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Grafično oblikovanje in proces ustvarjanja lastnega portfolija kot metoda samopromocije : diplomsko delo
Benjamin Borojević, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Grafično oblikovanje se je skozi leta zelo spremenilo in je danes na takšni stopnji, da brez njega ne moremo več živeti. Živimo namreč v informacijski dobi, kar pomeni dnevno izmenjevanje informacij med ljudmi. Te informacije morajo biti posredovane hitro in jasno, kar pa je najučinkoviteje s pomočjo grafičnega oblikovanja in oglaševanja. Oglaševanje je močan medij za izražanje, ustvarjalnost in izmenjavo informacij v vse bolj globalni in med seboj povezani družbi. Vsepovsod okoli sebe lahko vidimo rezultate grafičnih oblikovalcev, ki nam vsak dan posredujejo razne informacije z infografikami, promocijskimi artikli, s časopisi, z revijami, s filmskimi plakati in podobnim. In v tem svetu vizualnih sporočil ima vsak uspešen grafični oblikovalec ali podjetje, ki ga poznamo in je uspešno na globalnem trgu, svojo identiteto, ki je podkrepljena z dosledno oblikovano celostno grafično podobo in promovirana z oglaševanjem ali s samopromocijo. Pri grafičnih oblikovalcih je samopromocija največkrat zastavljena s portfoliji. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je grafično izoblikovati identiteto in samopromocijo Benjamina Borojevića ter ga promovirati s portfolijem. Ta je bil oblikovan šele po analizi dobrih portfolijev nagrajenih grafičnih oblikovalcev.
Keywords: grafično oblikovanje, celostna grafična podoba, portfolio, samopromocija, analiza portfolijev
Published in DKUM: 14.01.2021; Views: 1444; Downloads: 130
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Portfolio vzgojitelja kot element profesionalnega razvoja
Nika Tretjak, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti, v kolikšni meri vzgojitelji uporabljajo portfolio in kakšen vpliv ima le-ta na njihov profesionalni razvoj. Cilji diplomskega dela so bili raziskati in ugotoviti, koliko vzgojiteljev vodi portfolio in v kakšni obliki ga vodijo, koliko časa že vodijo portfolio, ali obstajajo razlike glede na starost in delovno dobo vzgojiteljev, ki vodijo portfolio in tistih, ki ga ne vodijo, ali jim vodenje portfolia pomaga pri profesionalnem razvoju ter kakšni so razlogi za vodenje portfolia. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo opredelili profesionalni razvoj vzgojiteljev, faze oziroma modele profesionalnega razvoja, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na profesionalni razvoj, načela profesionalnega razvoja ter refleksijo v povezavi s profesionalnim razvojem. Opisali in opredelili smo tudi portfolio vzgojitelja, namen uporabe portfolia, zgradbo in vsebino portfolia, modele in vrste portfolia ter kako portfolio vpliva na profesionalni razvoj. V empiričnem delu naloge smo predstavili rezultate empirične raziskave in interpretacijo le-teh. Raziskavo smo razdelili na tri področja, in sicer: na vodenje portfolia, portfolio in profesionalni razvoj ter namen oziroma razloge vodenja portfolia. Na podlagi raziskav smo ugotovili, da vodenje portfolia v praksi še ni povsem uveljavilo. A kljub temu rezultati prikazujejo pozitivne lastnosti vodenje portfolia ter vpliv le-tega na profesionalni razvoj vzgojitelja.
Keywords: Portfolio, profesionalni razvoj, refleksija, vzgojitelj.
Published in DKUM: 27.10.2020; Views: 1573; Downloads: 215
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Formative Assessment in English Lessons in Primary School
Mirjam Meško, 2018, master's thesis

Abstract: Discussions about formative assessment and advantages that it brings to the classroom are becoming more frequent. It is a new, authentic approach that allows pupils to acquire more permanent knowledge and integrate them into the educational process. In the theoretical part, we described the meaning of formative assessment and what the key elements of formative assessment are, as well as advantages and possible weaknesses that it brings to the classroom. The key elements of formative assessment are the purposes of learning, where goals and performance criteria are decided, portfolio, where we described the positives of using a portfolio, feedback, where the importance and the necessity of a good feedback is explained, and assessment and evaluation, where self-evaluation and peer evaluation are included. In the empirical part, we described a case study that we conducted, where we interviewed eight elementary English teachers from Podravje region and asked them what they think about formative assessment, how they integrated it into their teaching, and how using formative assessment has changed their teaching. Formative assessment has become a current topic at study groups for teachers in the last couple of years, so there are not any surprising results yet. The teachers that we interviewed use just some aspects of formative assessment because for the full use of formative assessment they most frequently mention the lack of time. As any other novelty, formative assessment needs time to integrate in our educational system and reach a place that it deserves. Teachers think that introducing formative assessment at an early stage of education should be better and that the pupils would be prepared for this kind of teaching and learning, and the learning would only get easier with years. Teachers are also enthusiastic about the principle on which formative assessment works, and believe that this way pupils can achieve better and long lasting knowledge.
