1. Termo-Optični modulator optične poti : magistrsko deloJure Stošić, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na področje razvoja optičnih senzorskih sistemov, kjer za razločevanje senzorjev uporabljamo nizkokherenčno interferometrijo . Glavni cilj naloge je poglobiti razumevanje delovanja termo-optičnega modulatorja optične poti, in sicer z izvedbo simulacij toplotnega odziva sistema ter z izdelavo termo-optičnega vlakenskega modulatorja, ki omogoča modulacijo optične poti v rangu 100 mikrometrov. Delo vključuje tudi izdelavo demonstratorja za merjenje raztezka in pripadajoče simulacije mehanskih obremenitev. Keywords: nizkokoherenčna interferometrija, modulator, optični senzorji, ansys, labView Published in DKUM: 03.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 41 Full text (4,57 MB) |
2. An effective concept for teaching LabVIEW programming to engineering studentsBojan Gergič, Darko Hercog, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In today’s technology-driven era, the demand for engineers with strong programming skills continues to rise across diverse industries. LabVIEW software stands out as a key tool in engineering, supporting applications ranging from test and measurement systems to automation and control across different sectors, like manufacturing, aerospace, and automotive. Proficiency in LabVIEW therefore enables engineers to work on a wide range of projects and applications. This article presents two distinct pedagogical approaches to teaching LabVIEW programming at the university level. The introductory course is taught using traditional direct teaching methods, with an emphasis on face-to-face teaching and classroom lectures. In contrast, the advanced course uses a flipped classroom model, where students work independently on preparatory material before participating in laboratory exercises. The latter course concludes with a large project, which the student must complete within four hours. The article provides details on the teaching methods and content of the individual courses, as well as an explanation of the assessment process for the final project. The analysis of the final project results confirms that the students have acquired the knowledge necessary to create functional LabVIEW programs with the appropriate programming style. Keywords: LabVIEW, graphical programming, teaching, learning, flipped classroom Published in DKUM: 24.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 9 Full text (3,42 MB) |
3. Sistem za umerjanje merilnikov pretoka vode : diplomsko deloKlemen Breznik, 2022, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo obravnava umerjanje merilnika pretoka vode. Njegove tehnične specifikacije so dvomljive, saj proizvajalec navaja zgolj približno število pulzov na liter, v temperaturnem območju vode pri 20°C. Obenem tlak v sistemu in orientacija merilnika pretoka nista definirana. Umerjanje smo izvedli s pomočjo tehtnice in vzporednega zajemanja signalov merilnika pretoka v različnih položajih. Meritve so se izvajale s pomočjo programske opreme LabVIEW. Med izvajanjem meritev je bila naloga merilca zgolj pozicioniranje merilnika in zagon programa. Ugotovili smo, da orientacija bistveno ne vpliva na vrednosti pretoka, vendar je opaženo odstopanje med našimi meritvami in specificiranimi vrednostmi. Keywords: Merilnik pretoka, voda, umerjanje, računalniško zajemanje signalov, DAQ, LabVIEW, RS-232. Published in DKUM: 05.03.2024; Views: 191; Downloads: 21 Full text (1,37 MB) |
4. Sistem za merjenje in analizo odrivne sile športnika pri skoku : diplomsko deloMiha Kavčič, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V tem diplomskem delu je predstavljena zasnova programske opreme v okolju LabVIEW za merilno celico 9257A proizvajalca Kistler. Celica omogoča meritve sil v vseh treh oseh koordinatnega sistema (X, Y in Z). Zaradi visoke točnosti je najpogosteje uporabljena za meritve na CNC obdelovalnih strojih. Ker pa obstaja že veliko primerov implementacij v industriji, smo se odločili, da izkoristimo njeno visoko točnost za merjenje odrivne sile pri skoku in športnikom olajšamo analizo ter posledično izboljšamo rezultate. Keywords: merilna celica, Kistler, LabVIEW, meritev, športnik, odriv, maksimalna sila. Published in DKUM: 04.03.2024; Views: 264; Downloads: 21 Full text (4,67 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Izdelava spletnih uporabniških vmesnikov za testne in merilne aplikacije s programsko opremo G web Development Software : diplomsko deloAljaž Perc, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Namen diplomskega dela je bilo izdelati merilni sistem za zajemanje temperature, tlaka in relativne vlažnosti ter jih prikazovati na spletu s pomočjo programskega okolja G Web Development Software. V tem projektu je to programsko okolje podrobno predstavljeno, kakor tudi NI myRIO. Ta se uporablja za zajemanje podatkov in pošiljanje le teh na G Web. V nalogi je predstavljena tudi izdelava samega merilnega sistema, kateri zajema podatke s pomočjo senzorja MS8607-02BA01. Keywords: G Web Development Software, NI myRIO, I2C, MS8607-02BA01, LabVIEW Published in DKUM: 12.10.2023; Views: 422; Downloads: 19 Full text (4,01 MB) |
