1. Clinical pharmacist recommendations in daily interdisciplinary ward rounds at a psychiatric hospital: a retrospective pre-post study on drug-related problems focused in somatic comorbiditiesMatej Štuhec, Anteja Gorjan Gazdag, Zala Čuk, Robert Oravecz, Borjanka Batinic, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Objective: One potential strategy to address inadequate screening for somatic comorbidities among patients with mental disorders is to integrate a clinical pharmacist into the inpatient team for daily interdisciplinary ward rounds. This approach remains under-researched in psychiatric hospitals. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a clinical pharmacist on drug-related problems (DRPs) during daily ward rounds within an interdisciplinary team in a psychiatric hospital. Methods: A retrospective observational pre-post study was conducted at the Ormož Psychiatric Hospital in Slovenia, including patients treated between 2019 and 2020, during which clinical pharmacists offered recommendations during daily ward rounds. The primary outcomes assessed the difference in the total number of DRPs observed at the time of hospital discharge compared to previous stage, as well as the recommendations and their continuation rate after three months. The secondary outcomes evaluated adherence to treatment guidelines. Results: The study included 186 patients (mean age: 58.1 years, SD=17.0). During ward rounds, 280 recommendations related to DRPs were conducted (1.5 recommendations per patient). Regarding the nature of DRPs, 154 (55.0%) were identified as expressed DRPs, while 127 (45.0%) were deemed potential DRPs. Following pharmacist recommendations, 133 (86.4%) of the expressed DRPs were successfully resolved. The majority of DRPs pertained to treatment effectiveness (N=179, 63.9%), followed by unnecessary treatments (N=86, 30.7%) and patient safety (N=15, 5.4%). Initially, the acceptance rate of recommendations was 88.9% (N=249) at discharge, declining to 63.2% (N=177) three months after discharge. The acceptance rate for somatic conditions at discharge was 87.8% (N=122), declining to 59.0% (N=82) three months after discharge. Adherence to treatment guidelines for somatic comorbidities increased (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The results indicate that this approach led to fewer DRPs, a high rate of acceptance, and better adherence to treatment guidelines. This is the first retrospective pre-post study in the European Union to include this collaboration in daily rounds at psychiatric hospitals, focusing on somatic comorbidities. However, the study also has significant limitations, such as its non-randomized design and short monitoring period, which should be addressed in future research. Keywords: psychiatry, clinical pharmacy, hospital, ward rounds, drug-related problem Published in DKUM: 07.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 4 Full text (733,03 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Razvoj premestitvenih strategij v večglobinskem regalnem skladiščnem sistemu avtomatskih vozičkov : doktorska disertacijaJakob Marolt, 2024, doctoral dissertation Abstract: V doktorski disertaciji je obravnavan premestitveni problem transportno skladiščnih enot (TSE) v večglobinskem skladiščnem sistemu avtomatskih vozičkov (AVS/RS). Pri procesu odpreme TSE lahko zaradi več globin prednja TSE ovira dostop do ciljne TSE. Na podlagi uporabe učinkovite skladiščne in premestitvene strategije lahko ovirajočim TSE izberemo skladiščno mesto, kjer minimiramo povprečni čas enojnega in dvojnega delovnega cikla (DDC) in posledično povečamo pretočno zmogljivost večglobinskega AVS/RS skladiščnega sistema.
V kontekstu problematike stohastične odpreme TSE, kjer vrstni red odpreme TSE ni vnaprej poznan, smo z uporabo metode Markovskih verig za kombinacijo skladiščne strategije najglobljega mesta (DF) in premestitvene strategije DF izpeljali in predstavili analitični model. Zaradi izrazite kompleksnosti analitičnega modela smo prav tako razvili in predstavili empirični model, ki temelji na linearnih in kvadratnih regresijskih enačbah . Oba predlagana modela smo verificirali s pomočjo simulacijskega modela diskretnih dogodkov (DES). Analiza rezultatov je pokazala visoko ujemanje napovedi povprečnih časov DDC obeh predlaganih modelov z rezultati simulacije.
V okviru doktorske disertacije smo analizirali več različnih kombinacij skladiščnih in premestitvenih strategij. Namen te analize je bila identifikacija najučinkovitejše kombinacije skladiščne in premestitvene strategije za zmanjšanje povprečnega časa DDC in povečanje pretočne zmogljivosti večglobinskih AVS/RS skladiščnih sistemov. Pri simulacijski analizi DES smo spreminjali število globin in število stolpcev skladiščnega regala (skladiščnih mest vzdolž regalnega hodnika) pri čemer je skupno število skladiščnih mest (zalogovna velikost skladišča) ostalo enako pri vseh konfiguracijah skladišča. Analiza je pokazala, da skladiščni sistemi z večjim številom globin skladiščnega regala omogočajo doseganje krajših povprečnih časov DDC. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da kombinacija skladiščne strategije DF in premestitvene strategije najbližjega soseda (NN) velja za najbolj učinkovito, še posebej pri uporabi AVS/RS skladiščnih sistemih s petimi in šestimi globinami.