Keywords: formative assessment, feedback, portfolio, self-evaluation, peer evaluation
Published in DKUM: 09.01.2019; Views: 2255; Downloads: 227
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Formativno spremljanje v 7. razredu osnovne šole pri obravnavi učnega sklopa pri pouku slovenščine
Mojca Pavšič, 2018, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrskem delu je predstavljena metoda formativnega spremljanja znanja, ali z drugimi besedami metoda spremljanja za učenje. Formativno spremljanje je osredotočeno na vsakega posameznika v razredu, ki s pomočjo povratnih informacij dosega rezultate, ki so primerni učenčevim intelektualnim sposobnostim. Otroke uči, da je znanje nekaj, kar pridobiš z lastnim trudom. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni ključni elementi formativnega spremljanja, ki so temelji uspešnega sodelovanja med učiteljem in učencem. Ker takšna metoda poučevanja spodbuja avtonomnost učencev, se ti naučijo samoregulirati svoje učenje. V zadnjih letih se je spremenil pogled na delo v skupinah zaradi narave novih delovnih mest, zato je tudi to aktivneje vključeno v pouk, obenem pa igra pomembno vlogo pri formativnem spremljanju. Pogosto je tudi avtentično ocenjevanje, saj je že sama metoda takšnega pouka avtentična. V teoretični del smo vključili tudi portfolio, ki dokazuje napredek znanja učenca, poleg tega pa je portfolio tudi dokumentacija sprotnega spremljanja. V empiričnem delu je predstavljeno formativno spremljanje v praksi – od uvodne ure nove snovi do zaključka sklopa, tj. ocenjevanja. Empirični del smo opravili na osnovni šoli X, pouk pa smo opazovali v 7., 8. in 9. razredu; zaradi narave sumativnega ocenjevanja smo v nalogo vključili le opazovanje v 7. razredu, v katerem je bilo ocenjevanje avtentično in kjer je bilo dokumentiranje znanja jasno vidno. Obravnavana snov je bila Opis države. Vse predstavitve v empiričnem delu so fotografirane in vključene v delo.
Keywords: formativno spremljanje, spremljanje učenja, portfolio, mapa izdelkov, dokazi o učenju, povratna informacija, sodelovanje, vrednotenje
Published in DKUM: 24.08.2018; Views: 2629; Downloads: 363
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Likovni portfolio v vrtcu Otona Župančiča Slovenska Bistrica
Špela Šega, 2018, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo z naslovom Likovni portfolio v Vrtcu Otona Župančiča Slovenska Bistrica je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili Vrtec Otona Župančiča Slovenska Bistrica, kaj je to portfolio, likovna področja, ki se pojavljajo v likovnih mapah, likovne tehnike, ustvarjalnost otrok, pisali smo tudi o pojavljanju šablon v otroških likovnih delih. Rezultate smo prikazali v empiričnem delu. Zbrali smo 205 otroških likovnih del, oziroma 14 likovnih map iz različnih enot Vrtca Otona Župančiča Slovenska Bistrica, drugega starostnega obdobja. S pomočjo slikovnega gradiva in z deskriptivno statistiko ter s frekvenčno distribucijo smo podatke obdelali in jih prikazali v obliki tabel ter grafov.
Keywords: predšolski otrok, portfolio, likovna področja, likovne tehnike, ustvarjalnost.
Published in DKUM: 19.06.2018; Views: 1464; Downloads: 161
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Multi-objective optimization algorithms with the island metaheuristic for effective project management problem solving
Christina Brester, Ivan Ryzhikov, Eugene Semenkin, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Background and Purpose: In every organization, project management raises many different decision-making problems, a large proportion of which can be efficiently solved using specific decision-making support systems. Yet such kinds of problems are always a challenge since there is no time-efficient or computationally efficient algorithm to solve them as a result of their complexity. In this study, we consider the problem of optimal financial investment. In our solution, we take into account the following organizational resource and project characteristics: profits, costs and risks. Design/Methodology/Approach: The decision-making problem is reduced to a multi-criteria 0-1 knapsack problem. This implies that we need to find a non-dominated set of alternative solutions, which are a trade-off between maximizing incomes and minimizing risks. At the same time, alternatives must satisfy constraints. This leads to a constrained two-criterion optimization problem in the Boolean space. To cope with the peculiarities and high complexity of the problem, evolution-based algorithms with an island meta-heuristic are applied as an alternative to conventional techniques. Results: The problem in hand was reduced to a two-criterion unconstrained extreme problem and solved with different evolution-based multi-objective optimization heuristics. Next, we applied a proposed meta-heuristic combining the particular algorithms and causing their interaction in a cooperative and collaborative way. The obtained results showed that the island heuristic outperformed the original ones based on the values of a specific metric, thus showing the representativeness of Pareto front approximations. Having more representative approximations, decision-makers have more alternative project portfolios corresponding to different risk and profit estimations. Since these criteria are conflicting, when choosing an alternative with an estimated high profit, decision-makers follow a strategy with an estimated high risk and vice versa. Conclusion: In the present paper, the project portfolio decision-making problem was reduced to a 0-1 knapsack constrained multi-objective optimization problem. The algorithm investigation confirms that the use of the island meta-heuristic significantly improves the performance of genetic algorithms, thereby providing an efficient tool for Financial Responsibility Centres Management.
