1. Differences in user perception of artificial intelligence-driven chatbots and traditional tools in qualitative data analysisBoštjan Šumak, Maja Pušnik, Ines Kožuh, Andrej Šorgo, Saša Brdnik, 2025, original scientific article Abstract: Qualitative data analysis (QDA) tools are essential for extracting insights from complex datasets. This study investigates researchers’ perceptions of the usability, user experience (UX), mental workload, trust, task complexity, and emotional impact of three tools: Taguette 1.4.1 (a traditional QDA tool), ChatGPT (GPT-4, December 2023 version), and Gemini (formerly Google Bard, December 2023 version). Participants (N = 85), Master’s students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with prior experience in UX evaluations and familiarity with AI-based chatbots, performed sentiment analysis and data annotation tasks using these tools, enabling a comparative evaluation. The results show that AI tools were associated with lower cognitive effort and more positive emotional responses compared to Taguette, which caused higher frustration and workload, especially during cognitively demanding tasks. Among the tools, ChatGPT achieved the highest usability score (SUS = 79.03) and was rated positively for emotional engagement. Trust levels varied, with Taguette preferred for task accuracy and ChatGPT rated highest in user confidence. Despite these differences, all tools performed consistently in identifying qualitative patterns. These findings suggest that AI-driven tools can enhance researchers’ experiences in QDA while emphasizing the need to align tool selection with specific tasks and user preferences. Keywords: user experience, UX, usability, qualitative data analysis, QDA, chatbots Published in DKUM: 07.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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2. International energy security risk index - analysis of the methodological settingsIztok Podbregar, Goran Šimić, Mirjana Radovanović, Sanja Filipović, Polona Šprajc, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to analyze model settings of the International Energy Security Risk Index developed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The study was performed using stepwise regression, principal component analysis, and Promax oblique rotation. The conclusion of the regression analysis shows that Crude Oil Price and Global Coal Reserves are sufficient to explain 90% of the variance of the Index. However, if a model that explains 100% of the variance of the Index is chosen and other variables are added, Global Coal Reserves loses importance due to the presence of other parameters in which it is contained. Regardless of the chosen model of analysis, it is evident that there is room for revising the Index and removing variables that do not contribute to its precision. The research showed that the main disadvantage of the variables that make up the Index rests with the fact that the variables are of different degrees of generality, that is, one parameter is contained in other parameters (unclear which other). The research covers data for 25 countries over a 26-year period, with the first year of the research being 1980 and the last 2016 (the latest available report). Keywords: international energy security risk index, analysis, stepwise regression, principal component analysis, Promax oblique rotation Published in DKUM: 04.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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3. The international energy security risk index in sustainable energy and economy transition decision making - a reliability analysisIztok Podbregar, Goran Šimić, Mirjana Radovanović, Sanja Filipović, Damjan Maletič, Polona Šprajc, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: The world economy and society are in a complex process of transition characterized by a high degree of uncertainty. Therefore, further development and management of the transition will largely depend on the quality of the decisions made and, accordingly, on the decision-making process itself. The main goal of this study is to analyze the reliability of International Energy Security Risk Index as a tool to support the process of energy and economy transition decision making, as closely related and highly interdependent phenomena. The index is composed of 29 aggregated variables (grouped into eight categories), and the research is conducted on a research sample of 25 countries over a period of 36 years. The reliability assessment is performed by using Multiple Regression Analysis. Multicollinearity test, plus Multicollinearity test with Variance Inflation Factors, is used for methodological verification. The test results indicate a high degree of unreliability of the Index, as is concluded based on the observed errors in its methodological settings. These errors primarily relate to a high degree of multicollinearity in all 29 variables, whereby independent variables lose their independence and thus jeopardize reliability of the total Index. Out of the eight groups of variables, the fuel imports group is the only one that does not show big methodological errors. The paper presents a recommendation for the improvement of the observed Index (review of the role of individual variables found to be particularly methodologically indicative), as well as a recommendation for different distribution of weighting coefficients. Keywords: energy and economy transition, decision making, international energy security risk index, multiple regression analysis, multicollinearity test, multicollinearity test with variance inflation factors Published in DKUM: 04.