Problem deterministične odpreme TSE, kjer je vrstni red odpreme TSE poznan v naprej, smo reševali z algoritmi spodbudnega učenja. Analizirali smo učinkovitost algoritmov Deep Q-Network (DQN) in Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). Razvili in predstavili smo štiri načine zapisa stanja večglobinskega AVS/RS skladiščnega sistema in analizirali, s katerim zapisom stanja so se agenti najučinkovitejše priučili reševanja premestitvenega problema TSE . Rezultate algoritmov DQN in PPO smo primerjali z rezultati celoštevilčnega programa in ugotovili, da so agenti priučeni z algoritmom PPO reševali premestitveni problem z manjšim povprečnim številom premestitev. Nadaljnja analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da so bili agenti priučeni z algoritmom DQN bolj zanesljivi pri reševanju premestitvenega problema TSE, v primerjavi z agenti priučenimi z uporabo algoritma PPO. V primerjalni analizi smo ugotovili, da lahko priučeni agenti rešujejo premestitveni problem TSE skoraj optimalno. Keywords: Intralogistika, večglobinski AVS/RS skladiščni sistem, premestitveni problem TSE, analitično in numerično modeliranje, spodbudno učenje, analiza učinkovitosti Published in DKUM: 16.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 7 Full text (8,27 MB) |
3. Trajnostna rešitev za delovanje skladišča podjetja BTC d.d. : diplomsko deloMatej Žunko, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V našem diplomskem delu bomo pisali o samem delovanju podjetja BTC d. d., o njegovi zgodovini, o trenutnem stanju podjetja BTC d. d., predstavili bomo tudi zaznani problem delovanja enega od skladišč podjetja BTC d. d. ter za dani problem predstavili možne rešitve.
V uvodu bomo predstavili delovanje podjetja BTC d. d. ter njegovo zgodovino. Prav tako bomo predstavili vizijo podjetja in na podlagi le-te predstavili, zakaj smo se odločili za reševanje tovrstnega problema.
Opisali bomo trenutno stanje podjetja in na podlagi le tega predstavili problem v samem delovanju skladišča. Rešitev oziroma možne rešitve za dani problem pa bomo podprli s pomočjo znanstvenih člankov, knjig in raziskovalnih del, ki pišejo o tematiki trajnosti in ekonomičnega delovanja.
Proti koncu same raziskovalne naloge se bomo podrobno spustili v možne rešitve za podjetje BTC d. d. ter predstavili, kakšne spremembe bi predlagane rešitve imele na samo delovanje podjetja oziroma skladišča.
V zaključku bomo povzeli, kaj vse smo ugotovili v sami diplomski nalogi ter podali najboljše rešitve za podjetje. Predstavili bomo tudi nekaj problemov, ki se tičejo naših rešitev in zakaj bi lahko le te vplivale na možne spremembe v delovanju. Keywords: rešitev, podjetje, problem, skladišče, delovanje Published in DKUM: 25.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 12 Full text (833,36 KB) |
4. Control model for ground crew scheduling problem at small airports : case of SerbiaLena Đorđević Milutinović, Dragana Makajić-Nikolić, Slobodan Antić, Marija Živić, Andrej Lisec, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Present-day airline industry is quite a competitive field and crew scheduling represents one of the crucial problems due to significant impact on the airline's cost. The crew scheduling problem is based on the assignment of crew members to operate different tasks of route. The main goal of this paper is to provide an analysis and a solution to one of the biggest problems detected on a small airport in the Serbia - the problem of ground crew scheduling. The paper presents the main characteristics, goals and limitations of a real-life problem identified at this small airport. In order to solve the problem, we developed a dynamic discrete simulation model. The model is developed in a spreadsheet environment of Microsoft Excel. Some of the main limitations found in the development of the model are strong constraints and multiple goals. The model presented in the paper is designed as a useful management tool for smaller airports and is aimed at the improvement of operative processes. Keywords: crew scheduling problem, modelling, air transport, small airport, management, spreadsheets Published in DKUM: 01.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Full text (1,01 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Empowering educators to teach online reading, learning, and comprehension skills on the example of ecological problemsMaja Kerneža, Metka Kordigel Aberšek, Hakan Sari, Metin Kiliç, Emre Öztürk, Boris Aberšek, Dejan Zemljak, 2023, professional article Abstract: Reading and learning are changing rapidly in today's world, and educational systems sometimes fail to keep pace. To define the needs related to reading in the modern world, the Stavanger Declaration was written, stating that students should be taught online reading and learning strategies. Educators must also adapt to this. As part of the Learning, Teaching, and Training (LTT) activities, participants (21 individuals from different levels of education) were introduced to the