1. The moderating impact of types of caregiving on job demands, resources, and their relation to work-to-family conflict and enrichmentSara Tement, Christian Korunka, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: This research aims to examine for whom combining work and family/caregiving may be most harmful. Employed parents, elder caregivers, and the sandwiched generation were compared with their coworkers without such responsibilities. Based on the job demandsresources model, we assumed that high job demands/low job resources would relate to work-to-family conflict (WFC) and low job demands/high job resources to work-to-family enrichment. However, this effect would depend on employees family/caregiving responsibilities. Using a large sample of Slovenian employees (N = 1,285), we found support for the moderating role of the type of caregiving responsibility between workload and WFC. In addition, the type of caregiving had a moderating effect on the relationship between coworker support and WFC. Support was also found for the differential impact of job resources on work-to-family enrichment. The results therefore indicate the relevance of types of caregiving responsibility in workfamily research and practice. Keywords: skrb za otroke, skrb za starejše, konflikt med delom in družino, obogatitev, delovne zahteve, delovni resursi, child care, elderly care, work-to-family conflict, enrichment, job demands, job resources Published in DKUM: 02.08.2024; Views: 93; Downloads: 4
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2. Negative cognitive–affective involvement as a mechanism linking job demands to occupational well-being : the moderating role of maladaptive thinking patternsAndrea Noja, Sara Tement, Bettina Kubicek, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Negative cognitions and emotions about work during off-job time (e.g., worry about work tasks) can hinder the necessary recovery from work and lead to impaired occupational well-being. To better understand when this negative cognitive–affective involvement arises, we considered simultaneous and interactive effects of external and individual factors. Specifically, we investigated whether job demands (i.e., time pressure, cognitive demands, emotional demands) and maladaptive thinking patterns are independently and jointly related to negative cognitive–affective involvement and whether this is in turn associated with impaired occupational well-being (i.e., emotional exhaustion, cynicism). Using a diary study, we collected daily data from 109 employees twice a day over two working weeks (N = 667 day-level observations). Multilevel analyses showed that negative cognitive–affective involvement mediates the relationship between job demands (i.e., cognitive demands, emotional demands) and the two occupational well-being indicators. The relationship between cognitive and emotional demands, respectively, and negative cognitive–affective involvement is moderated by work-related maladaptive thinking patterns, with stronger relationships for employees reporting more frequent maladaptive thinking patterns. Moreover, work-related maladaptive thinking patterns moderate the indirect effects of job demands on occupational well-being via negative cognitive–affective involvement. Overall, we expanded the research on negative cognitive–affective involvement by providing a more comprehensive picture of its antecedents and outcomes. Keywords: negative cognitive-affective involvment, maladaptive thinking patterns, job demands, work-related well-being, diary studies Published in DKUM: 20.05.2024; Views: 118; Downloads: 31
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3. Geothermal heat potential - the source for heating greenhouses in Southestern EuropeDanijela Urbancl, Peter Trop, Darko Goričanec, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: The paper presents economically evaluated solutions for heating greenhouses with geothermal potential, if the same greenhouse is placed in two different locations in Southeastern Europe, one in Slovenia and the other in Serbia. The direct geothermal water exploitation using heat exchangers is presented and the remaining heat potential of already used geothermal water is exploited using high temperature heat pumps. Energy demands for heating greenhouses are calculated considering climatic parameters of both locations. Furthermore, different constructions materials are taken into account, and energy demands are evaluated if the same greenhouse is made of 4 mm toughened single glass, double insulated glass or polycarbonate plates. The results show that the geothermal energy usage is economically feasible in both locations, because payback periods are in range from two to almost eight years for different scenarios. Keywords: geothermal heat exploitation, greenhouses energy demands, high temperature heat pump, economic analysis Published in DKUM: 07.07.2017; Views: 1519; Downloads: 396
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