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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4. Multicriteria assessment of the quality of waste sorting centers - ǂaǂ case studyKarmen Pažek, Jernej Prišenk, Simon Bukovski, Boris Prevolšek, Črtomir Rozman, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: In this paper, the quality of the municipal waste sorting process in seven waste management centers in Slovenia was assessed using the qualitative multicriteria analysis (MCA) method DEX (Decision EXpert) implemented in DEXi software, which is based on multicriteria decomposition of the problem and utility functions in the form of ʺif-thenʺ decision rules. The study was based on eight types of secondary raw materials. The quality of the secondary raw materials, the regularity of the delivery of secondary raw materials to recycling units based on the sorting efficiency, and the loading weight of the individual baled fractions in the transport of secondary raw materials for recycling were the main parameters used in the model. The final assessment shows good waste management service in centers A and D. Centers B, C, and F were rated ʺaverageʺ. The ʺbadʺ rating was assigned to centers E and G. Keywords: waste sorting, quality management, multicriteria decision analysis, expert system DEXi Published in DKUM: 03.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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5. Impact analysis of the young farmers' support program on Slovenian dairy sector development using econometric modeling approachLazar Pavić, Jernej Turk, Ivo Grgić, Jernej Prišenk, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: This study analyzes the effects that action 112 of the Rural Development Policy had on the socioeconomic status of Slovenian dairy farms. The data used in this paper were collected from Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), a database for applicants in action 112 (young farms transferees), from whose applications for participation in this action the data were obtained. Twenty-eight different econometric models were developed during the first stage of the research. The evaluation of the models was subsequently performed by applying valid statistical and econometric criteria. The results reveal the main positive effects that action 112 had on socioeconomic indicators of the dairy farms: number of full-time labor power, number of head of large livestock, total revenue (in euros) and net value added. Statistically significant differences in benefits from action 112 among dairy farms were determined by using two sets of dummy variables: region and level of education. The research in the field of the effect of the rural development policy action support of young farmers on socioeconomics performance of milk farms can make a significant contribution to developing the researchers' work and policy makers' decisions. Furthermore, this research is important from the agronomic point of view, since its results support two of the basic goals of Common agricultural policy after 2020: environmental care and conservation of landscape and biodiversity. Keywords: dairy farmers, econometric analysis, rural development, socio-economic situation Published in DKUM: 31.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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6. Sequence-to-Sequence models and their evaluation for spoken language normalization of SlovenianMirjam Sepesy Maučec, Darinka Verdonik, Gregor Donaj, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: low-resource language, applications, spoken language, normalization, character unit, subword unit, statistical model, long short-term memory, transformer, error analysis Published in DKUM: 31.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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7. Integrated optimization framework for a biomass supply network and steam Rankine cycleMonika Dokl, Zdravko Kravanja, Lidija Čuček, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The optimization of biomass supply chains is becoming increasingly important, especially for low-density biomass feedstocks that have limited market value and require efficient handling and logistics. This study addresses this issue by proposing an integrated approach to optimize biomass supply chain networks for energy production with the steam Rankine cycle. The approach takes into account the inherent variability of feedstock availability and energy market values, to ensure adaptability to fluctuating conditions. The biomass supply network is formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem, where the optimization objective is to maximize the economic viability of the system. The optimal configuration of the supply network includes the selection of biomass supply zones and storage facilities, the transportation links, and the optimization of the process variables within the conversion plants, taking into account the variable heat demand. The optimization approach is applied to a hypothetical case study of a relatively small region in Slovenia. The results show the economic viability of biomass utilization with a net present value of almost 300 MEUR, generating about 4 MW of electricity and 65 MW of heat. The uncertainties of the biomass supply, the fluctuations in product prices and the spatial scope of the case study are evaluated in addition. This analysis highlights and discusses the impact of these factors on the economic performance of the biomass supply chain network. Keywords: copper(II) coordination compounds, methylamines, crystal structure, magnetic properties, thermogravimetric analysis Published in DKUM: 31.