Internet reciprocal teaching (IRT) method. The basis of this research was to find out whether we can empower educators to teach online reading, learning, and comprehension skills in a short training session using the ubiquitous topic of ecological problems as an example. We were also interested in whether a short program that empowers educators to use IRT in their classroom can influence teachers to develop students' digital literacy in their pedagogical work. The results show that the ecological issue, with its timeliness and universal presence in our lives, is an appropriate topic for educators to teach digital literacy. The participants were successful in solving the set tasks, and all of them answered that they would use the IRT method in their future pedagogical work. Keywords: digital literacy, ecological problems, internet reciprocal teaching method, problem solving, teacher trening Published in DKUM: 18.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3 Link to file |
6. On general position sets in Cartesian productsSandi Klavžar, Balázs Patkós, Gregor Rus, Ismael G. Yero, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The general position number gp(G) of a connected graph G is the cardinality of a largest set S of vertices such that no three distinct vertices from S lie on a common geodesic; such sets are refereed to as gp-sets of G. The general position number of cylinders Pr ◻ Cs is deduced. It is proved that (Cr ◻ Cs)∈{6,7} whenever r ≥ s ≥ 3, s ≠ 4, and r ≥ 6. A probabilistic lower bound on the general position number of Cartesian graph powers is achieved. Along the way a formula for the number of gp-sets in Pr ◻ Ps, where r,s ≥ 2, is also determined. Keywords: general position problem, Cartesian product of graphs, paths and cycles, probabilistic constructions, exact enumeration Published in DKUM: 27.08.2024; Views: 39; Downloads: 7 Full text (586,20 KB) This document has many files! More... |
7. A multi-objective solution of green vehicle routing problemÖzgür Kabadurmuş, Mehmet Serdar Erdoğan, Yiğitcan Özkan, Mertcan Köseoğlu, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: Distribution is one of the major sources of carbon emissions and this issue has been addressed by Green Vehicle Routing Problem (GVRP). This problem aims to fulfill the demand of a set of customers using a homogeneous fleet of Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV) originating from a single depot. The problem also includes a set of Alternative Fuel Stations (AFS) that can serve the AFVs. Since AFVs started to operate very recently, Alternative Fuel Stations servicing them are very few. Therefore, the driving span of the AFVs is very limited. This makes the routing decisions of AFVs more difficult. In this study, we formulated a multi-objective optimization model of Green Vehicle Routing Problem with two conflicting objective functions. While the first objective of our GVRP formulation aims to minimize total CO2 emission, which is proportional to the distance, the second aims to minimize the maximum traveling time of all routes. To solve this multi-objective problem, we used �-constraint method, a multi-objective optimization technique, and found the Pareto optimal solutions. The problem is formulated as a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model in IBM OPL CPLEX. To test our proposed method, we generated two hypothetical but realistic distribution cases in Izmir, Turkey. The first case study focuses on an inner-city distribution in Izmir, and the second case study involves a regional distribution in the Aegean Region of Turkey. We presented the Pareto optimal solutions and showed that there is a tradeoff between the maximum distribution time and carbon emissions. The results showed that routes become shorter, the number of generated routes (and therefore, vehicles) increases and vehicles visit a lower number of fuel stations as the maximum traveling time decreases. We also showed that as maximum traveling time decreases, the solution time significantly decreases. Keywords: green vehicle routing problem, alternative fuel vehicles, epsilon-constraint, multi-objective optimization, Pareto optimality Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 44; Downloads: 8 Full text (764,60 KB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Fizikalistične teorije duha skozi prizmo večvrstne realizacije: zagovor psihofizičnega redukcionizma : zagovor psihofizičnega redukcionizmaTadej Todorović, 2024, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Disertacija se ukvarja s sodobnim filozofskim problemom duha in telesa. V prvem delu najprej upravičimo omejitve disertacije, tj. specifično omejitev na fizikalistične rešitve problema duha in telesa. Temu sledijo podrobna analiza problema duha in telesa znotraj fizikalističnih teorij; predstavitev ključnih pojmov, ki nastopajo v razpravi, in opredelitev relevantnih fizikalističnih teorij duha – specifično psihofizičnega redukcionizma, funkcionalizma in emergentizma.
