1. Zero-Waste Approach for Heavy Metals’ Removal from Water with an Enhanced Multi-Stage Hybrid Treatment SystemDanijela Urbancl, Darko Goričanec, Marjana Simonič, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: river sediment, heavy metals, extraction process, EDTA, citric acid, natural clay Published in DKUM: 08.05.2024; Views: 187; Downloads: 18
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2. Shear modulus of clay-sand mixtures using bender element testAli Firat Cabalar, M. M. Khalaf, Zuheir Karabash, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: Bender-element (BE) tests were conducted on clay-sand mixtures to investigate the variation of small strain-shear modulus (Gmax) with the sand content and the physical characteristics (size, shape) of the sand grains in the mixtures. Three different gradations (0.6–0.3 mm, 1.0–0.6 mm and 2.0–1.0 mm) of sands having distinct shapes (rounded, angular) were added to a low-plasticity clay with mixture ratios of 0% (clean clay), 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. For the purposes of performing a correlation analysis, unconfined compression (UC) tests were also carried out on the same specimens. The tests indicated that both the Gmax and unconfined compressive strength (q u) values of the specimens with angular sand grains were measured to be lower than those with rounded sand grains, for all sizes and percentages. As the percentage of sand in the mixture increases, the Gmax values increase, while the qu values decrease. The results further suggested that the Gmaxvalues decrease as the q u values decreases as the size of the sand grains reduces. Keywords: sand, clay, bender element, unconfined compressive strength Published in DKUM: 11.10.2018; Views: 1563; Downloads: 487
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3. A new method for testing the anti-permeability strength of clay failure under a high water pressureFu-wei Jiang, Ming-tang Lei, Xiao-zhen Jiang, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: It is difficult to judge the failure of clay seepage under a high water pressure.This paper presents a new method to assess clay failure based on the anti-permeability strength, which is the critical water pressure to destroy the clay. An experiment is designed to test the value that avoids the problem of the time-consuming, traditional method to test clay seepage deformation. The experimental system and the process of testing are introduced in this paper. With a self-designed experimental system and method, 18 groups of sample were tested. The results show that the clay thickness and the seepage paths influence the anti-permeability strength. It also indicates that water infiltrates into the clay under the condition that its pressure exceeds a minimum value (P0). Keywords: clay failure, seepage deformation, anti-permeability strength, high water pressure Published in DKUM: 15.06.2018; Views: 1410; Downloads: 169
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4. Relationship between the compressive and tensile strengths of lime-treated clay containing coconut fibresVivi Anggraini, Bujang Huat, Afshin Asadi, Haslinda Nahazanan, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: The effects of coconut fibre on the mechanical characteristics of lime-treated clay are investigated in this study. The lime-treated clay specimens were prepared with a variety of coconut-fibre contents, i.e., 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%, in terms of the weight of dry soil. The stabilized specimens were tested at 7, 28 and 90 days after the treatment in order to observe the evolution of the mechanical resistance with time. The results of the unconfined compressive strength tests were used to determine the relationships between the compressive strengths and the indirect tensile strengths of the stabilized soil. Furthermore, the optimum percentage of coconut fibre mixed in the soil/lime mixtures was 1% of the dry mass and reinforcement at 90 days increases the peak compressive strength and the indirect tensile strength. Coconut-fibre inclusion changes the brittle behaviour of the lime-treated clay soil to give it a more ductile character. Keywords: coconut fibre, lime, compressive strength, indirect tensile strength, clay soil, failure characteristics Published in DKUM: 14.06.2018; Views: 1297; Downloads: 59
