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On certain functional equation arising from (m, n)-Jordan centralizers in prime rings
Nina Peršin, Joso Vukman, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to prove the following result. Let ▫$m ge 1$▫, ▫$n ge 1$▫ be some fixed integers and let ▫$R$▫ be a prime ring with ▫$text{char}(R)= 0$▫ or ▫$(m+n)^2 < text{char}(R)$▫. Suppose there exists an additive mapping ▫$T colon R to R$▫ satisfying the relation ▫$2(m+n)^2T(x^3) = m(2m+n)T(x)x^2 + 2mnxT(x)x + n(2n+m)x^2T(x)$▫ for all ▫$x in R$▫. In this case ▫$T$▫ is a two-sided centralizer.
Keywords: matematika, algebra, kolobar, prakolobar, polprakolobar, Banachov prostor, Hilbertov prostor, algebra vseh omejenih linearnih operatorjev, standardna operatorska algebra, odvajanje, jordansko odvajanje, centralizator, algebra, ring, prime ring, semiprime ring, Banach space, Hilbert space, algebra of all bounded linear operators, standard operator algebra, derivation, Jordan derivation, left (right) centralizer, two-sided centralizer, left (right) Jordan centralizer, (m, n)-Jordan centralizer
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1422; Downloads: 139
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Zero product determined algebras
Mateja Grašič, 2011, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: matematika, linearna algebra, algebra, določena z ničelnim produktom, matrična algebra, mathematics, linear algebra, zero product determined algebra, matrix algebra
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1937; Downloads: 52
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On bilinear maps determined by rank one idempotents
J. Alaminos, Matej Brešar, J. Extremera, A. R. Villena, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Naj bo ▫$M_n$▫, ▫$n geqslant 2$▫, algebra vseh ▫$n times n$▫ matrik nad poljem ▫$F$▫ karakteristike različne od 2, in naj bo ▫$Phi$▫ bilinearna preslikava iz ▫$M_n times M_n$▫ v poljubni vektorski prostor ▫$X$▫ nad ▫$F$▫. Glavni izrek pove,da je iz pogoja, da je ▫$phi(e, f ) = 0$▫ za vse ortogonalne idempotente ▫$e$▫ in ▫$f$▫ ranga 1 sledi eksistenca linearnih takih preslikav ▫$Phi_1,Phi_2 colon M_n to X$▫, da je ▫$phi(a,b) = Phi_1(ab) + Phi_2(ba)$▫ za vse ▫$a,b in M_n$▫. Izrek se uporabi pri študiju nekaterih problemov o linearnih ohranjevalcih.
Keywords: matematika, teorija matrik, matrična algebra, ničelni produkt, idempotent ranga 1, linearna preslikava, bilinearna preslikava, linearni ohranjevalci, mathematics, matrix theory, matrix algebra, zero product, rank one idempotent, linear map, bilinear map, linear preserver problem
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1672; Downloads: 99
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Commuting maps: a survey
Matej Brešar, 2004, review article

Abstract: A map ▫$f$▫ on a ring ▫$mathcal{A}$▫ is said to be commuting if ▫$f(x)$▫ commutes with ▫$x$▫ for every ▫$x in mathcal{A}$▫. The paper surveys the development of the theory of commuting maps and their applications. The following topics are discussed: commuting derivations, commuting additive maps, commuting traces of multiadditive maps, various generalizations of the notion of a commuting map, and applications of results on commuting maps to different areas, in particular to Lie theory.
Keywords: matematika, algebra, prakolobar, komutirajoča preslikava, funkcijska identiteta, Banachova algebra, odvajanje, Liejeve algebre, linearni ohranjevalci, mathematics, algebra, commuting map, functional identity, prime ring, Banach algebra, derivation, Lie theory, linear preservers
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1541; Downloads: 28
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Non-linear commutativity preserving maps on symetric matrices
Ajda Fošner, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: We study bijective maps on the set of all symmetric matrices in ▫$M_n(Cc), n ge 3$▫ that preserve commutativity in both directions.
Keywords: mathematics, linear algebra, symmetric matrix, orthogonal matrix, commutativity preserving map, symmetric Jordan canonical form
Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 2497; Downloads: 53
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