1. Chebotar, M.A.; Ke, Wen-Fong; Lee, Pjek-Hwee: Maps characterized by action on zero products. (English). - [J] Pac. J. Math. 216, No.2, 217-228 (2004). [ISSN 0030-8730]Matej Brešar, 2006, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, asociativni kolobarji, ničelni produkti, prakolobarji, idempotenti, odvajanja, aditivne preslikave, mathematics, associative rings, ring isomorphisms, prime rings, idempotents, zero products, additive maps, additive maps Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1040; Downloads: 34
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2. Lee, Tsiu-Kwen: Generalized skew derivations characterized by acting on zero products. (English). - [J] Pac. J. Math. 216, No.2, 293-301 (2004). [ISSN 0030-8730]Matej Brešar, 2006, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, asociativni kolobarji, posplošena poševna odvajanja, prakolobarji, idempotenti, ničelni produkti, aditivne preslikave, avtomorfizmi, mathematics, associative rings, generalized skew derivations, prime rings, idempotents, zero products, additive maps, automorphisms Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1092; Downloads: 21
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3. Cheung, Wai-Shun: Lie derivations of triangular algebras. (English). - [J] Linear Multilinear Algebra 51, No.3, 299-310 (2003). [ISSN 0308-1087; ISSN 1563-5139]Matej Brešar, 2005, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, asociativni kolobarji, Liejeva odvajanja, trikotne matrične algebre, gnezdne algebre, mathematics, associative rings, Lie derivations, triangular matrix algebras, nest algebras Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1410; Downloads: 34
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4. Jing, Wu; Lu, Shijie: Generalized Jordan derivations on prime rings and standard operator algebras. (English). - [J] Taiwanese J. Math. 7, No.4, 605-613 (2003). [ISSN 1027-5487]Matej Brešar, 2005, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, asociativni kolobarji, posplošena jordanska odvajanja, prakolobarji, standardne operatorske algebre, posplošena odvajanja, aditivne preslikave, mathematics, associative rings, prime rings, generalized Jordan derivations, standard operator algebras, additive maps, generalized derivations Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 960; Downloads: 26
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5. Chang, Chi-Ming: Power central values of derivations on multilinear polynomials. (English). - [J] Taiwanese J. Math. 7, No.2, 329-338 (2003). [ISSN 1027-5487]Matej Brešar, 2005, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, asociativni kolobarji, prakolobarji, odvajanja, posplošene polinomske identitete, razširjeni centroidi, idempotenti, mathematics, associative rings, prime rings, derivations, generalized polynomial identities, extended centroids, idempotents Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1124; Downloads: 53
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6. Chang, Jui-Chi: On the identity h(x)=af(x)+g(x)b. (English). - [J] Taiwanese J. Math. 7, No.1, 103-113 (2003). [ISSN 1027-5487]Matej Brešar, 2004, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, algebra, posplošena ▫$(alpha,beta)$▫-odvajanja, prakolobarji, aditivne preslikave, mathematics, associative algebra, generalized ▫$(alpha,beta)$▫-derivations, additive maps Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1085; Downloads: 17
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7. Komatsu, Hiroaki; Nakajima, Atsushi: Generalized derivations of associative algebras. (English). - [J] Quaest. Math. 26, No.2, 213-235 (2003). [ISSN 1607-3606; ISSN 0379-9468]Matej Brešar, 2004, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, algebra, asociativne algebre, posplošena odvajanja, mathematics, associative algebra, generalized derivations Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1075; Downloads: 24
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8. Nadeem-ur-Rehman: On commutativity of rings with generalized derivations. (English). - [J] Math. J. Okayama Univ. 44, 43-49 (2002). [ISSN 0030-1566]Matej Brešar, 2004, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, algebra, asociativni kolobarji, prakolobarji, posplošena odvajanja, aditivne preslikave, mathematics, algebra, associative rings, prime rings, commutativity theorems, generalized derivations, additive maps, commutator constraints Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 990; Downloads: 26
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9. Wang, Yu; Zhang, Xiuying: The linear combination of derivations in prime rings.(English). - [J] Northeast. Math. J. 18, No.4, 298-302 (2002). [ISSN 1000-1778]Matej Brešar, 2004, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, algebra, asociativni kolobarji, prakolobarji, odvajanja, razširjeni centroidi, mathematics, algebra, associative rings, prime rings, centers, derivations, extended centroids Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1001; Downloads: 45
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10. Chuang, Chen-Lian; Lee, Tsiu-Kwen: Algebraic $q$-skew derivations. - J. Algebra 282, No.1, 1-22 (2004). [ISSN 0021-8693]Matej Brešar, 2005, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, algebra, prakolobarji, odvajanja, algebraičnost, avtomorfizmi, mathematics, algebra, prime rings, skew-derivations, algebraicity, automorphisms, Martindale quotient rings Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1227; Downloads: 35
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