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Tilen Semenič, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: Within the AVL LIST GmbH a demonstration system of generic engine cooling circuit, using the computer cooling components for testing different vehicle thermal management advanced control strategies has been made. The master’s thesis includes the integration of a prototype control unit into the demonstration system, which enables to develop, optimize and test new control strategies in real-time and environment. The build-in components that assemble the demonstrator system are connected in a representative sequence, as well as a prototype control unit that allows the system to be operated. The second part of the master's thesis is the creation of a system control model in the MATLAB®/Simulink® software environment, as well as the creation of a visualization model using the ControlDesk software environment from dSPACE GmbH. The third part of the thesis contains the implementation of various control strategies and their impact on the demonstration system. A comparison of the results between different control strategies is shown in the last chapter.
Keywords: thermal management, control, supervision, rapid control prototyping, vehicles, control prototypes
Published in DKUM: 16.07.2021; Views: 937; Downloads: 89
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Control and robotics remote laboratory for engineering education
Riko Šafarič, Mitja Truntič, Darko Hercog, Gregor Pačnik, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The new tools for education of engineering emerged and one of the most promising is a remote rapid control prototyping (RRCP), which is very useful also for control and robotics development in industry and in education. Examples of introductory remote control and simple robotic. courses with integrated hand, on experiments are presented in the paper. The aim o/: integration of remote hand on experiments into control and/or robotics course is to minimize the gap between the theory and practice to teach students the use of RRCP and to decrease the education costs. Developed RRCP experiments are based on MATLAB/Simulink, xPC target, custom developed embedded target for DSP-2 controller and LabVIEW virtual instrument.
Keywords: education of control and robotics, rapid prototyping, remote engineering
Published in DKUM: 19.07.2017; Views: 1557; Downloads: 129
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Development of a part-complexity evaluation model for application in additive fabrication technologies
Bogdan Valentan, Tomaž Brajlih, Igor Drstvenšek, Jože Balič, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: Klasičnim odrezovalnim postopkom so se v zadnjih letih pridružili tako imenovani dodajalni postopki (slojevite tehnologije ali po domače 3D-tiskalniki). Če smo še pred leti vsaj okvirno vedeli kateri postopek izbrati za kateri izdelek, pa danes, ob upoštevanju vedno širše palete slojevitih tehnologij, temu ni več tako in le redki posamezniki še zmorejo slediti razvoju na tem izredno živahnem in hitro rastočem področju. Predstavljen je način določanja kompleksnosti izdelka na osnovi 3D-modela in uporaba izračuna pri izbiri izdelovalnega postopka ter določanju časa poobdelave pri določenih slojevitih tehnologijah. Članek opisuje osnovne značilnosti formata STL kot izhodne CAD-datoteke, ki predstavlja osnovo za analizo in razvoj postopkov določanja kompleksnosti oblike samega modela. Predstavljenih je več modelov iz realnega okolja, na katerih je izvedena analiza vhodnih podatkov in postopek določanja kompleksnosti oblike. Predstavljeni so aktualni izdelovalni postopki, primerni tako za izdelavo unikatnih izdelkov kot tudi za serijsko izdelavo, s posebnim poudarkom na slojevitih tehnologijah. Na osnovi temeljnih lastnosti izdelovalnih tehnologij so analizirani testni modeli in s pomočjo ocene kompleksnosti določeni primerni postopki izdelave oziroma čas, potreben za poobdelavo posameznega izdelka, izdelanega po postopkih slojevitih tehnologij. Rezultati so primerljivi z izkustveno določitvijo izdelovalnega postopka na osnovi ocene strokovnjakov, tako da je ob manjših dodelavah metoda tudi praktično uporabna. Sistem dokaj natančno izloči modele, ki jih je moč izdelati po postopku struženja, prav tako je ustrezno določena meja za uporabo rezkalnega stroja. Pri slojevitih tehnologijah enoznačno izbiro omejuje dejstvo, da te tehnologije v večini primerov omogočajo izdelavo izdelkov ne glede na njihovo kompleksnost. Izbira se je tako omejila na dve skupini, in sicer slojevite tehnologije, pri katerih je potreben dodaten podporni material, in slojevite tehnologije, pri katerih podporni material ni potreben, oziroma ga je mogoče reciklirati. Pri izbiri izdelovalnega postopka bi, ob upoštevanju določenih dodatnih omejitev posameznih slojevitih tehnologij, bila mogoča natančnejša izbira glede na kriterije, kot so čas izdelave, proizvodni stroški, material idr., vendar bi to zahtevalo aktualno bazo podatkov o samih postopkih. Sam način izračuna je bil izbran zaradi razmeroma preprostega izračuna in dokaj natančnega določanja kompleksnosti. Uporaba kompleksnosti za določanje izdelovalnega postopka pred tem ni bila raziskana. S problemom določanja časa poobdelave se danes srečujemo pri praktično vseh slojevitih tehnologijah, ta dejavnik pa bistveno vpliva tako na celoten čas izdelave kot tudi na ceno izdelka. Predstavljena rešitev omogoča izračun časa poobdelave na uporabniku razumljiv način in ob upoštevanju individualnih vplivov specifične naprave s preprosto primerjalno metodo glede na čas poobdelave testnih modelov.