Keywords: 0-1 multi-objective constrained knapsack problem, project management portfolio problem, multi-objective evolution-based optimization algorithms, collaborative and cooperative meta-heuristics
Published in DKUM: 04.05.2018; Views: 1571; Downloads: 312
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Development of new product/process development procedure for SMEs
Mateja Karničar Šenk, Peter Metlikovič, Matjaž Maletič, Boštjan Gomišček, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: The result of our research is a developed and implemented set of activities for new process or product development (NPD procedure) for SMEs environment in the plastic processing industry, which enables the production of products and services with a high value added. The developed NPD procedure consists of five consecutive and overlapping steps: attracting orders, designing a project, developing a product, developing a process and zero production series. Each distinct step is further divided into sub-activities supported by adequate methods and managed in an information system. Investigated and included were three different methodologies use for NPD procedure in the automotive industry such as Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP), Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and Stage/Gate methodology. The results presented in the paper show that the developed NPD procedure significantly improved NPD in terms of cost management and time-effectiveness.
Keywords: quality management, new product development procedure, project management, cross-functional team, project portfolio
Published in DKUM: 29.11.2017; Views: 1482; Downloads: 365
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The influence of one's own database on the accuracy of forecasting future movements of investment portfolio value
Vesna Trančar, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to present the test results of the hypothesis that the use of one’s own (and foreign) database (used by investment portfolio managers to create indicators of individual stock analyses) has an effect on the accuracy of forecasting future movements of investment portfolio value. In addition to the use of different indicators and methods of stock analysis, the creation of an optimal investment portfolio requires assessment of the suitability and adequacy of the database used in investment portfolio managers′ decisionmaking process; in other words, it is necessary to determine which stocks are to be included in the specific investment portfolio and which are not. The problem of the selection and use of different databases is linked to the question of determining the importance of numerous relevant elements when creating an optimal investment portfolio.
Keywords: database, investment portfolio, investment portfolio managers, stocks
Published in DKUM: 14.11.2017; Views: 1339; Downloads: 373
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The effect of the combination of different methods of stock analysis on portfolio performance
Vesna Trančar, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: The literature that examines the stock analysis is often faced with the same questions: Which stock analyses should be chosen and which indicators of individual stock analyses give the best information on whether a particular stock should be included in the portfolio? How many indicators and which combination of indicators should you choose to forecast future stock prices as accurately as possible? Can investors use stock analyses to create such a portfolio to meet the investment expectations? The main purpose of this article is to use theoretical methodology to determine whether the use of a combination of indicators from different stock analyses has a positive impact on the profitability of the portfolio.
Keywords: portfolio, stock analysis, portfolio manager, indicators, investment decisions, stock prices
Published in DKUM: 14.11.2017; Views: 1406; Downloads: 330
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Model for optimal project portfolio for the construction of railway infrastructure on corridors V and X
Anton Hauc, Majda Bastič, Lidia Jurše, Mirko Pšunder, 2010, other scientific articles

Abstract: The construction of railway infrastructure should be dealt with as a national strategic developmental programme, which due to technical, geographical, logistical, and other requirements is carried out through a number of projects and represents a complex multiple project operation for investors, contractors, and other influential players. The national strategic developmental programme for the construction of the railway infrastructure is connected through programmes in neighbouring countries and EU member states to Trans-European Networks (TEN) that strategically regulate construction within the community. In the Republic of Slovenia, the construction of railway infrastructure within TEN programmes is carried out on the pan-European traffic corridors V and X within individual projects for the construction of sections and a number of supporting projects. Technical requirements, deadlines, and other TEN requirements as well as national strategic requirements and financial possibilities of the state represent basic criteria that should be taken into consideration in setting up a strategic project plan, with optimal project classification achieved through the implementation project portfolio. The current article utilised the method of multiple-criteria decision analysis to prepare the portfolio, taking into account macroeconomic and infrastructural criteria. Consequently, the results represent the basis for the preparation of an optimal financial plan with regard to financing possibilities of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union. The article also summarised the research results regarding the formation of the project implementation process of the TEN-T network construction in the Republic of Slovenia.
Keywords: national strategic development, railway infrastructure construction, railway corridors V and X, project portfolio, multiple-criteria decision analysis, Republic of Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2017; Views: 1662; Downloads: 436
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