1. Effects of a serious smartphone game on nursing students` theoretical knowledge and practical skills in adult basic life support : randomized wait list-controlled trialNino Fijačko, Ruth Masterson Creber, Špela Metličar, Matej Strnad, Robert Greif, Gregor Štiglic, Pavel Skok, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Background: Retention of adult basic life support (BLS) knowledge and skills after professional training declines over time.To combat this, the European Resuscitation Council and the American Heart Association recommend shorter, more frequent BLS sessions. Emphasizing technology-enhanced learning, such as mobile learning, aims to increase out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival and is becoming more integral in nursing education.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether playing a serious smartphone game called MOBICPR at home can improve and retain nursing students’ theoretical knowledge of and practical skills in adult BLS.
Methods: This study used a randomized wait list–controlled design. Nursing students were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to either a MOBICPR intervention group (MOBICPR-IG) or a wait-list control group (WL-CG), where the latter received the MOBICPR game 2 weeks after the MOBICPR-IG. The aim of the MOBICPR game is to engage participants in using smartphone
gestures (eg, tapping) and actions (eg, talking) to perform evidence-based adult BLS on a virtual patient with OHCA. The participants’ theoretical knowledge of adult BLS was assessed using a questionnaire, while their practical skills were evaluated on cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality parameters using a manikin and a checklist.
Results: In total, 43 nursing students participated in the study, 22 (51%) in MOBICPR-IG and 21 (49%) in WL-CG. There were differences between the MOBICPR-IG and the WL-CG in theoretical knowledge (P=.04) but not in practical skills (P=.45) after MOBICPR game playing at home. No difference was noted in the retention of participants’ theoretical knowledge and practical
skills of adult BLS after a 2-week break from playing the MOBICPR game (P=.13). Key observations included challenges in response checks with a face-down manikin and a general neglect of safety protocols when using an automated external defibrillator.
Conclusions: Playing the MOBICPR game at home has the greatest impact on improving the theoretical knowledge of adult BLS in nursing students but not their practical skills. Our findings underscore the importance of integrating diverse scenarios into adult BLS training. Keywords: serious smartphone game, adult basic life support, teaching, games, gaming, education, nurses, nursing, educational, mHealth, mobile health, applications, smartphones, randomized controlled trial, technology-enhanced learning, life support, knowledge retention, practical Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Full text (778,28 KB) |
2. CPR quality assessment in schoolchildren trainingKatia M. G. Oliveira, Maria José C. Carmona, Antonio P. Mansur, Julio Y. Takada, Nino Fijačko, Federico Semeraro, Andrew Lockey, Bernd W. Böttiger, Naomi K. Nakagawa, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Whilst CPR training is widely recommended, quality of performance is infrequently explored. We evaluated whether a checklist can be an adequate tool for chest compression quality assessment in schoolchildren, compared with a real-time software. This observational study (March 2019–2020) included 104 schoolchildren with no previous CPR training (11–17 years old, 66 girls, 84 primary schoolchildren, 20 high schoolchildren). Simultaneous evaluations of CPR quality were performed using an observational checklist and real-time software. High-quality CPR was determined as a combination of 70% correct maneuvers in compression rate (100–120/min), depth (5–6 cm), and complete release, using a real-time software and three positive performance in skills using a checklist. We adjusted a multivariate logistic regression model for age, sex, and BMI. We found moderate to high agreement percentages in quality of CPR performance (rate: 68.3%, depth: 79.8%, and complete release: 91.3%) between a checklist and real-time software. Only 38.5% of schoolchildren (~14 years-old, ~54.4 kg, and ~22.1 kg/m2) showed high-quality CPR. High-quality CPR was more often performed by older schoolchildren (OR = 1.43, 95%IC:1.09–1.86), and sex was not an independent factor (OR = 1.26, 95%IC:0.52–3.07). For high-quality CPR in schoolchildren, a checklist showed moderate to high agreement with real-time software. Better performance was associated with age regardless of sex and BMI. Keywords: cardiopulmonary resuscitation, education, assessment, schoolchildren, basic life support Published in DKUM: 28.06.2024; Views: 151; Downloads: 12 Full text (292,78 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. The KIDSCREEN-27 scale: translation and validation study of the Slovenian versionLeona Cilar Budler, Majda Pajnkihar, Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer, Owen Barr, Gregor Štiglic, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Background: There are many methods available for measuring social support and quality of life (QoL) of adolescents, of these, the KIDSCREEN tools are most widely used. Thus, we aimed to translate and validate the KIDSCREEN-27 scale for the usage among adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years old in Slovenia.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 2852 adolescents in primary and secondary school from November 2019 to January 2020 in Slovenia. 6-steps method of validation was used to test psychometric properties of the KIDSCREEN-27 scale. We checked descriptive statistics, performed a Mokken scale analysis, parametric item response theory, factor analysis, classical test theory and total (sub)scale scores.
