1. Understorey species distinguish late successional and ancient forests after decades of minimum human intervention : a case study from SloveniaMirjana Šipek, Tim Ravnjak, Nina Šajna, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The main species composition drivers in temperate deciduous forests are environmental conditions, a stand's age and the site history, e.g., the succession stage and past land use, as well as disturbance regime and current management. We compared plant species diversity and composition in late successional and ancient forests, co-occurring on the same small river island applying species accumulation curves and nonmetric multidimensional scaling, respectively. Given the island's geomorphological characteristics, we expected these to be very similar before human intervention in the past. The forests experienced differing disturbance regimes in the past, while over the last 30 years, human intervention has been the same and reduced to a minimum. The ancient forest in this study had two major characteristics defining it as old, mature forest: continuity of presence for more than 200 years and specific composition. The late successional forest experienced major disturbance in the 20th century and was allowed natural regeneration by bordering on the ancient forest, representing a potential species pool, and by decades of minimum human intervention. Our results showed that, even though there was no difference in species richness, we could still detect differences between the forests, particularly in the abundance and species composition of the understorey, among which geophytes had the most indicative importance. To make our results useful on a broader scale, we composed from the literature a species list of plants indicative for ancient forest and tested its application. These results are important for distinguishing between old and mature secondary stands and particularly for identifying old forest stands, which should be conserved and, in the case of fragmented landscapes, included in a network connecting forest fragments. Keywords: forest community, successional forest, indicator plants, plant diversity, understorey, geophyte, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 03.06.2024; Views: 151; Downloads: 17
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2. Contrasting responses of alien and ancient forest indicator plant species to fragmentation process in the temperate lowland forestsMirjana Šipek, Lado Kutnar, Aleksander Marinšek, Nina Šajna, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Fragmentation is one of the major threats to biodiversity. In a fragmented landscape, forest specialists are losing suitable forest habitats with specific site and microclimate conditions, which results in their local extinction. Conversely, the invasion of alien species is facilitated by open forest areas and increased boundaries between forest fragments and adjacent land. We studied the effect of fragmentation in terms of fragment size impact on overall plant species richness and on selected ecologically important groups' richness, composition, and diversity. We surveyed vegetation in the interior of 47 fragments of various sizes and one unfragmented reference forest. Our results reveal that the effect of fragmentation is complex and differs for studied plant groups. Decreasing fragment size negatively affects the overall plant richness and richness of native and ancient forest indicator plants as well as their diversity, while the effect is positive for alien plants. The highest proportion of ancient forest indicator plant species and the lowest proportion of alien plants in the unfragmented forest underline the great conservation value of forest fragments. At the same time, our results reveal that large and diverse forest ecosystems are susceptible to biological invasions as well. Keywords: forest fragment, indicator plants, invasion, diversity, habitat modification, habitat conservation Published in DKUM: 12.07.2023; Views: 313; Downloads: 46
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3. Financial system and agricultural growth in UkraineOlena Oliynyk, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Background/Purpose: An effective financial system should increase the efficiency of economic activities. This study provides evidence regarding the importance of financial development for agricultural growth in Ukraine.
Methodology: We used non-integrated and integral indicators, time series and regression analysis to investigate the link between the financial development and agricultural growth.
Results: The results based on integral indicators shows that the financial development does not affect agricultural growth in Ukraine. The study based on non-integrated indicators, which characterizes various aspects of the financial system’s banking component and agricultural growth, provided a significant link between the financial system and agriculture growth. The regression models revealed if bank deposits to GDP (%) increases the value added per worker in agriculture increases exponentially. The results of the study indicate that, agriculture is more sensitive to lending changes than the vast majority of other sectors of the economy. The increasing lending of one UAH (Ukrainian hryvnia) resulted in retail turnover growth of 1.62 UAH, while agricultural gross output, growth was UAH 5.06.
Conclusion: Our results reveal a positive relationship between financial system’s banking component and agriculture growth in Ukraine. The results indicate the necessity for continued research into further developing universal methodological approaches of appraising the nexus of the financial system’s banking component on agriculture growth in general as well separate farm groups. The results of our study has important implications on policy making authorities efforts to stimulate agricultural growth by improving the efficiency of the financial system’s banking component. Keywords: agricultural growth, the integral indicator of the agricultural growth, the integral indicator of the financial development, time series analysis, regression analysis, financial system Published in DKUM: 04.05.2018; Views: 1477; Downloads: 399
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4. Design and characterization of dicyanovinyl reactive dyes for the colorimetric detection of thiols and biogenic aminesTinkara Mastnak, Aleksandra Lobnik, Gerhard J. Mohr, Matejka Turel, 2018, original scientific article Keywords: indicator dye, chromoreactand, absorption, thiols, biogenic amines Published in DKUM: 08.03.2018; Views: 1855; Downloads: 384
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5. Ecological footprint as indicator of students environmental awareness level at Faculties of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade and University of MariborNataša Petrović, Sonja Išljamović, Veljko Jeremić, Drago Vuk, Marjan Senegačnik, 2011, original scientific article Abstract: The Ecological Footprint is a complex sustainability indicator that answers a simple question: How much of the Earth’s resources is demanded to support humankind lifestyle and activities? Ecological Footprint translates consumption and waste flow data into a measurement of the biologically productive area required to sustain that flow. We used Ecological Footprint as input feature that provides an effective heuristic and pedagogic tool for capturing current human resource use. The key aspect of this paper will be focused on the measuring of environmental awareness level among the students of the Faculty of Organizational Science, University of Belgrade and University of Maribor. For the determining student’s environmental awareness level and their Ecological Footprint, we used a closed form questionnaire with 15 questions. Statistical analysis has been performed in SPSS software package. Keywords: ecological footprint, environmental education, sustainability indicator, natural resources Published in DKUM: 03.11.2017; Views: 1485; Downloads: 120
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6. Implementing quality indicators for diabetes and hypertension in family medicine in SloveniaZalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Igor Švab, Tonka Poplas-Susič, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Introduction: A new form of family practices was introduced in 2011 through a pilot project introducing nurse practitioners as members of team and determining a set of quality indicators. The aim of this article was to assess the quality of diabetes and hypertension management.