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5. Evolutionary-based prediction of ε50 for the lateral load-displacement behavior of piles in clayBabak Ebrahimian, Aida Nazari, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: Analyzing piles that are subjected to lateral loads reveals that their behavior depends on the soil’s resistance at any point along the pile as a function of the pile’s deflection, known as the p-y curve. On the other hand, the deformation characteristics of soil defined as “the soil strain at 50% of maximum deviatoric stress (ε50)” have a considerable effect on the generated p-y curve. In this research, several models are proposed to predict ε50 specifically for designing the very long pile foundations of offshore oil and gas platforms in the South Pars field, Persian Gulf, Iran. Herein, ε50 is evaluated using extensive soil data, including in-situ and laboratory test results using evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR). The effects of the undrained shear strength, the normalized tip resistance of the cone penetration test, the over-burden pressure, the plasticity index and the over-consolidation ratio on ε50 are investigated in marine clays. It is demonstrated that the normalized cone tip resistance, which is an indication of the soil’s undrained shear strength, leads to more realistic ε50 values compared with the laboratory-derived undrained shear strength parameter. In addition, the application of the soil-index properties and the over-burden pressure in the models, improves their estimation quality. Furthermore, the results of full-scale lateral pile load tests at different sites are used in order to validate the performance of the proposed models when it comes to predicting the behavior of the lateral piles. Keywords: p-y curve, laterally loaded pile, piezocone penetration test, PCPT, marine clay, evolutionary polynomial regression, EPR, South Pars field Published in DKUM: 14.06.2018; Views: 1095; Downloads: 90
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6. Numerical modeling of floating prefabricated vertical drains in layered soilIkhya Ikhya, Helmut Schweiger, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: This paper presents a comparison of field measurements and a numerical model of settlements based on the construction of an embankment on soft soil for the Cirebon Power Plant Project in Indonesia, where prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) were installed. In the numerical model, floating PVDs in two soil layers for two- and one-way drainage conditions are examined in order to determine the optimum penetration depth. In this study, good agreement between the field measurements of the settlements and the numerical prediction could be achieved. An interesting result of this study is that the differences in the stiffness and/or the permeability in the unimproved area below the PVD tip have a significant influence on the optimum penetration depth (L/H) in the two-soil-layer condition. The numerical study showed that it is possible to use floating PVDs in single drainage conditions if the second layer is stiffer and/or more permeable than the first layer. Keywords: two soil layers, floating prefabricated vertical drain, double and single drainage, numerical model, soft clay, consolidation Published in DKUM: 13.06.2018; Views: 1247; Downloads: 95
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7. A simplified approach to the settlement estimation of piled raftsVolkan Kalpakci, Mehmet Yener Özkan, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: In this study, a simplified approach to the settlement estimation of piled rafts resting on over-consolidated clay deposits is presented. For this purpose, a series of plane-strain and three-dimensional analyses were performed and their results are compared with the available data in the literature. It was found that the percentage decrease in the total settlements with the addition of piles with respect to the unpiled case is very closely estimated by both the plane-strain and the three-dimensional, simplified, numerical analyses. Using this phenomenon, a simple method of analysis is suggested for the total settlement estimation of the piled raft foundations and design charts are provided for the cases studied (for the specific soil conditions only) throughout this study. Keywords: piled rafts, settlement, over-consolidated clay, foundation design Published in DKUM: 13.06.2018; Views: 984; Downloads: 70
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8. Numerical analysis of circular footings on natural clay stabilized with a granular fillMurat Ornek, Mustafa Laman, Ahmet Demir, Abdulazim Yildiz, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: In this study, numerical predictions of the scale effect for circular footings supported by partially replaced, compacted, layers on natural clay deposits are presented. The scale- effect phenomenon was analyzed according to the footing sizes. Numerical analyses were carried out using an axisymmetric, two-dimensional, finite-element program. Before conducting the analysis, the validity of the constitutive model was validated using field tests performed by authors with seven different footing diameters up to 0.90 m and with three different partial replacement thicknesses. It is shown that the behavior of the circular footings on natural clay soil and the partial replacement system can be reasonably well represented by the Mohr Coulomb model. The Mohr-Coulomb model parameters were derived from the results of conventional laboratory and field tests. After achieving a good consistency between the results of the test and the numerical analysis, the numerical analyses were continued by increasing the footing diameter