Results: All five subscales of the KIDSCREEN-27 formed a unidimensional scale with good homogeneity and reliability. The confirmatory factor analysis showed poor fit in user model versus baseline model metrics (CFI = 0.847; TLI = 0.862) and good fit in root mean square error (RMSEA = 0.072; p(χ2) < 0.001). A scale reliability was calculated using Cronbach's α (0.93), beta (0.86), G6 (0.95) and omega (0.93).
Conclusions: The questionnaire showed average psychometric properties and can be used among adolescents in Slovenia to find out about their quality of life. Further research is needed to explore why fit in user model metrics is poor. Keywords: social support, adolescent, psychometrics, factor analysis, quality of life Published in DKUM: 23.08.2023; Views: 335; Downloads: 33 Full text (1,77 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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5. Nursing support in facilitating mental well-being of adolescentsLeona Cilar Budler, 2022, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Background: Mental well-being is a state in which an individual acts positively, feels good, copes with the daily stressors and contributes to his/her community. Adolescents are a population who experience the various stressors brought on by growing up. The purpose of the doctoral dissertation is to determine the mental well-being of adolescents in correlation with the support of family, friends, teachers, and nurses.
Methods: The research was based on the paradigm of pragmatism which supports the usage of quantitative and qualitative approaches using mixed methods. The quantitative part of the research included 2 972 adolescents. The survey method was used, descriptive and inferential statistics and presentation of the results were done with the help of tables, charts and figures. In the qualitative part of the research, data were collected using the interview method. Interviews were conducted with 5 focus groups involving 16 adolescents, 8 parents, 6 teachers, 3 legislators, and 6 nurses. The data were analysed following the steps of Corbin & Strauss (2008).
Results: The mental well-being of adolescents is positively related (r = 0.624) to their social support. The mental well-being (r = -0.286) and social support (r = -0.239) of adolescents declines with age. Adolescents are of the opinion that the role of the nurse is to talk to them, help them, advise them, and explain difficulties that bother them. The mental well-being of adolescents is related to their interaction and interpersonal relations with parents, friends, and teachers. In ensuring the mental well-being of adolescents, we must consider the model multidimensional well-being. The Model of Interpersonal Relationships is proposed, which is formed based on the results of quantitative and qualitative part of the research and taking into account the concepts of the Theory of Interpersonal Relationships (Peplau, 1952) and the model of Multidimensional Well-being (Sarriera & Bedin, 2017).
Discussion: Mental well-being is an important and relatively new concept in nursing. Adolescents’ mental well-being is closely linked to interpersonal relationships and a safe environment in which they can express themselves. Adolescents and parents do not obtain the necessary professional help in a timely manner. There is also a need for additional education on the mental well-being of adolescents among adolescents, parents, teachers, and nurses.
Conclusion: Interpersonal relationships between adolescents, family, friends, teachers, and nurses are of major importance for ensuring mental well-being. There is a need for further research to improve the mental well-being of adolescents worldwide.
