 3DMP during instruction, the impact of 3DMP on the implementation of curriculum activities, and the availability of 3D printers are all relevant factors that influence teachers’' decision to use or abandon 3DMP. Keywords: elementary school, binary logistic regression, continuance intentions, thematic analysis approach, 3D modelling and printing Published in DKUM: 26.03.2024; Views: 268; Downloads: 205 Full text (807,43 KB) This document has many files! More... |
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6. Statistical analysis of the development indicators' impacts on e-commerce of individuals in selected European countriesKsenija Dumičić, Ivana Skoko Bonić, Berislav Žmuk, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of the development level indicators on the e-commerce, i.e. on the online purchase by individuals, in selected European countries in 2013. In the analysis, the main variable under study and all the independent variables are included as standardised. Based on nine variables, the principal component analysis with varimax rotation was performed and the two extracted factors were used as the regressors in the multiple regression analysis. In the regression model both components, Factor 1, which includes seven variables, called Prosperity, Investing in Education and IT Infrastructure, and Awareness, and Factor 2, comprised of two variables, called IT Skills, are statistically significant at the significance level of 1%. Both factors show a positive correlation with the online purchase of individuals. Inclusion and analysis of distributions and impacts of even nine independent variables, which make up two distinct factors affecting the e-commerce, make a new contribution of this work. Keywords: e-commerce, broadband access to the Internet, factor analysis, multiple regression analysis Published in DKUM: 10.10.2018; Views: 1313; Downloads: 378 Full text (343,31 KB) This document has many files! More... |
7. Financial system and agricultural growth in UkraineOlena Oliynyk, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Background/Purpose: An effective financial system should increase the efficiency of economic activities. This study provides evidence regarding the importance of financial development for agricultural growth in Ukraine.
Methodology: We used non-integrated and integral indicators, time series and regression analysis to investigate the link between the financial development and agricultural growth.
Results: The results based on integral indicators shows that the financial development does not affect agricultural growth in Ukraine. The study based on non-integrated indicators, which characterizes various aspects of the financial system’s banking component and agricultural growth, provided a significant link between the financial system and agriculture growth. The regression models revealed if bank deposits to GDP (%) increases the value added per worker in agriculture increases exponentially. The results of the study indicate that, agriculture is more sensitive to lending changes than the vast majority of other sectors of the economy. The increasing lending of one UAH (Ukrainian hryvnia) resulted in retail turnover growth of 1.62 UAH, while agricultural gross output, growth was UAH 5.06.
Conclusion: Our results reveal a positive relationship between financial system’s banking component and agriculture growth in Ukraine. The results indicate the necessity for continued research into further developing universal methodological approaches of appraising the nexus of the financial system’s banking component on agriculture growth in general as well separate farm groups. The results of our study has important implications on policy making authorities efforts to stimulate agricultural growth by improving the efficiency of the financial system’s banking component. Keywords: agricultural growth, the integral indicator of the agricultural growth, the integral indicator of the financial development, time series analysis, regression analysis, financial system Published in DKUM: 04.05.2018; Views: 1477; Downloads: 397 Full text (762,63 KB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Impact of ICTs on innovation activities : indication for selected European countriesJovana Zoroja, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: The development and usage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has particularly increased in the last two decades, while at the same time showing great potential to improve the efficacy of business processes, facilitate and drive innovations, and therefore increase competitiveness. Innovation activities represent an important factor for social and economic change as well as for increasing competitive advantages at both the national and firm levels. This paper focuses on the role that ICTs play in the innovation performance of selected European countries. Using data drawn from the Eurostat and Global Competitiveness Index (2007–2011) and panel regression analysis, research results indicate that ICTs have a significant impact on business innovation activities. Keywords: information and communication technology, innovation, business sophistication, competitiveness, European countries, regression analysis Published in DKUM: 13.11.2017; Views: 1399; Downloads: 222 Full text (322,46 KB) This document has many files! More... |
9. Trend analysis of journal metrics: a new academic library service?Peter Kokol, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Objective: Temporal trends in source normalized impact per paper (SNIP) values for the three top-ranking nursing journals were analyzed and compared to explore whether predicting future SNIP values based on trend analysis could be an innovative service provided by librarians.
Methods: The International Journal of Nursing Studies, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, and Journal of Advanced Nursing were the three top-ranked nursing journals according to 2015 SNIP values. SNIP values for the selected journals were retrieved from the Scopus database, and extracted data were exported to Joinpoint trend analysis software to perform trend analysis.
Results: The trend in SNIP values for the International Journal of Nursing Studies was the most stable and positive, whereas the trend in SNIP values for the Journal of Advanced Nursing was the most negative. The annual percentage change of the most recent trend line, which is the best indicator for predicting future SNIP values, was the largest for the International Journal of Nursing Studies.
Conclusions: Predictions of journal metrics based on statistical joinpoint regression may not be completely accurate. Using this technique, however, a librarian can reasonably claim which journal will retain or even improve its prestige in the future and thus safely advise prospective authors on where to publish their research. Keywords: publish or perish, medical library, trend analysis, journal impact factor, joinpoint regression Published in DKUM: 09.10.2017; Views: 1638; Downloads: 359 Full text (227,10 KB) This document has many files! More... |
10. The impact of economic growth on the dynamics of enterprises : empirical evidence for Slovenia's non-agricultural sectorDijana Močnik, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: The aim of this paper was to test the hypothesized U-shaped relationship between economic development and dynamics of enterprises. The dynamics of enterprises is influenced by the achieved economic development. This paper first analyzed the association between the regional gross value added (GVA) growth rate and different measures of enterprises dynamics from Slovenian data from 2000 to 2005. Our graphical analyses indicated that 1) the rate of gross entry and GVA growth rate were linearly and negatively associated; 2) the association between the rate of gross exit and GVA growth rate is best represented by the downward U-shape function (Ç); and 3) a U-shaped association exists between the rate of net entry and GVA growth rate. The size of the impact was estimated using the regression analysis between the net entries as dependent variable and GVA growth as independent variable that showed the best fit. According to the results, 1) economic growth significantly impacts net entries; 2) the hypothesized U-shaped relationship between net entries and economic growth was confirmed as the Slovenian net entries decrease until the GVA growth rate reaches 10% yet increase when the growth in GVA is higher than 10%; and 3) a ‘natural rate’ of entrepreneurship is to some extent governed by ‘laws’ related to the economic growth rate. The results further indicate that the average net entry rate should be increased by 0.787 units (%) as a result of a region's specific environmental factors. This research confirms the theoretical assumptions that have previously been sparsely tested empirically and even rarely supported by results. Therefore, our results represent a contribution to the robustness of the theoretical as well as empirical clarification of the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic development. Keywords: dynamics of enterprises, firm entries, net entries, economic growth, regression analysis Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1557; Downloads: 165 Full text (525,03 KB) This document has many files! More... |