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Gonilni mehanizmi kavitacijskega vrtinca v vstopnem vodu radialne črpalke
Andrej Predin, Ignacijo Biluš, 2001, original scientific article

Abstract: V prispevku je podana analiza gonilnih mehanizmov in tlačnih utripanj povezanih s pojavom kavitacijskega vrtinca v vstopnem vodu radialne črpalke. Kavitacijski vrtinec je rezultat interakcije številnih zapletenih sekundarnih tokovnih pojavov, ki nastopijo kot posledica obratovanja s podoptimalnimi pretoki v kavitacijskem obratovalnem režimu. Izvedene in predstavljene so tudi meritve tlačnih utripanj v vstopnem vodu radialne črpalke na različnih razdaljah od rotorskega ustja na sklenjeni kavitacijski merilni progi. Meritve so izvedene pri različnih vrtilnih hitrostih in različnih tlakih nad spodnjo vodno gladino. Podani so tudi rezultat frekvenčne analize posnetih tlačnih utripanj.
Keywords: radial pumps, cavitation, swirl, operating regime, pressure pulsation measurements
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1400; Downloads: 26
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Prerotation flow measurement
Andrej Predin, Ignacijo Biluš, 2003, original scientific article

Abstract: Different measuring methods relating to the prerotation flow in the entrance pipe of radial pumps are analyzed. The appearance of the prerotation flow is a result of the complicated fluid flow model, which appears as a consequence of the pump operating out of design limits and reduces pump efficiency. The goal of this contribution is in estimating the best measuring method, taking into account the inconvenience of conventional hot-wire and laser-Doppler anemometry. Therefore, two measuring systems - multiblade (ASB) and single blade (ASSB) anemometer - are introduced, analyzed and compared. The advantages of the introduced measuring system -ASB- are in its simple construction and simple use and its low price. The direction and swirl flow intensity in the entrance pipe of radial pumps and fans could be measured using this method.
Keywords: radial pumps, prerotation flow, anemometer with straight blades, anemometer with single straight blade
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 3962; Downloads: 99
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