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Automatic classification of older electronic texts into the Universal Decimal Classification-UDC
Matjaž Kragelj, Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose:The purpose of this study is to develop a model for automated classification of old digitised texts to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), using machine-learning methods. Design/methodology/approach: The general research approach is inherent to design science research, in which the problem of UDC assignment of the old, digitised texts is addressed by developing a machine-learning classification model. A corpus of 70,000 scholarly texts, fully bibliographically processed by librarians, was used to train and test the model, which was used for classification of old texts on a corpus of 200,000 items. Human experts evaluated the performance of the model. Findings: Results suggest that machine-learning models can correctly assign the UDC at some level for almost any scholarly text. Furthermore, the model can be recommended for the UDC assignment of older texts. Ten librarians corroborated this on 150 randomly selected texts. Research limitations/implications: The main limitations of this study were unavailability of labelled older texts and the limited availability of librarians. Practical implications: The classification model can provide a recommendation to the librarians during their classification work; furthermore, it can be implemented as an add-on to full-text search in the library databases. Social implications: The proposed methodology supports librarians by recommending UDC classifiers, thus saving time in their daily work. By automatically classifying older texts, digital libraries can provide a better user experience by enabling structured searches. These contribute to making knowledge more widely available and useable. Originality/value: These findings contribute to the field of automated classification of bibliographical information with the usage of full texts, especially in cases in which the texts are old, unstructured and in which archaic language and vocabulary are used.
Keywords: digital library, artificial intelligence, machine learning, text classification, older texts, Universal Decimal Classification
Published in DKUM: 28.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Event square and multipurpose center with library in the city of Struga
Jeta Ajdari, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis addresses the redevelopment of a centrally located site in Struga, currently occupied by a large, unadorned parking lot devoid of greenery. Surrounded by key state institutions, including the Health Insurance Office, Municipal Archives, and the Main Post Office, as well as public amenities, such as restaurants and pharmacies, the site offers a unique opportunity for urban revitalization.Until 2016, this location served as the central square of Struga. Following the restoration of the "Monument of Revolution," it was expected that the area would be transformed into a modern, attractive space for local residents. However, contrary to these expectations, it has since been repurposed as a parking lot. This project envisions reclaiming the site as a multifunctional space that serves as a cultural hub and social gathering point for both residents and visitors.Struga, situated on the shores of Lake Ohrid in the Republic of North Macedonia, has a population of approximately 50,000 and is a popular summer tourist destination. Despite this, the city faces a deficit of social gathering places and environments conducive to student collaboration and study. The existing city library, with its outdated facilities and limited collection of 8,000 books, fails to meet modern standards. Furthermore, Struga’s renowned Poetry Nights festival underscores the lack of dedicated public spaces for cultural events, highlighting the need for proper outdoor venues. The absence of adequate library resources and diverse social spaces for various age groups further exacerbates these challenges.This project proposes a comprehensive solution by transforming the parking lot into a multifaceted community facility. The envisioned development includes an open square for events, a gallery and exhibition hall, an innovative city library, study areas, communal spaces, green zones, and a children’s playground. Outdoor reading areas and organized play activities will be integrated into the design, promoting relaxation and leisure within an inviting, green environment.By combining diverse indoor and outdoor programs, the project seeks to foster social interaction across all age groups, enhancing community cohesion. This multi-generational event center and library will become a landmark for Struga, enriching the city’s cultural, recreational, and educational landscape while significantly improving the quality of life for its residents.
Keywords: contemporary architecture, library, multigeneration building, square, public space, common space, green space, Struga.
Published in DKUM: 13.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 33
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Distance education during the Covid-10 epidemic as a challenge and opportunity for the personal and professional development of a school librarian
Metka Kostanjevec, 2021, published professional conference contribution

Abstract: Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, all schools had to close their doors last year. Classes moved to a virtual environment, and students and teachers were left without the opportunity to visit school libraries overnight. Therefore, the school library of the Prva gimnazija Maribor has operated smoothly throughout the time of the epidemic and strives to facilitate the work of students, teachers, and other employees as much as possible, continue to promote reading, develop reading and information literacy, and at the same time enrich the educational process. The article presents how we found our way to our readers despite the difficult situation.
Keywords: school library, school librarian, distance education, COVID-19 epidemic, Prva gimnazija Maribor
Published in DKUM: 26.01.2024; Views: 303; Downloads: 20
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Design of Tetra-Peptide Ligands of Antibody Fc Regions Using In Silico Combinatorial Library Screening
Marko Jukič, Sebastjan Kralj, Anja Kolarič, Urban Bren, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Abstract Peptides, or short chains of amino-acid residues, are becoming increasingly important as active ingredients of drugs and as crucial probes and/or tools in medical, biotechnological, and pharmaceutical research. Situated at the interface between small molecules and larger macromolecular systems, they pose a difficult challenge for computational methods. We report an in silico peptide library generation and prioritization workflow using CmDock for identifying tetrapeptide ligands that bind to Fc regions of antibodies that is analogous to known in vitro recombinant peptide libraries’ display and expression systems. The results of our in silico study are in accordance with existing scientific literature on in vitro peptides that bind to antibody Fc regions. In addition, we postulate an evolving in silico library design workflow that will help circumvent the combinatorial problem of in vitro comprehensive peptide libraries by focusing on peptide subunits that exhibit favorable interaction profiles in initial in silico peptide generation and testing.