Methods: We included all family medicine practices that were participating in the project in December 2015 (N=584). The following data were extracted from automatic electronic reports on quality indicators: gender and specialisation of the family physician, status (public servant/self-contracted), duration of participation in the project, region of Slovenia, the number of inhabitants covered by a family medicine practice, the name of IT provider, and levels of selected quality indicators.
Results: Out of 584 family medicine practices that were included in this project at the end of 2015, 568 (97.3%) had complete data and could be included in this analysis. The highest values were observed for structure quality indicator (list of diabetics) and the lowest for process and outcome quality indicators. The values of the selected quality indicators were independently associated with the duration of participation in the project, some regions of Slovenia where practices were located, and some IT providers of the practices.
Conclusion: First, the analysis of data on quality indicators for diabetes and hypertension in this primary care project pointed out the problems which are currently preventing higher quality of chronic patient management at the primary health care level. Keywords: family practices, healthcare quality indicator, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 03.11.2017; Views: 1637; Downloads: 367
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7. Users' perceptions on internet financial reportingTatjana Dolinšek, Polona Tominc, Andreja Lutar-Skerbinjek, 2014, original scientific article Abstract: Background and Purpose: The objective of this research was to explore the perceptions of the users regarding Internet financial reporting practices in Slovenia. With this research, we wanted to determine what the perceptions of the users are regarding the reliability, credibility, usefulness and sufficiency of online accounting information and how their expectations regarding the content of accounting information differ from the actual situation.
Design/ Methodology/ Approach: This research has two parts: in the first part, we summarised the actual situation regarding publishing of internet financial reporting on a sample of large companies in Slovenia (n=110) while, in the second part, we conducted a survey with which we assessed the expectations of users as regards of accounting information (n=127). We then compared users' expectations with the actual situation, analysed by evaluation of 110 websites of Slovene companies.
Results: In the research we found that 52.6% of companies publish their accounting information on their websites and that on average 40.2% of users actually make use of this information We found that users have evaluated all four of characteristics: reliability, credibility, usefulness and sufficiency above average, whereby they evaluated usefulness with the highest grade and sufficiency with the lowest.
Conclusion: The results of this research can offer companies a feedback on users´ expectations, particularly in cases where these expectations are greater than the actual situation. We have determined that users generally want information that indicates the financial status of a company (such as the Rating Report and data on the company's liquidity), as these information are currently expected by users but available information do not meet their need in full. Keywords: Internet financial reporting, users’ perceptions, IFR indicator, accounting information Published in DKUM: 04.04.2017; Views: 1558; Downloads: 371
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8. The influential knowledge factors of companies' performance in SloveniaKatja Rašič, Matjaž Mulej, Vesna Čančer, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: Background: Knowledge plays a crucial role in supporting the European Union model based on economic growth, social responsibility, and sustainable development. To improve companies’ performance, one must reflect on new forms of knowledge and develop new indicators to measure them.
Objectives: The goal of the paper is to investigate the impact of the selected factors of knowledge on companies’ performance in Slovenia.
Methods/Approach: A questionnaire was created and sent to small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia. The principle axis factoring method was used to identify the factors of knowledge and of companies’ performance, and a regression analysis was conducted to determine the influence of the selected knowledge factors on companies’ performance.
Results: The establishment of scientists’ collaboration with companies has a positive impact on companies’ performance, but the obstacles to the establishment of scientists’ collaboration with companies do not have any impact.
Conclusions: The results could be useful for governments and companies in the adoption of measures aimed at strengthening scientists’ collaboration with companies. Further research can be oriented toward the common synergy index (e.g., the knowledge triangle). Keywords: company performance, indicator, knowledge, transitional economy, Slovenia, European Union Published in DKUM: 31.03.2017; Views: 1259; Downloads: 385
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9. Tveganje v bančništvu in njihovo upravljanjeTerezija Branda, 2009, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Banke igrajo kljuÄno vlogo v nacionalnih ekonomijah veÄine držav po svetu. Zdrav banÄni sistem je pomemben element finanÄne stabilnosti, ki pomeni osnovo za vzdževanje in razvoj gospodarskega sistema. Osnovna funkcija banÄnega sistema je finanÄno posredniÅ¡tvo: zbiranje finanÄnih sredstev od tistih, ki imajo presežke in njihovo posojanje tistim podjetjem ali posamezniku, ki jih potrebujejo.
