1. The impact of financial support mechanisms and geopolitical factors on the profitability of investments in solar power plants in SloveniaIztok Gornjak, Filip Kokalj, Niko Samec, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This article examines the impact of financial support mechanisms and geopolitical factors on the profitability of investments in solar power plants within Slovenia. The European Union’s energy policy prioritizes increases in renewable energy sources, aiming to reduce dependency on unstable and volatile fossil fuel markets. Solar power plants play a vital role in this transition. The energy policy framework also includes mechanisms and support systems to operate such facilities. This article analyzes electricity price trends over the past decade and addresses which support type—guaranteed purchase or operational support—has proven more profitable for investments in solar power plants up to 50 kW in Slovenia, considering economic and geopolitical influences on the electricity market. Although the global energy market has been affected by various significant events in recent years, it was found that the COVID-19 pandemic had minimal impact on the electricity market. In contrast, the onset of the conflict in Ukraine has contributed to rising electricity prices and has influenced the support dynamics essential for the development and sustainability of renewable energy systems. Analyses from the past decade indicate a higher return on investment in solar power plants when operational support mechanisms are chosen over guaranteed purchase support. Keywords: renewable energy sources, solar power plants, support system, investment profitability factors, electricity price Published in DKUM: 16.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5 Full text (4,96 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Age and market capitalization drive large price variations of cryptocurrenciesArthur A. B. Pessa, Matjaž Perc, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Cryptocurrencies are considered the latest innovation in finance with considerable impact across social, technological, and economic dimensions. This new class of financial assets has also motivated a myriad of scientific investigations focused on understanding their statistical properties, such as the distribution of price returns. However, research so far has only considered Bitcoin or at most a few cryptocurrencies, whilst ignoring that price returns might depend on cryptocurrency age or be influenced by market capitalization. Here, we therefore present a comprehensive investigation of large price variations for more than seven thousand digital currencies and explore whether price returns change with the coming-of-age and growth of the cryptocurrency market. We find that tail distributions of price returns follow power-law functions over the entire history of the considered cryptocurrency portfolio, with typical exponents implying the absence of characteristic scales for price variations in about half of them. Moreover, these tail distributions are asymmetric as positive returns more often display smaller exponents, indicating that large positive price variations are more likely than negative ones. Our results further reveal that changes in the tail exponents are very often simultaneously related to cryptocurrency age and market capitalization or only to age, with only a minority of cryptoassets being affected just by market capitalization or neither of the two quantities. Lastly, we find that the trends in power-law exponents usually point to mixed directions, and that large price variations are likely to become less frequent only in about 28% of the cryptocurrencies as they age and grow in market capitalization. Keywords: cryptocurrency, price variation, market value, econophysics Published in DKUM: 25.03.2024; Views: 224; Downloads: 13 Full text (2,00 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Cycles of the housing market in Hungary form the economic crisis until todayLászló Harnos, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to identify the underlying reasons for the cyclical nature of the Hungarian housing market, in particular the business cycles, the construction, and market participants’ expectations. Our research was conducted based on analysis of statistical data and of the housing market indices. As a result, it can be stated that cyclic behaviour of the housing market may be explained primarily with business cycles, but state subsidies and mortgages also affect the variations. Accordingly, the increasing lending and the high amount of subsidies can generate a price bubble. The supply of second-hand dwellings looks more flexible compared with that of new ones. However, the expectations of market operators do not have a demonstrable effect on the housing market. Keywords: property market, housing market cycles, asset price bubble Published in DKUM: 10.10.2018; Views: 1600; Downloads: 141 Full text (292,19 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Creation of own reserves for own shares in the acquisition of own shares for withdrawal by simplified procedure under Slovenian law where the consideration is paid in instalmentsGregor Drnovšek, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: During the process of withdrawing own shares, the rules that are relevant, among others, to their acquisition by the company are regulations governing the creation of reserves for own shares. The regulations are clear in cases where the company acquires their own shares simultaneously with the payment of the purchase price. This article will pertain to the proper application of these regulations according to Slovenian law, specifically in cases where the company pays the purchase price for their own shares, which it intends to withdraw after acquisition, in instalments, and acquires their own shares only after paying the last instalment of the purchase price. Keywords: reserves for own shares, protection of creditors, purchase price paid in instalments, capital maintenance principle, withdrawal of own shares, joint-stock company, balance sheet law Published in DKUM: 03.08.2018; Views: 1509; Downloads: 335 Full text (554,40 KB) This document has many files! More... |
