1. The theme of love in various pedagogical conceptsMaja Hmelak, Karakuma Samai, 2021, review article Abstract: The theme of love throughout history appears in many pedagogical concepts, where it has been researched in detail by various pedagogical theorists and practitioners, and many have also included it in their educational concepts. It is important from the point of view of the child and his involvement in the educational process itself and for proper introduction into the process itself, it requires an empathetic and professionally trained teacher and educator. Through a review of numerous scientific and professional works, the authors investigated the occurrence of the theme of love and found that it appears in many pedagogical concepts. These were presented in detail, critically evaluated and professionally analyzed and compared. They also found that the role of the teacher and educator and their example, which students and children follow, is crucial for the introduction of the theme of love. Keywords: child, educator, love, pedagogical concepts, teacher Published in DKUM: 19.08.2024; Views: 66; Downloads: 8
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2. Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countriesPiotr Sorokowski, Marina Horvat, Tina Kavčič, Bojan Musil, Maja Zupančič, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Recent cross-cultural and neuro-hormonal investigations have suggested that love is a near universal phenomenon that has a biological background. Therefore, the remaining important question is not whether love exists worldwide but which cultural, social, or environmental factors influence experiences and expressions of love. In the present study, we explored whether countries’ modernization indexes are related to love experiences measured by three subscales (passion, intimacy, commitment) of the Triangular Love Scale. Analyzing data from 9474 individuals from 45 countries, we tested for relationships with country-level predictors, namely, modernization proxies (i.e., Human Development Index, World Modernization Index, Gender Inequality Index), collectivism, and average annual temperatures. We found that mean levels of love (especially intimacy) were higher in countries with higher modernization proxies, collectivism, and average annual temperatures. In conclusion, our results grant some support to the hypothesis that modernization processes might influence love experiences. Keywords: love, modernization, collectivism, gender equality, cross-cultural studies Published in DKUM: 20.03.2024; Views: 266; Downloads: 13
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3. Reprezentacija destinacij in učinkov turizma v filmih Dirty Grandpa (Dedek uide z vajeti) in Eat, Pray, Love (Jej, moli, ljubi) : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijaKatja Fakin, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V zaključnem delu smo raziskali prikaz turizma v filmih Dirty Grandpa (Dedek uide z vajeti) in Eat, Pray, Love (Jej, moli, ljubi) z namenom analizirati reprezentacijo učinkov turizma ter s pomočjo teoretičnih izhodišč argumentirati, ali je turizem v navedenih filmih prikazan kot generator razvoja ali uničevalec okolja. V začetnem delu smo postavili teoretični okvir, ki zajema medijsko reprezentacijo na splošno, reprezentacijo turizma v filmih, filmski turizem ter podobo destinacije. S teoretičnim okvirjem smo želeli prikazati pomen filmov za razvoj filmskega turizma na neki destinaciji, kot tudi na zaznano podobo destinacije. Zatem smo predstavili zgodbo in splošne značilnosti izbranih filmov z namenom lažjega razumevanja analize. Ključni del naloge predstavlja analiza izbranih filmov, argumentirana na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč, s pomočjo katere smo vrednotili prikaz turizma kot generator razvoja ali uničevalca okolja. Ob analizi smo ugotovili, da je vrednotenje turizma na podlagi reprezentacije v filmu pogojeno z vrsto turizma, ki ga prikazuje, prav tako imajo pri vrednotenju ključno vlogo vrednote posameznika. Na koncu smo utemeljili predlog za uporabo tega zaključnega dela kot orodje za razmislek o vrednotenju turizma na podlagi reprezentacije v filmih ter predloge za nadaljnje raziskave. Keywords: filmski turizem, učinki turizma, analiza filma, Dirty Grandpa, Eat, Pray, Love Published in DKUM: 09.10.2023; Views: 368; Downloads: 67
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4. Leonard Cohen: The Man in the SuitAna Furlan, 2016, undergraduate thesis Abstract: In this diploma I will analyse in detail several selected poems by one of the world’s most acknowledged and famous artists. Leonard Cohen is a Canadian poet, novelist, songwriter and singer who has written novels, countless poems and lyrics that have been published in his poem collections and albums. In his life, he has won many awards, titles and honours. On the other hand, there is much more to this man than these achievements. One of the reasons he has maintained his position amongst the best is the themes he writes about. Personal relationships, separation, sexuality and isolation are a few of the reflections in his works. Other keynotes to his poems are religion and spirituality. He was born in a Jewish family, but that did not stop him from experimenting and studying other religions. He has been especially keen to Buddhism and Christianity, which he often refers to in his poems and songs. Furthermore, a number of times his songs are socio-politically oriented. He has expressed his views and disagreements on current events through his lyrics where he has been quite sharp and scornful.
He has experimented with different musical instruments and has worked with different artists on his projects, which is a proof of his continuous development and searching. Keywords: Leonard Cohen, songs, religion, spirituality, love, god, woman, life Published in DKUM: 23.09.2016; Views: 2230; Downloads: 113
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5. Updating Romance: Women in Traditional Romance Fiction Vs Women in Contemporary Romance FictionNina Košir, 2016, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Romance fiction is one of the popular fiction genres. It focuses on the romantic relationship of two characters and it must have a satisfactory ending, the ‘happily-ever-after’. While the genre follows the familiar plot line, it has also depicted the current society and social norms. The graduation thesis is an insight on the historical development of romance fiction, the emergence of its subgenres, its popularity with readers and gradual acceptance by the critics. Considering that it is a genre mainly written for and by women, the thesis focuses on women readers and women characters. In order to present the similarities and difference between a Traditional Romance novel and a Contemporary Romance novel, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and the Austen Addicts series by Victoria Connelly are compared. Keywords: romance fiction, subgenres, love story, Traditional Romance fiction, Contemporary Romance fiction, Jane Austen, Victoria Connelly Published in DKUM: 15.02.2016; Views: 1462; Downloads: 137
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6. The Thorn Birds - more than trivial literatureValentina Uplaznik Tičić, 2011, undergraduate thesis Abstract: The diploma paper focuses on the Australian author Colleen McCullough and her and most famous novel The Thorn Birds.
First, the term popular literature is explained, its history and development through the years.
Colleen McCullough’s life and its features reflected in her works are presented. She is introduced as the writer of many genres and even her biggest critics do not oppose it.
The diploma paper focuses on her most famous novel, The Thorn Birds. It has been sold in many copies, translated into many world languages and is today still one of the most frequently borrowed library books. The author earned the world fame with it.
It is considered as the popular literature. However, in this diploma paper the main thesis is that it is more than that and many examples from the novel itself are provided as proofs.
The author takes us to many parts of the world and she describes them in much detail, especially the Australian Outback. She shows great knowledge of the Catholic Church, its system and the Church requirements of its priests. Symbols and metaphors are used sparingly, but effectively.
Based on the novel, the miniseries was shot. The differences and the similarities with the novel are also presented in this diploma paper. Keywords: popular literature, Colleen McCullough, The Thorn Birds, family saga, Catholic Church, forbidden love, Australian Outback, style and structure of the novel, TV miniseries Published in DKUM: 20.07.2011; Views: 3467; Downloads: 173
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