1. The role of communication skills in the development of digital literacy competences using the "DigInGreen"Mateja Forte, Matevž Obrecht, Bojana Slomšek Šlamberger, 2024, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The paper deals with the field of developing communicationand digital literacy with the help of the lifelong learning model "DigInGreen" for all layers of modern society, including people with special needs. The aim of the authors is a targeted search for new solutions in the field of using digital learning and communication tools for the development of digital competences in the light of"Society 5.0". We focus on a unique way of connecting paradigms,such as: inclusive society, competences, digital, special needs, literacy and lifelong learning. We want to connect the thinking about the communicative ability, an indispensable part of which is an individual's digital literacy and point out,that the circumstances of living in a modern, but still partially exclusive society, limit the development of an individual's communicativeand digital literacy,due to a demonstrated special need or disability. We believe,that the activities we carry out,are a unique example of good practice, because they connect many scientific disciplines and fields into a modern concept of competence development without excluding or conditioning the end user. We combine the paradigms of logistics, informatics, statistics, social studies, linguistics and didactics. All the above and more represent the concept of "Society 5.0", which cannot exist as a scientific construct,if it does not consider the key aspect of one's own identification -social equality and the provision of equal opportunities. Keywords: communication ability, digital literacy, competences, inclusion, special needs, lifelong learning Published in DKUM: 06.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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2. The perception of sustainability competences in logistics and supply chainsMateja Čuček, Sonja Mlaker Kač, Matevž Obrecht, Lazar Pavić, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The European Union (EU) has adopted a huge number of guidelines and policies to promote sustainability in different sectors. The study focuses on the twin green and digital transformation, which is particularly highlighted in the context of the European Green Deal, a comprehensive strategy to tackle climate change and environmental degradation while embracing digital innovation for economic growth and societal progress. These guidelines and policies show the EU's commitment to promoting sustainability in different sectors and to achieving the objectives of climate change, environmental protection and sustainable development. One of the areas that plays an important role for the individuals as well as for the economy is logistics and supply chain management. The main research question of this study is to investigate the relationship between the basic sociodemographic characteristics and their perception of the importance of sustainability competences in logistics and supply chains in the future. The study was carried using survey questionnaire on employees in the field of logistics and supply chains in Slovenia. The results show the main statistically significant differences in these perceptions are primary based on differences in employees demographic characteristics, such as gender, age and level of education of the employees. Keywords: sustainable competences, sustainability, environmental impact, corporate social responsibility Published in DKUM: 29.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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3. The role of computerized laboratory exercises in development of key competencesAndrej Šorgo, Vida Lang, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Over the past 20 years, the first author and numerous collaborators have attempted to introduce computer-based laboratory exercises in science, particularly in biology classes. While working with secondary and post-secondary students, it was realised that it was possible to simultaneously develop cross-cutting competencies that bridged several key competences of the European framework of eight key competences for lifelong learning. These were (a) Collecting, analysing, and organising information; (b) Communication of ideas; (c) Planning and organising activities; (d) Working with others in teams; (e) The use of mathematical ideas and techniques; (f) Problem solving; and (g) The use of technology. When inquiry and problem-solving strategies are used, student achievement is much higher compared to explanatory and expository labs. Keywords: biology education, computer based laboratory, key competences, laboratory work, science education Published in DKUM: 25.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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4. Attitudes of future preschool educators about parental competenciesSandra Kadum, Jurka Lepičnik-Vodopivec, Maja Hmelak, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The early childhood is the period when parents have the greatest influence on the upbringing of their child. In order to act positively in the upbringing of their own child, parents must be competent. Being competent means to have knowledge, be efficient and skilled in realizing certain forms of behaviour and to achieve results that are expected of it. Parents are expected to develop all socially desirable and positive traits in the child. In this process, parents are seeking support from the preschool teachers because they have the greatest interaction with them when they leave the child in the educational institution. That was exactly the point in this research i.e. we wanted to see whether future educational workers are trained and whether parents make mistakes in the upbringing of their children. 347 students of the preschool education studies in Pula, Koper and Maribor were questioned. The results indicate that our respondents noticed that parents have problems in the relationships with their children because they do not have enough knowledge to access their own child and ‘blame’ the TV/media and the peers for it. Keywords: competences, preschool teachers, educational institution, parents Published in DKUM: 20.08.2024; Views: 80; Downloads: 11
