1. Effect of cooling rate on the microstructure of an Al94Mn2Be2Cu2 alloyTonica Bončina, Boštjan Markoli, Franc Zupanič, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: In this study the effect of the cooling rate on the microstructure of Al94 Mn2 Be2 Cu2 alloy was investigated. The vacuum induction melted and cast alloy was exposed to different cooling rates. The slowest cooling rate was achieved by the DSC (10 K·min^−1), the moderate cooling rate succeeded by casting in the copper mould (≈1 000 K·s−1) and the rapid solidification was performed by melt spinning (up to 10^6 K·s^−1). The microstructure of the DSC-sample consisted of α-Al matrix, and several intermetallics: τ1-Al29 Mn6 Cu4 , Al4 Mn, θ-Al2 Cu and Be4 Al(Mn,Cu). The microstructures of the alloy at moderate and rapid cooling consisted of the α-Al matrix, i-phase and θ-Al2 Cu. Particles of i-phase and θ-Al2 Cu were much smaller and more uniformly distributed in melt-spun ribbons. Keywords: Al-alloy, metallography, microstructure, cooling rate, solidification Published in DKUM: 03.07.2017; Views: 1019; Downloads: 104 Full text (231,30 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Shapes of the icosahedral quasicrystalline phase in melt-spun ribbonsTonica Bončina, 2013, other scientific articles Abstract: The shapes of icosahedral quasicrystalline (IQC) particles were determined in melt-spun ribbons of alloys based on the Al-Mn-Be alloy system. The sizes of the quasicrystalline particles ranged from a few tenths of nanometres up to 1m. Therefore, different methods were employed for characterizing their shapes: projection of quasicrystalline particles using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), cross-sections of IQCs on metallographically polished surfaces, and observation of deep-etched samples and extracted particles using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). It was discovered that icosahedral quasicrystalline particles preferentially grow in three-fold directions and have a tendency for faceting and adopting the shape of a pentagonal dodecahedron. The evolution of quasicrystalline shapes is systematically presented. Keywords: Al-alloy, metallography, ribon, icosahedral quasicrystalline phase, shape, melt-spinning Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1440; Downloads: 104 Full text (134,69 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Quasicrystalline phase in melt-spun Al-Mn-Be ribbonsFranc Zupanič, Tonica Bončina, Alojz Križman, Werner Grogger, Christian Gspan, Boštjan Markoli, Savo Spaić, 2008, original scientific article Keywords: quasicrystals, rapid solidification, microstructure, metallography, electron emission spectroscopies Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2195; Downloads: 108 Link to full text |
4. The solidification path of the complex metallic Al-Mn-Be alloyBoštjan Markoli, Tonica Bončina, Franc Zupanič, 2010, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The solidification paths of the Al86.1Mn2.5Be11.4 and Al84Mn5.1Be10.9 alloys, melt spun, cast into a copper mould and controlled cooled (during DSC) were investigated by means of light-optical microscopy (LOM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) combined with thermogravimetry (TG) or simultaneous thermal analysis (STA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and the X-ray diffraction (XRD) line in Elletra Trieste, Italy. The constitutions of samplesfrom both alloys were examined in all three states, i.e., after melt spinning, after casting into a copper mould and after differential scanning calorimetry. It was established that in the cast and controlled-cooled specimens the alloys consisted of an aluminium-rich ▫$alpha$▫Al-matrix, and the Al4Mn and Be4AlMn phases. In the case of casting and DSC the primary crystallization began with the precipitation of the Be4AlMn phase, followed by what can most likely be characterized as a uni-variant binary eutectic reaction L > (Be4AlMn + Al4Mn). The solidification process continued with an invariant ternary eutectic reaction, where the remaining melt (L) formed the heterogeneous structure (▫$alpha$▫Al + Al4Mn + Be4AlMn) or a ternary eutectic. When extremely high cooling rates were employed, as is the case with melt-spinning,the constituting phases of both alloys were precipitated in a very small form and the Be4AlMn phase was completely absent in the form of primary polygonal particles and replaced by the icosahedral quasicrystalline phase or the i-phase. There was also no evidence of the Al4Mn phase. The distribution, size and shape of all the constituents in the melt-spun alloys also varied from the contact surface towards the free surface of the ribbons. The smallest constituents were established at the contact surface, measuring less than 0.1 ▫$mu$▫m, to 0.5 ▫$mu$▫m at the free surface. The grains of the aluminium-rich matrix had mean diameters