Začetek drugega dela je namenjen predstavitvi in kontekstualizaciji osrednjega pojma disertacije – večvrstni realizaciji, ki predstavlja enega glavnih argumentov v prid funkcionalističnim teorijam duha. Podani so analiza zgodovine večvrstne realizacije, prvotna motivacija in njen namen, tj. zagotavljanje avtonomnosti posebnih znanosti in resničnost funkcionalizma. Sledita širša razprava o naravnih vrstah na sploh in razprava o naravnih vrstah v posebnih znanostih, ki je ključnega pomena za celostno razumevanje večvrstne realizacije. Disertacija nato na osnovi celostne analize naravnih vrst v posebnih znanostih ponudi rešitve za dva s tem povezana problema: za problem ontološke zavezanosti predikatov, ki nastopajo v posebnih znanostih, in za problem avtonomnosti posebnih znanosti. Zagovarja, da predikati posebnih znanostih niso nujno ontološko zavezujoči in da sodobna razprava v filozofiji znanosti, specifično semantični vidik statusa znanstvenih teorij v konjunkciji s semantičnim pluralizmom, omogoča avtonomnost posebnih znanosti na način, ki je združljiv z ontološkim redukcionizmom.
Tretje poglavje se osredotoči na pomembne različice večvrstne realizacije v sodobni literaturi in jih kritično obravnava v luči zaključkov prejšnjega poglavja. Kot ključno slabost vseh predstavljenih različic večvrstne realizacije izpostavi dejstvo, da te podpirajo le semantični antiredukcionizem, ne pa tudi ontološkega antiredukcionizma, kar je bil izvoren cilj večvrstne realizacije. Zato je v drugem delu tretjega poglavja razvita nova večvrstna realizacija, ki naj bi zagotavljala neresničnost ontološkega redukcionizma. Nova večvrstna realizacija je močna različica večvrstne realizacije; ker glede na analizirane empirične primere v dejanskem svetu za resničnost nove večvrstne realizacije ni dobre empirične podpore, jo ob koncu tretjega poglavja branimo pred možnimi ugovori.
Četrti in zadnji del disertacije predpostavi, da nova večvrstna realizacija edina opravlja funkcijo in namen, zaradi katerih je bila večvrstna realizacija sploh razvita, zaradi česar moramo ponovno ovrednotiti fizikalistične teorije duha. Upoštevajoč novo večvrstno realizacijo in druge vidike problema duha ter telesa, specifično mentalna vzročnost in preprostost teorij, v sklepu na novo ocenimo, katera fizikalistična teorija, psihofizični redukcionizem ali funkcionalizem, je najprimernejša teorija duha. Zaključimo, da nova večvrstna realizacija premakne jeziček na tehtnici v prid psihofizičnega redukcionizma: psihofizični redukcionizem je torej trenutno najboljša fizikalistična teorija duha in telesa. Keywords: problem duha in telesa, teza večvrstne realizacije, metafizika posebnih znanosti, teorija identitete, funkcionalizem Published in DKUM: 12.08.2024; Views: 60; Downloads: 30 Full text (1,89 MB) |
9. Axioms of decision criteria for 3D matrix games and their applicationsMurat Özkaya, Burhaneddin İzgi, Matjaž Perc, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: In this paper, we define characteristic axioms for 3D matrix games and extend the definitions of the decision criteria under uncertainty to three dimensions in order to investigate the simultaneous effect of two different states on the decision process. We first redefine the Laplace, Wald, Hurwicz, and Savage criteria in 3D. We present a new definition depending on only the ∞-norm of the 3D payoff matrix for the Laplace criterion in 3D. Then, we demonstrate that the Laplace criterion in 3D explicitly satisfies all the proposed axioms, as well as the other three criteria. Moreover, we illustrate a fundamental example for a three-dimensional matrix with 3D figures and show the usage of each criterion in detail. In the second example, we model a decision process during the COVID-19 pandemic for South Korea to show the applicability of the 3D decision criteria using real data with two different states of nature for individuals’ actions for the quarantine. Additionally, we present an agricultural insurance problem and analyze the effects of the hailstorm and different speeds of wind on the harvest by the 3D criteria. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that brings 3D matrices in decision and game theories together. Keywords: game theory, decision criteria, matrix game, common goods, characteristic axioms, multi-state games, three-dimensional matrix games, game against nature, COVID-19, insurance problem Published in DKUM: 27.05.2024; Views: 229; Downloads: 14 Full text (474,80 KB) This document has many files! More... |
10. On the integrability of persistent quadratic three-dimensional systemsBrigita Ferčec, Maja Žulj, Matej Mencinger, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: We consider a nine-parameter familiy of 3D quadratic systems, �˙=�+�2(�,�,�), �˙=−�+�2(�,�,�), �˙=−�+�2(�,�,�), where �2,�2,�2 are quadratic polynomials, in terms of integrability. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of two independent first integrals of corresponding semi-persistent, weakly persistent, and persistent systems. Unlike some of the earlier works, which primarily focus on planar systems, our research covers three-dimensional spaces, offering new insights into the complex dynamics that are not typically apparent in lower dimensions. Keywords: ordinary differential equations, three-dimensional systems, integrability problem, persistent systems Published in DKUM: 23.05.2024; Views: 249; Downloads: 17 Full text (334,34 KB) This document has many files! More... |