Keywords: youth, mental health, quality of life, social support, nursing Published in DKUM: 12.09.2022; Views: 895; Downloads: 269 Full text (6,60 MB) |
6. Pomen izobraževanja osnovnošolcev s področja temeljnih postopkov oživljanjaMarko Kukovec, 2020, master's thesis Abstract: V Sloveniji je stopnja nudenja temeljnih postopkov oživljanja ljudem, ki doživijo srčni zastoj, zelo nizka. Eden izmed razlogov, da se očividci raje umaknejo, je njihovo neznanje. Zato marsikje po svetu učijo osnovnošolce temeljnih postopkov oživljanja in uporabe avtomatskih zunanjih defibrilatorjev. S tem želijo skozi leta izobraziti čim večje število populacije. Keywords: TPO, temeljni postopki oživljanja, oživljanje, prva pomoč, osnovna šola, defibrilator, CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, basic life support, defibrillator, teach CPR, primary school, elementary school. Published in DKUM: 10.02.2021; Views: 1319; Downloads: 174 Full text (887,09 KB) |
7. Experiencing stress among nurses during resuscitation procedure and legal obligations for healthcare workers in SloveniaAnton Koželj, Maja Strauss, Matej Strnad, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Nurses are always part of the team that performs resuscitation procedures. In this paper the authors explore the influence that resuscitation procedures on nurses who perform them. For data collection, the authors used a survey with a convenience sample of nurses who work in emergency settings. For statistical processing of data, the authors used the calculation of frequency, standard deviation, means, and median. Authors used Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and calculated the p-value. The respondents in the survey completed the Post-Code Stress Scale. The results show that the majority of the respondents experienced resuscitation cases as burdensome situations; however, the level of stress was moderate. Nurses still experience some physical and psychological symptoms during resuscitations. Keywords: basic life support, advanced life support, workloads, resuscitation team, feelings, healthcare worker Published in DKUM: 15.01.2021; Views: 806; Downloads: 28 Link to file |
8. PRVA POMOČ PRI CRUSH IN BLAST POŠKODBAHDenis Vajda, 2015, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Teoretična izhodišča: V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali tematiko crush in blast poškodb. Opisali smo nastanek tovrstnih poškodb ter postopek obravnave in nudenje prve pomoči.
Metodologija: V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja. S pomočjo domače in tuje znanstvene in strokovne literature smo preučili obravnavan problem in predstavili znanstvena spoznanja. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo raziskovanja. Podatke smo zbirali s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki smo ga razdelili v treh enotah nujne medicinske pomoči (NMP) na področju severovzhodne Slovenije. Ugotovitve smo obdelali s pomočjo računalniškega programa Microsoft Office Excel in SPSS statistics ter jih tabelarično prikazali.
Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da se ekipa NMP pogosteje srečuje s crush poškodbami kot z blast poškodbami. Kljub temu si želijo dodatnih izobraževanj in praktičnih vaj tako na tematiko crush poškodb, kot na tematiko blast poškodb. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je sodelovanje med gasilci, civilno zaščito, vojsko in ekipo NMP dobro. Pri obravnavi poškodovanih ekipa NMP upošteva International trauma life support (ITLS) standarde in navodila.
Diskusija in zaključki: Kljub temu, da so crush in blast poškodbe tretirane kot poškodbe v vojnem svetu, so v današnjem času vse pogosteje pojavljajo tudi v civilnem svetu. Prav iz tega razloga je nujno potrebno, da je ekipa NMP ustrezno usposobljena za postopanje ob tovrstnih poškodbah in da je sodelovanje omenjenih služb dobro. Še le na tak način je mogoče poškodovanim kar najbolje pomagati in jih oskrbeti. Keywords: nujna medicinska pomoč, crush poškodbe, blast poškodbe, prva pomoč, interational trauma life support, advanced trauma life support Published in DKUM: 07.12.2015; Views: 2438; Downloads: 345 Full text (1,80 MB) |