1. Notaries' escrow services in selling real estate in the Republic of SloveniaBojan Podgoršek, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Notary's escrow is a legal relationship between the notary and the parties to the underlying legal transaction, which is generally a sales agreement. Notary's escrow is regulated with mandatory statutory rules commissioning public notaries and the rules of the mandate agreement. Mutual obligations of the parties to the underlying legal transaction in and of themselves do not influence the notary's obligations under a notary's escrow agreement unless they are included in the notary's escrow agreement as a constituent part thereof. Slovenian legislation stipulates the general conditions of notaries' operations. However, it does not stipulate specific conditions that must be fulfilled in order to place documents, funds and securities into escrow with a notary, nor does it stipulate the mandatory component elements of the escrow order. Therefore, The Slovenian regulation of notary's escrow should be supplemented. Keywords: escrow services, notaries' escrow services, notary escrow of funds, notary escrow of documents, selling real estate, conditions of notary's escrow, risk of non-performance, legitimate interest for notary escrow Published in DKUM: 15.01.2021; Views: 1025; Downloads: 0 |
2. Diskontna mera pri uporabi metod, ki temeljijo na diskontiranem denarnem toku za potrebe analize nepremičninskih investicij in vrednotenja nepremičninIgor Pšunder, Andreja Cirman, 2011, review article Abstract: Uporaba metod analize nepremičninskih in drugih naložb, ki temeljijo na diskontiranju denarnega toka, se je uveljavila šele v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih. Kljub relativno veliki razširjenosti metod, ki temeljijo na diskontiranju denarnega toka, projektni vodje po lastnem mnenju ne poznajo dovolj posebnosti metod, celo takšnih ne, ki bi lahko privedle do napačnih odločitev (npr. navzkrižne indikacije metode neto sedanje vrednosti in notranje donosnosti). Ena ključnih pomanjkljivosti uporabe metod analize naložb, ki temeljijo na diskontiranju denarnega toka, pa je ne dovolj natančnodoločena diskontna mera oziroma mera kapitalizacije. Metode, ki temeljijo na diskontiranju denarnega toka, niso namenjene zgolj analizi ekonomske upravičenosti projektov, temveč je na diskontiranem denarnem toku zasnovano tudi vrednotenje posebnih nepremičnin v sistemu množičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin v Sloveniji. V tem članku je obravnavan pomen diskontne mere za analizo in vrednotenje nepremičninskih projektov. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene zasnova metod, ki temeljijo na diskontiranemdenarnem toku, sestava diskontne mere in mere kapitalizacije ter simulacija vpliva diskontne mere oziroma mere kapitalizacije na rezultate evalvacije in vrednotenja. Empirični del sloni na anketi med pooblaščenimi ocenjevalci vrednosti nepremičnin pri nas. Anketa je bila izvedena v februarjuin marcu 2011 med pooblaščenimi ocenjevalci vrednosti nepremičnin, v njej je sodelovalo 32,9 % vseh pooblaščenih ocenjevalcev vrednosti nepremičninv Sloveniji. Odgovori so statistično obdelani, iz rezultatov pa so pridobljeni podatki za diskontno mero za različne vrste nepremičnin ter izračunane premije za tveganja ter premije za ohranitev kapitala pri različnihvrstah nepremičnin. Keywords: diskontna mera, mera kapitalizacije, premija za tveganje, premija za ohranitev kapitala, neto sedanja vrednost, analiza nepremičninskih naložb, discount rate, capitalisation rate, risk premium, capital recovery premium, net present value, real estate investment analysis, special real estate appraisal Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 2723; Downloads: 134 Link to full text |
3. The impact of economic growth on the market and communication value of real estate : case SloveniaIgor Pšunder, Mirko Pšunder, Ksenija Golob, 2013, other scientific articles Abstract: In the last five years is on the Slovenian real estate market observed highly trend in market volatility in property prices. Developments in the housing market have drastically changed and also represent an important indicator of overall economic trends. There is a lot of factors that affect the market price of real estate. With research we were focus on the problem of the impactof economic growth in the market value of real estate in Slovenia. We were present trend of economic growth in the last decade and its impact on growth or decline in real estate transactions. We were also established if declining real estate transactions affect the provision of more and bigger discounts on the sale of real estate. Among the research parameters, we were presented as well as their interdependence. With constant monitoring of parameters and statistical methods, we were collect data on the impact of economic growth and offered discounts on the real estate market prices, for future periods. The aim of the research is to define those factors that need to be considered for the analytical prediction of the trend of market prices and selling real estate in the future.The results obtained will help real estate valuers in the drawing up of reports assessing the value of real estate. Keywords: nepremičninski trg, ekonomska rast, cena nepremičnin, statistične metode, real estate market, economic growth, market factors, statistical method Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 2234; Downloads: 51 Link to full text |
4. Real estate investment : a capital market approachGerald R. Brown, George A. Matysiak, 2000, higher education textbook Keywords: real estate, investments, capital market, money, cash flows, valuation, models, depreciation, mortgages, price, investors, investments funds, decision making, risk, diversification, property, portfolio, management, hedging Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 3041; Downloads: 122 Link to full text |