Keywords: peptide design, in silico combinatorial library, peptide combinatorial library, peptide library design, high-throughput virtual screening, peptide molecular docking, antibody purification, peptide drug design, recombinant peptide libraries
Published in DKUM: 01.12.2023; Views: 353; Downloads: 80
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Comparative Analyses of Medicinal Chemistry and Cheminformatics Filters with Accessible Implementation in Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME)
Sebastjan Kralj, Marko Jukič, Urban Bren, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: High-throughput virtual screening (HTVS) is, in conjunction with rapid advances in computer hardware, becoming a staple in drug design research campaigns and cheminformatics. In this context, virtual compound library design becomes crucial as it generally constitutes the first step where quality filtered databases are essential for the efficient downstream research. Therefore, multiple filters for compound library design were devised and reported in the scientific literature. We collected the most common filters in medicinal chemistry (PAINS, REOS, Aggregators, van de Waterbeemd, Oprea, Fichert, Ghose, Mozzicconacci, Muegge, Egan, Murcko, Veber, Ro3, Ro4, and Ro5) to facilitate their open access use and compared them. Then, we implemented these filters in the open platform Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME) as a freely accessible and simple workflow compatible with small or large compound databases for the benefit of the readers and for the help in the early drug design steps.
Keywords: high-throughput virtual screening, virtual screening, compound libraries, library design, compound filtering
Published in DKUM: 25.07.2023; Views: 497; Downloads: 48
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Avtentikacijski postopek z uporabo azure active directory B2C in knjižnice microsoft authentication library : diplomsko delo
Patricij Jurgelj, 2022, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu pregledamo avtentikacijski postopek Single Sign On in začetke takšnih sistemov. Naredimo primerjavo med avtentikacijskima postopkoma Single Sign On in Azure Active Directory B2C. Slednjega implementiramo z uporabo knjižnice Microsoft Authentication Library. Na začetku izpostavimo delovanje in težave ki jih prinese avtentikacijski postopek Single Sign On, predstavimo razlike in izpostavimo nadgradnje, ki jih prinese novi avtentikacijski postopek. Nato prikažemo implementacijo na mobilnih klientih operacijskih sistemov iOS in Android ter pregledamo katere funkcionalnosti morajo odjemalci podpirati. Na koncu še opišemo in prikažemo uporabniško izkušnjo.
Keywords: Avtentikacijski postopki, Azure Active Directory B2C, Microsoft Authentication Library, mobilne aplikacije
Published in DKUM: 07.11.2022; Views: 761; Downloads: 50
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Trend analysis of journal metrics: a new academic library service?
Peter Kokol, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Objective: Temporal trends in source normalized impact per paper (SNIP) values for the three top-ranking nursing journals were analyzed and compared to explore whether predicting future SNIP values based on trend analysis could be an innovative service provided by librarians. Methods: The International Journal of Nursing Studies, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, and Journal of Advanced Nursing were the three top-ranked nursing journals according to 2015 SNIP values. SNIP values for the selected journals were retrieved from the Scopus database, and extracted data were exported to Joinpoint trend analysis software to perform trend analysis. Results: The trend in SNIP values for the International Journal of Nursing Studies was the most stable and positive, whereas the trend in SNIP values for the Journal of Advanced Nursing was the most negative. The annual percentage change of the most recent trend line, which is the best indicator for predicting future SNIP values, was the largest for the International Journal of Nursing Studies. Conclusions: Predictions of journal metrics based on statistical joinpoint regression may not be completely accurate. Using this technique, however, a librarian can reasonably claim which journal will retain or even improve its prestige in the future and thus safely advise prospective authors on where to publish their research.
Keywords: publish or perish, medical library, trend analysis, journal impact factor, joinpoint regression
Published in DKUM: 09.10.2017; Views: 1638; Downloads: 359
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Miha Habjan, 2014, bachelor thesis/paper

Abstract: Diplomsko delo obravnava implementacijo smernic Information Technology Infrastructure Library (v nadaljevanju ITIL) priporočil v večjem podjetju, ki se ukvarja s prenosom električne energije. Obstoječa rešitev je za potrebe podjetja neustrezna zaradi pomanjkanja funkcionalnosti in omejene sledljivosti. To predstavlja problem, ki ga poskušajo rešiti z implementacijo ITIL smernic. V nalogi so obširno predstavljena priporočila ITIL in programske rešitve, s pomočjo katerih so smernice vpeljane. Uporabljena programska rešitev je IMB Maximo, modul SmartCloud Control Desk. Zelo podrobno so predstavljeni moduli ITIL-a, ki jih upošteva obravnavano podjetje. Proučevali smo zadovoljstvo zahtevnih in naprednejših uporabnikov z novo rešitvijo ter prilagojenimi procesi. To predstavlja raziskovalni del naloge. Primarna metoda za raziskovalni del je anketa. Dodano vrednost naloge predstavlja analiza rezultatov anket.
Keywords: - informacijska tehnologija, - ITIL (angl. Information technology infrastructure library), - dobra praksa, - proces, - implementacija
Published in DKUM: 06.01.2015; Views: 1968; Downloads: 175
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