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Effects of a serious smartphone game on nursing students` theoretical knowledge and practical skills in adult basic life support : randomized wait list-controlled trial
Nino Fijačko, Ruth Masterson Creber, Špela Metličar, Matej Strnad, Robert Greif, Gregor Štiglic, Pavel Skok, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: Retention of adult basic life support (BLS) knowledge and skills after professional training declines over time.To combat this, the European Resuscitation Council and the American Heart Association recommend shorter, more frequent BLS sessions. Emphasizing technology-enhanced learning, such as mobile learning, aims to increase out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival and is becoming more integral in nursing education. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether playing a serious smartphone game called MOBICPR at home can improve and retain nursing students’ theoretical knowledge of and practical skills in adult BLS. Methods: This study used a randomized wait list–controlled design. Nursing students were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to either a MOBICPR intervention group (MOBICPR-IG) or a wait-list control group (WL-CG), where the latter received the MOBICPR game 2 weeks after the MOBICPR-IG. The aim of the MOBICPR game is to engage participants in using smartphone gestures (eg, tapping) and actions (eg, talking) to perform evidence-based adult BLS on a virtual patient with OHCA. The participants’ theoretical knowledge of adult BLS was assessed using a questionnaire, while their practical skills were evaluated on cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality parameters using a manikin and a checklist. Results: In total, 43 nursing students participated in the study, 22 (51%) in MOBICPR-IG and 21 (49%) in WL-CG. There were differences between the MOBICPR-IG and the WL-CG in theoretical knowledge (P=.04) but not in practical skills (P=.45) after MOBICPR game playing at home. No difference was noted in the retention of participants’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills of adult BLS after a 2-week break from playing the MOBICPR game (P=.13). Key observations included challenges in response checks with a face-down manikin and a general neglect of safety protocols when using an automated external defibrillator. Conclusions: Playing the MOBICPR game at home has the greatest impact on improving the theoretical knowledge of adult BLS in nursing students but not their practical skills. Our findings underscore the importance of integrating diverse scenarios into adult BLS training.
Keywords: serious smartphone game, adult basic life support, teaching, games, gaming, education, nurses, nursing, educational, mHealth, mobile health, applications, smartphones, randomized controlled trial, technology-enhanced learning, life support, knowledge retention, practical
Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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Zasebnostni vidik "mHealth" aplikacij na platformah iOS in Android : magistrsko delo
Aljaž Zajc, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrskem delu smo preučili, koliko osebnih podatkov od svojih uporabnikov zbirajo proizvajalci mobilnih aplikacij na platformah iOS in Android. Pregledali smo različne vrste osebnih podatkov in dovoljenj, ki jih aplikacije iz različnih kategorij ob njihovi uporabi zahtevajo od uporabnika. Preučili smo več kot 2500 besedil politike o zasebnosti različnih aplikacij in iz njih izluščili vrste osebnih podatkov in dovoljenj. To smo storili s pomočjo implementacije algoritma za obdelavo besedil politike o zasebnosti, katerega namen je bil dobiti boljši vpogled v količino zbranih podatkov. S pomočjo rezultatov algoritma smo izvedli še statistične analize, na podlagi katerih smo ugotovili, da brezplačne mobilne aplikacije zbirajo več podatkov kot plačljive. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da medicinske aplikacije zbirajo več zdravstvenih podatkov od uporabnika kot ostale aplikacije, ki ne spadajo v kategorijo medicinskih. Ugotovili smo še, da prihaja do neujemanj med dovoljenji, ki smo jih pridobili iz besedil politike o zasebnosti, in tistimi, ki so napisna na spletni strani Google Play. Iz besedil politike o zasebnosti je bilo razbrati večje število zahtev po dovoljenjih kot pa je bilo to prikazano na spletni strani Google Play.
Keywords: Politika o zasebnosti, nltk, mHealth, iOS, Android
Published in DKUM: 12.04.2022; Views: 940; Downloads: 91
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