Keywords: rapid prototyping, STl, complexity, shape, layered technology, technology selection
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1644; Downloads: 99
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Development of a 3D printer for thermoplastic modelling
Bogdan Valentan, Dušan Pogačar, Tomaž Brajlih, Tjaša Zupančič Hartner, Ana Pilipović, Igor Drstvenšek, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Additive technologies are entering the market in all price segments and the development of new machines and materials is rapidly growing. Machines under 2000 EUR are more and more interesting for home and educational use. This paper presents the development of a 3D printer that shapes the parts layer by layer by depositing the material on a predefined position. The development is presented from the engineering point of view. The construction steps, the control and the actuator solutions are presented. The ABS plastic was analysed for its material properties. The 3D printer evolved from a prototype to the pre-production phase.
Keywords: polymers, rapid prototyping, additive technologies, 3D print
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1511; Downloads: 128
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Rapid control prototyping using MATLAB/Simulink and a DSP-based motor controller
Darko Hercog, Karel Jezernik, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: A rapid control prototyping (RCP) system, based on commercially available software and custom in-house developed hardware is presented. An RCP system successfully combines the well-known simulation program MATLAB/Simulink and the custom DSP-based floating point motor controller. An RCP system provides smooth and fast transition from off-line simulation in Simulink to real-time operation on the embedded motor controller. On-the-fly parameter tuning and data visualization are provided in addition to rapid code generation. The presented solution represents a powerful, versatile and portable RCP system especially suitable for educational processes as well as motor control research. This article is supplemented by an example of cascade DC motor control.
Keywords: control education, control experiments, rapid control prototyping, DSP controller
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2421; Downloads: 69
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Rapid prototyping processes give new possibilities to numerical copying techniques
Ivo Pahole, Igor Drstvenšek, Mirko Ficko, Jože Balič, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: Due to the appearance of numerically controlled machine tools the conventional copying from physical model has almost lost its importance. Instead, the model of numerical copying is widely used. Until recently, geometry could be copied predominantly in the touching manner and the manufacture of copied - measured shapes on CNC machine tools mainly did not pose o problem. However, because of the introduction of optical copying of geometrical data it is possible to copy the shapes which, sometimes, cannot be made by conventional machining processes (small radii of curvature, negative angles, etc.). The paper describes how these problems can be solved with layered technology processes within a very short time.
Keywords: manufacturing technologies, prototype generation, rapid prototyping, numerical copying, CAD/CAm, digitalization
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1820; Downloads: 97
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Additive fabrication in metallurgy - case study of grey cast iron valve production
Bogdan Valentan, Igor Drstvenšek, Tomaž Brajlih, Peter Sever, Simon Brezovnik, Jože Balič, 2010, professional article

Abstract: Additive Fabrication technologies are well known from the last two decades. In that time Additive Fabrication technologies have evolved from strictly prototype part production into an option that can also be used to produce end-user parts. With development of Additive Fabrication machines capable of producing metal parts, a complete substitution of conventional metal casting technologies is possible. However, direct Additive Fabrication of metal parts is still not time/cost effective when producing large volume parts, and nowadays there is still lack of materials that can be used on those machines. This paper presents a method how a conventional sand casting process can be assisted by Additive Fabrication technologies. A sand mould pattern is produced by Selective Laser Sintering. Additive Fabrication is also used in direct manufacturing of cores.
Keywords: gray cast iron, layered technologies, rapid prototyping, rapid manufacturing, sand casting
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2289; Downloads: 23
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Layered additive manufacturing in clinical medicine
Igor Drstvenšek, Nataša Ihan Hren, Tadej Strojnik, Vojko Pogačar, Tjaša Zupančič Hartner, Andreja Sinkovič, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: The use of contemporary technologies of Computer Assisted Design (CAD), combined with latest rapid prototyping, tooling and manufacturing, with traditional CT scanning techniques and high medical skills are used as instruments for better diagnostic visualization, simulation of procedures and treatment of patients with craniofacial deformities. They also improve the overall performances of medical and nursing staff thus influencing the quality of medical service. Patients with congenital defects, orthognathic deformities, deformities after malignancy treatment or after craniofacial traumatic injuries of different severities are of particular interests due to both aesthetic and functional alterations. The paper presents two clinical cases - a patient with scull bone defect after brain hemorrhage and brain edema as well as a patient with hemifacial microsomia treated by surgery followed by implantation of titanium angular implant prepared by means of computer tomography scans, Computer Aided Design and Rapid Manufacturing technologies.
Keywords: rapid prototyping, computer assisted design, maxilla, scull, reconstructive surgery
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2353; Downloads: 143
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