1. Segregation dynamics driven by network leadersWen-Xuan Wang, Yuhao Feng, Siru Chen, Wenzhe Xu, Xinjian Zhuo, Huijia Li, Matjaž Perc, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Network segregation - a critical problem in real-life networks - can reveal the emergence of conflicts or signal an impending collapse of the whole system. However, the strong heterogeneity of such networks and the various definitions for key nodes continue to pose challenges that limit our ability to foresee segregation and to determine the main drivers behind it. In this paper, we show that a multi-agent leader-follower consensus system can be utilized to define a new index, named leadership, to identify key leaders in real-life networks. And then, this paper explores the emergence of network segregation that is driven by these leaders based on the removal or the rewiring of the relations between different nodes in agreement with their contribution distance. We finally show that the observed leaders-driven segregation dynamics reveals the dynamics of heterogeneous attributes that critically influence network structure and its segregation. Thus, this paper provides a theoretical method to study complex social interactions and their roles in network segregation, which ultimately leads to a closed-form explanation for the emergence of imbalanced network structure from an evolutionary perspective. Keywords: complex networks, network segregation, multi-agent leader–follower consensus system, key leaders identification, leader, segregation, social physics Published in DKUM: 08.07.2024; Views: 103; Downloads: 7 Full text (3,18 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. The LEADER approach - new development opportunity for rural areas in SloveniaTomaž Cunder, Matej Bedrač, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: Integrated rural development programmes, which are prepared with the active involvement of local citizens, have a long tradition in Slovenia. In the period 1991-2006, Slovenia introduced “Programmes of Integrated Rural Development and Village Renewal” and “Development Programmes for Rural Areas”, which were quite similar to the LEADER initiative in the European Union. From the 2007-2013 programming period, the LEADER approach has been mainstreamed within the overall EU rural development policy. This means that LEADER is included in national and regional rural development programmes supported by the EU, alongside a range of other rural development axes. The main emphasis of the current paper is given to the implementation of the LEADER approach and establishment of local action groups in the 2007-2013 programming period. The paper consists of three parts. The first part presents the general characteristics of the LEADER approach and the measures which are carried out in the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme. In the second part, an analysis of 33 Local Action Groups is described. The main focus is given to spatial-demographic characteristics, the partnership structure, and the organisation of the decision making body. The paper concludes with an analysis of 33 Local Development Strategies. We analysed the extent to which the strategic goals and priority tasks of Local Development Strategies follow the economic, social and spatial-environmental component of sustainable development. Keywords: rural development, agricultural policy, LEADER approach, local action groups, structure of partnership, local development strategies Published in DKUM: 29.03.2018; Views: 1105; Downloads: 88 Full text (154,87 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Managers and leaders in organizations of a post-transition economyMojca Aniya Dežman, Roberto Biloslavo, 2009, original scientific article Abstract: Managers and leaders are different figures within an organization but are also alike. During different stages of the organizational life cycle we sometimes need more manager-oriented people and at other times more leader-oriented people. However most of the time we need them both in order to achieve a balance within the organization. Slovenia is a post-transition economy, facing new challenges and opportunities therefore the need for leader-oriented people is expected to be huge. Nevertheless our research showed that in Slovenian profit and non-profit organizations, upper management positions have been occupied by manager-oriented people but at the same time a balance exists between the two roles. We also found out that managers and leaders perceive the success of their organisations in quite a similar way. An adapted Hickman's questionnaire together with a content analysis of subordinates' comments about how they perceive their organization was used to ascertain the differences between them and their superiors. By knowing how employees perceive their managers and how the latter perceive themselves and their organizations we can develop better approaches to management development in post-transition economies. Keywords: manager, leader, post-transition economy, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 04.12.2017; Views: 1234; Downloads: 305 Full text (400,60 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Locating leadership of art in UK primary schoolsPeter Gregory, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Using some of the evidence collected as part of a doctoral study of school-based leaders of art in the UK, this paper presents the most recent and emergent models of the leadership in art. The data suggests likely attributes of those in leadership positions and the effects upon the activities in which those individuals engage. As a case study of over two hundred art leaders, the challenges are clearly presented. They are more deeply explored through interviews and discussions about attitudes to artworks and their use with learners in the classroom as well as by analysing the paper records kept by the leaders. The study raises important issues for those who might want to learn from the situation in the UK. Keywords: primary school, art leader, visual art, emancipation, United Kingdom Published in DKUM: 13.11.2017; Views: 1239; Downloads: 391 Full text (609,94 KB) This document has many files! More... |
5. PRISTOP LEADER V PROGRAMU RAZVOJA PODEŽELJA 2007-2013Alijana Pintar, 2011, final seminar paper Abstract: V diplomskem seminarju sem na kratko predstavila SKP, v okviru katere deluje tudi EKSRP. Iz tega sklada se v programskem obdobju 2007-2013 financira razvoj podeželja, ki temelji na štirih oseh. Ena izmed teh osi je os Leader, ki je bila sprva pobuda Skupnosti in ne pristop.
Od SKP in razvoja podeželja na ravni EU se diplomski seminar usmerja v dosedanji razvoj podeželja v Sloveniji. Izkušnje, ki jih Slovenci imamo predvsem z izvajanjem projektov CRPOV in RPP, so nam bile v veliko pomoč pri uvajanju pristop Leader. Njegove glavne značilnosti, kjer sta ključnega pomena pristop od spodaj navzgor in oblikovanje javno-zasebnih partnerstev, in izkušnje v drugih državah članicah EU so predstavljene v nadaljevanju.
Osrednji del diplomskega seminarja je namenjen izvajanju pristopa Leader v Sloveniji, kjer sem opisala prehod na Leader in tri ukrepe, ki jih naša država izvaja na ravni 4. osi. Posebno pozornost sem namenila LAS ter spremljanju in vrednotenju 4. osi PRP v Sloveniji. Ugotovila sem, da je vrednotenje težavno in da bo za natančno oceno potrebno počakati do leta 2015, ko naj bi bili zaključeni vsi izvedbeni projekti. Keywords: Skupna kmetijska politika, Program razvoja podeželja RS 2007-2013, pristop Leader, lokalna akcijska skupina, pristop od spodaj navzgor. Published in DKUM: 16.11.2011; Views: 2335; Downloads: 204 Full text (2,35 MB) |