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Fino planiranje proizvodnje in optimizacija proizvodnega procesa v podjetju NIEROS Metal d.o.o. : magistrsko delo
Timotej Laure, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrskem delu obravnavamo problem optimizacije proizvodnega procesa in izdelavo finega plana proizvodnega procesa v povezavi z vpeljanim informacijskim sistemom GoSoft v podjetju NIEROS Metal tovarna opreme d.o.o. Cilj raziskovalne naloge je zasnova finega plana proizvodnega procesa, ki bi podjetju služil za optimalno obdelavo naročil in lansiranje delovnih nalogov v proizvodnjo. Poleg tega smo opredelili teoretične osnove, ki obravnavajo kazalnike skupne učinkovitosti opreme in delovnega osebja. Z optimizacijo razporeditve virov in izdelavo finega plana želimo izboljšati učinkovitost proizvodnega procesa. Celoten empirični del magistrske naloge temelji na realnih podatkih naročniškega tipa proizvodnje. Vsi podatki so bili privzeti iz informacijskega sistema GoSoft in prikazujejo realne vrednosti. Pomen doslednega knjiženja in sledenja različnih tipov podatkov smo zajeli tudi v opisu informacijskega sistema. V delu smo se osredotočili tudi na analizo učinkovitosti obstoječega proizvodnega procesa in identifikacijo morebitnih izzivov ter omejitev, ki so prisotni v naročniškem tipu proizvodnje. Na podlagi podatkov poslovanja in proizvajanja, pridobljenih iz informacijskega sistema, smo definirali prilagojene kazalnike uspešnosti opreme in osebja ter s tem nakazali korake za nadaljnjo preverjanje učinkovitosti. Z optimizacijo finega plana smo temeljito opredelili vpliv raznolikih dejavnikov v treh temeljnih fazah planiranja. Pod drobnogled smo vzeli naročila stalnega kooperanta, ki so bila izhodiščna točka za nadaljnjo analizo vpeljanih ukrepov. Uspešnost finega plana pa smo analizirali glede na zmogljivost, uskladitev dobavnih in odpremnih rokov ter vpliv finega plana na nabavo in stanje zalog. Ugotovitve magistrskega dela kažejo, da sta optimizacija proizvodnega procesa in izdelava finega plana bistvenega pomena za doseganje večje skupne učinkovitosti podjetja. Pri tem ima pomembno vlogo informacijski sistem, saj omogoča ažurnost pri razlagi in sledenju podatkov ter njihovem vplivu na prilagodljivost proizvodnega procesa. To so dejavniki, ki so v tesni povezavi z implementacijo Industrije 4.0, in kažejo na pomembnost stalnega razvoja in rasti tehnologije podjetja.
Keywords: organizacija proizvodnje, načrtovanje in vodenje proizvodnje, plan proizvodnje, optimizacija proizvodnega procesa, skupna učinkovitost proizvodnega procesa, fino planiranje, terminiranje, lansiranje, informacijski sistem
Published in DKUM: 24.08.2023; Views: 603; Downloads: 218
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Decision support concept for improvement of sustainability-related competences
Andreja Abina, Tanja Batkovič, Bojan Cestnik, Adem Kikaj, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Maja Kurbus, Aleksander Zidanšek, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper, we derived competences from previously developed competence models, ensuring the effective use of advanced technologies in future factories to improve the sustainability of their business models and strategies. Based on the analysis of the Hogan competence model and competence models for sustainability and leadership, we compiled a selection of competences for digitalisation, automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, and soft competences such as emotional intelligence and cultural literacy. We also included competences required for sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and circular economy. The selected competences formed the core for the conceptual development of a decision support tool for the individualised selection of training for employees. The concept was tested in customised training to improve employees’ skills and motivation for lifelong learning at the selected industrial partner. The developed assessment algorithm was used to monitor the progress of individual employees’ skills development before and after their training participation. The results of the assessment help human resource departments make decisions for selecting the most effective and optimal training for employees to improve their sustainability-related competences. Such a systematic approach can improve and evaluate competences that companies need to transition to a circular economy.
