1. Development and validation of open source CTD sensor : magistrsko deloTadej Plej, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: The CTD sensor captures measurements of conductivity, temperature and depth of the oceans. Scientists lack this data to discover unexplored areas of the oceans, as measuring systems and maintaining them are very expensive. The aim of this master's thesis is to produce a open source CTD sensor that will be cost-effective, accurate enough to make the data credible and attachable to a sea turtle. Through the thesis we learned about the theoretical background of processes in the oceans, reviewed the measurement methods for measuring conductivity, temperature and pressure. We made a circuit for measuring conductivity and measuring electrodes from graphite DC motor brushes. We validated all the sensors and finally assembled them into the first prototype of a CTD sensor. Keywords: CTD, conductivity, temperature, depth, open source project Published in DKUM: 17.06.2022; Views: 830; Downloads: 74
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3. Development of the Waterproof Enclosure for Tracking System PitStop : master's thesisBlaž Bratuš, 2018, master's thesis Abstract: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species classifies six out of seven species of sea turtle as Threatened. Different tagging systems are being used to better protect and conserve the sea turtles and their habitats with the data gathered being essential to design better conservation strategies.
Tagging sea turtles can be quite expensive using the proprietary commercial tags. The aim of this project was to develop a reliable and affordable tracking system PitStop for monitoring threatened sea turtles. Different designs, materials and sealing methods were proposed and tested to find the optimal solution considering the performance, reliability and costs. Keywords: waterproof enclosure, tracking system, PitStop, GPS tagging, open-source conservation, sea turtles Published in DKUM: 08.10.2018; Views: 1376; Downloads: 196
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4. Open educational resources in e-learningDejan Dinevski, Samo Fošnarič, Tanja Arh, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: Open educational resources in e-learning are the future source of information for lifelong learners. Open source and open standards are defined as the basis of the "Open educational resource movement" that is beginning to form on a global level in the last decade. The characteristics of the OS are investigated in the relation to e-Learning, existing and new pedagogical principles and copyright issues. Several good practices, ideas and existing initiatives are presented and the vision of the future of open educational resources is introduced. Keywords: e-learning, open source, open educational resources Published in DKUM: 04.12.2017; Views: 1675; Downloads: 503
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5. Razvoj aplikacije za podporo administrativnim procesom v organizacijiSimon Kralj, 2017, bachelor thesis/paper Abstract: Podjetja veliko pozornosti posvečajo temu, da svojim strankam ali naročnikom nudijo najboljše možne storitve, pri tem pa pogosto pozabljajo na izboljšave pri vodenju internih procesov. Ti so pogosto vodeni oz. dokumentirani v papirni obliki, zaradi česar je upravljanje z zahtevami ob rasti podjetja oteženo, interni stroški pa višji. Z vpeljavo aplikacije za vodenje internih poslovnih procesov v elektronski obliki lahko podjetja znižajo svoje stroške, saj se čas, ki bi ga zaposleni porabili za tiskanje in prenašanje zahtev v papirni obliki znatno zmanjša.
V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen proces razvoja aplikacije, ki bo končnemu naročniku omogočila informacijsko podporo za vodenje internih poslovnih procesov. V nalogi so ovrednoteni tudi stroški, ki so povezani s tovrstnimi internimi poslovnimi procesi in prihranek, ki bi ga dosegli ob uvedbi aplikacijske podpore. Keywords: Spletna aplikacija, Poslovni procesi, JAVA, JSF, MYSQL, Open Source, Slapovna metodologija Published in DKUM: 14.09.2017; Views: 1515; Downloads: 98
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7. Novi pristopi v arhitekturi - Naredi sam (DIY)Janeta Čretnik, 2015, diploma project paper Abstract: Zaradi ekonomske krize in želje po individualnosti ali po trajnostnem in ekološkem načrtovanju so na veliki popularnosti pridobili projekti naredi sam oziroma »DIY – Do It Yourself«. V tem oziru v teoretičnem delu predstavimo pojme »DIY« (Do It Yourself – naredi sam), »Upcycling« (nadgradnja), »Recycling« (reciklaža) ter »Open source« (odprta koda). Prav tako raziščemo zgodovino tega pristopa kot tudi razloge, ki so glavni vzrok nujnosti oziroma popularnosti takšnih projektov.
Projektna naloga temelji na predstavitvi oblikovalskega pristopa "naredi sam". Vsebuje zasnovo in izvedbo modularnega kosa pohištva s podanimi navodili za izdelavo. Koncept pohištva temelji na modularnosti in možnih modifikacijah, ki omogočajo opremljanje prostora za različne rabe. Keywords: DIY, naredi sam, pohištvo, modularnost, Open source Published in DKUM: 18.08.2015; Views: 1552; Downloads: 272
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