Abstract: We deal with photon-electron scattering which occurs between two uncharged conducting parallel plates moving away from each other at a constant velocity. The electromagnetic vacuum field between the two plates is defined by the configuration of space and also interacts with the electrons. We show the relevant operators for both the photon and the electron fields and the computation of the corresponding Feynman propagator, S-matrix and scattering cross section, taking into account the influence of the changeable vacuum field. Correction terms in the computed S-matrix and scattering cross section manifest the influence of the changeable vacuum field. We analyze an example for low-energy scattering of the influence of the changeable vacuum field uponthe scattering cross section.Keywords: physics, quantum electrodynamics, statistical thermodynamicsPublished in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2572; Downloads: 90 Link to full text