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6. Assessment of cassava supply response in Nigeria using vector error correction model (VECM)Oluwakemi Adeola Obayelu, Samuel Ebute, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: The response of agricultural commodities to changes in price is an important factor in the success of any reform programme in agricultural sector of Nigeria. The producers of traditional agricultural commodities, such as cassava, face the world market directly. Consequently, the producer price of cassava has become unstable, which is a disincentive for both its production and trade. This study investigated cassava supply response to changes in price. Data collected from FAOSTAT from 1966 to 2010 were analysed using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) approach. The results of the VECM for the estimation of short run adjustment of the variables toward their long run relationship showed a linear deterministic trend in the data and that Area cultivated and own prices jointly explained 74% and 63% of the variation in the Nigeria cassava output in the short run and long-run respectively. Cassava prices (P<0.001) and land cultivated (P<0.1) had positive influence on cassava supply in the short-run. The short-run price elasticity was 0.38 indicating that price policies were effective in the short-run promotion of cassava production in Nigeria. However, in the long-run elasticity cassava was not responsive to price incentives significantly. This suggests that price policies are not effective in the long-run promotion of cassava production in the country owing to instability in governance and government policies. Keywords: price, co-integration, trend analysis, change in cassava supply Published in DKUM: 14.11.2017; Views: 1321; Downloads: 378 Full text (426,03 KB) This document has many files! More... |
7. Estimation of demand functions for services of public railway passenger transportation : evidence from SloveniaJani Bekő, 2004, other scientific articles Abstract: The paper deals with the estimation of demand functions for services of publicrailway passenger transportation in the case of Slovenia. Six demand functions were selected and separately interpreted. The aggregate values of demand elasticities reported in this paper suggest that the railway passenger demand is price and income inelastic. Coefficients of income elasticity below unity show that the services of railway passenger transportation in Slovenia can be classified among normal goods. A hypothetical increase in average real fares leads to a percentage decrease in the number of passengers traveling by rail that is smaller than the percentage increase in fares. The estimated price elasticities imply that, in the short run, there is potential for improving revenues of the railway operator by increasing average real fares. Keywords: price elasticity of demand, income elasticity of demand, price policy Published in DKUM: 02.06.2017; Views: 1582; Downloads: 235 Full text (4,24 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Assessing the impact of prices fluctuation on demand distortion within a multi-echelon supply chainFrancisco Campuzano Bolarín, Antonio Guillamón Frutos, Andrej Lisec, 2011, review article Abstract: Price fluctuation is a practice commonly used by companies to stimulate demand and a main cause of the Bullwhip effect. Assuming a staggered step demand pattern that responds elastically to retailer’s price fluctuation, and by using a supply chain management dynamic model, we will analyse the impact of these fluctuations on the variability of the orders placed along a traditional multilevel supply chain. Subsequently, the results obtained will serve to propose a forecasting model enabling to calculate the potential variability of orders placed by each echelon on the basis of the price pattern used. Finally, under the hypothesis of an environment of collaboration between the different members of the chain, we propose a predictive model that makes it possible to quantify the distortion of the orders generated by each level. Keywords: bullwhip effect, systems dynamics, price fluctuation, supply chain management Published in DKUM: 01.06.2017; Views: 1552; Downloads: 391 Full text (560,46 KB) This document has many files! More... |
9. Cenovne disparitete v slovenskem gospodarstvuEgon Žižmond, 1990, professional article Abstract: V slovenskem gospodarstvu so prisotne znatne cenovne disparitete, ki otežujejo tudi vključevanje slovenskega gospodarstva v evropski gospodarski prostor. Članek analizira disparitete proizvajalnih in drobnoprodajnih cen ter razlike med izvoznimi cenami na eni ter direktnimi stroški, lastnimi cenami in proizvajalnimi cenami na drugi strani. Ker je večina disparitet posledica etatističnega ekonomskega sistema in administriranja v ekonomski politiki, bi le reforma ekonomskega sistema in ustreznejša ekonomska politika lahko omogočila oblikovanje normalnejših cenovnih razmerij. Keywords: cene, gibanje cen, Slovenija, proizvajalna cena, produkcijska cena, politika cen, industrijska politika, prodaja na drobno, dinamični model, prodajna cena, prices, price movement, Slovenia, production price, price policy, retail sale, sales price, dynamical model Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1521; Downloads: 34 Link to full text |
10. Historical and Linguistic Elements in the Novel of Slavery The Price of a ChildCita Konec, 2012, undergraduate thesis Abstract: The paper presents the contemporary novel of slavery written by Lorene Cary, and published in 1995. The novel is based on the actual story of Jane Johnson, an escaped slave, and follows two events from Johnson's life. The Price of a Child includes many other historical facts, mentions several notable people, societies and movements of the antebellum era. The paper begins with the explanation of the term "neo-slave" narrative, and argues for the appropriateness of the term as a classification for The Price of a Child. The setting of the novel, plot summary and analysis of characters is presented prior to the two main sections of the paper, "Historical Elements" and "Linguistic Elements". The paper examines the historical facts in the novel, determines the extent of their historical accuracy, and analyses the literary dialect, which presents several stable features of the African American Vernacular English in direct discourse. Keywords: The Price of a Child, neo-slave narrative, historical elements, African American Vernacular English Published in DKUM: 04.07.2012; Views: 2341; Downloads: 137 Full text (525,70 KB) |