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5. Associations between physical activity and academic competence : a cross-sectional study among Slovenian primary school studentsJoca Zurc, Jurij Planinšec, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Physical activity has beneficial effects on overall academic performance in children. However, there is a lack of evidence regarding how the individual characteristics of physical activity interact with other confounding variables of academic competence. Leisure-time physical activity with potential confounders—such as developmental, behavioral, family, and school factors, predicting overall, mathematical, and reading academic competence—was studied in a random sample of 1520 Slovenian primary school students in grades 4–6 (51.9% female; mean age = 10.4 years; SD = 0.93). A structured self-reported questionnaire was used to gather data on the children’s leisuretime physical activity and social-demographic variables, while academic competence was measured by teachers using the SSRS Academic Competence Evaluation Scale. The findings showed that children engage in physical activity most days a week, with moderate-intensity and unorganized activities. It was predicted that engaging in physical activity would lead to an increase in academic performance by 4.2% in males (p = 0.002) and 3.2% in females (p = 0.024), but after fully adjusting the model for controlling confounding variables, the prediction increased to 81.1% in females and 84.1% in males (p < 0.001). The frequency and intensity of physical activity, the absence of digital games, and attending sports clubs seem to have the most beneficial effects in terms of academic competence in school children, among other relevant confounders mediating in this complex relationship. Keywords: physical activity, leisure time, sports, academic competences, late childhood, multiple regression analyses Published in DKUM: 12.07.2024; Views: 94; Downloads: 10
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6. Evaluating gastronomic destination competitiveness through upscale gastronomyNuša Basle, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Food has evolved from a basic necessity to a primary motivation for travel. While providing a high-quality gastronomic offer is still a restaurant's primary function, quality is no longer enough; today's demanding guests seek unique and memorable dining experiences. A restaurant's competences play a significant role in shaping the guests' overall perception of the quality and derived perceived value, both of which ultimately impact the competitiveness of both the restaurant and the gastronomic destination. The main contribution of this article is the development of a novel theoretical model-GADECOMP-which is designed to measure a gastronomic destination's competitiveness by centering it around the destination's gastronomic offer. Exploratory factor analyses confirmed that the instrument is reliable and valid. The model was tested on upscale restaurant guests in Slovenia, Italy, and Croatia. Additionally, the SERVQUAL model of quality measurement was transferred from the entrepreneurial level to the destination level. Our method uses a unique competence approach and expands and diversifies the existing quality concepts by using elements of innovativeness, creativity, sustainability, and local features. The GADECOMP model measures the perceived quality of a gastronomic destination through its competences, which are reflected in the gastronomic destination offer. A regression analysis was used to identify the strength of the effect that perceived value has on the gastronomic destination offer and gastronomic destination competences. Keywords: gastronomic tourism, upscale gastronomy, quality, gastronomic destination competences, GADECOMP model, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia Published in DKUM: 19.02.2024; Views: 423; Downloads: 17
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7. How much sustainable knowledge will soon-to-be experts in Slovenia have? : findings of higher education study programs’ analysisMatevž Obrecht, Lazar Pavić, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Environmental topics are gaining more and more important both
in the European Union and in Slovenia in the last decade. Climate changes (floods, droughts, and heat waves), pollution (soil, water, and air), management of invasive species, noise pollution, food self-sufficiency, sustainable development in the field of tourism, etc. are particularly present both in
Slovenian Eastern and Western cohesion region. However, the level of knowledge about environmental challenges and competences of current experts
and leaders to effectively manage and deal with them is perceived to be too
low. The paper examines the inclusion of sustainable competences, knowledge, and skills in higher education programs in Slovenia to predict the level of sustainable knowledge. Slovenian soon-to-be professionals will be empowered by the Slovenian higher education system (Daneshjoo et al., 2020).
