1. Lagrangian particle tracking in velocity-vorticity resolved viscous flows by subdomain BEMJure Ravnik, Matjaž Hriberšek, Janez Lupše, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: A numerical study of particle motion in a cubic lid driven cavity is presented. As a computational tool, a boundary element based flow solver with a Lagrangian particle tracking algorithm is derived. Flow simulations were performed using an in-house boundary element based 3D viscous flow solver. The Lagrangian particle tracking algorithm is capable of simulation of dilute suspensions of particles in viscous flows taking into account gravity, buoyancy, drag, pressure gradient and added mass. The derived algorithm is used to simulate particle behaviour in a cellular flow field and in a lid driven cavity flow. Simulations of particle movement in a cellular flow field were used to validate the algorithm. The main goal of the paper was to numerically simulate the flow behaviour of spheres of different densities and different diameters, as experimentally observed in work of Tsorng et al.The study of slightly buoyant and non-buoyant particles in a lid driven cavity was aimed at discovering cases when particles leave the primary vortex and enter into secondary vortices, a phenomenon described in the work of Tsorng et al. A parametric study of this phenomenon was preformed. The presented computational results show excellent agreement with experiments, confirming the accuracy of the developed computational method. Keywords: dispersed two phase flow, Lagrangian particle tracking, cellular flow, lid driven cavity, boundary element method Published in DKUM: 04.08.2017; Views: 1279; Downloads: 404
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2. The wavelet transform for BEM computational fluid dynamicsJure Ravnik, Leopold Škerget, Matjaž Hriberšek, 2004, original scientific article Abstract: A wavelet matrix compression technique was used to solve systems of linear equations resulting from BEM applied to fluid dynamics. The governing equations were written in velocity-vorticity formulation and solutions of the resulting systems of equations were obtained with and without wavelet matrix compression. A modification of the Haar wavelet transform, which can transformvectors of any size, is proposed. The threshold, used for making fully populated matrices sparse, was written as a product of a user defined factor and the average value of absolute matrix elements values. Numerical tests were performed to assert, that the error caused by wavelet compression depends linearly on the factor , while the dependence of the error on the share of thresholded elements in the system matrix is highly non-linear. The results also showed that the increasing non-linearity (higher Ra and Re numbervalues) limits the extent of compression. On the other hand, higher meshdensity enables higher compression ratios. Keywords: fluid mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, boundary element method, wavelet transform, linear systems of equations, velocity vorticity formulation, driven cavity, natural convection, system matrix compression Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2277; Downloads: 97
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3. Combined single domain and subdomain BEM for 3D laminar viscous flowJure Ravnik, Leopold Škerget, Zoran Žunič, 2009, original scientific article Abstract: A subdomain boundary element method (BEM) using a continuous quadratic interpolation of function and discontinuous linear interpolation of flux is presented for the solution of the vorticity transport equation and the kinematics equation in 3D. By employing compatibility conditions between subdomains an over-determined system of linear equations is obtained, which is solved in a least squares manner. The method, combined with the single domain BEM, is used to solve laminar viscous flows using the velocity vorticity formulation of Navier-Stokes equations. The versatility and accuracy of the method are proven using the 3D lid driven cavity test case. Keywords: subdomain boundary element method, laminar viscous fluid flow, velocity-vorticity fomulation, lid driven cavity Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2064; Downloads: 109
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4. Boundary domain integral method for high Reynolds viscous fluid flows in complex planar geometriesMatjaž Hriberšek, Leopold Škerget, 2005, original scientific article Abstract: The article presents new developments in boundary domain integral method (BDIM) for computation of viscous fluid flows, governed by the Navier-Stokes equations. The BDIM algorithm uses velocity-vorticity formulation and is basedon Poisson velocity equation for flow kinematics. This results in accurate determination of boundary vorticity values, a crucial step in constructing an accurate numerical algorithm for computation of flows in complex geometries, i.e. geometries with sharp corners. The domain velocity computations are done by the segmentation technique using large segments. After solving the kinematics equation the vorticity transport equation is solved using macro-element approach. This enables the use of macro-element based diffusion-convection fundamental solution, a key factor in assuring accuracy of computations for high Reynolds value laminar flows. The versatility and accuracy of the proposed numerical algorithm is shown for several test problems, including the standard driven cavity together with the driven cavity flow in an L shaped cavity and flow in a Z shaped channel. The values of Reynolds number reach 10,000 for driven cavity and 7500 for L shapeddriven cavity, whereas the Z shaped channel flow is computed up to Re = 400. The comparison of computational results shows that the developed algorithm is capable of accurate resolution of flow fields in complex geometries. Keywords: fluid mechanics, numerical methods, boundary domain integral method, algorithms, incompressible fluid flow, Navier-Stokes equations, velocity vorticity formulation, segmentation technique, driven cavity flow Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2229; Downloads: 90
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