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The effect of supplementing pig diet with chestnut wood extract or hops on fresh meat and dry-cured products
Urška Tomažin, Martin Škrlep, Maja Prevolnik Povše, Nina Batorek Lukač, Danijel Karolyi, Matjaž Červek, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Oxidation is one of the major reasons for impaired quality of meat and meat products but can be prevented by the addition of antioxidants. In the present study, the effect of dietary sweet chestnut wood extract and hop cones on the quality and oxidative stability of meat and dry-cured products was investigated. Control pigs (N = 11) were fed a commercial diet (13.1 MJ metabolizable energy, 15.5% crude protein), while the other two experimental groups were supplemented with 3% of sweet chestnut wood extract (Tannin; N = 12) or 0.4% of hop cones (Hops; N = 11). The quality of meat and dry-cured products was evaluated by means of chemical composition, water holding capacity, objective color, and lipid and protein oxidation. No major effects of sweet chestnut wood extract or of hops supplementation were observed, nevertheless, some indications of improved water holding capacity could be attributed to antioxidants supplementation. The color evolution of dry-cured bellies from Tannin and Hops groups of pigs during refrigerated storage was also indicative of an improved oxidative stability.
Keywords: pig meat, meat quality, pig diet, tannin extract, hops, dry-cured products, oxidation, pigs
Published in DKUM: 23.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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Adipose tissue gene expression of entire male, immunocastrated and surgically castrated pigs
Klavdija Poklukar Žnidaršič, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, Milka Vrecl, Nina Batorek Lukač, Gregor Fazarinc, Kevin Kress, Volker Stefanski, Martin Škrlep, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Differences in adipose tissue deposition and properties between pig male sex categories, i.e., entire males (EM), immunocastrates (IC) and surgical castrates (SC) are relatively well-characterized, whereas the underlying molecular mechanisms are still not fully understood. To gain knowledge about the genetic regulation of the differences in adipose tissue deposition, two different approaches were used: RNA-sequencing and candidate gene expression by quantitative PCR. A total of 83 differentially expressed genes were identified between EM and IC, 15 between IC and SC and 48 between EM and SC by RNA-sequencing of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Comparing EM with IC or SC, upregulated genes related to extracellular matrix dynamics and adipogenesis, and downregulated genes involved in the control of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism were detected. Differential gene expression generally indicated high similarity between IC and SC as opposed to EM, except for several heat shock protein genes that were upregulated in EM and IC compared with SC. The candidate gene expression approach showed that genes involved in lipogenesis were downregulated in EM compared with IC pigs, further confirming RNA-sequencing results.
Keywords: pigs, adipose tissue, entire males, immunocastration, surgical castration, RNA-sequencing, expression
Published in DKUM: 10.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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Immunocastration in adult boars as a model for late-onset hypogonadism
Nina Batorek Lukač, Kevin Kress, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, Gregor Fazarinc, Martin Škrlep, Klavdija Poklukar Žnidaršič, Raffael Wesoly, Volker Stefanski, Milka Vrecl, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: While immunocastration has been studied in male pre-pubertal pigs, data on older, sexually mature animals are limited. To understand the physiological effects of androgen deprivation in the late sexual development phase, we compared mature immunocastrated boars (n = 19; average age = 480 days) to young male immunocastrated pigs (n = 6; average age = 183 days) and young entire males (n = 6; average age = 186 days) as positive and negative controls, respectively. Objectives: We hypothesized that the timing of gonadotropin-releasing hormone suppression (early or late sexual development phases) influences the extent of reproductive function inhibition, histological structure of testicular tissue, and expression levels of selected genes related to steroid metabolism. Materials and methods: Antibody titer, hormonal status, and histomorphometric analysis of testicular tissue were subjected to principal component analysis followed by hierarchical clustering to evaluate the immunocastration effectiveness in mature boars. Results: Hierarchical clustering differentiated mature immunocastrated boars clustered with young immunocastrated pigs from those clustered with entire males. Although all mature immunocastrated boars responded to vaccination, as evidenced by the increased gonadotropin-releasing hormone antibody titers (p < 0.001), decreased serum luteinizing hormone concentrations (p = 0.002), and changes in testicular tissue vascularization (lighter and less red testicular parenchyma; p ≤ 0.001), the responses were variable. Sharp decreases in testes index (p < 0.001), Leydig cell volume density (p < 0.001), Leydig cell nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio (p < 0.001), and testosterone concentration (p < 0.001) were observed in mature immunocastrated boars clustered with young immunocastrated pigs compared with those that clustered with entire males. Additionally, mature immunocastrated boars clustered with young immunocastrated pigs showed lower hydroxysteroid 17-beta dehydrogenase 7 expression than entire males (p < 0.05). The young immunocastrated pigs group showed higher folliclestimulating hormone receptors than the entire males and mature immunocastrated boars, lower steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression levels compared with entire males, and mature immunocastrated boars clustered with entire males (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The two-dose vaccination regime resulted in progressive but variable regression of testicular function in adult (post-pubertal) pigs; however, it was insufficient to induce a complete immunocastration response in all animals.
