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Numerical analysis of the racking behaviour of multi-storey timber-framed buildings considering load-bearing function of double-skin façade elements
Miroslav Premrov, Erika Kozem Šilih, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper presents an innovative approach in the modelling of multi-storey timber-framed buildings, where double-skin façade elements (DSF) are additionally considered as load-bearing wall elements against a horizontal load impact. The mathematical model with a fictive diagonal element developed for timber-framed wall elements with classical oriented strand boards (OSB) or fibre–plaster sheathing boards (FPB) is upgraded for DSF elements. The diameter of the fictive diagonal is determined with either experimental results or numerically obtained results using the time-consuming FEM model with elastic spring elements, which simulates the bonding line between the timber frame and both glazing panes. In the second part of the study, the numerical analysis of a specially selected three-storey timber-framed building was performed using the developed mathematical model with fictive diagonal elements. Two alternative calculations were performed with the DSF elements as non-resisting and racking-resisting wall elements. It was demonstrated on the selected case that the racking resistance (R) of a building can essentially increase up to 35% if DSF elements are considered as resisting wall elements. As a secondary goal of the study, it is also important to point out that by using DSF elements as racking-resisting elements, the distortion in the first floor essentially decreased. It is demonstrated on the selected numerical example that this torsional influence decreased notably (by almost 18%) when the load-bearing DSF elements were used for seismic excitation in the X direction. Therefore, such an approach can open new perspectives in designing multi-storey timber-framed buildings with a more attractive and dynamic floor plan and structure.
Keywords: sustainability, timber, structures, multi-storey, numerical analysis, DSF, racking resistance
Published in DKUM: 19.03.2024; Views: 225; Downloads: 34
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Tourist farm service quality assessment
Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, 2010, review article

Abstract: Farm tourism shows a structure different from agriculture, forestry, and fishery; farm tourism is expanding, labour intensive, generates an influx of money, and maintains the service base in the region. Farm tourism is one of the most important supplementary activities and generates considerable secondary income. This paper present the developed methodology that will enable the ranking of tourist farms based on their service quality. This is accomplished through the use of the expert system based on the DEXi decision-making method. Using DEXi, the multi-criteria decision model for the assessment of farm tourism-s service quality was developed. The model was applied in practice on 7 vacation farms. The data from the questionnaires completed by farm guests and hosts was used as input data in the multi-attribute model and as an arbitrary estimation for the farm. The results of the model are shown as the assessments for individual farms. Out of seven chosen farms, four achieved the best possible estimation. Two of them achieved middle estimation. For the last tourist farm, where a data deficit was present, the model showed two final possible estimations (very good or good and bad - depends on value of missing attributes.
Keywords: tourist farm, multi-criteria analysis, DEXi methodology, ranking
Published in DKUM: 29.03.2018; Views: 1167; Downloads: 120
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Optimization of machining parameters for turning operation with multiple quality characteristics using Grey relational analysis
Franko Puh, Zoran Jurković, Mladen Perinic, Miran Brezočnik, Stipo Buljan, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Optimization of machining processes is essential for achieving of higher productivity and high quality products in order to remain competitive. This study investigates multi-objective optimization of turning process for an optimal parametric combination to provide the minimum surface roughness (Ra) with the maximum material-removal rate (MRR) using the Grey–Based Taguchi method. Turning parameters considered are cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. Nine experimental runs based on Taguchi’s L9 (34) orthogonal array were performed followed by the Grey relational analysis to solve the multi- response optimization problem. Based on the Grey relational grade value, optimum levels of parameters have been identified. The significance of parameters on overall quality characteristics of the cutting process has been evaluated by the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The optimal parameter values obtained during the study have been validated by confirmation experiment.