of less than 20 ▫$mu$▫m, close to the freesurface, down to 1 m at the contact surface. Keywords: complex Al-Mn-Be alloys, metallography, solidification Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2102; Downloads: 100 Full text (701,08 KB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Characterization of cast Al86Mn3Be11 alloyTonica Bončina, Boštjan Markoli, Franc Zupanič, 2009, original scientific article Abstract: An Al86Mn3Be11 alloy cast into copper mould was subjected to metallographic investigation. The as-cast microstructure consisted of a quasicrystalline icosahedral phase (i-phase), Be4AlMn phase and, occasionally, a hexagonal phase. Al-rich solid solution represented the dominant phase. The chemical compositions of phases were determined using AES. The composition of the Be4AlMn slightly deviated from the stoichiometric composition, whereas the composition of the i-phase was approximately Al52Mn18Be30, containing an appreciable amount of Be. The average composition of the hexagonal phase was Al66Mn21Be13. Deep etching and particle extraction provided a deep insight into the three-dimensional morphology of the i-phase and the hexagonal phase, whereas Be4AlMn was slightly attacked by the etchant. The i-phase was present predominantly in the form of dendrites and a rodlike eutectic phase. The hexagonal phase was primarily in the form of hexagonal platelets, whereas Be4AlMn was rather irregular in shape. The morphology of the i-phase can be explained by predominant growth in 3-fold directions and the lowest energy of the 5-fold planes, leading to the faceting and adopting a pentagonal dodecahedron shape. The brightnesses of phases in the backscattered electron images were rationalized by determining their backscattering coefficients. TEM investigation showed considerable phason strain in the i-phase, and the polycrystalline nature of the Be4AlMn phase. Keywords: aluminium alloys, deep etching, metallography, particle extraction, quasicrystal Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2410; Downloads: 98 Link to full text |
6. Metallographic techniques for the characterization of quasicrystalline phases in aluminium alloysTonica Bončina, Boštjan Markoli, Ivan Anžel, Franc Zupanič, 2008, original scientific article Abstract: Several Al-alloys strengthened by quasicrystalline phases have been developed over the last few years showing the considerable potential for practical application. Therefore there is a strong need for developing new metallographic methods or adapting the traditional ones in order to identify and characterize quasicrystalline phases in a reliable, quick and economical way. This paper describes different techniques: the classical metallographic method, deep etching, particle extraction technique and cross-sectioning using focused ion beam (FIB), and discusses their advantages and disadvantages when identifying quasicrystalline particles. It was discovered that particle extraction techniques are very powerful methods for the identification of phases according to their morphology, and preparation of quality samples for X-ray diffraction (XRD). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses are also possible provided the extracted particles are thin enough. Keywords: alluminium alloys, quasicrystal, metallography, deep etching, particle extraction Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2217; Downloads: 118 Link to full text |
7. Characterization of Cu-Al-Ni melt-spun ribbons using a focussed ion beam (FIB)Franc Zupanič, Elfride Unterweger, Albert C. Kneissl, Ivan Anžel, Gorazd Lojen, 2007, original scientific article Abstract: This work investigates the possibilities for applying a focussed ion beam (FIB) for the metallographic preparation and characterization of Cu-Al-Ni melt-spun ribbons. Two alloys were selected for this reason: CuAl13Ni4 and CuAl15Ni4. The microstructure of the first alloy was fully martensitic and the microstructure of the second consisted of two phases: martensite and ▫$\gamma_2$▫. It was discovered that with FIB-etching the microstructures of both alloys can be clearly revealed on polished cross-sections of the melt-spun ribbons, as well as on their wheel-side and air-side surfaces. However, better results were obtained when the etched surface was smoother, and finer details were visible when using smaller ion currents. In addition, a study was made into the influence of platinum deposition on the quality of 3D-cross sections. It was found that Pt-deposition is necessary when the edge of the trench should be straight and sharp, and the surface of the 3D cross-section smooth. However, in this case, the microstructure of the ribbons free surface cannot be seen. Keywords: focussed ion beam, FIB, metallography, melt-spinning, shape memory alloy, Cu-Al-Ni Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 1880; Downloads: 25 Link to full text |