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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8. Global projections of plastic use, end-of-life fate and potential changes in consumption, reduction, recycling and replacement with bioplastics to 2050Monika Dokl, Anja Copot, Damjan Krajnc, Yee Van Fan, Annamaria Vujanović, Kathleen B. Aviso, Raymond R. Tan, Zdravko Kravanja, Lidija Čuček, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Excessive production, indiscriminate consumption, and improper disposal of plastics have led to plastic pollution and its hazardous environmental effects. Various approaches to tackle the challenges of reducing the plastic footprint have been developed and applied, such as the production of alternative materials (design for recycling), the production and use of biodegradable plastic and plastics from power-to-X, and the development of recycling approaches. This study proposes an optimisation strategy based on regression to evaluate and predict plastic use and end-of-life fate in the future based on historical trends. The mathematical model is formulated and correlations based on functions of time are developed and optimised by minimising the sum of squared residuals. The plastic quantities up to the year 2050 are projected based on historical trends analysis, and for improved sustainability, projections are additionally based on intervention analyses. The results show that the global use of plastics is expected to increase from 464 Mt in 2020 up to 884 Mt in 2050, with up to 4725 Mt of plastics accumulated in stock in 2050 (from the year 2000). Compared to other available forecasts, a slightly lower level of plastic use and stock are obtained. The intervention analysis estimates a range of global plastics' consumption between 594 Mt and 1018 Mt in 2050 by taking into account its different increment rates (between −1 % and 2.65 %). In the packaging sector, the implementation of reduction targets (15 % reduction in 2040 compared to 2018) could lead to a 27.3 % decrease in plastic use in 2050 as compared to 2018, while achieving recycling targets (55 % in 2030) would recycle >75 % of plastic packaging in 2050. The partial substitution of fossil-based plastics with bioplastics (polyethylene) will require significant land area, between 0.2 × 106 km2 for obtaining switchgrass and up to around 1.0 × 106 km2 for obtaining forest residue (annual yields of 58.15 t/ha and 3.5 t/ha) in 2050. The intervention analysis shows that proactive policies can mitigate sustainability challenges, however achieving broader sustainability goals also requires reduction of footprints related to energy production and virgin plastic production, the production of bio-based plastics, and the full implementation of recycling initiatives. Keywords: plastic use, plastic waste, end-of-life fate, forecasting, hostorical trends, regression analysis, least square method, intervention analysis Published in DKUM: 31.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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9. The Lack of ESP Materials in Slovenian Vocational Schools : a needs-based approach to teaching future hairdressersNina Ferlič, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: This master's thesis examines the inclusion of field-related elements in the coursebook High Note 1 for hairdressing students at the secondary vocational school of design in Maribor. The theoretical part of the thesis provides an overview of the development of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), early theories of the communicative approach, the communicative approach defined by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and first foreign language programs in Slovenia. The empirical part of the thesis includes the analysis of the coursebook High Note 1 and its appropriateness for hairdressing students as well as two online questionnaires, for both students and their ESP teachers, with analysis of the results and the interpretations of results collected through the questionnaires. The thesis aims to explore the inclusion of ESP elements in the coursebook as well as to highlight the importance of not having sufficient field-related elements incorporated into the students' coursebooks. The thesis also provides a suggestion unit on how ESP and general English elements could be incorporated into a tailored coursebook that would cater to the students' needs. Keywords: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Student Needs Analysis, Professional Communication, Inclusion of ESP Elements in Coursebooks, Vocational Education, Hairdressing. Published in DKUM: 30.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 7
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