Prevzemanje tveganj je neloÄljivo povezano z banÄniÅ¡tvom, pomanjkljivo zavedanje in upravljanje s tveganji pa lahko vodi v izgubo in ogrozi varnost banÄnih vlog. Zaradi pomembne vloge v nacionalni ekonomiji in zaupanja, ki ga imajo vlagatelji v banke, morajo te poslovati skrbno in varno ter vzdrževati primeren nivo kapitala in rezervacij za zaÅ¡Äito pred morebitnimi tveganji, ki izhajajo iz poslovanja. Vse banke so v ta namen podvržene nadzoru s strani države za to pooblaÅ¡Äenih institucij.
V zadnjih letih je finanÄni sektor doživel mnogo sprememb. DanaÅ¡nji banÄni sistem zaznamujejo predvsem:
* naraÅ¡ÄajoÄi obsegi trgovalnih aktivnosti,
* razvoj finanÄnih instrumentov,
* pojav globalizacije (24-urni trgi),
* povezovanje finanÄnih institucij,
* kompleksni poslovni odnosi z najveÄjimi strankami,
* podružnice postajajo prodajna mesta za vrsto razliÄnih produktov,
* naraÅ¡ÄajoÄa odvisnost od informacijske tehnologije,
* vse bolj zahtevna regulativa.
NaÅ¡teti dejavniki so botrovali vse hitrejÅ¡emu razvoju novih finanÄnih instrumentov, vzporedno s katerimi se pojavljajo nove oblike tveganj, ki so bolj kompleksne in manj transparentne. ÄŒe so v preteklosti finanÄni in raÄunovodski izkazi bank služili kot osnovno orodje za ocenjevanje varnosti in finanÄne moÄi banke, postaja danes njihova izrazna moÄ v smislu tveganosti banke vse bolj omejena. Analiza stanj na presežne datume ne zagotavlja veÄ ustrezne slike glede dejanske tveganosti banke.
Spremembam banÄne prakse mora slediti tudi nadzorna praksa, ki se iz pregleda usklajenosti z zakonodajo razÅ¡irja na ugotavljanje in ocenjevanje tveganj. Ker pa je tveganje rezultat kombinacije izpostavljenosti pripadajoÄemu tveganju in zmanjÅ¡evanju le – tega z notranjimi kontrolami, so predmet ocenjevanja poleg pripadajoÄega tveganja tudi notranje kontrole.
BanÄni nadzornik, ki po funkciji sam sicer ni nagnjen k prevzemanju tveganj, razume, da je temelj banÄniÅ¡tva v prevzemanju tveganj in da bo banka vedno izpostavljena doloÄenemu obsegu tveganja. Pomembno pri tem pa je, da se banka zaveda tveganja in da ima vzpostavljene ustrezne obrambne mehanizme za njegovo obvladovanje. Banke so zadnja leta izvedle pomembne investicije v razvoj novih metodologij, procedur in kontrol z namenom boljÅ¡ega identificiranja, merjenja in upravljanja tveganj. Vendar pa vzpostavljanje notranjih kontrol ni enkraten proces, ampak jih je treba redno pregledovati, preverjati in po potrebi nadgrajevati.
Upravljanje s kapitalom je zelo pomemben del strateÅ¡kega planiranja vsake banke. Prenizka raven kapitala lahko banko izpostavlja prekomernemu tveganju propada, po drugi strani pa previsok kapital banko sili k dvigovanju marž in provizij, da bi lahko zagotovila delniÄarjem primeren donos na vložena sredstva. Banka mora imeti vzpostavljen takÅ¡en proces upravljanja s kapitalom, ki bo zajel vsa materialna tveganja, ki se jim izpostavlja in bo pravoÄasno zaznaval spremembe v posamezni vrsti tveganja in temu ustrezno tudi prilagajal obseg razpoložljivega kapitala.
Vzpostavljanje pisne strategije, politike in procedure predstavljajo del notranjih kontrol, ki lahko bistveno zmanjÅ¡ajo kapitalsko tveganje banke. Interne politike in procedure morajo postati strateÅ¡ki element upravljanja s tveganjem, pri Äemer je potrebno doseÄi, da se bodo dosledno izvajale in ne bodo same sebi namen. Keywords: * advanced measurement approach – napredni pristop
* basic indicator approach – enostavni pristop
* capital adequacy – kapitalska usreznost
* compliance – skladnost s predpisi
* inherent risk – pripadajoče tveganje
* internal auditing – notranje revidiranje
* moral hazard – moralno tveganje
* off-site supervision – zunanji nadzor
* on-site supervision – notranji nadzor
* risk-based supervision – nadzor, ki temelji na tveganju
* standardised a Published in DKUM: 03.07.2009; Views: 3634; Downloads: 284
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