up to 25 m, considering the partial replacement thickness up to two times the footing diameter. The results of this parametric study showed that the stabilization had a considerable effect on the bearing capacity of the circular footings and for a given value of H/D the magnitude of the ultimate bearing capacity increases in a nonlinear manner with the footing diameter. The Bearing Capacity Ratio (BCR) was defined to evaluate the improved performance of the reinforced system. It was found, based on numerical and field-test results that the BCR of the partially replaced, natural clay deposits increased with an increase in the footing diameter and there was no significant scale effect of the circular footing resting on natural clay deposits. Keywords: scale effect, circular footing, field test, finite-element analysis, natural clay, granular fill Published in DKUM: 13.06.2018; Views: 1236; Downloads: 157
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9. Influence of geosynthetic reinforcement on the shear strength characteristics of two-layer sub-gradeMehrad Kamalzare, Reza Ziaie-Moayed, 2011, original scientific article Abstract: Due to the low bearing capacity of soft clayey soils in places that because of economic, military or geological conditions we are oblige to build a structure on, geosynthetics will be used to reinforce the soil and improve its bearing capacity. Particularly, A good example is roadways, where geosynthetics are placed between the interface of the granular materials and the soft-soil sub-grade to improve the bearing capacity of the composite layers. In previous research the behavior of one-layer soils that were reinforced with different kinds of geosynthetics were studied by experimental and analytical methods and some numerical models have been developed. In this paper the behavior of two-layer soils (granular base and clayey sub-grade) that were reinforced with some geosynthetics are investigated. Large-scale direct shear tests were performed on unreinforced and reinforced samples with different geosynthetics. The results show that depending on the characteristics of the geosynthetics, the inclusion of these materials may increase or decrease the shear strength parameters of the interface of two-layered soils. It implies that the geosynthetic-reinforced soils in the sub-base layer of roads are so sensitive to the characteristics of geosynthetics and will perform better than non-reinforced soils and consequently the load-carrying capacity of the basement will improve only if the appropriate geosynthetics are used. However, geogrid shows more reinforcement efficiency under higher vertical stresses. Increasing the relative density of the clayey sub-grade would also cause the geogrid reinforcement to be more effective. Keywords: shear strength, geosynthetic, large scale direct shear test, soft clay, subgrade Published in DKUM: 13.06.2018; Views: 1256; Downloads: 179
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10. An evaluation of marine sediments in terms of their usability in the brick industry : case study Port of KoperPatrik Baksa, Franka Cepak, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Vilma Ducman, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: A dredging process is essential for the development of harbours and ports, allowing the functional daily operation of the port. The management of dredged material represents a worldwide challenge, especially considering unwanted deposition of material. Because of their chemical, petrographic, mineralogical and homogeneity composition, marine sediments could represent an appropriate raw material for the brick industry, particularly for the production of clay blocks, roofing and ceramic tiles. In this study dredged material from Port of Koper was tested for such use, thus various analyses were carried out in order to determine if the dredged material is environmentally friendly and suitable for use in the brick industry. These included: chemical analysis, mineralogical analysis, particle size analysis, chloride content analysis and tests of firing in a gradient furnace. Furthermore, tests of mechanical properties, as well as tests of the frost-resistance of the samples were carried out. On the basis of the primary analyses and samples prepared in a laboratory, it was confirmed that marine sediments from the Port of Koper, without any additives are only conditionally suitable as a source material for producing brick products, because without additives they exhibit too much shrinkage on drying and firing, as well as high water absorption, this can be improved by the incorporation of suitable additives, for example, virgin clay or other suitable waste material. The approach described herewith can also be followed to assess sediments from other ports and rivers regarding its potential use in clay brick sector. Keywords: dredge marine sediment, recycling, clay bricks, mechanical properties, chemical analysis Published in DKUM: 21.12.2017; Views: 2628; Downloads: 204
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