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Mixed boundary elements for laminar flows
Matjaž Ramšak, Leopold Škerget, 1999, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents a mixed boundary element formulation of the boundary domain integral method (BDIM) for solving diffusion-convective transport problems. The basic idea of mixed elements is the use of a continuos interpolation polynomial for conservative field function approximation and a discontinuous interpolation polynomial for its normal derivative along the boundary element. In this way, the advantages of continuous field function approximation are retained and its conservation is preserved while the normal flux values are approximated by interpolation nodal points with a uniquely defined normal direction. Due to the use of mixed boundary elements, the final discretized matrix system is overdetermined and a special solver based on the least squares method is applied. Driven cavity, natural and forced convection in a closed cavity are studied. Driven caviaty results at Re=100, 400 and 1000 agree better with the benchmark solution than Finite Element Method of Finite Volume Method results for the same grid density with 21 x 21 degrees of freedom. The average Nusselt number values for natural convection ▫$10^3$▫▫$le$▫Ra▫$le$▫▫$10^6$▫ agree better than 0.1% with benchmark solutions for maximal calculated grid desities 61 x 61 degrees for freedom.
Keywords: fluid mechanics, incompressible fluid, laminar flow, velocity vorticity formulation, boundary element method, mixed boundary elements
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2327; Downloads: 96
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A multidomain boundary element method for two equation turbulence models
Matjaž Ramšak, Leopold Škerget, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper deals with the multidomain Boundary Element Method (BEM) for modelling 2D complex turbulent flow using low Reynolds two equation turbulence models. While the BEM is widely accepted for laminar flow this is the first case, where this method is applied for complex flow problems using ▫$k-epsilon$▫ turbulence model. The integral boundary domain equations are discretised using mixed boundary elements and a multidomain method also known as subdomain technique. The resulting system matrix is overdetermined, sparse, block banded and solved using fast iterative linear least squares solver. The simulation of turbulent flow over a backward step is in excellent agreement with the finite volume method using the same turbulent model.
Keywords: fluid mechanics, turbulent flow, boundary element method, incompressible viscous fluid, stream function-vorticity formulation, two equation turbulence model, backward facing step flow
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2278; Downloads: 101
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Boundary domain integral method for high Reynolds viscous fluid flows in complex planar geometries
Matjaž Hriberšek, Leopold Škerget, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The article presents new developments in boundary domain integral method (BDIM) for computation of viscous fluid flows, governed by the Navier-Stokes equations. The BDIM algorithm uses velocity-vorticity formulation and is basedon Poisson velocity equation for flow kinematics. This results in accurate determination of boundary vorticity values, a crucial step in constructing an accurate numerical algorithm for computation of flows in complex geometries, i.e. geometries with sharp corners. The domain velocity computations are done by the segmentation technique using large segments. After solving the kinematics equation the vorticity transport equation is solved using macro-element approach. This enables the use of macro-element based diffusion-convection fundamental solution, a key factor in assuring accuracy of computations for high Reynolds value laminar flows. The versatility and accuracy of the proposed numerical algorithm is shown for several test problems, including the standard driven cavity together with the driven cavity flow in an L shaped cavity and flow in a Z shaped channel. The values of Reynolds number reach 10,000 for driven cavity and 7500 for L shapeddriven cavity, whereas the Z shaped channel flow is computed up to Re = 400. The comparison of computational results shows that the developed algorithm is capable of accurate resolution of flow fields in complex geometries.
Keywords: fluid mechanics, numerical methods, boundary domain integral method, algorithms, incompressible fluid flow, Navier-Stokes equations, velocity vorticity formulation, segmentation technique, driven cavity flow
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2229; Downloads: 90
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Velocity vorticity-based large eddy simulation with the bounadr element method
Jure Ravnik, Leopold Škerget, Matjaž Hriberšek, 2006, published scientific conference contribution (invited lecture)

Abstract: A large eddy simulation using the velocity-vorticity formulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in combination with the turbulent heat transfer equation is proposed for the solution of the turbulent natural convection drive flow in a 1:4 enclosure. The system of equations is closed by an enthropy-based subgrid scale model.The Prandtl turbulent number is used to estimate turbulent diffusion in the heat transfer equation. The boundary element method is used to solve the kinematics equation and estimate the boundary vorticity values. The vorticity transport equation is solved by FEM. The numerical example studied in this paper is the onset of a turbulent flow regime occuring at high Rayleigh number values ▫$(Ra=10^7-10^10)$▫. The formation of vortices in the boundary layer is observed, along with buoyancy driven diffusive convective transport. Quantitative comparison with the laminar flow model and the worh of other authors is also presented in terms of Nusselt number value oscillations.
Keywords: fluid mechanics, incompressible viscous fluid, turbulent flow, velocity vorticity formulation, finite element method, large eddy simulation
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2363; Downloads: 41
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