Keywords: response to immunocastration, pigs, anti-GnRH, morphometry, testicular mRNA expression
Published in DKUM: 16.08.2023; Views: 490; Downloads: 79
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Salivary gland adaptation to dietary inclusion of hydrolysable tannins in boars
Maša Mavri, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, Gregor Fazarinc, Martin Škrlep, Catrin Rutland, Božidar Potočnik, Nina Batorek Lukač, Valentina Kubale, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The ingestion of hydrolysable tannins as a potential nutrient to reduce boar odor in entire males results in the significant enlargement of parotid glands (parotidomegaly). The objective of this study was to characterize the effects of different levels of hydrolysable tannins in the diet of fattening boars (n = 24) on salivary gland morphology and proline-rich protein (PRP) expression at the histological level. Four treatment groups of pigs (n = 6 per group) were fed either a control (T0) or experimental diet, where the T0 diet was supplemented with 1% (T1), 2% (T2), or 3% (T3) of the hydrolysable tannin-rich extract Farmatan®. After slaughter, the parotid and mandibular glands of the experimental pigs were harvested and dissected for staining using Goldner’s Trichrome method, and immunohistochemical studies with antibodies against PRPs. Morphometric analysis was performed on microtome sections of both salivary glands, to measure the acinar area, the lobular area, the area of the secretory ductal cells, and the sizes of glandular cells and their nuclei. Histological assessment revealed that significant parotidomegaly was only present in the T3 group, based on the presence of larger glandular lobules, acinar areas, and their higher nucleus to cytoplasm ratio. The immunohistochemical method, supported by color intensity measurements, indicated significant increases in basic PRPs (PRB2) in the T3 and acidic PRPs (PRH1/2) in the T1 groups. Tannin upplementation did not affect the histo-morphological properties of the mandibular gland. This study confirms that pigs can adapt to a tannin-rich diet by making structural changes in their parotid salivary gland, indicating its higher functional activity.
Keywords: pigs, dietary supplements, tannins, parotid gland, mandibular gland, immunohistochemistry, histology, proline-rich proteins (PRP), swine
Published in DKUM: 07.07.2023; Views: 506; Downloads: 51
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Carcass and meat quality traits of pig fatteners from Slovenian breeding programme
Maja Prevolnik Povše, Martin Škrlep, Dejan Škorjanc, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, 2008, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The aim of the present study was the comparison of carcass and meat quality traits of commercial pigs of various crossbreeds from two major Slovenian herds. The analysis is based on phenotypic data from field trials which have been collected in the last past five years within the Slovenian breeding programme. Important differences in carcass traits were observed between two herds and were associated to different crossbreeds used. In spite of that economically important result on the slaughter line (lean meat %) was similar for both herds. Meat quality traits were also significantly different between the two herds. Again, the difference could be ascribed to crossbreeds used. However, since the herd effect is connected with abattoir effect, different ante-mortem conditions and/or lower robustness of these animals to premortal stress could also be contributed to the observed differences. The presented results give important information on the state-of-the-art regarding meat quality of Slovenian pigs.
Keywords: pigs, carcass quality, meat, breeding programs, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 13.07.2017; Views: 2785; Downloads: 112
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Luka Đurasević, 2010, final seminar paper

Abstract: Že od leta 2001 je vse več državam Evropske in monetarne unije skupna denarna valuta evro. Za uvedbo slednje mora država kandidatka izpolnjevati konvergenčne kriterije, kar pomeni, da ne sme imeti previsoke inflacije, javnega dolga, javnofinančnega primanjkljaja in obrestne mere. Uvedba sama je prinesla tako pozitivne kot negativne posledice tako na gospodarstvo, kot na politiko in vsakodnevno življenje. Čeprav omogoča preprostejše trgovanje na evropskem trgu, pa članice evroobmočja izgubijo svojo monetarno avtonomijo in nosijo posledice slabega delovanja drugih držav. Dober primer tega je aktualna grška finančna kriza, ki pa bi se lahko razširila tudi na druge države EU. V podobnih težavah bi se lahko kmalu znašle tudi ostale države skupine PIGS, to so Portugalska, Irska in Španija, kar bi gotovo resno ogrozilo stabilnost evra.
Keywords: Evropska unija, evro, konvergenčni kriteriji, PIGS, B-S učinek, EMU, institucije Eu, problem Grčije, Inflacija, ERM2, centralna banka, denarna valuta, proračunski primankljaj.
Published in DKUM: 27.01.2011; Views: 1849; Downloads: 154
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