6. Product assembly assistance system based on pick-to-light and computer vision technologyDarko Hercog, Primož Bencak, Uroš Vincetič, Tone Lerher, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Product assembly is often one of the last steps in the production process. Product assembly is often carried out by workers (assemblers) rather than robots, as it is generally challenging to adapt automation to any product. When assembling complex products, it can take a long time before the assembler masters all the steps and can assemble the product independently. Training time has no added value; therefore, it should be reduced as much as possible. This paper presents a custom-developed system that enables the guided assembly of complex and diverse products using modern technologies. The system is based on pick-to-light (PTL) modules, used primarily in logistics as an additional aid in the order picking process, and Computer Vision technology. The designed system includes a personal computer (PC), several custom-developed PTL modules and a USB camera. The PC with a touchscreen visualizes the assembly process and allows the assembler to interact with the system. The developed PC application guides the operator through the assembly process by showing all the necessary assembly steps and parts. Two-step verification is used to ensure that the correct part is picked out of the bin, first by checking that the correct pushbutton on the PTL module has been pressed and second by using a camera with a Computer Vision algorithm. The paper is supported by a use case demonstrating that the proposed system reduces the assembly time of the used product. The presented solution is scalable and flexible as it can be easily adapted to show the assembly steps of another product. Keywords: product assembly, PTL, pick-to-light, computer vision, LabVIEW, performance analysis Published in DKUM: 31.07.2023; Views: 493; Downloads: 27 Full text (12,43 MB) This document has many files! More... |
7. Prototype of integrated circuits testing device : magistrsko deloLuka Kačič, 2023, master's thesis Abstract: The field of electronics is constantly evolving, and this master's thesis aims to explore the latest developments and investigate their potential impact on various applications. The research covers topics such as semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, communication systems, and digital signal processing. Based on extensive literature review, theoretical analysis, and experimental investigations, the thesis provides valuable insights into the latest trends in electronics and testing, especially in the automotive industry. The project's focus is on the development of a prototype testing device for integrated circuits in cooperation with company NXP Semiconductors Austria GmbH & Co KG. The device needs to effectively find failures in the investigated integrated circuit's digital section and offer powerful forcing and measuring options to verify the analog parameters. The solution developed includes a configurable Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) master node communication block and a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Effective communication is essential for any electronic system, and the importance of communication continues to grow with technology advances. I have demonstrated the versatility of LabVIEW as a programming tool for FPGAs and IC testing, providing an effective and user-friendly environment for electronics engineers to develop and test. By enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of IC testing, the work can help manufacturers and engineers accelerate their testing processes, reduce costs, and improve product quality. I have gained a deeper understanding of the challenges involved in electronics testing and the importance of efficient testing processes. The research makes a meaningful contribution to the field of electronics engineering and has the potential to shape the future of electronics testing and improve the reliability and performance of electronic devices. Keywords: state machine, SPI, FPGA, LabVIEW Published in DKUM: 30.03.2023; Views: 838; Downloads: 0 |
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9. Dvo-valovnodolžinsko spektralno razločevanje michelsonovega interferometra za merjenje raztezka : magistrsko deloEmanuel Nikl Hutinski, 2021, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo obsega dva dela, teoretični in praktični del. Opisana je izdelava senzorja za zaznavanje raztezkov na osnovi Michelsonovega interferometra z dvema laserskima diodama. Nadalje so v delu predstavljene tudi simulacije, izbira komponent, uporabljene naprave, rezultati in smernice za razvoj nadaljnjih senzorskih sistemov, baziranih na Michelsonovem interferometru. Keywords: Optično vlakno, Michelsonov interferometer, laserska dioda, mikrokrmilnik, Goertzelov algoritem, valovna dolžina, procesiranje signalov, LabView, merilni sistem, temperaturna kompenzacija, fotodioda, senzor raztezka Published in DKUM: 16.12.2021; Views: 943; Downloads: 160 Full text (4,02 MB) |
10. Robotska manipulacija objektov v prostoru z uporabo 2D strojnega vida : magistrsko deloKlemen Zaponšek, 2021, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrska naloga predstavlja uporabo strojnega vida v avtomatiziranih robotskih procesih. S pomočjo tega imajo roboti možnost vizualnega zaznavanja objektov, simbolov, karakterjev, barv in to delo lahko opravljajo hitro in neizčrpno. Tako lahko roboti samodejno in dinamično manipulirajo z objekti, s katerimi so predhodno manipulirali po točno določenem zaporedju in trajektorijah. Cilj naloge je izdelava preprostega in prilagodljivega sistema 2D stojnega vida, ki robotu s preprosto primi in spusti aplikacijo, pošilja informacije o zaznanem objektu, preko katerih nato robot prosto ležeč objekt v prostoru zgrabi in ga loči v predviden zalogovnik. Pri nalogi sta bila uporabljena kolaborativna robota podjetja Universal robot z oznako UR3 in UR5. Za namen zajema in obdelave slike ter komunikacije z robotskima sistemoma pa je bil uporabljen programski paket LabVIEW z Vision Assistant in Vision Acquisition dodatkom. Uporabljeni sta še industrijski kameri podjetja Basler različnih dimenzij. Od tega je bila večja kamera vpeta fiksno v prostoru, manjša pa na vrhu robotske roke. Za primerjavo se je uporabila tudi enostavna USB endoskopska kamera, ki je bila zaradi majhnih dimenzij prav tako pritrjena na vrhu robotske roke. V tem se boste seznanili z navodili za izdelavo robotske aplikacije s strojnim vidom v programskem paketu LabVIEW. Keywords: Strojni vid, robotski sistemi, kolaborativni robot, detekcija orientacije, LabVIEW, industrijska kamera Published in DKUM: 04.10.2021; Views: 1289; Downloads: 258 Full text (3,69 MB) |