Keywords: circular economy, sustainability, competence development, employee training plan, decision support
Published in DKUM: 26.07.2023; Views: 469; Downloads: 60
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Priprava in izvedba celovitega testiranja na primeru namizne aplikacije : diplomsko delo
Jure Zavratnik, 2022, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Tehnologija predstavlja velik del našega vsakdana, zato je pomembno, da se lahko nanjo zanesemo. Dobra pokritost funkcionalnosti teh aplikacij s testi pa prinaša občutek sigurnosti, ki je nujno potreben za dobro delovanje po objavi. Na žalost je pokritost s testi še vedno premajhna. Skozi diplomsko delo bomo spoznali celoten cikel testiranja, posebej se bomo osredotočili na testiranje enot, avtomatsko funkcionalno testiranje in testiranje uporabnosti ter dobre prakse, kasneje pa testiranje izvedli na namizni aplikaciji. Predstavili bomo tudi par orodij za izvajanje testiranja, napisali testni plan, v praksi pa preizkusili ogrodje JUnit in orodje Katalon Stuido ter izvedli testiranje uporabnosti s pomočjo uveljavljenega vprašalnika.
Keywords: testni plan, cikel testiranja, testiranje enot, funkcionalno testiranje, testiranje uporabnosti
Published in DKUM: 24.10.2022; Views: 1092; Downloads: 48
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Vzpostavitev sistema mejnikov v sklopu projekta X : magistrsko delo
Gregor Serdinšek, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: V sklopu multiprojektnega poslovanja se lahko pojavljajo najrazličnejši problemi, ki zadevajo planiranje projektov in obvladovanje le-teh. Kot orodje za kontrolo in vodenje projektov se lahko uporabi sistem mejnikov, ki služi sledenju napredka in zagotovitvi, da se poglavitne aktivnosti dosežejo v predvidenem času. V magistrskem delu je znotraj podjetja Ledinek Engineering d.o.o. predstavljena vzpostavitev sistema mejnikov v sklopu projekta X, pri čemer je glavni predmet obdelave stroj za dolžinsko spajanje lesa. Vzpostavitev sistema mejnikov vodi preko analize oddelkov in njihovih aktivnosti do oblikovanja sistema mejnikov, ki prikazuje ključne faze projekta. Na osnovi izdelanega sistema mejnikov lahko potrdimo, da uporaba mejnikov v proces vodenja in planiranja projektov prinese večjo preglednost nad potekom projekta ter olajša napovedovanje kapacitet. Sistem mejnikov tako omogoči podjetju kakovostnejše planiranje projekta in prilagajanje resursov.
Keywords: mejniki, terminski plan, projektni management, projekt, planiranje
Published in DKUM: 21.09.2022; Views: 586; Downloads: 0
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Assessing the preventive anti-corruption efforts in Slovenia
Jasna Fedran, Bojan Dobovšek, Brane Ažman, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose: Corruption is one of the greatest and most serious social problems our country faces today. Slovenia was found to be burdened with systemic or structural corruption; therefore, one of its priority efforts should be establishing a more effective national structure and taking the most appropriate systemic anti-corruption measures. According to the fact that the previous repressive reactions against corruption have proven ineffective, it is necessary to pursue the objective of its anti-corruption measures aimed at its prevention. One of the major measures is the integrity plan, representing a successful breakthrough in the area of prevention of corruption, as Slovenia is the first in the European Union to have implemented it. Consequently, a research on integrity plans was conducted. The purpose of the article is to highlight or emphasize the meaning of the topical preventive measure in curbing corruption in Slovenia from the perspective of public sector institutions which are obliged to elaborate the integrity plan. Design/Methods/Approach: This contribution is based on methods specific to qualitative research, particularly comparative and descriptive ones. Further, the methods of analysis and examination of relevant domestic and foreign primary and secondary resources and legal acts are used. As a data collection technique, the authors take interviews with integrity plan planners and producers. Findings: With regard to the issue at hand, aversion or unwillingness of integrity plan producers to participate in our research was found, generally. However, the detailed results of the research not only show that the current concept of integrity plan should be partially upgraded, but they also reveal that only few leading employees participate in elaborating their integrity plan. Originality/Value: An issue arising from the paper reflects the exceptional endeavor to establish a stable prevention national policy.
Keywords: integrity, integrity plan, integrity plan producers, corruption, prevention of corruption, Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 16.04.2020; Views: 1008; Downloads: 48
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The development of sustainable mobility plan (SUMP), example for city of Sinj, Croatia
Anđelo Marunica, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) is an innovative way of planning urban traffic in order to meet the needs of citizens in a sustainable way. Unlike the traditional approach to traffic planning, SUMP places a special emphasis on citizen and other stakeholders involvement and participation, in which different decisions regarding various sectors such as traffic, spatial planning, economic development, social activities, health, safety, energy, etc. are coordinated . The SUMP concept for the city of Sinj proposes 30 measures compiled in 6 themed packages, which are expected to greatly improve the quality of traffic in the city, in addition to reducing air pollution and improving the quality of life for residents of Sinj, while simultaneously, to a certain extent, stimulating economic growth and reversing demographic decline which is currently affecting the municipality of Sinj.