Keywords: ANOVA, Grey relational analysis, multi-objective optimization, Taguchi method, turning
Published in DKUM: 12.07.2017; Views: 1346; Downloads: 405
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Multi-criteria and econometric evaluation of dairy products
Karmen Pažek, Jernej Turk, Sebjan Hari, Črtomir Rozman, Jernej Prišenk, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: This study examined the multi-criteria assessment of four dairy products: "Pomursko mlejko" (Pomurje milk), "Lejko mleko" (light milk), "Fyto mleko" (Fyto milk) and "Posneto mleko v prahu" (dried milk). The research was executed by using a multi-criteria methodology, DEX, which was complemented by an econometric analysis for light milk to estimate the trends in production and consumption before analyzed dairy products were implemented on the market. DEXi computer program results indicated that all analyzed milk products were 'above average'. The econometric model was applied to examine changes in the demand for low-fat milk (light milk). Empirical results showed significant consumer response to the increase in the prices of low-fat milk demonstrating income elasticity (1,15 unit).
Keywords: multi-attribute decision theory, DEXi, econometric analysis, milk products
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2017; Views: 1560; Downloads: 147
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Multi-criteria assessment of vegetable production business alternatives
Silvo Pozderec, Martina Bavec, Črtomir Rozman, Jožef Vinčec, Karmen Pažek, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose: Organic and integrated production of vegetables are the two most common production systems in Slovenia. The study analyzed two production systems with different cultures as alternatives with purpose to find the most appropriate variants. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study based on the development and integration of developed specific technological- economic simulation models for the production of vegetables (salad, growing peppers, salad cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, round and cherry tomato) in greenhouse and multi-criteria decision analysis. The methodology of the study based on the DEX methodology and the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) of organic (ECO) and integrated production (IP) in greenhouse. Results: The evaluation results show that both cultivation methods of commercially attractive vegetables in greenhouse are variable. In the case of integrated production, the assessment of multi-criteria decision analysis EC and DEXi showed that salad (Donertie F1) proved to be the best possible alternative. In the case of organic production, the multi-criteria analysis assessment of pickling cucumbers (Harmony F1) is the best possible business alternative. Conclusion: For the further production planning process by decision maker is the ranking with Expert Choice (EC) more useful and precise, while the DEX evaluations are more descriptive.
Keywords: simulation models, multi-criteria analysis, vegetable, greenhouses
Published in DKUM: 04.04.2017; Views: 1604; Downloads: 366
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Multi attribute decision model for orchard renewal - case study in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, Ferhat Ćejvanović, Andreja Borec, Darja Majkovič, Vjekoslav Par, Jernej Turk, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The fruit production in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) is slowly returning to normality after Balkan wars. Due to favorable climatic and soil conditions it presents a clear business opportunity for family farms. The decision which fruit species/variety to grow is a complex decision and should be made on the basis of sound empirical analysis. This paper present a multi criteria model for planning and decision making methodology based on expert system DEX-i. In the first stage the technological and financial cost benefit analysis were conducted for each fruit production alternative. The results were further evaluated with expert system DEX-i considering all possible criteria influencing the fruit grower decision. In the case of a sample family farm the plum yielded with best multi criteria evaluation, followed by apple and pear, while sour cherry gave unsatifactory outcome.
Keywords: cost benefit analysis, fruit production, multi attribute decision modeling, expert system DEX-i
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1559; Downloads: 38
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Lidija Čuček, 2013, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: This doctoral dissertation, which consists of four substantive wholes, presents several syntheses of sustainable bioprocesses using computer-aided process engineering. In the first part the synthesis of different integrated processes of ethanol production from the entire corn plant is presented. The synthesis of different processes is in the second part further extended to the simplified and more comprehensive synthesis of bioproducts in the whole production supply chain network. Synthesis is based on the generic optimisation model of biomass production and supply chain networks. In the third part three methods for sustainable development assessment, suitable for multi-criteria optimisation, are presented: method of sustainability indexes, footprints and combined criteria, such as eco- and total profit. Methods are further upgraded with indirect effects in order to measure the unburdening the environment, associated with the use and replacement of environmentally-harmful products. Methods include the direct, indirect and total impacts on the environment. In the last part the methodology for reducing a large number of criteria within multi-objective optimisation to a small number of representative criteria is presented. This method is presented on the case of environmental footprints.
Keywords: Biomass energy generation, Supply chain networks, Synthesis of sustainable bioprocesses, Life Cycle Analysis, Sustainability assessment, Multi-objective optimisation, Dimensionality reduction, Representative Objectives Method
Published in DKUM: 06.05.2013; Views: 2598; Downloads: 290
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