Analysis included the content of 956 higher education study programs on
the individual course level. In the next phase, a comprehensive comparative
analysis of the situation in the areas of higher education and environmental education was performed. The factors based on which comparison was
made are field of study, type of institution, level of study and number of subjects in the program that include some sustainable content. Non-parametric tests were used to determine statistically significant differences are the
Mann-Whitney U test and the Kruskal-Wallis H test. Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable knowledge, higher education, sustainable competences, higher education study programs Published in DKUM: 12.01.2024; Views: 344; Downloads: 26
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8. New digital competence for science technology and engineering educationMetka Kordigel Aberšek, Boris Aberšek, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: In the years 2019-2021 a significant step was made in terms of distance learning, which would have otherwise, in normal circumstances, taken several years. While the solutions applied were the best in the given situation, the question arises of what these solutions imply in terms of longterm, systematic changes. The presented research touches upon three key areas that characterize today’s schools: motivation, atmosphere, and competences of teachers and teacher-training students. The starting point of this research is the premise that the pre-crisis digital competences are simply not good enough for today’s situation, or for the near future. Research results show that such fast-tracked changes and the transition to distance education have led to a significant decrease in the motivation of both, teachers and students, that the general atmosphere has worsened, and that there is a significant decrease in competences to be perceived, especially with regard to social and communication competences. The research shows also that neither teachers nor students are sufficiently qualified to work in the society of the future, in society 5.0. What is needed are actual, real changes in the field of digital literacy and digital competences, also indicated in this research. Keywords: digital literacy, digital competences, distance learning Published in DKUM: 08.08.2023; Views: 551; Downloads: 47
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9. Preparing students for mobility in vocational education and trainingTina Rajhman, 2019, master's thesis Abstract: The following master’s thesis focuses on preparing students on mobility in vocational education and training. The focus lies on English for specific purposes which is an integral part of English in technical secondary and vocational technical education. The thesis also concentrates on exchange programmes and their effects on students’ L2 and communicative competences.
The above-mentioned educational programmes have to focus on both general English as well as English for specific purposes because the students need the knowledge at school, during the vocational training and later at work. The EU helps promoting language diversity by financing various international mobility programmes. The following MA thesis focuses on Erasmus+ which supports education and training at all levels and helps the schools send vocational education and training learners abroad. As proven by various studies, mobility has a beneficial effect on students’ English and communication skills.
The case study included seven students attending upper-secondary programmes at the school centre Škofja Loka. The purpose of the study was to analyse the influence of the students’ vocational training abroad on their foreign language competences and to see whether students’ communicative competences improved during the vocational training abroad. The results were used to prepare helpful language exercises for future Erasmus+ students. According to students’ answers, a four-week exchange period is long enough for both weaker as well as more advanced students to make progress in English. All of them also confirmed that the most used language skills during the mobility were speaking and listening. For that reason, the practical part of the MA thesis presents four examples of exercises focusing on woodworking vocabulary, listening and speaking. Keywords: mobility, exchange programme, Erasmus+, vocational education and training, English for specific purposes, communicative competences Published in DKUM: 19.07.2019; Views: 1777; Downloads: 112
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10. Organizational mental map and conative competencesDarko Kovač, Andrej Bertoncelj, 2008, original scientific article Abstract: Employees with their knowledge, skills, behavior and personal traits impact the organizational learning. The concept of organizational mental map and conative competences, as inborn underlying characteristic that is influenced by employees being involved as well as endogenous and exogenous factors, is presented. Three Slovene small to mid-sized companies were studied in respect to the individual factors, especially conative competences, of their employees. The study suggests that conative side of mind and thus conative competences can actually influence the organizational learning. What matters in contemporary management practice is how hidden potentials are set free and how they intrinsically motivate employees according to their personal differences in capabilities. As conative competences are inborn and can not be learned but only encouraged, contrary to cognitive competences, it is important to better understand employees' personal traits. Keywords: organizational learning, SME, conation, conatice competences, organizational mental map Published in DKUM: 10.01.2018; Views: 1289; Downloads: 426
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