Keywords: SUMP, city of Sinj, sustainable mobility plan, sustainable mobility, sustainable mobility planning methodology
Published in DKUM: 23.09.2019; Views: 1168; Downloads: 107
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Mateja Bukvič, 2018, diploma project paper

Abstract: V projektni nalogi so na praktičnem primeru dozidave in rekonstrukcije stanovanjske hiše predstavljeni postopki za izdelavo ponudbenega predračuna s pomočjo računalniškega programa 4BUILD. Za potrebe izdelave predračuna smo za posamezno vrsto gradbenih in obrtniških del pripravili pripadajoče popise del in predizmere. Predstavljen je tudi prikaz izvajanja aktivnosti pri izvedbi del s pomočjo terminskega plana. Za pripravo terminskega plana je bil uporabiljen računalniški program GanttProject.
Keywords: gradbeništvo, popisi del, ponudbeni predračun, terminski plan
Published in DKUM: 12.09.2018; Views: 1368; Downloads: 286
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Upravljanje projekta selitve in avtomatizacije skladišča v podjetju X
Aleš Krumpak, 2018, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrska naloga prikazuje kako voditi projekte, na podlagi projekta izvedenega v praksi. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene osnove o vodenju projektov. Sledi praktični del, kjer je prikazana izdelava zagonskega elaborata projekta, vključno s terminskim planom izdelanim v programskem paketu Microsoft Project in primerjava dejanskega poteka projekta, v primerjavi s potekom v zagonskem elaboratu. Rezultati kažejo, da je mogoče projekt uspešno izvesti tudi brez izdelave zagonskega elaborata, vendar je vodenje projektov na ta način manj učinkovito. Na podlagi zagonskega elaborata lahko ocenimo tudi ekonomsko upravičenost izvedbe projekta.
Keywords: vodenje projektov, zagonski elaborat, terminski plan, Microsoft Project
Published in DKUM: 17.04.2018; Views: 1661; Downloads: 275
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Life in Veszprém, in the "town of queens"
Tibor Lenner, original scientific article

Abstract: Every settlement is a unique place. This uniqueness is manifested, among others, in cultural and historical values. Truly reflecting the settlement’s history and development, the ground plan of a town safeguards these unique characteristics over the centuries. Therefore, it is practical to analyse the spatial extension within its historical relations when researching a settlement’s morphology, development and functional structure. This method has traditions dating back to Tibor Mendöl in the Hungarian settlement geography. By means of historical settlement geography, one can interpret the creation of a settlement space, the principles of spatial arrangement, and explore the expansion or regression of a settlement. In the present study, we attempted to find a correlation between the historical, functional and formal aspects of the transformation processes on the example of Veszprém, a county capital in Transdanubia. The authors’ aim of doing so was to establish a basis for a later settlement- morphological examination of the town.
Keywords: historical settlement geography, settlement structure, historical ground plan development, fortress-based settlement
Published in DKUM: 10.04.2018; Views: 1043; Downloads: 106
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Community development plan: rural livestock, agriculture and livelihood in Indonesia
Budi Guntoro, 2010, review article

Abstract: This study aimed to determine the bio-physical and socio-economic characteristics of the community, to determine the problems encountered by the community with emphasis on livestock, agriculture and livelihood and to recommend appropriate plans of action in addressing these problems. Field observation and interviews with key informants were conducted. The data gathered served as basis in the preparation of a Community Develop- ment Plan for Lopati Village, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, which was the ultimate goal of the activity. In addition, this data provided guidelines in plan implementation as well as serving as a basis for determining the different changes or accomplishments to be made. Eight key informants were involved in the interview. The results showed that there are many problems faced by the community, including low income, lack of capital and credit sources, low prices of products and business management. Several plans of action that were made and proposed included strengthening of the existing farmers’ multipurpose cooperative, conversion of the farmers and women’s association into a cooperative, introduction and implementation of swine dispersal project, intensification of cattle, goat and duck raising, home industries, introduction of purely self-help projects, training workshops for farmers, youth and women, competitive farm gate prices for the community’s products, payment of previous loans, encouragement/reactivation of other banks to participate in a credit program, and general assembly meeting/monitoring and evaluation of projects/program.
Keywords: community development plan, rural livestock, agriculture and livelihood
Published in DKUM: 29.03.2018; Views: 1079; Downloads: 87
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