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Calibration of electronic levels using a special sine bar
Bojan Ačko, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: Electronic levels are designated for the precise measurement of inclination angles within the range of +- 3 mm/m. They are very often used for checking the straightness of machine tool guides as well as the flatness of different kindsof machine tool tables and surface plates. Typical resolution of such instruments is 1 m/m. Electronic levels are calibrated by using very precise angle generators. One such generator is a sine bar. Sine bars are cheap and enable fast and simple calibrations. Commercial sine bars however are not precise enough. We, therefore, decided to design a special sine bar, which would be able to generate angles within an uncertainty of 1 mžm. This sine barwas designed by the laboratory staff and manufactured in our workroom. We have also created a calibration procedure, which has already been accredited. Uncertainty analysis, including experimental measurements, shows that the planned uncertainty has been reached. The sine bar design, calibration procedure and uncertainty evaluation are presented in this article.
Keywords: production measurements, measuring uncertainty, calibration, inclination angles, flatness measurements, sine bar, electronic level
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 3099; Downloads: 117
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Influence of small solar power plants on power quality
Sebastijan Seme, Jurček Voh, Jože Voršič, 2012, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The solar power plants are usually connected to the distribution network in node with transformer. Small, mini and micro solar power plants are connected as real dispersed production in the middle or at the end of line as consumers.This paper describes measurements, according to standard SIST EN 50160, at 274 m long line, fed at one side from 20/0,4 kV transformer and at the other side from small solar power plant and in between are 15 users (houses).
Keywords: dispersed production, small solar power plants, SIST EN 50160, measurements
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2925; Downloads: 0

Measurement uncertainty in calibration of measurement surface plates flatness
Andrej Gusel, Bojan Ačko, Vedran Mudronja, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Ravno merilno površino, kot je to na primer merilna plošča, lahko smatramo kot izhodišče za izvajanje večine meritev oblike in lege merjenih objektov. Da bi merilne plošče v ta namen zadovoljivo uporabljali, moramo najprej zagotoviti, da so res ravne in primerne za meritve. Ravnost merilne ploskve ugotavljamo posredno, tako da najprej določimo premost posameznih linij, ki so sestavni del merilne mreže. Te linije so še dodatno razdeljene na merilne korake, ki so prirejeni meram merilne opreme. Premost merilne linije izračunamo z merjenjem nagiba posameznega merilnega položaja za vsako linijo posebej, neravnost celotne površine pa tako, da rezultate po linijah povežemo v celoto. Osnove, postopki in merilne naprave za izvajanje meritev so torej znani, neznanka pa ostaja negotovost tovrstne kalibracije merilne površine. Meritev brez ustrezno izražene negotovosti ne pomeni ničesar, zato moramo zagotoviti, da bomo lahko negotovost določili. Pričujoči članek predstavlja nov pristop določanja merilne negotovosti pri merjenju ravnosti, ki temelji na uporabi metode Monte Carlo. Pri tem celoten merilni sistem razstavimo na posamezne komponente ter ocenimo njihovo veličino in vplive le teh, meritve pa simuliramo. Zanima nas tudi vpliv parametrov merilne mreže na meritev.
Keywords: production measurements, length measurements, measuring uncertainty, calibration, uncertainty measurement, flatness measurement
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2317; Downloads: 41
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